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Odd that gw2 hasnt added new races.

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17 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Imagine the poor soul that has to retroactively make all armor/outfits skins fit a new race model. 

And if old story content is playable, recording a bajillion voice lines in multiple languages. 

Also the extra work that needs to be done for everything in the future. Skins, animation, voice lines etc. 

Add the fact that if Anet gives us one extra race, they set a new standard and people won't shut up about wanting more. 

Anyway, tengu when? 

if Ai can do it, why cant Anet?

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1 hour ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

There's other reasons new races are not worth the investment over other types of content. First, they only appeal to existing players who ALT and are also interested in the new race/class, and secondly, new classes are unlikely to generate an influx of new players who will join as a result of the new class.

New World had a major spike in players when they added greatswords and Maces, (which are kinda like their version of classes)l, So why wouldnt GW2's fan base have that same reaction to a New Class

Edited by Knighthonor.4061
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17 hours ago, kiroho.4738 said:

Anet answered questions about new races years ago, but I think the points are still valid.

A new race simply wouldn't add enough value to justify all the work. For a new race they had to do a lot of work such as adding new models, faces, hairs, adding new personal story chapters, adjust all skins, add two new voices for all existing voice lines and much more.
All this work would lead to only effectively having a new personal story chapter (that people play maybe 1 or 2 times) and maybe a new town (while there already are more than enough).
The joy of having something new (the race itself) would be there at the beginning, but fade out pretty quickly.

meanwhile wow, that is one of the most popular games, keeps getting new races. maybe blizzard is looking for new ways to waste their time and money.

i can give other examples where adding new races brings value to the game.

anet really needs to solve these type of issues in their future games.

also saying that adding new races won't bring more value to the game, means a bit that the current races aren't really that important to the game/story/lore/world too. maybe they should just add only one human race to their next game, because nobody wants to play with other races/factions anyway. right?

btw I have only 2% world map completion, because I only play wvw/pvp. I don't care about pve or personal story. Maybe they could add races that can only be used in pvp/wvw. so for pvp/wvw it does bring enough value.

Edited by Chaos God.1639
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29 minutes ago, Chaos God.1639 said:


btw I have only 2% world map completion, because I only play wvw/pvp. I don't care about pve or personal story. Maybe they could add races that can only be used in pvp/wvw.

So why not just ask for combat tonics then?

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14 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

So why not just ask for combat tonics then?

sure, im' ok with that.

it's just a bit funny how some players here keep acting like adding a new race won't bring more/enough value to the game.

anet did a mistake and didn't thought that players would want more races. or maybe they did, but still don't have a solution. why deny this fact?

Edited by Chaos God.1639
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Yeah, more races... But why? Racial traits are pointless as is. Sure - Some like to roleplay an angry cat-person, a clueless sapling or a special long eared gnome but seriously: Races are mostly making armordesign too complicated for Anet and annoying players when they are too bulky. Guild Wars (GW1) did rather well with just 1 playable race...

Classes on the other hand: We have the dual class system in GW1 - GW2 is, well, rather limited... But aside from armordesign, balance seems hard pressed as it is. If they can't balance classes as is, introducing a new one seems way out beyond the horizon...

I doubt we will see a new, well balanced race OR class before we hear about the launch of GW3 😉

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6 hours ago, Manpag.6421 said:

It's not just a technical limitation though, it's narrative too. Imo, ANet really painted themselves into a corner with the personal story, with individual racial storylines converging into the main Zhaitan one, and then all releases following the same characters in one continuous timeline.

A new race isn't just a new race; they still have to be the Pact Commander, so have to fit into the personal story somehow. A personal story that now has to either include more races, or explain why this lone tengu or whatever is so far from home. NPCs would realistically react with surprise and awe at seeing a dwarf, wherever you went. Although racial dialogue options aren't that numerous in the story, they are there and they'd need to be stepped up a notch because people wouldn't be blasé about working alongside exotic races, let alone being led by one.

A hill I'm willing to die on is that the GW1 model was a much more versatile way of storytelling, because each game was a standalone campaign that you either played through from the very beginning with characters that were native, or joined the story part way through with an existing character. Each expansion's story would need to be much more self-contained to be able to just slot in new races.

I think this particular problem is quite solvable. Just make it impossible for the new race to play through the personal/core story. If necessary to ensure continuity then have a cutscene which appears when the character is level 80 and first starts LWS1, 2 or HoT with the cutscene showing the character defeating Zhaitan. I don't think there are any critical rewards from the core story but if they are they could either be gifted automatically or purchased cheaply from a vendor. I'm sure there are other solutions too so the core story itself isn't an issue. This also means a new race could have quite a different leveling experience if they wanted (or could just start at level 80 and be pitched at experienced players only).

As I see it the big problems are with the voice acting and armour skins. Voice acting for existing content is a huge obstacle so I think it would be best bypassed by saying that the new race sounds exactly like an existing race for all content prior to the new expansion (they could voice the new race from there). Armour skins are trickier unless the body and animations are a good match for another race already, which is conceivable (as pointed out dwarves are essentially small Norn, in fact my son made a fat Norn with the miniature tonic to make a dwarf...).


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5 hours ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

if Ai can do it, why cant Anet?

I'm curious, what AI can generate 3D models?
What AI can generate millions of voice line all with the same consistency and high quality as a VA?
What AI can create precise animations for 3D models?

And whose of these AIs are trained with data so it's fine to use for commercial purposes?

And how big is the actual workload? Creating, quality checking, adjusting, implementing, testing etc.

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4 hours ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

meanwhile wow, that is one of the most popular games, keeps getting new races. maybe blizzard is looking for new ways to waste their time and money.

You have noticed that WoW and GW2 are two completely different games, haven't you?...


4 hours ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

i can give other examples where adding new races brings value to the game.

You haven't given even a single example yet. 😉 


4 hours ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

also saying that adding new races won't bring more value to the game, means a bit that the current races aren't really that important to the game/story/lore/world too.

Ding Ding Ding! 100 Points!

Yes, gameplay wise races in GW2 are not important at all. There are no classes bound to certain races, no stat bonuses or such, nothing. Even racial skills are only a flavor thing.
Story wise there are a few occasions, where NPCs even recognize your race. That's mainly HoT for Sylvari, where you have some alternate voice lines and hear Mordremoth in your head. But even that is nothing but flavor after all. Lore wise the Commander (the player) is a human and the world don't care about your race.

Yes, races in GW2 are purely flavor, there is no other reason to pick a race other than your personal taste regarding their appearance.
It was one important thing Anet had an eye on when creating GW2 -> you shouldn't be forced or urged to play a certain race in order to play a certain class or have certain benefits.
And therefore adding a new race wouldn't add much value.


4 hours ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

maybe they should just add only one human race to their next game, because nobody wants to play with other races/factions anyway. right?

Do you seriously try to argue by putting words in my mouth?
Stop being childish.


4 hours ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

btw I have only 2% world map completion, because I only play wvw/pvp. I don't care about pve or personal story. Maybe they could add races that can only be used in pvp/wvw.

You literally ask for cutting down the little bit of value a new race would bring. lol. 😂

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4 hours ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

it's just a bit funny how some players here keep acting like adding a new race won't bring more/enough value to the game.

It's funny how you think that I act this way.

If you read my first comment properly, you would have noticed that I just repeated what Anet once said about adding new races.

It's also funny how you think you know better what brings value to the game than Anet who have all the data about literally everything in the game and people that get payed for finding out what's the best for the game.
But I guess "they don't know how to do their job and you know what's going on", right? 😉 

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World of Warcraft has a ton of races to choose from. And I really like the idea of unlocking/recruiting these races to your cause (Alliance/Horde). But you can hardly compare these two games with each other, especially because of the missing voice acting for your silent Vulpera, Worgen, Gnome …

I would gladly take a new race for Guild Wars 2 at this point though. I mentioned in the past: Not long ago, I played WoW for the first time in my life, only to unlock and play the Vulpera race. I played for three months and had a good time. And sometime later in the future I will probably play it again. But I guess, players like me are a minority. And I do understand the arguments against a new race. Yet, at the same time I see the (possible) benefits as well. In the end, no one can actually know if or if not the game would benefit from a new race. But I am sure of one thing: Publishing a new trailer for a new expansion that has a new race introduced will create waaaaay more attention in the gaming world than introducing fishing or rift hunting (try to change my mind: It won't work).

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It would devalue the game for me. Retconning the game to suddenly have a new significant population of an high-impact species around, involved in affairs they were never part of would break my immersion. Whatever is left of it.

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5 hours ago, kiroho.4738 said:

You have noticed that WoW and GW2 are two completely different games, haven't you?...


You haven't given even a single example yet. 😉 


Ding Ding Ding! 100 Points!

Yes, gameplay wise races in GW2 are not important at all. There are no classes bound to certain races, no stat bonuses or such, nothing. Even racial skills are only a flavor thing.
Story wise there are a few occasions, where NPCs even recognize your race. That's mainly HoT for Sylvari, where you have some alternate voice lines and hear Mordremoth in your head. But even that is nothing but flavor after all. Lore wise the Commander (the player) is a human and the world don't care about your race.

Yes, races in GW2 are purely flavor, there is no other reason to pick a race other than your personal taste regarding their appearance.
It was one important thing Anet had an eye on when creating GW2 -> you shouldn't be forced or urged to play a certain race in order to play a certain class or have certain benefits.
And therefore adding a new race wouldn't add much value.


Do you seriously try to argue by putting words in my mouth?
Stop being childish.


You literally ask for cutting down the little bit of value a new race would bring. lol. 😂

value is subjective. so this is a controversial topic.

it's still doesn't change the fact that players in all different type of video games want to have new races/factions and are ready to pay money for that. if their new expansion for gw2 included a new race/faction, then there would be more reasons for me to buy that expansion. its just a fact.

you are saying that races aren't important in gw2, not me or other players. so I do want to make races in gw2 more meaningful, valuable,...


5 hours ago, kiroho.4738 said:

It's funny how you think that I act this way.

If you read my first comment properly, you would have noticed that I just repeated what Anet once said about adding new races.

It's also funny how you think you know better what brings value to the game than Anet who have all the data about literally everything in the game and people that get payed for finding out what's the best for the game.
But I guess "they don't know how to do their job and you know what's going on", right? 😉 

yes, I still think it's a bad design choice and they should find solutions to such issues in general.

it's not even about just races. for example, why do I have only 2% world map completion? just because I like competitive game modes, doesn't mean that PVE content should be labeled as useless for pvp/wvw players. they should somehow reuse the pve content for pvp. a new race would probably change this and get me into pve more.

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3 hours ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

yes, I still think it's a bad design choice and they should find solutions to such issues in general.

it's not even about just races. for example, why do I have only 2% world map completion? just because I like competitive game modes, doesn't mean that PVE content should be labeled as useless for pvp/wvw players. they should somehow reuse the pve content for pvp. a new race would probably change this and get me into pve more.

If none of the current 5 races get you into pve world at all were would you even get the thought that this magical 6th race would?

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3 hours ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

so I do want to make races in gw2 more meaningful, valuable,...

Which unfortunately for you, is contrary to anet's design principles. THEY want race choice to be irrelevant so no-one feels they have to choose a particular race to get any sort of advantage. It's unlikely race in gw2 will ever be other than an aesthetic option, which is why adding further races is a low value proposition. 

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18 hours ago, Randin.5701 said:

Honestly, when it comes to voices, I would say that the solution would be to not use new voices at all; use the old ones. Take, I don't know, the Asura VO, alter the pitch a little, layer on some bird sounds, and bam, you've got Tengu. You'd still need to record some new lines (the race-specific parts of the Personal Story, a few other voice lines in the story that are race-specific, probably some new combat barks), but it would bring it into the realm of a doable project.

Of course, that still leaves the issue of getting armor pieces working on a new race (although they have done a little of that with the Tengu).

I'm sorry but that is a terrible idea. Anet has crafted such intricate races each with their own culture, religion, family structure, naming patterns, government, etc. 

Even now its so easy to tell who said a quote SOLELY based on what they said and not what voice it was in. So if you took an asura VO and changed the pitch, it would be immediately clear who they took that voice from. It would ruin the races of tyria by being disingenuous and not true to how they talk or act.

It's something other games with cookie cutter races can do, but if you actually start to have unique races it becomes much harder, and why would you essentially taint your IP to do something so pointless.

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16 hours ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

sure, im' ok with that.

it's just a bit funny how some players here keep acting like adding a new race won't bring more/enough value to the game.

anet did a mistake and didn't thought that players would want more races. or maybe they did, but still don't have a solution. why deny this fact?

The only "fact" you listed in your posts is "but wow does it!!". I'm not sure anyone denies it, but at the same time it doesn't change the fact that it's a low value addition.

3 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

If none of the current 5 races get you into pve world at all were would you even get the thought that this magical 6th race would?


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17 hours ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

meanwhile wow, that is one of the most popular games, keeps getting new races. maybe blizzard is looking for new ways to waste their time and money.

Most of the new WoW races are just reskins of other, existing races and last time I played WoW the player character had no recorded voice lines at all.

So that's a huge difference. The armour sets in WoW are also a lot simpler than GW2s.



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1 hour ago, RedNuii.5680 said:

I'm sorry but that is a terrible idea. Anet has crafted such intricate races each with their own culture, religion, family structure, naming patterns, government, etc. 

Even now its so easy to tell who said a quote SOLELY based on what they said and not what voice it was in. So if you took an asura VO and changed the pitch, it would be immediately clear who they took that voice from. It would ruin the races of tyria by being disingenuous and not true to how they talk or act.

It's something other games with cookie cutter races can do, but if you actually start to have unique races it becomes much harder, and why would you essentially taint your IP to do something so pointless.

Huh? The vast majority of story dialogue is exactly the same across all races. There's the occasional line that's more race-specific, but bringing in the voice actors to record something new for those lines would be completely doable. Aside from that, it's just the combat barks, which I imagine is what you're thinking of when you talk about identifiable quotes, and again, it wouldn't be a big deal to record new lines for that. 

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Posted (edited)
On 4/30/2024 at 7:38 AM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

"Will doing X be profitable?" 

Yes? Do it. 

No? Don't do it. 

But I bet you know better than people who's job it is to make such decisions. 

Your business must be booming. I'm sure. 

They could put a playable race, the Tengu, behind a new expansion such as they did with Revenant as a new profession in whole. That would be both profit for ANet and overjoy for us players that has been wanting a new playable race for 11 years. 


Tengu has its own short story, not with core or any older living world seasons aswell older expansions to make it easy for everyone, both devs and players. They could simply lock older stories if you are going to play as a Tengu character because Tengus wasn't really revelant during older expansions, LWS or in the core story. 

Tengu shares the same model skeleton as Charr, you can see Tengu does some of the animations as Charr does (NPCs), so I doubt it shouldn't be too hard to design since they share the same models. Most of the combat and running animations are already there from the NPCs. 

I am still having a hard time thinking why they haven't released Tengu. If Blizzard can release plenty of different races but also wearing same armours (not all but many skins), so can ANet.

Edited by TwistedAlga.4235
Fixed typing errors.
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