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QOL Requests: New for 2024

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on the lowland pine options, i initially thought they were smaller than others but as I studied them I decided it was that some other icons like the random plant nodes have two tones, and one is shiny/glossy. Where as the lowland pine seems to not have a gloss that makes it stand out. 

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copy paste from topic I made

Suggestion: Invisible skyscales

My idea is to have invisible mounts, especially skyscales, in the same way we already have invisible siege turtles, when they are on top of your character.

The goal being removing the visual clutter of having a skyscale flapping its wings on top of you and flashing half your screen. This is particularly true during large gatherings (leyline both before and during the event, piñata, chak wall staring contest...) where there is ALWAYS that one guy who wants to be seen by everyone :P

I do believe anything hindering with your FoV should have the option for it to be turned off or toned down.

This goes in the same spirit as the "Hide Ally Visual Effects" option and hopefully Anet's wonderful devs can consider it :D

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This is from my experience in WvW.

1- Instead of showing an hourglass  next to the WvW icon when we are waiting in a queue, show the actual position in the queue. This way we don't have to keep opening the WvW pop-up to see if the queue is moving.

2- Remove the limit on how much or how fast we sell stuff in the trading post. Very often my inventory gets full with junk in WvW and as I try to sell it quickly to continue playing I get blocked because I am selling too fast. What is the purpose of that anyway? I am still going to sell the stuff after a while. 🤷‍♂️

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[SUGGESTION - End of Dragons/New Kaineng City QoL]

  • In New Kaineng City, please mark and tooltip (with location names) all the Jade Teleporter locations on the map. The map is already very much notoriously difficult to navigate due to its size, but the teleporters seem to solve that problem entirely. Unfortunately, many players, both old and new, are very much still unaware of their existence. If they are marked on the map, that would greatly improve players' experience with New Kaineng City.

Thank you.

Edited by Defias.1892
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I'd love if the slots in the material storage that are full would be highlighted, e.g. pinkish or something. So I find those full slots faster.

At the moment I manually sort my inventory by materials that can't be stored anymore because its full and then search the material storage for them, always comparing whether I got them all.

An example how I envision it:


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I think that most things should be movable.   Why are my cats under water at times?  Why can I not move the planters so they are not right out in front of the main house?  That would have been an awesome area for gathering place to be set up.    Some things are just not the way I would want them.  

Also why cannot I /Sleep on the bed?    Instead you clip through them or fall through them.

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please make ranger pets accountwide. once unlocked they should be available to all future created ranger characters on the account.

everytime one creates a new ranger no pets available and the taming travel starts again.

one npc in homestead who got them to just click and unlock or homestead stable or anything like that.


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Hi! Going to give suggestions for DRMs, which I feel need quite a bit of love for people to actually get involved with them.


  • Allow people to join private DRMs again if they get logged out mid-instance after the group has been locked. Better yet: remove the group-lock feature; it's just not fun and quite frankly, I don't see the point of it. 
  • Lower the price of faction choices, and make it more obvious in the menu which ones are considered "useful" towards the relevant achievements.
  • Add DRMs to the pool of events offered by the charrcopter pilot so people have an option to run them as public instances without having to go through any system and are able to know about them in a diegetic manner.
    • Add a vote-based system to enable challenges in public lobbies.
    • Make it less punishing to play with the maximum amount of people. It's overtuned and annoying at the moment. If people are meant to run this as a 5-man group, don't make them regret it.
  • Lower the amount of DRMs needed to get the Mastery Point related to doing as many as possible; that's just too much, people will have finished their entire mastery line without doing a fraction of that number.
    • If not, at least add a lot more incentive to run that many DRMs. One, singular Mastery Point after doing 40 of them? Seriously? That's the in-game equivalent of "I saved the world and all I got was this lousy t-shirt."
  • Allow people to start DRMs through the universal dungeon teleport NPC if this content is available to them. After all, DRMs were clearly designed to be the spiritual successors to dungeons, no need to exclude them from the list.
    • Additionally, make running DRMs during the Dungeon Rush award Tyrian Defense Seals, not Tales of Dungeon Delving. The current rewards make them completely irrelevant in that context. Either that, or allow a conversion of Tales of Dungeon Delving to Tyrian Defense Seals, which might even give more value to Tales as a whole.
  • Give DRMs their own LFG category, somewhere between Fractals and Dungeons. This is distinct, instanced PvE content. We shouldn't have to sift through the umbrella of Living World: The Icebrood Saga to find a group. They need more discoverability, and this part, right there, completely puts them under the radar. I've already met five people this week alone who don't even know what DRMs are, even if they've done them during the story steps. That could easily be fixed by putting the name out there in a system we all eventually have to get familiar with.
  • Make Steel and Fire a DRM, but don't remove it from the weekly strike chest so people still have an additional incentive to run it. This one might be odd, but this strike is so out of place, already excluded from the daily/weekly strike list that at this point, even you, ANet, know it doesn't belong here. You can even make it give hybrid rewards, I mean, people sure need good reasons to invest half-an-hour pushing a scrap tank around.
    • Additionally, allow people to start it through the Asura Gate and remove the story step gatekeep. Put it on people's radars, keeping it far removed in a place people mostly don't go to in Eye of the North outside of the IBS storyline is not helpful.
    • Give the tank a speed bonus when players stick close to it or are sitting in it. It just needs to go faster, I beg of you.
    • In public instances, add a vote-based system to enable challenges yet again.
      • Make the challenge rewards for this mission worth the effort. They're just not.
    • If you want to keep a strike in Darkrime Delves, might I suggest Almorra's fight instead?
  • Please, please add more infusions than the Stoneskin one. That is just not enough when you take into consideration all the trades available at the relevant merchants. So many of the chests available become utterly useless once you've completed the buy X achievements, you need to bring them up to snuff. Give people a reason to buy them. I know the skritt one is meant to be a joke item, but come on.
  • Make skritt less annoying to ally with. Seriously. I haven't seen one person care enough to fetch them all, keep them alive, and use their mines. They suck.
    • Additionally, make allied factions more durable. They die too fast. They're a great help, yes, but they're way too high maintenance when having to deal with the crapton of other stuff around the player is actually supposed to take care of. It didn't work back in Ascalonian Catacombs, it still doesn't work now: forcing someone to camp an NPC is still annoying and boring when everyone else is bashing stuff in the face. Especially when there's only up to five people there.
    • Support factions need to just be better (e.g Crystal Bloom). I don't like 'em. They're glorified wallflowers.
    • Differentiate Fire Legion and Olmakhan further. Different flavors of effigies is just not interesting enough.

Mind, this is not an exhaustive list; but that's a few of the ideas I've had in mind for a few days. Hope they'll help!

Edited by Dotveg.5108
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New OW ring 😛

Or the WvW armor on OW as Legendary near the end of the expansion , where is you have unlocked 1x WvW variant you unlock "dailies v2 ," where a part of dailies offer the mats or " different alternate quests-timeegated-go also on other expansions v2"


(Edit: also there a wild theory  of mine that things  people don't like (to protect their mode , or their TP stash) , they argue to a death with a poster , till the poster says how irrational they are and they start bickering and  someone else from the same "kind" report the thread for not be constructive .

The all gives the like to the mod who closed the thread . 

Can I have the likes plz ?)<hidden>

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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- option to disable chat bubbles from the communicator, it's overused
- option to disable (or disable after one time showing) of tip popups... I know how to dodge already!
- option to actually FULLY disable game chat in tabs where I do not want them. My Guild, Whisper, Party chat should not be filled with 'Your jadebot recycled some junk" "You do not have a key to open up this chest" "not enough space to mount" etc etc etc

Would love to have a way (or device) to instantly go to my homestead without having to go to a map where I am allowed to activate a door


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On 9/29/2024 at 2:46 PM, Avelione.6075 said:

I got update from the Support "This feature is intended to reset every time you log in. The purpose of this feature is to warn the player and avoid mistakes on their end. Thank you for your understanding."

WHOSE IDEA WAS THAT?!! Do you think majority of players have memory issues that bad?!? THIS IS THE MOST IDIOTIC FEATURE I'VE SEEN IN A GAME!!! Yes I will be brutally honest. It's made to make game feel like a chore of clicking! ENDLESS CLICKING EVERY SINGLE DAY JUST TO MAKE STUFF FOR MY BRAND NEW HOMESTEAD!  It's like I'd have to sign a pointless form every day for every type of furniture and any knick-knack and mug and rug while decorating my new apartment!!!

WTF are you thinking?????  If you really think this is helpful, than why am I so pissed?!?!? If it ways DO NOT SHOW IT AGAIN I undertsnad it won't show again EVER!!! IF U THINK THAT WAS SMART AND MAKING GAMEPLAY BETTER, YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR MINDS!!! If you really want to keep this dread of a feature, than please make an extra one that a super risk-taking player like me could choose : "Please don't show this message again for this item never again"


Helpful game design feature... in Hell!

I KNOW you can read me ANet.. I know you can see me on twitter! I got enough reactions on my previous post that should at least make you re-consider the strategy of tormenting your players in small ways! If you really HAVE TO  keep that popup window forever for some incomprehensible reason at least make it reset once a month, not every.single.time. I go back to the game!😠


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How come in wvw, the flamethrower flame animation gets stuck in a loop in crtain situations, such as when your character is downed, which means, your engie has fire coming out its chest for the remainder of time you are in wvw, but you can't get the firey dragon sword to keep its flame, as it disappears just after 30 seconds when you first spawn, or map change?


I may be wrong, but whatever bug or issue the flamethrower and other elemental effects has, can it no be put in the fiery dragon sword?


It's kinda funny, and i would laugh if my personal life didn't suck so much.

ANet, with all due respect, but when will these be fixed?

I know you got a lot on your plate, with JW Xpac, but this is really silly, and I'm sure you can appreciate that.

I know this isn't a major issue in your eyes, but to me it is.

I really like that swords effect... and surely Don't want fire coming out of my engies chests, or other effects getting stuck in a loop.

Such as weaver's elemental effects too.

When can this get fixed?


Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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As an account matures, it reaches a point where storage is starting to get full.
At which point, handling loot gets really clumsy.

The newbie experience is to play for some time, open all pouches, salvage, then deposit everything, maybe auction a few things.
Once the bank is full, however, I am (will be) facing 50 stacks of 2-3 items (tiny venom sac, etc.) and I'd have to auction them.
At this point it would be lovely to auction up to 250, using up the bank, too. This would allow me to auction 50, and then keep depositing again.
There would still be overflowing items, but fewer and I auctioning them would keep them in check.

The "sell items" tab could work as it does, showing items in the bag. It would simply allow going beyond the stack size in my bag.

The only workaround I see is spending some time splitting my entire bank in half and dumping everything.

Edited by Aphandra.9672
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For warclaw and skyscale can we finally get a ground aoe indicator WHERE these land because we have to guess since both mounts leap forward a bit and then blast. It shouldn't be a guessing game.

Turtle will eventually become obsolete if you don't give "siege" mode- the pilot trades movement for the ability to shoot the cannons themselves.

Can Catalyst and/or all players finally earn a Jade Orb mini?

Edited by HotDelirium.7984
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As this is game, with the ultimate objective of having fun as most games. The most important QoL there is is to make the game better for everyone. And the most important part on all that is that people should be able to play whatever they want and have fun. That translates into: no one wants a crap class, so it translates into: Balance the classes (yeah, I call them classes).

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hi, could we add a feast (doesn't need to be ascended just needs to have a sharing tray) that gives just magic find, karma, and XP/WXP, no stat bonuses (or stat bonuses of things like vitality and downed health). For bringing to world boss and such where you don't really need stat foods, but magic find is exciting and some would find karma useful too. But please made without using a ton of festival mats. Alternatively could you make the birthday blaster last longer, allow to be overwritten by a better food, and even possibly trade 6 blasters and 6 gold for 1 cake.

Could we also reduce the population cap on just those maps where people group but you don't need max players since everyone plays in the same spot (for example, lay line anomoly, claw of jormag). Obviously maps where you need several different groups (Tarir, etc) could stay more like they are now. Alternatively some of these bosses could scale better, but having so many people in such a small area seems to cause lag as well as causing vision issues especially for people with sensory gating issues. So I like the first option better myself. 

Edited by willow.8209
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1.Add a keybind for toggle "idle combat stance" on/off (this to prevent sheathing the weapon.)



1. Automatic opening/closing door decorations (like at seitung/daigo ward)

2.interactive "connected" decorations.  (Example; Button/Lever A  & Sliding Door A = press/pull Lever/button A to open/close Sliding Door A)

3. interactive "connected" Asura Teleporter gate decorations ( Example; Gate A1 + Gate A2    and GateB1 + GateB2)

4. Dye-ability for Decorations (Example; overides the entire mesh into 1 dye color or reset it back to the original color scheme)

5 Increase Build limit to 10k.

6. Customizable Skybox options / fixed time of day (perma day or perma night for instance)

7. Signposts with own message.

8. Rock formation / old ruins decorations

9. Large scalable natural Biomes like humid rain, snowstorms, Lightning storms, sand storms, dense fog.

10. Interactive "pressure plates" with a build in effect (sound effects; like halloween stuff,  howling wolfs, or indoor sounds like a clock chime)

11. Checkpoint/Finish line decorations (for mount/character races/courses)

12. Special ramps/curves decorations for the Rollerbeetle.

13. Rapid Speedboost/stamina refill decoration zones for Mounts.


Edited by Noidea Incognito.9607
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Just dropping by to suggest adding the combat trainers in other areas than just End of Dragons and Janthir — they are objectively useful, but would be much more beneficial in places relevant to new player onboarding.

Defiance and dodging should be taught as early as areas level 1-15 as they are instantly relevant to moment-to-moment gameplay. However, combos should be taught after characters unlock their entire hotbar, around level 31 — therefore, the trainer for that specific set of mechanics should be in areas level 25-40, when players start being a bit more aware of their kit, and more importantly, have access to their first full set of utilities that might be able to apply fields with which they can interact with their different weapons. This is also a good opportunity to teach them the importance of arsenal versatility, which they might not have been aware of so far, being so early into the game. Let's get into the suggestions.


  • Add dodge trainers to each starter area near the already existing spike trap dodge tutorial.
    • The chest that was there is now replaced with a daily, repeatable achievement granting level-based rewards, so players are encouraged to come back and practice.
      • Additionally, the Dodge 3 Attacks Wizard's Vault objective can now point to the race specific dodge trainer in each starter zone.


  • Add combo trainers in Central Tyria areas level 25-40
    • In Gendarran Fields (level 25-35), the combat trainer could be at the edge of The Bloodfields.
    • In Lornar's Pass (level 25-40), the combat trainer could be located at the top of the stairs of the Durmand Priory
    • In the Fields of Ruin (level 30-40), the combat trainer could be located near the Fallen Angels Garrison.


  • In order to combat the fact that those areas are fairly spread out, include all three trainers to one of the major player hubs, such as Lion's Arch
    • This training hub could be located on the beach near the Bloodcoast Ward Waypoint, and make use of the beach front near the two Lionguard Recruits.
      • Since level 80 boosts are a thing, let's add one in the Silverwastes starting area while we're at it.


  • Additionally, if you really want to go nuts, there are a few areas in the racial capitals that could welcome a training hub:
    • For humans, add them to Mina's Firing Range. You'd need to make the area a bit wider, but at least you'd bring more attention to that spot — and it criminally needs some, as well as an update to the totally unknown activity there. But that's another topic altogether.
    • For charr, let's disrespect human history completely and build a drill camp near the Ruins of Rin, why not. It's not like they need them anyway. Plus, you gotta train hard to punch ghosts back into their graves.
    • For norn, the plaza near Hero's Compass Waypoint would do for some fine training grounds, without too much conflict with Dragon's Bash's furniture.
    • For sylvari, maybe near Order's Terrace?
    • For asura, yeesh, Rata Sum's already ridiculously packed. I'm drawing a blank, but honestly, since everything is already floating and portals are an option, you could just add one more chunk of cube for the little gremlins to bite ankles on.

[Edit:] As kindly provided by willow.8209, here's a few suggestions for Rata Sum! 


there are a couple of empty or nearly unutilized balconies off the crafting rooms. One of them seems to be a meant to have been some kind of vigil base, that one might be a good choice. You could even put a portal there and make a completely new space. Alternatively, there's space in the port. Or, wiki claims there's some kind of unused arena, too. 


Hope this all makes sense. The goal is to primarily avoid cases where people are completely clueless in front of a blue bar, or don't realize what fields can do, by giving them early opportunities to learn and adapt. I'm sure you could be more aggressive about it, by using informational pop-ups and whatnot, but given the state of that system currently, I would strongly avoid doing that until you have added a way to completely disable them for more experienced players. In-your-face teaching is a deal breaker, especially if it's non-optional.

Edited by Dotveg.5108
Added Rata Sum suggestions. Thanks to willow.8209!
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