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Coin rewards from "dynamic events" should be increased


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I think anybody who was hyped for this game before it was released fell for the marketing spin that was "GW2 is an mmo where you just run around and explore and are presented with new random objectives and events all the time" The problem with this idea is that going into a region with the goal of running around completing events is never worth your time. Currently completing an event as a level 80 player rewards you with about 26k xp (worthless once you complete the pointless mastery grindgate), about 400 karma (a currency which up until recently has been almost worthless and now is only valued for meme items like tonics) and 88 copper

There is no reason why the liquid coin reward should not be increased to something like 20 silver.

When it comes to the subject of inflation, people who want to grind for coin are already doing so through fractal 40 farming, silverwastes farming, lake doric farming, etc. Even after multiplying the coin rewards from events 22 times, the hourly income from running around completing world events would not even begin to compete with those. Using doric farm as an example, you can get several t6 leather drops every minute, which sell for 11 silver each. Completing an event takes on average between 2 and 5 minutes for that theoretical 20 silver. Larger events like tequatl would be instantly balanced by lowering the liquid gold reward from the chests, instead of picking up 2 gold from the chests it would be lowered to balance out the 8 or so event completions that pop throughout the fight.

Imagine a world in which you decide to take a random stroll through harathi hinterlands because you haven't been to that zone in over 3 years, see some NPCs under attack by centaurs, and don't immediately dismiss it as a total waste of your time. I think that would be a slightly more interesting game to play.

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@Tobias.8632 said:Imagine a world in which you decide to take a random stroll through harathi hinterlands because you haven't been to that zone in over 3 years, see some NPCs under attack by centaurs, and don't immediately dismiss it as a total waste of your time. I think that would be a slightly more interesting game to play.

I already live in that world. I don't measure the value of an event by the amount of gold I might receive, but rather by whether I'll have any fun doing it.

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The 88c is a tad too little, but 20s sounds like waayy too much. Maybe it should be harder to get gold participation, then bronze being 50c, silver being 1.75s and gold being 4.55? Or every event should get a grade from A to D, depending on the zones and the difficiluty.Like a lv 15 player killing Shadow Behemoth, he gots gold rank A, while the lv80 gets gold rank C because he's overpowered where he is.

But on a main note: the end reward isnt evetything, an event may well be around 15s-20s if you count creature drops/loot

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Raising gold rewards is dubious. Useful, but bound to impact the economy in a not-so-great way. I'm much more a fan of the map reward tracks.

..Or I would be if the reward were per event instead of per 2 or 3. Giving materials that can be traded for money is healthier for the game overall, and makes it so we don't have to run in circles farming random creatures for loot, like T6 mats.

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@Rauderi.8706 said:Raising gold rewards is dubious. Useful, but bound to impact the economy in a not-so-great way. I'm much more a fan of the map reward tracks.

..Or I would be if the reward were per event instead of per 2 or 3. Giving materials that can be traded for money is healthier for the game overall, and makes it so we don't have to run in circles farming random creatures for loot, like T6 mats.

Talking about improvements to map rewards, I feel like instead of having t6 mats only appear on specific maps at predictable times, map rewards should be more like "hey, wayfarer foothills has got powerful bloods today" and you would see that zone just light up with everybody running around doing events in an area they would otherwise never go to.

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It would be neat if rewards automatically scaled a little based on how long it has been since the specific event was last completed, or how many times it has been completed in the past day or something. Similar to how the bonus XP works for mobs that have not been killed in a long time. Maybe up the karma and coin by a factor of 2-3 for events that are up a long time/are rarely completed. Would not alter rewards from the usual events that are on the regular loop, but would give people a little extra gravy for going off the beaten path once in a while.

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