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Worst class in the game right now?


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@Lily.1935 said:

@"Sylosi.6503" said:Beyond whether a class has fundamental design issues (which is frankly at least half of them), Anet can already see which is the worst class in game, they just have to look at what classes get the least playtime in the three gamemodes.

Take WvW for example and what the majority of the players do in that (zerging / guild raids), pretty sure Anet can already see how many Guards & Necros there are compared to how few Engys & Rangers, it is pretty obvious which are the worst classes in that case.

What this poll mainly highlights is how some players have a very narrow view of things or at times total lack of objectivity.

Ranger is second or first most popular profession. Close with elementalist.This is independent of polls but raw play data that's been shown multiple times. Popularity doesn't mean good though. The numbers are far more even than you might think with necromancer being ranked somewhere in the middle. Revenant is ranked dead last with engineer second to last. The different data collections are pretty consistent about this. Ranger and Ele have always been at the top though in terms of popularity even before HoT in spite of the community seeing them as tied for the worst profession with necromancer at the time.

Which is why asking the overall worst class is useless, because ranger for example may be popular in PvE and be good for open world PvE, good for raids with druid, etc, but in WvW for instance it is one of the least popular classes and basically considered poor for the things most WvW players do (zergs/guild raids).

People are going to play what they enjoy in spite of what is most effective. Most players are not min maxers like the people on the forums. Most players play at a casual level. So saying that what's popular shows us what's good and what isn't an accurate determining factor in what is good or not. All professions are useable. So there is no clear "useless" class to determine what's the worst.

People don't have to be min/maxers to avoid playing specific classes in certain areas of the game or to take the easy option, take ranger as we are we on that, it is popular in PvE, yet "magically" for zergs/guild raids in WvW it suddenly becomes unpopular, the simple reason is it is not very effective in those scenarios, so most people play necro, guard, ele, etc instead, sure there are a few that stay on their ranger, but when you have a 70 man map blob and only two players are on rangers that says it all.

And if you want a tragic indictment of how easily WvW players will swap classes, you don't have to look much further then the number of alleged hardcore WvW players who had played guard for years that suddenly started playing ele, necro, etc when the lootstick was nerfed, it was truly pathetic.

Now in PvE it matters much less what class you play, because the "opponents" are NPCs, so unless the game has Wildstar level's difficulty of PvE content then for the most part it doesn't really matter what you play, especially in a game where you can complete even the "hardest" PvE content in the game with pretty much any composition of classes (as long as the builds are reasonable).

Doesn't work like that in PvP and WvW, because the content is made up of other classes, so if a class is weak in certain situations then that is a disadvantage a lot of players don't put up with, which is why for example in PvP we "magically" had loads of d/d cele eles when they were broken as hell, yet most have "magically" switched class these days.

As for the stats, I remember Anet releasing an infographic thing ages ago, but also vaguely remember that it was pretty useless, because it was based on created characters rather than play time (and again were 'overall', which is useless), have they released more meaningful stats since?

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@"Elva.6372" said:My picks: Engineer...followed by Revenant.

The Engineer is just...over engineered way too complex for little gain for the effort and also highly unsatisfying. The Traits are a mess and especially lack coherent synergy (this is a big problem for many Professions, IMO, Ranger I am looking at you)

Kits...are awful, again the clunkiness.

Overall the profession can realize its potential as condi or power...seems to be stymied.

The Revenant's e-spec Renegade has playability issues in my opinion...clunky, poor execution in this "action" game called GW2.

Engineers make perfect sense as a class...... the meta just doesn't respect flexibility. Core Engineer with its "lack coherent synergy" used to be a big contender in WvW, when flexibility in function mattered. Even with Scrapper being over specialized, you'd still run certain kits for the high utility they offer.

If you want to compare bad design against the Ranger, I can tell you exactly where Ranger fails while the Engineer doesn't, despite the seemingly back asswards logic to their Traits. Unlike the other Classes, which have a massive amount of cross-line dependence due to weapon or utility spread, both Ranger and Engineer traits are compartmentalized. The Ranger's problem is that Ranger skills are designed in a way where their individually strong, but don't scale well with their synergistic traits, which compounded by overly complicated conditional triggers to use them. This pushes players to pick certain high impact universal traits, despite not syncing up with a given choice of weapons, skills, or abilities. Engineers on the other hand don't rely as much on individual utilities, and focuses more on the kits. Because the Kits are much better set up as Hybrid weapons, no matter what trait line you take, at least 2 of the skills with sync up with your given traits.

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@Halbatros.5173 said:Revenant without any doubts. Took them 2/3 years yo finish the base class and glint (after hot release, mind you) and then they threw together a bunch of random stuff in 2 months and called It Renegade

Two months seems awfully generous. The spec feels like it was put together in an afternoon at best. But hey, look at all those aftercast reductions we got in this latest patch. That will definitely be the big push needed to turn the spec from an identity lacking and unfinished pile of trash into a serious contender. And all we needed to trade for those magnificent aftercast reductions was to have our underwater damage gutted in the patch that was in theory supposed to improve underwater combat.

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@The Spiral King.2483 said:

@Halbatros.5173 said:Revenant without any doubts. Took them 2/3 years yo finish the base class and glint (after hot release, mind you) and then they threw together a bunch of random stuff in 2 months and called It Renegade

Two months seems awfully generous. The spec feels like it was put together in an afternoon at best. But hey, look at all those aftercast reductions we got in this latest patch. That will definitely be the big push needed to turn the spec from an identity lacking and unfinished pile of trash into a serious contender. And all we needed to trade for those magnificent aftercast reductions was to have our underwater damage gutted in the patch that was in theory supposed to improve underwater combat.

Did they rlly say they would improve underwater combat?And rev was a freaking strong 1v1 class before the patch. Yes power rev. But there's only very few good revs out there.

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@Nimon.7840 said:

@"Halbatros.5173" said:Revenant without any doubts. Took them 2/3 years yo finish the base class and glint (after hot release, mind you) and then they threw together a bunch of random stuff in 2 months and called It Renegade

Two months seems awfully generous. The spec feels like it was put together in an afternoon at best. But hey, look at all those aftercast reductions we got in this latest patch. That will definitely be the big push needed to turn the spec from an identity lacking and unfinished pile of trash into a serious contender. And all we needed to trade for those magnificent aftercast reductions was to have our underwater damage gutted in the patch that was in theory supposed to improve underwater combat.

Did they rlly say they would improve underwater combat?And rev was a freaking strong 1v1 class before the patch. Yes power rev. But there's only very few good revs out there.

"We’re enhancing underwater skills and utilities so you can blast the barnacles off anything that tries to nibble your toes while you’re swimming."I could just be misunderstanding the definitions of "enhance" and "blast" here.

https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/making-a-splash-changes-to-underwater-combat-and-rewards/"enemies shouldn’t take longer to kill"Maybe there's some hidden message I'm just not seeing.

Also, really digging that back-handed compliment to Revenant and its playerbase there. Nice to note the Necro player saying Power Rev is great, when Scourge is literally a pickaxe into the base of the skull hard counter to it. Scissors says paper is doing wonderful, please nerf rock though.

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I voted Revenant. In particular, Renegade. Kalla utilities are completely dependant on AI pathing working properly and the traitline is just mostly just passive stat increases, might generation and little utility or defense. It really offers nothing new for Revenant other than slightly improving condi builds even though it's already pretty lackluster in the first place.

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Balance is always subject to change, but Revenant just... sucks. The feel of it sucks, playing it sucks, it's not very powerful on top of that. There isn't much choice in build, the energy mechanic feels half baked since cooldowns are often as much of a limiting factor and there aren't many options or mechanics for managing, so it's mostly just an extra global cooldown. It just needs a fundamental rework, mechanically.

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@Nimon.7840 said:

@"Halbatros.5173" said:Revenant without any doubts. Took them 2/3 years yo finish the base class and glint (after hot release, mind you) and then they threw together a bunch of random stuff in 2 months and called It Renegade

Two months seems awfully generous. The spec feels like it was put together in an afternoon at best. But hey, look at all those aftercast reductions we got in this latest patch. That will definitely be the big push needed to turn the spec from an identity lacking and unfinished pile of trash into a serious contender. And all we needed to trade for those magnificent aftercast reductions was to have our underwater damage gutted in the patch that was in theory supposed to improve underwater combat.

And rev was a freaking strong 1v1 class before the patch. Yes power rev. But there's only very few good revs out there.

"Rev...freaking strong""But there's only very few good revs out there"

So strong no one plays it. Weird how we don't see that pattern with Mesmer and necromancer lately, they're really strong but there's so many of them...

Maybe you have it all wrong? Especially if you're losing to power rev on a necro lol

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@Mini Crinny.6190 said:@"ArthurDent.9538"

Except Necro is doing pretty well, which I'm sure the OP was thinking that Necro was the worst spec :p

Scourge is doing well. Not necromancer as a whole. And scourge can't function outside of one set. You can't make a healing scourge work that well(I've been trying).

Personally, I want to see changes to both necromancer and revenant. But what revenant needs is more skills and weapons. If they had one extra skill for each of their legends and say a set of signets they could swap onto any legend their versatility would shoot up. It would also be nice if their skills got skill types aside from just "legendary X skills" so we could see some rune synergy. Revenant needs a lot of work. But so does necromancer.

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@Eekasqueak.7850 said:I think Mesmer is the worst in the other direction, IE the most OP/Unbalanced judging by the current meta.

Well i know you know that you missed the point if worst class means worst performing with wirst mechabic etc.Dont get me wrong, mesmer is utterly overtuned atm but its mechanics are fine even more so after the phantasm update.It has way to much mitigation for the dmg it can do atm but its far from being the worst class mechanic wise.

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@Eekasqueak.7850 said:I think Mesmer is the worst in the other direction, IE the most OP/Unbalanced judging by the current meta.

I mean, nobody disagrees that mesmer is OP right now. Except a few people who main it, but that's to be expected.

But rather, their fundamental mechanics and playstyle isn't what's busted. Revenant has numerous underlying problems in its playstyle, as does engineer and necro. I main engineer, so I feel it actuely, but I'm also quite aware of rev's suffering. And necros are nothing if not edgelords.

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