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High Elves

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i sense the problem here, there are 3 types of ppl.

  • ppl who want to stick with what we know
  • ppl who want to explore beyond what we know
  • ppl who don't want anything beyond tyria (continent) but also don't want to much to change

the sad part here is that allot of ppl are the first and third, not many are in the second.now i agree that the most generic things should not be in tyria to begin with but we should also not push away anything generic that is already in tyria from the start.having a lost or other-family dwarven races would fit regardless, , even while the current lore tells us all dwarfs are stone there is plenty of room for other interpretations of that statement. (before their final statement it was always deldrimor dwarfs and no other)

another part is that some races could exist while we never saw them, no lore has ever mentioned them and nothing is known about them.this is the kind of race they could introduce without having to worry about lore, a brand new race that no one ever saw in the time span of guild wars.you have to keep in mind, although the game is getting bigger, we have yet to explore most of the planet.looking at the planet map, only a fraction of tyria is known by us and so many other races and places can exist without us even knowing.

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@"sorudo.9054" said:i sense the problem here, there are 3 types of ppl.

  • ppl who want to stick with what we know
  • ppl who want to explore beyond what we know
  • ppl who don't want anything beyond tyria (continent) but also don't want to much to change

the sad part here is that allot of ppl are the first and third, not many are in the second.now i agree that the most generic things should not be in tyria to begin with but we should also not push away anything generic that is already in tyria from the start.having a lost or other-family dwarven races would fit regardless, , even while the current lore tells us all dwarfs are stone there is plenty of room for other interpretations of that statement. (before their final statement it was always deldrimor dwarfs and no other)

another part is that some races could exist while we never saw them, no lore has ever mentioned them and nothing is known about them.this is the kind of race they could introduce without having to worry about lore, a brand new race that no one ever saw in the time span of guild wars.you have to keep in mind, although the game is getting bigger, we have yet to explore most of the planet.looking at the planet map, only a fraction of tyria is known by us and so many other races and places can exist without us even knowing.

I hope they don't introduce a new dwarf faction just so anet can make dwarves playable and be like "only shiverpeak dwarves are extinct but these ones aren't"

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@derd.6413 said:

@"sorudo.9054" said:i sense the problem here, there are 3 types of ppl.
  • ppl who want to stick with what we know
  • ppl who want to explore beyond what we know
  • ppl who don't want anything beyond tyria (continent) but also don't want to much to change

the sad part here is that allot of ppl are the first and third, not many are in the second.now i agree that the most generic things should not be in tyria to begin with but we should also not push away anything generic that is already in tyria from the start.having a lost or other-family dwarven races would fit regardless, , even while the current lore tells us all dwarfs are stone there is plenty of room for other interpretations of that statement. (before their final statement it was always deldrimor dwarfs and no other)

another part is that some races could exist while we never saw them, no lore has ever mentioned them and nothing is known about them.this is the kind of race they could introduce without having to worry about lore, a brand new race that no one ever saw in the time span of guild wars.you have to keep in mind, although the game is getting bigger, we have yet to explore most of the planet.looking at the planet map, only a fraction of tyria is known by us and so many other races and places can exist without us even knowing.

I hope they don't introduce a new dwarf faction just so anet can make dwarves playable and be like "only shiverpeak dwarves are extinct but these ones aren't"

what, like the humans are extinct except for the krytan ones, the ones with barely any army at all while ascalon had a grand army much bigger then today's seraph 3 times over.yeah, makes sense......

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:i sense the problem here, there are 3 types of ppl.
  • ppl who want to stick with what we know
  • ppl who want to explore beyond what we know
  • ppl who don't want anything beyond tyria (continent) but also don't want to much to change

the sad part here is that allot of ppl are the first and third, not many are in the second.now i agree that the most generic things should not be in tyria to begin with but we should also not push away anything generic that is already in tyria from the start.having a lost or other-family dwarven races would fit regardless, , even while the current lore tells us all dwarfs are stone there is plenty of room for other interpretations of that statement. (before their final statement it was always deldrimor dwarfs and no other)

another part is that some races could exist while we never saw them, no lore has ever mentioned them and nothing is known about them.this is the kind of race they could introduce without having to worry about lore, a brand new race that no one ever saw in the time span of guild wars.you have to keep in mind, although the game is getting bigger, we have yet to explore most of the planet.looking at the planet map, only a fraction of tyria is known by us and so many other races and places can exist without us even knowing.

I hope they don't introduce a new dwarf faction just so anet can make dwarves playable and be like "only shiverpeak dwarves are extinct but these ones aren't"

what, like the humans are extinct except for the krytan ones, the ones with barely any army at all while ascalon had a grand army much bigger then today's seraph 3 times over.yeah, makes sense......

Ascalon didn't have any Muursat defending them, Kryta did. It's hard to kill an enemy you can't see.

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@sorudo.9054 said:what, like the humans are extinct except for the krytan ones

The Elonian ones we bump into all over PoF seem to be doing just fine. Major trade port and nobility still active even with Joko and the remnants of Balthazar's army.Gonna bet Canthan humans are doing pretty well too. Y'know, whenever ANet lets us see them and the Tengu~

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@DarcShriek.5829 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:i sense the problem here, there are 3 types of ppl.
  • ppl who want to stick with what we know
  • ppl who want to explore beyond what we know
  • ppl who don't want anything beyond tyria (continent) but also don't want to much to change

the sad part here is that allot of ppl are the first and third, not many are in the second.now i agree that the most generic things should not be in tyria to begin with but we should also not push away anything generic that is already in tyria from the start.having a lost or other-family dwarven races would fit regardless, , even while the current lore tells us all dwarfs are stone there is plenty of room for other interpretations of that statement. (before their final statement it was always deldrimor dwarfs and no other)

another part is that some races could exist while we never saw them, no lore has ever mentioned them and nothing is known about them.this is the kind of race they could introduce without having to worry about lore, a brand new race that no one ever saw in the time span of guild wars.you have to keep in mind, although the game is getting bigger, we have yet to explore most of the planet.looking at the planet map, only a fraction of tyria is known by us and so many other races and places can exist without us even knowing.

I hope they don't introduce a new dwarf faction just so anet can make dwarves playable and be like "only shiverpeak dwarves are extinct but these ones aren't"

what, like the humans are extinct except for the krytan ones, the ones with barely any army at all while ascalon had a grand army much bigger then today's seraph 3 times over.yeah, makes sense......

Ascalon didn't have any Muursat defending them, Kryta did. It's hard to kill an enemy you can't see.

On another note, humans aren't extinct, or even driven back to a single kingdom (Kryta). The (likely almost entirely human) continent of Canthan and Kaineng City still exist; the Free City of Amnoon and the Domains of Istan, Vabbi, and Kourna; the fortress of Ebonhawke; and of course the multiracial city of Lion's Arch.

While not yet extinct, Dwarves rendered themselves incapable of reproducing as a species, unless sizable numbers of Stone Summit still existed after the Great Rite was performed.

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@"sorudo.9054" said:i sense the problem here, there are 3 types of ppl.

  • ppl who want to stick with what we know
  • ppl who want to explore beyond what we know
  • ppl who don't want anything beyond tyria (continent) but also don't want to much to change

the sad part here is that allot of ppl are the first and third, not many are in the second.now i agree that the most generic things should not be in tyria to begin with but we should also not push away anything generic that is already in tyria from the start.having a lost or other-family dwarven races would fit regardless, , even while the current lore tells us all dwarfs are stone there is plenty of room for other interpretations of that statement. (before their final statement it was always deldrimor dwarfs and no other)

another part is that some races could exist while we never saw them, no lore has ever mentioned them and nothing is known about them.this is the kind of race they could introduce without having to worry about lore, a brand new race that no one ever saw in the time span of guild wars.you have to keep in mind, although the game is getting bigger, we have yet to explore most of the planet.looking at the planet map, only a fraction of tyria is known by us and so many other races and places can exist without us even knowing.

Thank you for pointing out the problem here! That is exactly what I noticed too. As soon as someone recommend something NEW or DIFFERENT, the excuse is "It's against the LORE!" "It was NEVER mentioned before!" Seriously that excuse is getting a little old lol.

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@Tom Hsiao.9705 said:

@"sorudo.9054" said:i sense the problem here, there are 3 types of ppl.
  • ppl who want to stick with what we know
  • ppl who want to explore beyond what we know
  • ppl who don't want anything beyond tyria (continent) but also don't want to much to change

the sad part here is that allot of ppl are the first and third, not many are in the second.now i agree that the most generic things should not be in tyria to begin with but we should also not push away anything generic that is already in tyria from the start.having a lost or other-family dwarven races would fit regardless, , even while the current lore tells us all dwarfs are stone there is plenty of room for other interpretations of that statement. (before their final statement it was always deldrimor dwarfs and no other)

another part is that some races could exist while we never saw them, no lore has ever mentioned them and nothing is known about them.this is the kind of race they could introduce without having to worry about lore, a brand new race that no one ever saw in the time span of guild wars.you have to keep in mind, although the game is getting bigger, we have yet to explore most of the planet.looking at the planet map, only a fraction of tyria is known by us and so many other races and places can exist without us even knowing.

Thank you for pointing out the problem here! That is exactly what I noticed too. As soon as someone recommend something NEW or DIFFERENT, the excuse is "It's against the LORE!" "It was NEVER mentioned before!" Seriously that excuse is getting a little old lol.

Except that what the someone's you describe are not recommending anything new or different. They are asking for old and same.

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@"Ashabhi.1365" said:If there were "high elves" already in existence as a non-playable race, then I would say yes, but because they would literally be foreign to this game, I say no. If the developers were to entertain the idea of adding another playable race, it would most likely be:

  1. Tengu
  2. Jotun
  3. Hylek
  4. Hirathi (Centaur archtype)

At least that would be the order in which I would try to make another race.

What is the point to release new expansion and patches if they're not anything new? and only stick with old stuff? you might as well play some offline RPG that never gets any update..

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@Tom Hsiao.9705 said:

@"Ashabhi.1365" said:If there were "high elves" already in existence as a non-playable race, then I would say yes, but because they would literally be foreign to this game, I say no. If the developers were to entertain the idea of adding another playable race, it would most likely be:
  1. Tengu
  2. Jotun
  3. Hylek
  4. Hirathi (Centaur archtype)

At least that would be the order in which I would try to make another race.

What is the point to release new expansion and patches if they're not anything new? and only stick with old stuff? you might as well play some offline RPG that never gets any update..

Expansions and LW Episodes do contain new content. New stories, new places, new weapons and armor, new elite specializations, and even new mechanics. To say otherwise simply degrades your own position when trying to convince others.

No one has yet explained why ANet must release new races, only why they want ANet to.

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@"Tom Hsiao.9705" said:Thank you for pointing out the problem here! That is exactly what I noticed too. As soon as someone recommend something NEW or DIFFERENT, the excuse is "It's against the LORE!" "It was NEVER mentioned before!" Seriously that excuse is getting a little old lol.

I'm all for new and different, as long as it is coherent. But Elves are none of these.

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@Tom Hsiao.9705 said:

@"sorudo.9054" said:i sense the problem here, there are 3 types of ppl.
  • ppl who want to stick with what we know
  • ppl who want to explore beyond what we know
  • ppl who don't want anything beyond tyria (continent) but also don't want to much to change

the sad part here is that allot of ppl are the first and third, not many are in the second.now i agree that the most generic things should not be in tyria to begin with but we should also not push away anything generic that is already in tyria from the start.having a lost or other-family dwarven races would fit regardless, , even while the current lore tells us all dwarfs are stone there is plenty of room for other interpretations of that statement. (before their final statement it was always deldrimor dwarfs and no other)

another part is that some races could exist while we never saw them, no lore has ever mentioned them and nothing is known about them.this is the kind of race they could introduce without having to worry about lore, a brand new race that no one ever saw in the time span of guild wars.you have to keep in mind, although the game is getting bigger, we have yet to explore most of the planet.looking at the planet map, only a fraction of tyria is known by us and so many other races and places can exist without us even knowing.

Thank you for pointing out the problem here! That is exactly what I noticed too. As soon as someone recommend something NEW or DIFFERENT, the excuse is "It's against the LORE!" "It was NEVER mentioned before!" Seriously that excuse is getting a little old lol.

in what universe are elves a new or different idea? as far as i know elves are as old as the vikings

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@derd.6413 said:

@"sorudo.9054" said:i sense the problem here, there are 3 types of ppl.
  • ppl who want to stick with what we know
  • ppl who want to explore beyond what we know
  • ppl who don't want anything beyond tyria (continent) but also don't want to much to change

the sad part here is that allot of ppl are the first and third, not many are in the second.now i agree that the most generic things should not be in tyria to begin with but we should also not push away anything generic that is already in tyria from the start.having a lost or other-family dwarven races would fit regardless, , even while the current lore tells us all dwarfs are stone there is plenty of room for other interpretations of that statement. (before their final statement it was always deldrimor dwarfs and no other)

another part is that some races could exist while we never saw them, no lore has ever mentioned them and nothing is known about them.this is the kind of race they could introduce without having to worry about lore, a brand new race that no one ever saw in the time span of guild wars.you have to keep in mind, although the game is getting bigger, we have yet to explore most of the planet.looking at the planet map, only a fraction of tyria is known by us and so many other races and places can exist without us even knowing.

Thank you for pointing out the problem here! That is exactly what I noticed too. As soon as someone recommend something NEW or DIFFERENT, the excuse is "It's against the LORE!" "It was NEVER mentioned before!" Seriously that excuse is getting a little old lol.

in what universe are elves a new or different idea? as far as i know elves are as old as the vikings

I was referring to NEW to Tyria

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If ANet put in elves the next race needs to be one of those cute races that has girls errr, I mean women, with fox ears and tails. Because ya know, Tyria is big! And unexplored. If elves are out there then fox tailed women are out there too. It wouldn’t be that hard to add them to the story either. And just think of all the money ANet would make. That’s the main thing isn’t it? Certainly it isn’t whether or not it fits the game.




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Honestly elves just don't fit with Guild Wars. I love the thought that the devs and writers put into the races of Tyria. Elves are boring and would detract from the uniqueness of the game. Hell, we don't even have HORSES in Guild Wars. If you want elves, I suggest WoW, ESO, or some Perfect World variant. Or any other generic MMO.

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@"Tom Hsiao.9705" said:Well one man trash is another man's treasure... so I hope ANet see this as a treasure not trash.Also what makes you think introducing the elves won't make sense?? Do you have the info for the upcoming content or story-line? Otherwise never say ever. We have not seen all the elder dragons yet.

I remember when GW2 first launched ANet was very firm about not having mounts because they believed the WP system can replace mounts. But guess what??!!! We got mounts now!! Do you think all the mounts that was introduced make sense? Not really. So I'm not quite sure what you mean by art, quality and lore. It sounds more like an excuse to prevent something you don't want to be implemented to the game simply because you think it's trash.

1) it is pretty stupid to go an introduce a brand new race that just came out of nowhere and say "oh hey guys this race is playable" despite all the other other races that have been in the game since launch that people have been asking for.

2) Anet never said no mounts. Players said no mounts. The only thing Anet said no to about mounts was in a FAQs where the answer to the question would there be mounts. Anet stated there will be no mounts at launch. Please stop repeating this lie to justify a silly addition.

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@ImTasty.2163 said:

@"Tom Hsiao.9705" said:Well one man trash is another man's treasure... so I hope ANet see this as a treasure not trash.Also what makes you think introducing the elves won't make sense?? Do you have the info for the upcoming content or story-line? Otherwise never say ever. We have not seen all the elder dragons yet.

I remember when GW2 first launched ANet was very firm about not having mounts because they believed the WP system can replace mounts. But guess what??!!!
We got mounts now!!
Do you think all the mounts that was introduced make sense? Not really. So I'm not quite sure what you mean by art, quality and lore. It sounds more like an excuse to prevent something you don't want to be implemented to the game simply because you think it's trash.

1) it is pretty stupid to go an introduce a brand new race that just came out of nowhere and say "oh hey guys this race is playable" despite all the other other races that have been in the game since launch that people have been asking for.

2) Anet never said no mounts. Players said no mounts. The only thing Anet said no to about mounts was in a FAQs where the answer to the question would there be mounts. Anet stated there will be no mounts at launch. Please stop repeating this lie to justify a silly addition.

On top of that, alot of players including myself where upset when they introduced mounts because we all thought theyd be generic movement speed buffs. They are not. They do things, and each one has a unique feel to it. On top of that, they picked creatures that fit with the games lore, and the region they can be found in.

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@thesilverdragoon.3078 said:I'd be for elves if the only thing that made elves different from humans wasn't ears. Why not fox, lizard, or fish races? Anything that doesn't look like modified humans.

the problem is that the generic high elf role is covered by the other races.te asura are the magically advanced race, sylvari are the wood elves, humans are the race surviving after their glory days, the long lived race is the norn. and if you remove the aesthetics of elves the race's role and their lore (to fit gw2) then they aren't elves anymore, they're something completly new

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@Tom Hsiao.9705 said:

@"sorudo.9054" said:i sense the problem here, there are 3 types of ppl.
  • ppl who want to stick with what we know
  • ppl who want to explore beyond what we know
  • ppl who don't want anything beyond tyria (continent) but also don't want to much to change

the sad part here is that allot of ppl are the first and third, not many are in the second.now i agree that the most generic things should not be in tyria to begin with but we should also not push away anything generic that is already in tyria from the start.having a lost or other-family dwarven races would fit regardless, , even while the current lore tells us all dwarfs are stone there is plenty of room for other interpretations of that statement. (before their final statement it was always deldrimor dwarfs and no other)

another part is that some races could exist while we never saw them, no lore has ever mentioned them and nothing is known about them.this is the kind of race they could introduce without having to worry about lore, a brand new race that no one ever saw in the time span of guild wars.you have to keep in mind, although the game is getting bigger, we have yet to explore most of the planet.looking at the planet map, only a fraction of tyria is known by us and so many other races and places can exist without us even knowing.

Thank you for pointing out the problem here! That is exactly what I noticed too. As soon as someone recommend something NEW or DIFFERENT, the excuse is "It's against the LORE!" "It was NEVER mentioned before!" Seriously that excuse is getting a little old lol.

Except what the OP suggests isn't new or different or even has interesting twist to its concept. Its a trope so common that its archetype is ingrained into the genre as a whole, and thus stands as one of the most generic elements in a post-tolkeinesqe fantasy seeing. There is no evolution to the idea in his post.... in fact, its barely an idea, much less something he can pitch to others to gain support for. "So Ion said we wouldn't get HIgh Elves in WoW, so how about High Elves introduced in Guild Wars? Most games have elves in their fantasy, but GW has no elves at all." ---- no explanation as to how this would benefit anything, no argument to explain how this wouldn't cause problems, and rests on the assumption that it is as trivial as "add it and everything will be good".

Exploration has consequences. Stagnation has Consequences. And anything not completely original comes with baggage. Fantasy in particular comes with huge amounts of baggage, because many put great emphasis on linage, prophecy, ancients and history to resolve conflicts...... something that demands much greater lore cohesion then people give credit for. GW2 already walks a fine line with the amount of Retcon its experienced , even going as far as debunking is own canon in order to move forward. And most of that is to remove historical conflict, not just to add something that wasn't there before. Even the debate about Iron Legion being dated back to the original legions, despite never being mentioned before, was only really done to establish the Imperitor's rank and explain how the Charr successfully underwent an industrial revolution. It was a hard sell, but it at least served to close a huge gap in Charr social evolution over such a short period.

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@Sir Alric.5078 said:

@Mortymes.7139 said:So Ion said we wouldn't get HIgh Elves in WoW, so how about High Elves introduced in Guild Wars? Most games have elves in their fantasy, but GW has no elves at all.

You do have High Elves in WoW though. That's how the Blood Elves used to call themselves before they left the alliance for the horde.

That's not good enough for them. They want the blue eyes. I've been playing WoW along side GW2 but won't be going into the new expansion. They have 4 playable elves now in Nightelf, Void Elves, Blood Elves and Nightborne. Blood Elves, now that the story fixed their well are LITERALLY High Elves with green eyes. That's the only difference. But they want a whole new playable allied race added. When they only need let them change their eyes to blue.

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