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Elf Ears

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Hear me out.I understand the back and forth on both sides about adding Elves to the game.I'm not here for that.I don't want to level up a brand new toon just so i can have a "real" elf. (though i would...)I would enjoy exploring a new set of maps and new story line. (eh.. "enjoy")I understand that the British Plants are this game's noble race of the forest.

This is about completely cosmetic options that could affect all races and provide, potentially, amazing, unique looks.Elf EarsLike all other cosmetic things these days, make it a gem store item. Like the halo (angels aren't in the game), Devil horns (Satan isn't in the game), Bunny ears (.... >.>), etc.My human is a mix between a Targaryen, Thranduil/Legolas, Angel... thing. and I would love a set of modest (or bigger) elf ears. There are plenty of dyes to make them any flesh color so that's not an issue for races/ethnicity. Yes, it would prevent a helmet/crown/winged thing from being worn... but... honestly as a ranger, nothing looks good on my head anyway. So...

Elf Ears?<3

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I think you underestimate the flood of people who would play the game if even a cosmetic addition would allow them to feel as though they were playing their favorite fantasy creature. It isn't about standards being played out... it's about people, true long term patrons of the game, feeling more represented and thought of in the ongoing progress/development of the game they love.I agree, there is a plethora of items/gamemodes/story/everything that could be fixed, added or taken away. This was just a personal wish, which is just as valid as your disdain of the same subject.

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@"Polarbear.9604" said:I think you underestimate the flood of people who would play the game if even a cosmetic addition would allow them to feel as though they were playing their favorite fantasy creature. It isn't about standards being played out... it's about people, true long term patrons of the game, feeling more represented and thought of in the ongoing progress/development of the game they love.Conversely, you might be overestimating the flood ...

I agree with Mindcircus -- I'd rather development resources be spent elsewhere. Also, as Rauderi points out, not all races would be able to take advantage of such a skin. I don't know that it would be "fair" to spend resources for only one of the races.

/me shrugs

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@Polarbear.9604 said:I think you underestimate the flood of people who would play the game if even a cosmetic addition would allow them to feel as though they were playing their favorite fantasy creature. It isn't about standards being played out... it's about people, true long term patrons of the game, feeling more represented and thought of in the ongoing progress/development of the game they love.I agree, there is a plethora of items/gamemodes/story/everything that could be fixed, added or taken away. This was just a personal wish, which is just as valid as your disdain of the same subject.

I think you're over estimating the impact these would have.

I love elves and play one in almost every game that has that option (except The Elder Scrolls where I typically play khajiit and argonians). And if elf ears were added I'd probably buy them for the novelty value and the ability to dress my main character up as more of her alter-egos from other games. But if I wasn't already playing GW2 the option to make a human look slightly more like an elf would do absolutely nothing to persuade me to play it, and as an existing player it certainly wouldn't make me feel more represented, whatever that means. It would just be a fun accessory.

Honestly I was more excited by the cat ears and bat wings, which allowed me to re-create the most absurd RP character I've ever had, one I didn't think I'd ever see in a game since City of Heroes closed down. (She wasn't originally a CoH character, but a friend re-made her there and sent me screenshots.)

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Would give me more reasons to create more characters I guess. I remember back on Shaiya in 2010, I had like 5 elven heroes and the skins are very similar here for the armor, so it'd be a good chance to buy more character slots and skins.Anet should consider one day. Evetually, I hope.I mean they just finished the trailer to a new story, so they have pretty much done with that story and would have free time.

Have you considered asking this in the gem store thread?

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I assume you're looking for a full ear implant. Items like the bunny ears are just bits of costume you wear on your head, they don't replace your ears. So already there is an increased amount of design involved. And as pointed out, how would this work on Sylvari, Char, and Asura, who already have distinct ear structures?

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@Zeefa.3915 said:Only human and norn would be able to use such an item, thats the main reason I don't see them happen. Don't think it would give that great an influx of people tbh. But yeah... no more harmful than bunny ears otherwise.

Not if you go runescape way and make them look super fake, like some kind of cheap plastic toy.

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@Cynn.1659 said:

@Zeefa.3915 said:Only human and norn would be able to use such an item, thats the main reason I don't see them happen. Don't think it would give that great an influx of people tbh. But yeah... no more harmful than bunny ears otherwise.

Not if you go runescape way and make them look super fake, like some kind of cheap plastic toy.

They could go for a middle ground like they did with the cat and bunny ears. They're actually attached to a head band, exactly like the ones you can buy in real life for halloween and things. But it's generally possible to dye them so the band blends into the characters hair and is almost unnoticeable, if you want to pretend it's actually part of the characters head.

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@"Polarbear.9604" said:Hear me out.I understand the back and forth on both sides about adding Elves to the game.I'm not here for that.I don't want to level up a brand new toon just so i can have a "real" elf. (though i would...)I would enjoy exploring a new set of maps and new story line. (eh.. "enjoy")I understand that the British Plants are this game's noble race of the forest.

This is about completely cosmetic options that could affect all races and provide, potentially, amazing, unique looks.Elf EarsLike all other cosmetic things these days, make it a gem store item. Like the halo (angels aren't in the game), Devil horns (Satan isn't in the game), Bunny ears (.... >.>), etc.My human is a mix between a Targaryen, Thranduil/Legolas, Angel... thing. and I would love a set of modest (or bigger) elf ears. There are plenty of dyes to make them any flesh color so that's not an issue for races/ethnicity. Yes, it would prevent a helmet/crown/winged thing from being worn... but... honestly as a ranger, nothing looks good on my head anyway. So...

Elf Ears?<3

The problem is the other races. These are useful to two races. All of the others have pointy ears already

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:I'm not sure it would be a problem; the Wintersday Earmuffs cover/replace my Asura's ears. I'm not sure I ever tried them on a Charr, but I'm sure they work on Sylvari.

I'm not really for or against the addition; if it makes some players happy, go for it.

So they would need to make 4 models? Or just just let the other 3 races look dumb with human-esqu ears?

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I vote yes for this.1st reason is because the game already have a lot of "anti-immersive" stuff, so satisfying a bunch of people that really want this wouldn't do much damage and will actually be useful for them.2nd reason is because it would make any Elven thing, including Largos, EVEN LESS LIKELY to eventually show up as a playable race.

IMO: Keep this in the inoffensive fetish area, save me from a full fleshed aberration in game.

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