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Guild Wars 3 vs Living World Season 5

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Gw2 is still growing and expanding both in lore and potential with each new release..

I'm not even remotely thinking of a Guildwars 3 at this point, Hell i'm hoping we're not even half way through the story yet.

2 Dragons down, 4 to go and still no solution to how we're going to finally achieve this goal.So far we've got 1 ally who can supplant 1 dragon and she's too young to pull it off yet.

Anet has gotten a lot better at building bigger and better living world releases as well as getting them out faster..Just look at the quality increase since living world 1..

In my opinion Guildwars 2 has at least another 4-5 years in it before Anet will probably start looking into a new game.. and to be completely honest with you i'm not entirely sure their next game will be Guildwars 3..Surely after 2 decades Anet would want to move on to a new IP and do something different.. as much as I love Gw2 I honestly wouldn't blame them for wanting that.Besides it's not like Gw1 or Gw2 are going anywhere so long as Anet remains in business and the games have an active player base.

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@"Westenev.5289" said:I was always under the impression Anet struggled with the base game's code, which is why they won't touch content like Dungeons or the wardrobe armour system. If Anet had to start from scratch to make these systems more "future proof", I'd be behind that.

Fractals & Raids don't have that problem, which is why ANet emphasizes them as instanced, end-game content. They don't 'struggle' with the wardrobe; they made some deliberate decisions to simplify things and not every player accepts the consequences of that.

Starting from scratch wouldn't change much: those systems might not have the same issues, but some other systems would, because the company will always be making trade offs. Sometimes we won't notice, sometimes we won't care. And other times, it's a big deal to some of us. That's just how it goes with making software games.

Case in point: the old forums had all sorts of issues. ANet moved to the new forums, which solved many of the old issues and introduced new ones. There's always something.

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Guys, take a guess or go figure out how old WoW is and other major players on the market, before you make age-related arguments. Given some effort; every game engine can be upgraded and current WoW is good example of this. The only reason Guild Wars 1 had a sequel was because ANet wanted to try their luck at the MMORPG market (GW1 was a CORPG and just by this reason it couldn’t compete with World of Warcraft and similar games). So if ANet ever releases GW3 it will be something entirely different, especially since MMORPG is a dying genre and it probably won’t be called Guild Wars 3 anyway. Also every new MMORPG is starving from lack of content. Many of you here complain about having nothing to do - if GW3 was ever released then in few months after the release you all would be in the exactly same position as you are now.

MMORPGs are very expensive to develop, but they are good long term investment, especially since they keep growing rapidly after the release. New game would require big investments accompanied by big risks, because many players that now play GW2 wouldn’t want to abandon it, because of the time and money they’ve invested into this game. Me included. There is absolutely no point of making GW3 when GW2 is still very popular. New expansion will bring lots of veterans and new players alike, just like PoF did before.

All they really need to do is to make new quality content and maybe add some refreshments to the core version of the game, so that the gap between old and new content won’t grow that much.

Folks, stop dreaming about next installment because it is not going to happen any time soon. We’re gonna get new expansion next year and that is something worth waiting for...

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@Nopesarenotforme.5190 said:When people say that gw3 is possible they forget the huge amounts of money that Anet needs to sink in to actually build the new open world from scratch on a better more stable and flexible system with the races, weapons, armor, styles, mounts(probably), a story, new specs, new metas and events, and more fresh content. A thing like this is possible but its like when Bethesda announced TES:6 now and it will release after a few more years from now just without the announcement and barely new content in gw2.

Doesn't sound like the best deal.

You mean the huge amounts of money like a 200% increase in revenue since the inception of mount skins? That clearly has not been put back into content delivery speed...

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Sure, I'd love GW3 and new game from Anet without the mistakes they did in core GW2 -> many people left GW2 and dont want to come back after lack of roles, lack of endgame etc at the game launch - I honestly came back by some miracle and I love how it is now.

On the other hand GW2 is in the best state it ever was - or at least is at the best state for like a year now, it finally has almost everything it lacked (besides dungeons and no armor clipping -I hate they focused on outfits instead : <).I doubt theyll want to kill their own game when theres so much things still to do and to improve and when game is doing good. Lets not lie to ourselves -> release of GW3 would kill a solid population of GW2.

I would love if they STARTED to work on gw3 somewhere around now, because we could use GW3 in 5-6 years.But anyway - if they suddenly went and announced gw3 is coming soon I would be ecstatic

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@Nopesarenotforme.5190 said:When people say that gw3 is possible they forget the huge amounts of money that Anet needs to sink in to actually build the new open world from scratch on a better more stable and flexible system with the races, weapons, armor, styles, mounts(probably), a story, new specs, new metas and events, and more fresh content. A thing like this is possible but its like when Bethesda announced TES:6 now and it will release after a few more years from now just without the announcement and barely new content in gw2.

Doesn't sound like the best deal.

Don't forget the fact that people expect the achievements that gained in gw2 to somehow reflect back into gw3 as well. Like it did with gw1.

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@Game of Bones.8975 said:I'm hoping that there isn't another multiyear jump between GW2 and GW3. I believe the last chapter of GW2 should be part of the transition story into GW3. I know I want to keep my same characters (we have spent enough time and money on them).

Or would you rather just see a continuation of map expansion in GW2?

As much as I would love to see GW3 one day, I really think GW2 is the last game we see on PC.

Creating an MMO takes many years (5-7 on average), it's a massive investment in terms of money and dev time, it's super hard if you rely on income of your previous title, that then has to be neglected and it is a huge risks, since most MMOs are not profitable, are dead on arrival or are dying a few months after it.

I think it's more likely that we'll see the GW franchise continued on mobile platforms than on PC. And sadly this is not even sarcasm

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Game of Bones.8975 said:I'm hoping that there isn't another multiyear jump between GW2 and GW3. I believe the last chapter of GW2 should be part of the transition story into GW3.

If there ever is to be a GW3, I hope it will be set up in the past, when Orr was still a thriving nation and the Gods blessed Tyria with their presence.

Also, enough with the boring magi-tech and weapon and armor skins that look like they were taken out some sci-fi movie. There are enough other MMOs that have that.

I know I want to keep my same characters (we have spent enough time and money on them).

That doesn't make sense. New game = starting from scratch.

@Maikimaik.1974 said:The possibility of the release of GW3 in the next decade is close to being zero. It's very unlikely that an MMORPG nowadays gets a sequel, it would just be a horrible marketing move. It's way more likely of it getting an overhaul in terms of graphics etc.

:+1: Also, constantly adding new elements to the game, like open world questing (I am going to make a suggestion thread on this), to keep it fresh and exciting is also more likely to happen than the immense work one would have to put into a completely new game.

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@Nuka Cola.8520 said:

@Nuka Cola.8520 said:LS5: Same stale game with no major changes on the horizon, 1-2h long story with poor writing and a zerg map.

GW3: Fresh start and excitement of leveling and learning EVERYTHING.

The choice is clear.

And many years to develop. It takes a huge amount of time to build s brand new mmo.

Obviously. But if i had a choice, GW3 would be it and it wouldn't even be a contest. New engine alone would make a much much better experience.

Sure, I would always ask for brand new things too, just not realistic.

GW2 has been out for almost six years. The game is running on DX9. WvW is dead. SPVP is dead. Everything is so unbalanced, its a mess that will take em years of reworking. New player experience is atrocious.

I think its time. The state of GW1 is 2012 (pre gw2 launch) was much better than GW2 in 2018. With the gem store, of course they're making money, but the game is a wrecked car, good luck fixing it.

Woah now partner, I hate it when people say this. You know what dead means yeah? Devoid of life as in nothing is happening. Like absolute nothing. If I went into pvp and wvw and literally no matches were being played or no people were in the map, then I would agree with it being dead. What you are doing is hyper exaggerating.

You're right, by "dead mmo" standards, GW2 isn't fully dead, its in its zombie state.

Not even close. Is it as busy as it was years ago? Nah. But you know there's a big space between dead and not packed to the rafters. People love to use hyperbole to make their points. WvW isn't dead. It's simply not as active as it was. I'm still finding fights all over the place on TC, which means it can't be too dead.

People say lots of things are dead. But saying it doesn't make it so.

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People often say there is no future for MMOs, but then you get companies still releasing them (fallout 76 for example). The reviews for that are not good, and possibly the direction they took the game was based on what they perceived the market to be, but some companies still think there is a future in MMOs.However, sequels are very rare. Everyone who invested time and money into it are not happy that it all basically goes away. GW1 -> GW2 is an exception, but the game is radically different.So if Anet was to release a new MMO, I'd think it be more likely it is a completely new title not related to GW vs a sequel. The overall layout and feel of the game may be similar, just because that is what Anet is used to.

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I would rather see GW2 continue with expansions, as they have. For one thing, not a single person (at last check) had earned enough achievement points to get a full set of radiant or hellfire armor. And, I really want to see a character in full radiant armor.

I don't care what they call it, but I don't want to lose the progress I've attained. If they came out with a new game not directly connected to GW2, I probably would keep playing GW2, and ignore the new game.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@lukebytes.4358 said:"unbalanced" gameplay complaint come from?

To this last bit, the game has had sever power creep from both expansions, PVP and WvW are both a mess balance wise as well, and PVE is just barely better.

but the elite specs are simply extensions to your character, not overpowered overhauls. I know this from having a renegade; it's not better, it's just extra.and if your talking about the exploits players use to dominate other players/enemies, that's always going to happen no matter what the devs do. that's not exactly a problem you can fix even if a new game was created.

Soulbeast is 100% an upgrade to damage on regular Ranger to the point that you
run base ranger in group content, you either do druid or SB.Weaver is required for eles to even be considered for group content these days due to the nerfs that base ele has obtained.

Mirage is idiotically more powerful than base Mesmers.DD/DE is an upgrade on base thief.Holosmith is a massive upgrade to engineer.

Almost all builds that are mainstream /require/ an elite spec due to the amount of damage, or utility they offer over the base spec, outside of players who "play how i want" very few people use base classes due to them being underpowered by themselves.

Elite specs have made core content idiotically easy to the point that i cant recall ever dying in level 80 maps(core) on any of my characters running "meta" builds, and dungeons(Yes they are abandoned) can easily be be three manned where even after the nerfs they got before HoT and PoF went live they could not.

The games balance needs to be looked at, across the board, two expansions in and with the third being held off till the end of season 5 this is probably the best time to do it.

Base warrior and guardian have a dps build last time i checked, condi engi was a thing not sure how much now and I've heard some core classes are used in pvp.

The difference isn't always that bad and most of the time an elite spec is a dps increase is because their are no 3 dps traitlines

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@Ashantara.8731 said:And last but not least, I sincerely hope that, if there ever is to be a GW3, it would take place in Tyria's past (before GW1), not its future; I don't need any more sci-fi skin designs or crazy magi-tech to ruin my fantasy game experience. ;)

I was unsure if I should like this post. I agree with the idea of reducing tech, but I don´t want a prequel. Watching the Hobbit or Phantom Menace was bad enough, I don´t want to interact with lets say a king of Orr or Ascalon in the sure knowledge that he will be either a fool or a traitor.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:I would rather see GW2 continue with expansions, as they have. For one thing, not a single person (at last check) had earned enough achievement points to get a full set of radiant or hellfire armor. And, I really want to see a character in full radiant armor.

I don't care what they call it, but I don't want to lose the progress I've attained. If they came out with a new game not directly connected to GW2, I probably would keep playing GW2, and ignore the new game.... I bet many people playing GW1 thought that too. And it doesnt really matter, does it? It's OK to play an old game.

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I love Gw2 and a lot of its systems.But I really think that the combat is actually both fun and also holding the game back.Its too twitchy and doesn't always allow for more interesting gameplayConditions like slow and chill only last for a second and rarely feel impactful.The lack of cast times mean you just spam the skill when it reloads.I wish not every class had a healing skill.I want a slower paced action combat feel.The world looks beautiful still but the character models need an update to feel more solid and realistic.MORE EMOTES. MORE THEMATICS. MORE CUTSCENES. Gw2 is a great game when it comes to concepts but it feels light on the budget.

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@Elspereth.1280 said:You do know that the Hobbit was written before Lord of the Rings, right :)

Therefore I wrote watching, not reading. And If the Hobbit had been the first Film of Peter Jackson, you would be totally right. It is a directors disease to ruin such classics by being a special snowflake and giving two skritts about continuity.

And I am not sure, but did Lucas not have to choose which story he wanted to tell because of budget cuts? If he had chosen otherwise, maybe Phantom Menace would today be the timeless classic that Episode IV is and Episode IV hot garbage.^^

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@Torolan.5816 said:I was unsure if I should like this post. I agree with the idea of reducing tech, but I don´t want a prequel. Watching the Hobbit or Phantom Menace was bad enough

How dare you compare the phenomenal Hobbit movies (which were a thousand times better than the LotR adaption) with garbage like the Star Wars prequels? :o (faints) :s

I don´t want to interact with lets say a king of Orr or Ascalon in the sure knowledge that he will be either a fool or a traitor.

I am talking generations before the characters from GW1, that means no Adelbern and no Vizier Khilbron. ;)

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