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Concerns about Elementalist


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@"AliamRationem.5172" said:I think weaver is the best example of what an elite spec should be in terms of its impact on play style. It represents a dramatic change in feel relative to its core spec. Compare to tempest, which is pretty much just core ele with access to shouts and overloads. Central to that is this tradeoff. Being locked into your attunement choices with half of that choice predetermined by your previous swap, able to access only part of your kit from your current attunement configuration.

Having said that, I completely understand that this "locked in" feel is not everyone's cup of tea. If you love core ele, you might not love weaver. That's just how it's going to be the more dramatic the departure is from the core design. That's also not an excuse for the various legitimate complaints players have regarding weaver and elementalist in general!

Don't overlook the positives that come with the trade, however. Consider the previous example:

I'm getting my face rapid fired by a ranger while in air/fire. What do I do? I could just dodge, rotate attunements, and cast air 4 for the projectile block. It's a 0.5s cast, but the barrier generated from dodge combined with passive signet healing should result in negligible damage. It would probably be best to rotate to earth regardless, as protection will reduce any damage that does land and the evade on earth 2 is there as well if I need it. However, I could also rotate to water and use riptide to evade, heal, and close distance. Or if they're close enough, polaric leap for the interrupt and gap close, rotate fire and attempt to land a gale -> pyrovortex to turn the tables!

Compare to core/tempest. If I rotate to water or earth to use the skills I have there, I don't get to access those offhand air skills anymore. I do get to use the offhand skills of that attunement on demand, however. That's the tradeoff. Neither one is "better". They're very different, which I think is a good thing! I wish more elite specs felt this impactful.

Thanks for the tutorial but i dont think that it helps to progress with the discussion. As i said before, there are all kind of ways to dodge/block/heal any type of attack, even the weaver has them in a way or the other, but that doesnt mean that the weaver is a properly balanced specialization. I think is too easy to use and too boring and, unfortunately, this is the direction that this game is heading to with most classes. Remember when everybody was wearing zerk gear and how technical the combat was?

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@Alex.2908 said:

@"AliamRationem.5172" said:I think weaver is the best example of what an elite spec should be in terms of its impact on play style. It represents a dramatic change in feel relative to its core spec. Compare to tempest, which is pretty much just core ele with access to shouts and overloads. Central to that is this tradeoff. Being locked into your attunement choices with half of that choice predetermined by your previous swap, able to access only part of your kit from your current attunement configuration.

Having said that, I completely understand that this "locked in" feel is not everyone's cup of tea. If you love core ele, you might not love weaver. That's just how it's going to be the more dramatic the departure is from the core design. That's also not an excuse for the various legitimate complaints players have regarding weaver and elementalist in general!

Don't overlook the positives that come with the trade, however. Consider the previous example:

I'm getting my face rapid fired by a ranger while in air/fire. What do I do? I could just dodge, rotate attunements, and cast air 4 for the projectile block. It's a 0.5s cast, but the barrier generated from dodge combined with passive signet healing should result in negligible damage. It would probably be best to rotate to earth regardless, as protection will reduce any damage that does land and the evade on earth 2 is there as well if I need it. However, I could also rotate to water and use riptide to evade, heal, and close distance. Or if they're close enough, polaric leap for the interrupt and gap close, rotate fire and attempt to land a gale -> pyrovortex to turn the tables!

Compare to core/tempest. If I rotate to water or earth to use the skills I have there, I don't get to access those offhand air skills anymore. I do get to use the offhand skills of that attunement on demand, however. That's the tradeoff. Neither one is "better". They're very different, which I think is a good thing! I wish more elite specs felt this impactful.

Thanks for the tutorial but i dont think that it helps to progress with the discussion. As i said before, there are all kind of ways to dodge/block/heal any type of attack, even the weaver has them in a way or the other, but that doesnt mean that the weaver is a properly balanced specialization. I think is too easy to use and too boring and, unfortunately, this is the direction that this game is heading to with most classes. Remember when everybody was wearing zerk gear and how technical the combat was?

I suppose you're right. Weaver is relatively easy. Not because core is a marvel of complexity by comparison, but because core just plain sucks and the way they've designed elite specs makes it very difficult to improve core without also improving the elites.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:I suppose you're right. Weaver is relatively easy. Not because core is a marvel of complexity by comparison, but because core just plain sucks and the way they've designed elite specs makes it very difficult to improve core without also improving the elites.

I agree with that. And it was even the other way around, and this is also avalable for other classes as well, by nerfing some elites that had to be fixed they have nerfed the core too much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't see how core elementalist can compete with elite specs in all modes, is ArenaNet planning to address this issue or not?Tempest feels like a better core elementalist with overload skills, it doesn't feel as if it added some variance to the profession. I have played all elite ele specs and I hardly notice any difference between core and tempest. Both support and dps are sitting outside of the current Meta in PvE, especially in fractals. The only support tempest I have seen so far in 15 raid session was not even a full healer build, the profession's popularity is decreasing, how are you dealing with this issue.I believe in the philosophy that high risks mean high rewards, and this is why I am currently playing elementalist as a weaver, it has the highest amount of skills in the game but they don't hit hard enough to feel rewarding.The profession itself is very squishy baseline, low hp, low base armor, this should be addressed with a balance patch. Marshal stats and bunker build shouldn't be the solution for everything as it confines one profession into a 1 trick pony that doesn't excel on any role.Sword animations are too slow and predictable, this profession doesn't shine for hard CC or stealth mechanics and has low mobility baseline making it unable to compete with other professions.TLDR: Elementalist needs to be addressed to add more variety and reward players who mastered it with the high skill cap needed to play it decently.

What you can do to address this issue, you can rework tempest adding more variety to the elite spec from the core and add 1 of the following boons to the kit either alacrity, quickness or precision raid wide. It won't hurt other professions who provide these buffs but it would definitely make elementalist more attractive to recruit in squads.Increase the speed of sword weaver animations because the elite spec revolves around sword and it was designed for that purpose and add hard CC to the kit like stun or knockback. Increase the amount of barrier provided by hitting with dual attacks to compensate for the squishy nature of this profession and the vulnerability of being in melee range exposing it to all direct damage and making it unable to kite with ranged attacks.

Game mode: I am referring mostly to PvE, because PvP and WvW elementalist is only viable as a 1 trick pony bunker build. Zerg support has been hit hard by nerfs and it not in a decent spot right now.

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@"Touchme.1097" said:I can't see how core elementalist can compete with elite specs in all modes, is ArenaNet planning to address this issue or not?Tempest feels like a better core elementalist with overload skills, it doesn't feel as it adds some variance to the profession. I have played all elite ele specs and I hardly notice any difference between core and tempest. Both support and dps are sitting outside of the current Meta in PvE, especially in fractals. The only support tempest I have seen so far in 15 raid session was not even a full healer build, the profession's popularity is decreasing, how are you dealing with this issue.I believe in the philosophy that high risks mean high rewards, and this is why I am currently playing elementalist as a weaver, it has the highest amount of skills in the game but they don't hit hard enough to feel rewarding.The profession itself is very squishy baseline, low hp, low base armor, this should be addressed with a balance patch. Marshal stats and bunker build shouldn't be the solution for everything as it confines one profession into a 1 trick pony that doesn't excel on any role.Sword animations are too slow and predictable, this profession doesn't shine for hard CC or stealth mechanics and has low mobility baseline making it unable to compete with other professions.TLDR: Elementalist needs to be addressed to add more variety and reward players who mastered it with the high skill cap needed to play it decently.

What you can do to address this issue, you can rework tempest adding more variety to the elite spec from the core and add 1 of the following boons to the kit either alacrity, quickness or precision raid wide. It won't hurt other professions who provide these buffs but it would definitely make elementalist more attractive to recruit in squads.Increase the speed of sword weaver animations because the elite spec revolves around sword and it was designed for that purpose and add hard CC to the kit like stun or knockback. Increase the amount of barrier provided by hitting with dual attacks to compensate for the squishy nature of this profession and the vulnerability of being in melee range exposing it to all direct damage and making it unable to kite with ranged attacks.

Game mode: I am referring mostly to PvE, because PvP and WvW elementalist is only viable as a 1 trick pony bunker build. Zerg support has been hit hard by nerfs and it not in a decent spot right now.

As it stands, the best use for core class I found is as "quick attunement rotation", typical cantrip strategy that worked with d/d ele back in the days, still somehow work. Other than that it depends on how you want to play, the class is really unforgiving and at times feels useless, I can still manage something on the class ( more because people always think an ele player as easy kill ) but overall the class is not optimal in any game mode....it's just mostly viable depending on the player's skills

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@"korioaurel.3041" said:Hi,

I'm coming here to explain my point of view as a pvp/wvw main ele. Maybe someone from anet will read that and think about.

Well friends we are suffering, ele is doing things but it's never the best at it, it's most of the time the worst, except maybe aura share but nowadays wars are better support.

Let's decompose this analysis based on specs and weapon.

First of all core ele, not much to say it's just not doing fine at any spot, there are tons of class out there doing way better than core ele.

Secondly tempest, the eternal healbot, it's funny but it's just about spamming auras, there are no any game breaking skills (maybe tornado) as other support class has. Also it does little to no pressure on enemy team. You can also play dps LR tempest, it's funny but against good players you'll never land any successful overload, rip.

Finally the weaver. Oh man how hyped I was when they revealed sword on ele, I was thinking of it as a melee bruiser with lots of damage and mobility, the result ends up to be disappointing. Weaver mechanics is really good, but man, weapons skills...

So let's now go into the deepest issues of eles, weapons!

Daggers: I use to love DD ele, it was my first crush on the game back in 2012 and now it's just meh. The burst is low (if you are not full glassy which mandatory), mobility suck, dagger offhand is not used at all and main hand it's the best we have (we'll come to scepter). Daggers used to be the offtank weapons of ele, giving you damage, mobility and sustain, sadly it's been overperformed by almost everything.

Focus: The best offhand weapon out there, simply because dagger sucks. The main issue there is you don't have any offensive offhand on ele. Still I think focus is our best weapon

Scepter: Here we are, the most painful weapon. I used to love playing FA core ele, the scepter felt kitten good and offers lots of counterplays. The burst was all nice and it has some blind which help. But again, as daggers, it's now completely under performing, after all nerfs to FA weaver you full burst is not able to kill anything. I played it again recently and it was just so bad, damage is low, mobility is non existent, defensive cd are just useless... This weapon is a shame on this state and because of it burst ele is just bad. And please, don't come up with the "yes but It could one shot someone so it needed to be nerfed". There are legit a ton a things that can one shot in this game, lot's of class can 100-0 in few seconds with the right combo, the difference was that zerk FA weaver was squishy as hell when reaper, reve, holo are tanky and thief/mesmer can stealth and got better mobility.

Staff: not much to say, never been meta in pvp, in wvw it's meh.

Warhorn: funny but skills are not good compared to focus

Sword: skill are slow, so slow, animations takes forever which makes damages so easy to dodge. This weapon needs to be rework. All autos attacks are slow, fire 2 is nice but too slow to land, water 2 needs to be something else, air 2 is fine, earth 2 we need to be able to move while using it.... I'm not going to comment all the 3 skills it's mostly about slow animation. It's even worst if you compare to other classes swords like rev or guardian.

Lastly I would also address some specific considerations about how low are damages on this class, disclaimer I don't care of pve meta, I think that PVP, PVE and WVW must all have separate meta otherwise ele is just impossible to balance. But please, nowadays any class got more damage than ele, the LR weaver requires you to go zerk to do something and because you are that squishy you get oneshoted by anything. I don't find it fair, on reaper, holo or reve damages are so much higher, any skill can be a 4-5k crit while on ele it's 2k max? If you beat someone that means you have to outplay him several times while he only has to hit you once... As I said anything ele does something does it way better so what's the point of this class? It's been underperforming for years now, since 2015 the only viable build at high elo was the aurashare support. Sure fire weaver had a spot but if a team had to choose between weaver or holo/soulbeast they put a cross on the ele. FA weaver was sometimes shinning when there were no good thief or mesmer but now it's pointless to bring such garbage... Other classes elite spec got reworked (reaper, berserker, scrapper, ...) but ele stayed the same, tempest hasn't moved since 2015 and weaver since 2017. Staff and Scepter got nerfed and that's basically it. The only rework we had was on.... AURAS, yes of course, let's change a bit the only thing that's viable... This rework was minor to nothing, hasn't change the playstyle, hasn't bring anything new, it's just meh.

Its cause they nerfed lightning flash too much and also the cd of mist form and our other invulns.

Ele being so delicate deserves to have some form of viable defenses considering unlike nec they are super squishy.

The way for instance holo seems with getting away is what ele needs to stay viable, that and form of damage thats good with not too much cast time.

@Alex.2908 said:

@AliamRationem.5172 said:I suppose you're right. Weaver is relatively easy. Not because core is a marvel of complexity by comparison, but because core just plain sucks and the way they've designed elite specs makes it very difficult to improve core without also improving the elites.

I agree with that. And it was even the other way around, and this is also avalable for other classes as well, by nerfing some elites that had to be fixed they have nerfed the core too much.

Core guardian i heard is decent, and core nec in spvp made a comeback after folks demanded changes.

Folks are already demanding that elites shouldn't be a upgrade to the core, and they are right. I expect changes are going to be made to core ele, and i suspect.

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@Loboling.5293 said:Prob blocks and blinds next.


I do not think anet likes to give ele blocks as ele can do things during blocked and most of the ele def up to now are lock out def. Unless they do give ele a channel shield. Every thing the shield dose is channel and some what def aimed.

But if they make another elite spec. that simply dose the same thing as the core tempest and weaver (they all do the same thing) then its another wait of time.

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@Jski.6180 said:

@Loboling.5293 said:Prob blocks and blinds next.


I do not think anet likes to give ele blocks as ele can do things during blocked and most of the ele def up to now are lock out def. Unless they do give ele a channel shield. Every thing the shield dose is channel and some what def aimed.

But if they make another elite spec. that simply dose the same thing as the core tempest and weaver (they all do the same thing) then its another wait of time.

I think most of us deep down already know that in the end...we will be playing a bunker variant of the new elite for competitive environments, personally I have no illusions that this won't be the case, even if they'd give ele a strong and competitive blocking mechanic initially...we all know that Anet would nerf it to hell after the tears start flowing from the community when the number of eles rise above the below average normal quote.

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@Jski.6180 said:

@FrownyClown.8402 said:Give core ele double minor effects and innate lingering elements for 5s

I think it should be perment lingering elements. It lets core ele in effect be the atuments of its chose as you trait them. I like the double minor when in the atument is cool too.

Yeah i don't think this is such a good idea considering we have weaver it would literally defeat the whole purpose of the elite spec because that is it's signature thing. It would be like giving core engi access to the function gyro or core necro the ability to pick which shroud they want.

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@skunkstank.6128 said:

@FrownyClown.8402 said:Give core ele double minor effects and innate lingering elements for 5s

I think it should be perment lingering elements. It lets core ele in effect be the atuments of its chose as you trait them. I like the double minor when in the atument is cool too.

Yeah i don't think this is such a good idea considering we have weaver it would literally defeat the whole purpose of the elite spec because that is it's signature thing. It would be like giving core engi access to the function gyro or core necro the ability to pick which shroud they want.

Right but weaver is more about its dule skills and only needing to be partly in an atument to get the full atument benefit. We are talking about being in another atument and getting the benefit of another atuments line.

That and core ele is widly weaker then weaver so much so you can even call weaver a pure power creep of the core ele more so then what tempest was. Weaver is more tankly and dose more dmg then core ele.

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"Touchme.1097" said:I can't see how core elementalist can compete with elite specs in all modes, is ArenaNet planning to address this issue or not?Tempest feels like a better core elementalist with overload skills, it doesn't feel as it adds some variance to the profession. I have played all elite ele specs and I hardly notice any difference between core and tempest. Both support and dps are sitting outside of the current Meta in PvE, especially in fractals. The only support tempest I have seen so far in 15 raid session was not even a full healer build, the profession's popularity is decreasing, how are you dealing with this issue.I believe in the philosophy that high risks mean high rewards, and this is why I am currently playing elementalist as a weaver, it has the highest amount of skills in the game but they don't hit hard enough to feel rewarding.The profession itself is very squishy baseline, low hp, low base armor, this should be addressed with a balance patch. Marshal stats and bunker build shouldn't be the solution for everything as it confines one profession into a 1 trick pony that doesn't excel on any role.Sword animations are too slow and predictable, this profession doesn't shine for hard CC or stealth mechanics and has low mobility baseline making it unable to compete with other professions.TLDR: Elementalist needs to be addressed to add more variety and reward players who mastered it with the high skill cap needed to play it decently.

What you can do to address this issue, you can rework tempest adding more variety to the elite spec from the core and add 1 of the following boons to the kit either alacrity, quickness or precision raid wide. It won't hurt other professions who provide these buffs but it would definitely make elementalist more attractive to recruit in squads.Increase the speed of sword weaver animations because the elite spec revolves around sword and it was designed for that purpose and add hard CC to the kit like stun or knockback. Increase the amount of barrier provided by hitting with dual attacks to compensate for the squishy nature of this profession and the vulnerability of being in melee range exposing it to all direct damage and making it unable to kite with ranged attacks.

Game mode: I am referring mostly to PvE, because PvP and WvW elementalist is only viable as a 1 trick pony bunker build. Zerg support has been hit hard by nerfs and it not in a decent spot right now.

As it stands, the best use for core class I found is as "quick attunement rotation", typical cantrip strategy that worked with d/d ele back in the days, still somehow work. Other than that it depends on how you want to play, the class is really unforgiving and at times feels useless, I can still manage something on the class ( more because people always think an ele player as easy kill ) but overall
the class is not optimal in any game mode
....it's just mostly viable depending on the player's skills

Viable in any game mode? A profession that needs 2000 toughness and at least 18k hp in the open world is not designed to be viable, it's a complete disaster! In order to make it "sort of" viable you have to force and squeeze all the useful stats that compensate for the bad design this profession is suffering.Either it gets a serious quality balance patch or we'd all better stop playing it. This profession is at the very bottom tier and it will never see better days. It has been years since people started pointing out to ArenaNet that elementalist is underperforming and badly designed, probably nobody in the studio plays this profession because the flaws are so big it's impossible not to notice them and the bonus part is you don't even need to be an expert to do so.

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Or how about we return ele to being a long range class seeing as it's the squishiest thing in the world and shouldn't have to rely on gimmicks to survive lol Everything would be cool If I wasn't forced in melee combat because Battle mage=1337 bro, even though a battle mage should wear heavy armor... Tempest overloads require close range, weaver is all close range because scepter and staff are really just lacking in what they provide. Scepter lacks usability outside its old "one-shot" builds, it used to be able to dual before powercreep, but its damage and survivability just can't keep up, and it's aoe skills are locked behind delayed skillshots (dragons tooth, pheonix, shatterstone). Staff has been gutted and suffers from 2012 balance in terms of rooted skills and having too many aoe's that require the enemy to stand still. I mean it works I guess for are denial in pvp modes, but like cmon, it sucks. it's too slow and doesn't hit hard until you get it going. Very bad design for quick, flowing and active combat that this game is designed around.

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@"ScottBroChill.3254" said:Or how about we return ele to being a long range class seeing as it's the squishiest thing in the world and shouldn't have to rely on gimmicks to survive lol Everything would be cool If I wasn't forced in melee combat because Battle mage=1337 bro, even though a battle mage should wear heavy armor... Tempest overloads require close range, weaver is all close range because scepter and staff are really just lacking in what they provide. Scepter lacks usability outside its old "one-shot" builds, it used to be able to dual before powercreep, but its damage and survivability just can't keep up, and it's aoe skills are locked behind delayed skillshots (dragons tooth, pheonix, shatterstone). Staff has been gutted and suffers from 2012 balance in terms of rooted skills and having too many aoe's that require the enemy to stand still. I mean it works I guess for are denial in pvp modes, but like cmon, it sucks. it's too slow and doesn't hit hard until you get it going. Very bad design for quick, flowing and active combat that this game is designed around.

The thing is weaver is also a long ranged class but simply stronger then core in both dmg and def as well as tempest being a long ranged class but some what stronger in def. The ability of staff being an wepon chose for every elite spec of ele makes every elite spec a long ranged class.

Core ele is significantly glasseser then weaver and tempest yet it get nothing for it AND the weaver and tempest gets all of there skills from the core ele (you realty dont not see tempest of weaver use there weapons.)

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@"ScottBroChill.3254" said:Or how about we return ele to being a long range class seeing as it's the squishiest thing in the world and shouldn't have to rely on gimmicks to survive lol Everything would be cool If I wasn't forced in melee combat because Battle mage=1337 bro, even though a battle mage should wear heavy armor... Tempest overloads require close range, weaver is all close range because scepter and staff are really just lacking in what they provide. Scepter lacks usability outside its old "one-shot" builds, it used to be able to dual before powercreep, but its damage and survivability just can't keep up, and it's aoe skills are locked behind delayed skillshots (dragons tooth, pheonix, shatterstone). Staff has been gutted and suffers from 2012 balance in terms of rooted skills and having too many aoe's that require the enemy to stand still. I mean it works I guess for are denial in pvp modes, but like cmon, it sucks. it's too slow and doesn't hit hard until you get it going. Very bad design for quick, flowing and active combat that this game is designed around.

There is a reason why the number of people choosing this class keeps decreasing........

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@AreeSoothsayer.1068 said:I'm a simple fellow. Remove the timer from the elementals. Say summon 2 lessers and 1 normal. They stay up until defeated. Keeping track of their cooldown to keep 3 up has a slowly increasing time of only 2 up, because of the cast time of the spell itself. Treat them like the NEcro abominations.

Ya that would be nice to see it would give ele a relaibitly frost field out side of its weapons and realty give ele as a class effects out side of its wepon set that they are very much locked to.

Sadly ele is less of an mage in this game and more of an specialist class. Something never got why most of what makes ele and ele comes from its wepon not from its utility.

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I don't know why we still have different HP base for class and nothing was made with introduction of specialisation, except a nerf on scrapper which now have no sense with the reduction of damage.What is the reason why necromancers have the same HP base than warior with all this barrier / weakness / corrupt / fear while ele lake cc.Each time I see an ele on fractals, they down pretty much everytime on each boss.

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I wish they'd spruce up arcane trait line a bit. The boon uptimes seem so stingy for the range of boons it provides. Some thoughts/suggestions:

Protection uptime on earth attunement swap is strong, but I think vigor, swiftness, fury, might, and regen could all be increased. Ideally, this should come from improvements to arcane prowess, renewing stamina, and elemental attunement. Change elemental lockdown to grant 3s quickness on interrupt instead of boons based upon attunement. Add boons to evasive arcana and a 1s chill to the water dodge. Increase boon share radius to allies. Add a passive 5s protection on a 60s icd to Final Shielding. Drop weakness from arcane precision and replace with some other non-CC condition, but reduce the icd from 3s to 1s.

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My continuous gripe with Anet is over their ridiculous design choices. I'm not even going to pick on ele mechanics. Let's just look at base stats.

In most games, you have magic defense and physical defense as separate things. Light armor classes trade better magic defense for lower physical defense. In this stupid game, there is no magic armor. But somehow heavy/light armor is a thing. Okay maybe light armor classes get to be ranged while heavy get to be melee so they balance range advantage with better stats. WAIT A MINUTE! BOOM!!! A revenant with 1200 range! Warriors with rifles and longbows! Gaurdians with ranged condi AND power dps!!! All heavy armor!! All bigger HP pool!!!

On top of that, the most viable weapon sets for elementalists with the LOWEST base stats for HP and armor are totally melee!!! On top of that Ele will still have the same power and attack as someone in full plated armor because big brain time berserker stats same for all armors but light armor has lesser base armor than heavy ????? How is that remotely fair or sensible!!! Can a developer be tagged here to answer what logic was used to design the game and what was the thought process behind all of.. this.. whatever this is?

Ele will have much better sustain if they adjusted the base stats for the class. It makes absolutely no sense for armor values to exist in this game as separate for heavy, light and medium classes given how there seems to be no tradeoff to playing a Heavy armor class. You deal the same damage with berserker stats on each class oh but somehow Ele has to do it with lesser HP and armor...

If they really want to give light armor classes lower base armor, punish the high armor classes with either lower base power or add in something like magic armor. If that's not the case, remove this crap about light armor vs heavy and standardize it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think there are a lot of ways to fix the heavy, medium and light armor diference other than armor value diferences.

For example: you can add some game related buff to the armor like 2 stacs of stability for heavy. Vigor, swiftness or might for light, medium armor with a middle point between heavy and light.Maybe some number bonus like vitality for heavy and power, condi damage, healing, precision and/or ferocity for light armor, and again, some middle point for medium armor.You can think about how it feels diferent when you wear light vs heavy clothes and try to bring that feel to the game throw numbers and buffs

If you gonna make something about this issue, please, make something that make you feel rewarded (not punished like it is right now) about being forced to use a certain armor type.

Other thing you can do is allow every class in the game use every type of armor.

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