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Guild wars 2 on Xbox


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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:I don't remember the Devs stating that a controller was the reason for no porting to consoles. I think working on the Mac client is already as much as they want to work on, as far as other platforms go.

Just cause they didn't say it, doesn't mean it's not the case. I think that now a couple of MMOs have ported to consoles like BDO, I think they like the possibility of also having MMOs on the consoles cause it's good for their business I'm sure.

Whether or not ArenaNet sees it as good for their business remains to be seen still. However, I wouldn't expect them to say everything they think to the world, so not mentioning it, means very little. I would get it on my Xbox though if they did go that way.

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@"Ayrilana.1396" said:https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-07-01-what-happened-to-guild-wars-2-on-console

Things likely haven’t changed since then.

I like this part and I quote: "I don't think we would ever say no,"

I honestly don't know where things are today, but they indicated their main barrier was the speed of pushing out updates and I have no idea if that's easier now or not, but a lot can happen in 5 years.

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@Hesacon.8735 said:If the Xbox one can support proper windows apps at some point, wouldn't it be fully functional with GW2 with the advent of mouse/keyboard support?

This seems like something in Microsoft's court more than Anet's.

Well, there are two elements to this. First of all would GW2 be playable only with mouse and keyboard support or also with controllers. If it should also support controllers then a port has to be made to facilitate that. And of course there is the matter of taking out the graphics options because they would have to be set to fixed parameters.

So it's not just Microsoft's issue.

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@Gehenna.3625 said:

@"Ayrilana.1396" said:

Things likely haven’t changed since then.

I like this part and I quote:
"I don't think we would ever say no,"

I honestly don't know where things are today, but they indicated their main barrier was the speed of pushing out updates and I have no idea if that's easier now or not, but a lot can happen in 5 years.

It really hasn’t.

I don’t see Anet being able to have console players share the same servers with PC players. At the very least probably not a willingness to because of the implications that would cause.

Consoles would likely get their own servers. Sony has so far been unwilling to cooperate with other games so there would need to be a PS4 server and an XBox server. Will there be enough players to make it worth it? Will the extra costs be too prohibitive?

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I like this part and I quote:
"I don't think we would ever say no,"

I honestly don't know where things are today, but they indicated their main barrier was the speed of pushing out updates and I have no idea if that's easier now or not, but a lot can happen in 5 years.

It really hasn’t.

I don’t see Anet being able to have console players share the same servers with PC players. At the very least probably not a willingness to because of the implications that would cause.

Consoles would likely get their own servers. Sony has so far been unwilling to cooperate with other games so there would need to be a PS4 server and an XBox server. Will there be enough players to make it worth it? Will the extra costs be too prohibitive?

You do raise some good points. Since the mouse and keyboard control is only for the Xbox One, the PS4 is not in scope in my deliberations though. And yes, it would require people to use the same servers regardless of whether they're on PC or Xbox or this is not likely to go well.

I wouldn't hold my breath personally, but sometimes technological developments do bring new opportunities, so in that respect I say who knows. But you're right there are a number of serious factors that could stop it from happening.

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I like this part and I quote:
"I don't think we would ever say no,"

I honestly don't know where things are today, but they indicated their main barrier was the speed of pushing out updates and I have no idea if that's easier now or not, but a lot can happen in 5 years.

It really hasn’t.

I don’t see Anet being able to have console players share the same servers with PC players. At the very least probably not a willingness to because of the implications that would cause.

Consoles would likely get their own servers. Sony has so far been unwilling to cooperate with other games so there would need to be a PS4 server and an XBox server. Will there be enough players to make it worth it? Will the extra costs be too prohibitive?

You do raise some good points. Since the mouse and keyboard control is only for the Xbox One, the PS4 is not in scope in my deliberations though. And yes, it would require people to use the same servers regardless of whether they're on PC or Xbox or this is not likely to go well.

I wouldn't hold my breath personally, but sometimes technological developments do bring new opportunities, so in that respect I say who knows. But you're right there are a number of serious factors that could stop it from happening.

While mouse/keyboard vs controller could cause issues, I don’t see it being a major setback from there being console versions. There are much larger issues that need to be dealt with.

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@Gehenna.3625 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:I don't remember the Devs stating that a controller was the reason for no porting to consoles. I think working on the Mac client is already as much as they want to work on, as far as other platforms go.

Just cause they didn't say it, doesn't mean it's not the case. I think that now a couple of MMOs have ported to consoles like BDO, I think they like the possibility of also having MMOs on the consoles cause it's good for their business I'm sure.

Whether or not ArenaNet sees it as good for their business remains to be seen still. However, I wouldn't expect them to say everything they think to the world, so not mentioning it, means very little. I would get it on my Xbox though if they did go that way.

Pretty sure they said something else was the case; but, sure, anything that hasn't been said could be the case in anything.

The point is, the OP states the ArenaNet gave 'controllers' as the reason there is no XBox support. Again, I don't believe that was ever stated as the reason. Nor that they were ever considering XBox or any other console.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:I don't remember the Devs stating that a controller was the reason for no porting to consoles. I think working on the Mac client is already as much as they want to work on, as far as other platforms go.

Just cause they didn't say it, doesn't mean it's not the case. I think that now a couple of MMOs have ported to consoles like BDO, I think they like the possibility of also having MMOs on the consoles cause it's good for their business I'm sure.

Whether or not ArenaNet sees it as good for their business remains to be seen still. However, I wouldn't expect them to say everything they think to the world, so not mentioning it, means very little. I would get it on my Xbox though if they did go that way.

Pretty sure they said something else was the case; but, sure, anything that hasn't been said could be the case in anything.

The point is, the OP states the ArenaNet gave 'controllers' as the reason there is no XBox support. Again, I don't believe that was ever stated as the reason. Nor that they were ever considering XBox or any other console.

They did give other reasons but my point is that just because they didn't mention something, doesn't automatically mean it's not something that's a concern. That just means we don't know whether it's a concern or not. Most people do not tend to say everything that comes in their mind. Doesn't mean it never crossed their mind though.

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ANet never listed controller versus mouse as the primary reason for not offering the game to XBox. It's a lot of work to port a game (and this one doesn't seem to do well as a port, as we've seen from the Mac version). Setting up a native version is more work still. maintaining either a port or a native version is an enormous commitment.

And the only thing that has changed is: XBox, on their official channel, has announced that they are setting up a public preview of mouse support. There's no indication that this is going to be an interesting enough change to attract many games, let alone GW2.

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The reason arenanet will not make a console version is because they did not come into terms with updates of gw2. Arenanet did not like the fact that each patch you had to cough up extra dough to be released in console versions. The fact that pc and Mac have their own fixes. Then you have to work on PlayStation and Xbox per patch but, per patch of ps4 and xb1, it cost money for any release. Be it content or bug fixes.

Arenanet does quite a few bug patches after releasing new content. Which could make 2 problems.

  1. The cost will be atleast 6 times after the new content released. Knowing arenanet, after new content they release atleast 2 more bug fix patches for everyone to play the game fine. When adding 2 consoles it could get worse.

  2. Patches or new content could take longer, all because PlayStation and Microsoft have fees each time for new releases.

The only good thing would be if arenanet did come to agreement, I would be right on board. However adding gw2 to console seems more negatives then positives.

The only positive is, possibilities for cross platform. However, consoles would be later for updates due to patch costs. And wanting bugs to be fixed before having to rerelease bug fixes.


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@Hesacon.8735 said:If the Xbox one can support proper windows apps at some point, wouldn't it be fully functional with GW2 with the advent of mouse/keyboard support?

This seems like something in Microsoft's court more than Anet's.

Its complicated. Microsoft controls the Platform, but its on the Developers to conform to its requirements and limitations. M$ could change things on the Platform, but historically getting them to do that is almost as difficult as getting Apple to willingly be compatible with other Ecosystems. PC gamers just assume Steam is like some defacto standard in the industry..... but the reality is Steam is an outlier in its success. Now thats just the Platform's Policies, and usually the main source of the conflicts.

Hardware-wise they're more or less identical at this point, but the Software that runs it still makes things incredibly difficult for everyone involved. And like the Platform policies that govern their design, thats entirely intentional. For instance, a games for Windows qualified program had to run WITHIN a certain range of specifications to ensure it ran on both Xbox and low end PCs; making it more of a branding move then anything technically productive. And thats not counting optimizations that only work on certain hardware (ie aimed at the Xbox).

Then theres GW2 internal optimization. This game can't multithread well, and most consoles are trying to go multi-threaded to allow for lower clock speeds and cheaper CPU fabs. The game will also have to run at 2k and 4k, because those are selling points for consoles now, not to mention memory allocations to make that work. Even without that, the 64-bit client chews up memory and needs a lot of throughput to perform well. Things that would either need a significant engine rework to utilize properly, or a fork of the engine dedicated to it. The game's not in a good position to do a straight port.

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@DreamyAbaddon.3265 said:I hope this game doesn't come out on Xbox... My first MMORPG was Final Fantasy 11 and because it was also released on PS2 the developers had to keep the PS2 hardware limitations in mind for future content and god that sucked so much. I don't want that same crap to happen to my beloved GW2.

Now a days consoles don't hold back PC versions due to how close in performance modern consoles are to the average PC/laptop being used. Xbox and PS4 simply get altered settings or some things disabled, which end up altered/disabled for most people on a PC/laptop anyways. The focus on hardware efficiency and lack of leaps in hardware performance allowed consoles to keep up in performance.

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