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Skyscale Skins

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@Kylden Ar.3724 said:Who's going to buy skins for a mount they have not unlocked?

I have! :lol: I’ve bought two griffon skins over the past year that I really liked but ended up spending my energies elsewhere. Oh well, I’ll enjoy it all the more when I finally unlock it this month!

Anyway, I’m sure everyone will get the Skyscale who want it, just will take longer for some than others. I’m preparing charged quartz and will be saving LWS4 map currencies (still in PoF now, like I said, behind, but I’m having fun).

Sorry to derail thread! :open_mouth: I think variations of the dragon look will be nicest — For instance, I really like both the traditional raptor look as well as the more lizard-like one from exotic mounts. :) If Skyscale are at all related to dragons, something Mordremoth/sylvari-themed could be cool.

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@VDAC.2137 said:

@Kylden Ar.3724 said:Who's going to buy skins for a mount they have not unlocked?

I have! :lol: I’ve bought two griffon skins over the past year that I really liked but ended up spending my energies elsewhere. Oh well, I’ll enjoy it all the more when I finally unlock it this month!

Anyway, I’m sure everyone will get the Skyscale who want it, just will take longer for some than others. I’m preparing charged quartz and will be saving LWS4 map currencies (still in PoF now, like I said, behind, but I’m having fun).

Sorry to derail thread! :open_mouth: I think variations of the dragon look will be nicest — For instance, I really like both the traditional raptor look as well as the more lizard-like one from exotic mounts. :) If Skyscale are at all related to dragons, something Mordremoth/sylvari-themed could be cool.

I might never have bothered to do the Griffon quest, but the RNG mount pack gave me the fire griffon, so...motivation!

Anyway, I'm wondering whether they might release a Skyscale skin pack like they did with Warclaw., or just treat it like the beetle and griffon and have a premium skin come out soon and/or some basic ones in the next general mount set.

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@"joneirikb.7506" said:I want a skin that is timegated, to go thematically with the SkyScale.

Or perhaps just a flying GrindStone ;)

We joked about this last night after finishing rifts.

Friend "There was probably some hidden achievement for doing those rifts in order"

Me: "Yes, it was probably an exclusive, timegated skin collection"

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@runeblade.7514 said:I would like a default skin but I can dye my mount with more than one channel.

You’d think with this insane collection we would at least have more than one due channel...

I don’t think a wyvern skin is out of the question though.

I imagine we’ll get some premium skin first, then mount packs. I’d like something that looks more like the wyverns or game of thrones dragons though. Thankfully they can do some pretty neat things with dragon skins. I wouldn’t be surprised to see an actual crystal/glint style skin at some point. But who knows.

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@navystylz.9745 said:Was just thinking, with some of the mythical skins out for our mounts so far, it would be cool to get a manticore skin for the skyscale.

Manticore have dragon wings, lion body and scorpion tail.

I want a humming bird skin for my skyscale and a skyscale skin for my griffon. Of course it would be a humming bird that breathes fire. Hey if the giant sloth can breathe fire then so can a humming bird. :D

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