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Vision Suggestion (colors) - How do you like the new Legendary Trinket?

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I'm curious what people think about the new Legendary Trinker - Vision.It has an extra effect while combined with Aurora. On its own, it is the exact same to Aurora.

I, personally, think that this is a good step to reducing visual clutter while at the same time making people go for the full Legendary Accessory set.

On the other hand - that looks pretty dull. I understand the combine effect but why keep the same color? The Trinkets could have something more to them. Let's say every legendary accessory has the exact same animation, etc. but the different color - Green, Blue, Orange/Red, Purple, Yellow, Grey - this way every class can have its thematic color theme. Let's be honest - purple is a basic legendary color but it mostly fits Mesmer color-wise.

Let's say Vision has a Blue color.

1 - Aurora is purple, Vision is (let's say) blue2 - Whichever Trinket you equip first will maintain its color in an upgraded version3 - You equip Aurora (purple), then respectively Vision (blue) - legendary aura stays purple4 - You equip Vision (blue), then respectively Aurora (purple) - legendary aura stays *blue

What do you think about this? It's just a simple system that could make it more versatile. This way people could keep whichever color they like + get the exact same upgraded version of combined legendary trinkets / future accessories.

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Completely looking forward to owning it, even if I'm mid grind.

I do like the combined effect. Great idea both to reduce visual noise as well as offer people who own both trinkets a little extra (I own Aurora).

I do agree that giving Vision a different color with the same effect would be cool. Obviously not every one will be happy with what ever color is chosen. Maybe blue or yellow would meet most criteria (poor necro, though yellow and green work together, so do yellow and black).

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They could have made Vision blue (as it's tied with Aurene who is blue and Aurora has some blue in it as well) and kept the orbs if necessary to make it stand out from Aurora yet still match it. Keep the combined effect, because that's a neat idea. The fact that it's 100% identical just comes across as uninspired to me. A recolor would at least look different, even if it had the same in-combat effect (floating orbs).

I already have Aurora, and knowing that that I'm making something that, on its own, looks identical to Aurora, takes the fun out of it, for me. Sure I'll get a different in-combat appearance at the end of it when they're combined, but the finished individual product is lackluster when it's identical to the previous legendary trinket. All this crafting, all these collections, to end up with something that looks a clone of an existing item you already have doesn't feel very legendary to me.

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I’m not a fan of the bouncy balls design regardless of color. I would much prefer a subtler look — a glint from the ear or hand and a visible earring/ring on close inspection.

The idea behind it — visions and memories sounds intriguing but I am dissuaded from getting it because I don’t care for the look. A lot of stuff, including some infusions really overdue the glowy gaudy spiky sparkly in-your-face looks. Great for people who want those, but it would be nice to have more subtle options (some of the weapon skins do this great, with just a small flutter of petals or leaves — yes, I’m a sylvari person) or even sliders for effects one equips (similar to how you set the effect intensity for the sylvari glow).

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i really like it, i was wondering how they gonna make 5 different auras for 5 different trinkets. but this is really cool that it just 2 in 1.

i just hope the pair of rings have a different effect, and not just balls in diff colour lol... the amulet should also have its own effect.

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Like I said in the other thread on the same subject;

  • great to reduce potential visual noise by not clashing two effects. Also means potentially you get a duplicate effect for alts. Great, but this wasn’t the best way to go that

  • pretty much showing they don’t really take on board feedback beyond the short term. There has been a lot of feedback to say less pinks and purpled and more other colours. Yes it combines to.l a blue but why not be a more unique colour if they insist on not bothering to design a new effect? Means you need both in the same toon now

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As an Aurora owner I think they should enhance the combined visual effect a lot more to make it worth crafting after Aurora.They enhanced visual effects of some legendary weapons before, I hope they enhance this one too. I was looking for another legendary to craft.

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I have a couple of issues with Vision.Vision by itself looks exactly like Aurora which is terrible since a lot of people have complained about not liking those floaty balls when you draw your weapon, it's probably the number 1 reason why I still haven't finished Aurora and will most likely not bother with Vision either, they just don't look good.Then, when combined with Aurora, the Balls turn into Bubbles, which looks a tiny bit better but in turn the Aura looses its occasional sparks (at least as far as I could see on some videos) which basically removes the part that I liked a lot on the Aura and adds only a tiny improvement to the balls...I wish they had worked a little harder to try and make the second Trinket please those that didn't like Aurora instead of giving those that already liked Aurora another one..

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The effect will be further upgraded by the legendary ring Coalescence (from the W5/6 and probably W7). Most likely this means that all trinkets (+ the one that will be released in the future) will be combined into 1 effect. Before we see the final product we can't say which profession will be more suitable for it. However, we very much know that not every legendary fits every style.

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I'm glad it's so obnoxiously ugly but also lazy in that it looks too similar to Aurora as it saves me from wasting time + gold to obtain it. No offense to people that actually like this look, I just think it adds to the "broken graphics card" theme that seems to be the hot fashion atm with mmo's and glow in the dark rainbow glitter effects, especially ones that can be stacked as monstrously as gw2 allows.

I prefer subtle effects.

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Honestly I thought that Vision has only blue/purple aura effect and I really wanted to have it on mine daredevil. In general I dont like wings and other skins, which are mostly bigger than actual character (thats why I got Ad infinitum ...). So when some people crafted it and made video on youtube, saw that its very similar as Aurora, well all what I can say at least I got quite good amount of AP and really glad for something to do (1 more Astral weapon and I have finnished Vision: Awakening) :).

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A way to disable the orbs and/or aura would be nice. Brownie points for dye options.

But I don't know if we'll ever see it.

A lot of people didn't get Aurora because it was tacky, along with lack of color options. This is just an extra layer of refurbished tack on top of it so far.

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