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Are You a Clicker?

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I'm a clicker, but I would be interested to know how folks have their mouse setup (as well as what model of mouse they're using.) Being a clicker with multiple monitors, and playing in windowed mode makes for some panic inducing moments, where my mouse will end trying to drag items in an entirely different window. But the trade off is I can multitask, so if I can manage to reduce the need for panic clicking, I may end up with the best of both worlds. haha.

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@Taygus.4571 said:That seems really difficult and would be slow to react?

I use an xbox one elite controller. With quite the set uo to include all skills, mounts and targetting.This helped with tendonites and hand joint pain I would get from the keyboard.

With the setup I use, I rarely need to move my hand. My mounts are setup on the number pad, but the default chosen mount button is on ~. The rest are 1-4, Q,E,R,T,F,Z,X,C,shift+C,V,shift+V,G (interact) two extra mouse buttons, MMB, W,A,S,D for movement, and shift+MB5 for the action cam. It is the absolute laziest I could make, and what I use for all computer games. Some, like FF14 and WoW I just use both mouse buttons to move, and add in W to abilities.

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What about the option "Half a clicker"? D: I've key-bound more than half my skills, but I still click a few since I've ran outta keys to bind the skills to... and I used to be a full blown clicker, clicking all of my skills until I tried ESO. That game forced me to use the number keys for my skills (1-5). After that, I have everything bound except my first utility, my elite, my special action and my F2-4 skills (Photon Forge/Legend swap are bound). I have no keybind to select which mount to get on, so I have to use the drop down box to select and then use my keybind, "V", to mount. And no, "Q" and "E" are for movement! I will not give up those keys for anything else but strafing! Stubborn Face

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I click for anything right of "5". If my fingers leave WASD, I can't guarantee they'll find their way back accurately, and having to glance down to re-orient my fingers is a huge pain. Fancy gaming mice are off the table too - after 30 years of moving my mouse freestyle, I would hit the new buttons accidentally more often than not.

This is why I use a controller on games like FFXIV; your hands never leave their resting position, so no given button press is a "risk" to execute. They're all equidistant.

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No, I've optimized the keyboard commands so I can hit everything with minimal movement.

  • W, A, S, D\: Movement.
  • F, Q, E, C, R: Weapon skills 1 to 5
  • Alt + (F, Q, E, C, R): Healing, utility, elite
  • TAB: Swap weapons
  • ` (accent): Stow (don't use it much, not that skilled ^^)
  • 1 - 5: Special class skills
  • Alt + ` (accent): Griffon
  • Alt + (1 - 5): Raptor, Springer, Skimmer, Jackal, Beetle
  • Alt + X: Warclaw

(For those not familiar with the US English keyboard, the ` (accent) key is to the left of "1".)

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Partially...I only have 2 extra buttons on my RAT7 so I have to click skills from 7 to 0.No problem at all in pve... I just play a litte in wvw and no pvp at all.

Anyway, an option to have "No / Short / Detailed" tooltips would be great.

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Alas, yes, though I keep buying gaming mice... I tried to start with changing how I move (removing turn right and turn left keybinds and only keeping strafe) but having to hold the right mouse button down constantly (instead of briefly as I do now for adjustments) was very uncomfortable. I have yet to find a solution that really works for me.

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@Raemyi.2968 said:Fancy gaming mice are off the table too - after 30 years of moving my mouse freestyle, I would hit the new buttons accidentally more often than not.

Let me make some advertisement for Roccat here. I had the same issue for a long time, tried several mice with button layouts on the side. I have big hands and most mice are too small, same goes for the buttons. Until I found out about the Roccat Nyth. You can place the buttons yourself on the side and even deactivate and put a cover on them. I started out with just two double-buttons in each row and one deactivated at the bottom to rest my thumb on. It was impossible to get control with the other mice without hitting buttons accidentally. When I got comfortable enoughh, I split one double-button into two single ones. After a while, I did that with another double-button and thhen another. I still need that capped one for my thumb, but I have 9 buttons on the side to use now. It also has a nice lever on top which can be moved left or right with the knuckles, I put F1 and F2 there for my Steal. I really have no idea how people can play using the keyboard only, maybe it's because I play Thief and have to move constantly, my fingers never leave the movement keys.

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@VDAC.2137 said:Alas, yes, though I keep buying gaming mice... I tried to start with changing how I move (removing turn right and turn left keybinds and only keeping strafe) but having to hold the right mouse button down constantly (instead of briefly as I do now for adjustments) was very uncomfortable. I have yet to find a solution that really works for me.

How are your tool tips popping up? This doesn’t happen to me — I think I have to hold the mouse over the skill for longer or rightclick to see them? I can’t recall now but I definitely don’t have them flashing onto the screen during combat, etc.!

Mines always in my face. During combat etc. If you know how to make it go away I'd be in your debt forever :)

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@Taygus.4571 said:That seems really difficult and would be slow to react?

I use an xbox one elite controller. With quite the set uo to include all skills, mounts and targetting.This helped with tendonites and hand joint pain I would get from the keyboard.

@Ben K.6238 said:Clicking skills is a fairly reliable way to suck hard. I've seen some players who can keep their heads above water doing it, but it's like playing with your feet. It becomes impossible to keep up with players using proper control systems past a certain point.

Depends, in PvP/WvW it CAN be a hinderance, but not always, it all depends on latency as well. In open world it's not that much of a problem at all...don't know about Raids since I don't do those, nor can I speak for higher tier Fractals(level 1 it's fine).

@FrizzFreston.5290 said:Got actioncam on, can't click.

You sure about that? I'm pretty sure I have action cam on and I click all the time.

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@Zaklex.6308 said:

@Taygus.4571 said:That seems really difficult and would be slow to react?

I use an xbox one elite controller. With quite the set uo to include all skills, mounts and targetting.This helped with tendonites and hand joint pain I would get from the keyboard.

@Ben K.6238 said:Clicking skills is a fairly reliable way to suck hard. I've seen some players who can keep their heads above water doing it, but it's like playing with your feet. It becomes impossible to keep up with players using proper control systems past a certain point.

Depends, in PvP/WvW it CAN be a hinderance, but not always, it all depends on latency as well. In open world it's not that much of a problem at all...don't know about Raids since I don't do those, nor can I speak for higher tier Fractals(level 1 it's fine).

@FrizzFreston.5290 said:Got actioncam on, can't click.

You sure about that? I'm pretty sure I have action cam on and I click all the time.

Action cam removes your mouse, changes it into a target point...so you have to turn action cam off to click.

so if you're a clicker, you're defintely not using action cam.

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@Taygus.4571 said:

@Taygus.4571 said:That seems really difficult and would be slow to react?

I use an xbox one elite controller. With quite the set uo to include all skills, mounts and targetting.This helped with tendonites and hand joint pain I would get from the keyboard.

@Ben K.6238 said:Clicking skills is a fairly reliable way to suck hard. I've seen some players who can keep their heads above water doing it, but it's like playing with your feet. It becomes impossible to keep up with players using proper control systems past a certain point.

Depends, in PvP/WvW it CAN be a hinderance, but not always, it all depends on latency as well. In open world it's not that much of a problem at all...don't know about Raids since I don't do those, nor can I speak for higher tier Fractals(level 1 it's fine).

@FrizzFreston.5290 said:Got actioncam on, can't click.

You sure about that? I'm pretty sure I have action cam on and I click all the time.

Action cam removes your mouse, changes it into a target point...so you have to turn action cam off to click.

so if you're a clicker, you're definitely not using action cam.

Considering I don't even have it attached to a key to even toggle it on or off, you are correct...I was to lazy earlier to check my options(even though I'm at the character select screen and could've easily done so).

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@wrathmagik.3518 said:

@VDAC.2137 said:Alas, yes, though I keep buying gaming mice... I tried to start with changing how I move (removing turn right and turn left keybinds and only keeping strafe) but having to hold the right mouse button down constantly (instead of briefly as I do now for adjustments) was very uncomfortable. I have yet to find a solution that really works for me.

How are your tool tips popping up? This doesn’t happen to me — I think I have to hold the mouse over the skill for longer or rightclick to see them? I can’t recall now but I definitely don’t have them flashing onto the screen during combat, etc.!

Mines always in my face. During combat etc. If you know how to make it go away I'd be in your debt forever :)

My apologies for the misinformation! :anguished: I wasn’t noticing them, crazy as that sounds! It would be better if the didn’t always pop up, but at my resolution (assuming that affects their size?), their briefly popping up doesn’t bother me too much, to the point that I’d ceased registering them. Sorry to disappoint! :disappointed:

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