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Population so Low....


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@Daishi.6027 said:Even if lag or whatever issue was fixable... The entire thing would just be a band aid over a large triangle shaped wound.

People are still not going to want to play or get invested and that is what needs to be addressed.

Someone that actually gets it.Plz fix your poopies before doing any quality of life what so ever!

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@zoopop.5630 said:Is there a reason why Eu and Na can't be combined ?

It's something that just needs to happen at this point. Gotta be a way a to mediate the ping issues.

This low population is symptomatic to something wrong in the game. We all know what that is. As it was said above, even if you merge both EU/NA & manage good ping. The problem still remains. & what is happening now is going to happen again. But with Both EU/NA merged this time. & you'l get the same result. A game leaking all of it's players as time goes by bcuz the real problem is not being addressed. .

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Before anything... Small (less severe changes) balance patches more often, large (more severe, reworks) balance patches between seasons.Now...1 - Add more game modes and more maps2 - Add more queue options (options to be queued against only solo, duo, or groups)3 - Implement better rank restrictions for ranked (make it harder to smurf or bot) and apply rank penalties to accounts that bot/smurf/manipulate matches or dishonor4 - rework rewards (unique skins, unique auras) and achievements (make open arenas dailies again)5 - Implement that PvP legendary trinket that is in the works (2 for LW, 1 for Raids, 1 for PvP, 1 for WvW)6 - Cast, promote, showcase......Profit?

Oh yea... and build templates...

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@"Ithilwen.1529" said:I think the "why" is that builds have been made harder and harder to play. Contributing factors have been matchmaking and generally toxic atmosphere.I can't bring myself to log into The Mists most of the time these days.. I know I'm just going to get hammered.

Yeah, the game has gotten too insane on the build level. I seriously think it would be more fun if there were only 10 available builds and players had to choose as they see fit.

Imagine if chess had 400 piece types from which the player had to choose the 6 they do play with? What a nightmare, because no normal person can spend the time learning all this stuff.

As a rule keep the set pieces simple, but the strategy scaleable. GW2 has this backwards. Besides, does anyone really get excited they won because they had a better build and were able to corner and run down the inferior build?

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:played an unranked match... next game had 75% of the same people lol. was on na server eu time but still.

I seem to be lagging out like crazy too. wasn't like this before amazon server switch.Well during season most are playing ranked anyways. But this happens a lot for ranked matches as well but let's look it this way: 10 ppl just left the match and let's assume all of those 10 are queuing again.. Why would the match making system not match them together again if their rating was more or less the same.. Just swap out the highest and lowest scoring players and you got the same team ratings again. In unranked even more so since MM doesn't even need to take rating into account.If you really want to play with different ppl just wait a few minutes before queuing again. Just wait until they get the Q pop (probably 4 or 5 minutes to be safe) and you're good.@"Ithilwen.1529" said:I think the "why" is that builds have been made harder and harder to play. Contributing factors have been matchmaking and generally toxic atmosphere.I can't bring myself to log into The Mists most of the time these days.. I know I'm just going to get hammered.I wouldn't say builds are harder to play these days but to sustain the immense dps during teamfights or bursts in duels makes fights harder I guess.I agree on the toxicity tho, I think it wouldn't be too bad if chat was completely disabled during PvP matches. Getting flamed is very frustrating for the 'victim' and probably annoys the others as well. And a guy flaming is always some guy not actually playing so it's actually hindering several ppl at once.But I think it's important to point out that 'critisism != flaming'. Some people don't know the difference apparently. But if someone insults me or is really flaming me (which almost never happens anymore since I'm back in plat) I'm just instant blocking the dude tbh. And I'd advice everyone to do the same actually, it's just so much more enjoyable and I also play better without constant harassment.

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@DoomNexus.5324 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:played an unranked match... next game had 75% of the same people lol. was on na server eu time but still.

I seem to be lagging out like crazy too. wasn't like this before amazon server switch.Well during season most are playing ranked anyways. But this happens a lot for ranked matches as well but let's look it this way: 10 ppl just left the match and let's assume all of those 10 are queuing again.. Why would the match making system not match them together again if their rating was more or less the same.. Just swap out the highest and lowest scoring players and you got the same team ratings again. In unranked even more so since MM doesn't even need to take rating into account.If you really want to play with different ppl just wait a few minutes before queuing again. Just wait until they get the Q pop (probably 4 or 5 minutes to be safe) and you're good.@"Ithilwen.1529" said:
I think the "why" is that builds have been made harder and harder to play.
Contributing factors have been matchmaking and generally toxic atmosphere.I can't bring myself to log into The Mists most of the time these days.. I know I'm just going to get hammered.I wouldn't say builds are harder to play these days but to sustain the immense dps during teamfights or bursts in duels makes fights harder I guess.I agree on the toxicity tho, I think it wouldn't be too bad if chat was completely disabled during PvP matches. Getting flamed is very frustrating for the 'victim' and probably annoys the others as well. And a guy flaming is always some guy not actually playing so it's actually hindering several ppl at once.But I think it's important to point out that 'critisism != flaming'. Some people don't know the difference apparently. But if someone insults me or is really flaming me (which almost never happens anymore since I'm back in plat) I'm just instant blocking the dude tbh. And I'd advice everyone to do the same actually, it's just so much more enjoyable and I also play better without constant harassment.

Chat can be helpful tho. Win quite a few matches because someone forms a plan and the team listens.

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Well population must be low.. How else can you explain i just finish my rank placement & won 8 out of 10 matches . & Got into platinum for the first time during placement. Usually i make it to gold. so this is telling me the only players left is hardcore pvper's. Thta would explain why Q's is so long.

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@Vieux P.1238 said:Well population must be low.. How else can you explain i just finish my rank placement & won 8 out of 10 matches . & Got into platinum for the first time during placement. Usually i make it to gold. so this is telling me the only players left is hardcore pvper's. Thta would explain why Q's is so long.

Placements draws an average of your past 2 seasons + 1200 rating. It is not a surprise to see better placements with the passing of each season. Next season will be even easier for you to place into plat so long as you keep up with your rating.

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According to Gw2efficiency.com, I'm rank 1,150 with a rating of Gold 3 (1,481 rating). I am "higher than 86% of 8,692 accounts".

Also according to GW2efficiency.com, current rank 1 this season is rated Legendary 1 (1,863 rating). This player, notably, has also played for 14,159 hours.

The real question is do we think 8,692 active PvP seasonal players is too few? How much is enough?

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@bladezero.9470 said:

@Vieux P.1238 said:Well population must be low.. How else can you explain i just finish my rank placement & won 8 out of 10 matches . & Got into platinum for the first time during placement. Usually i make it to gold. so this is telling me the only players left is hardcore pvper's. Thta would explain why Q's is so long.

Placements draws an average of your past 2 seasons + 1200 rating. It is not a surprise to see better placements with the passing of each season. Next season will be even easier for you to place into plat so long as you keep up with your rating.

Oh, that would be good but problem is that 2 season ago i made sure to lose every matches so i could be place at the bottom of the list. I was testing the theory. Despite that i got into silver. Last season i got into gold 1 & i let it decay as much as it was possible before then end of the season. So from what your saying is that both my low averages = Platinum 1 this season? Am i wrong to say there's something wrong with the math?

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@bladezero.9470 said:The real question is do we think 8,692 active PvP seasonal players* is too few? How much is enough?

*who are registered at gw2efficiency.

@Vieux P.1238 said:

@Vieux P.1238 said:Well population must be low.. How else can you explain i just finish my rank placement & won 8 out of 10 matches . & Got into platinum for the first time during placement. Usually i make it to gold. so this is telling me the only players left is hardcore pvper's. Thta would explain why Q's is so long.

Placements draws an average of your past 2 seasons + 1200 rating. It is not a surprise to see better placements with the passing of each season. Next season will be even easier for you to place into plat so long as you keep up with your rating.

Oh, that would be good but problem is that 2 season ago i made sure to lose every matches so i could be place at the bottom of the list. I was testing the theory. Despite that i got into silver. Last season i got into gold 1 & i let it decay as much as it was possible before then end of the season. So from what your saying is that both my low averages = Platinum 1 this season? Am i wrong to say there's something wrong with the math?

Afaik only the previous one is taken into account. Also the first few matches give MASSIVE points.. like if you win the first match you get around 90 rating.

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You are really asking this and wondering...people want (mainly i'm sure) to play a game to relax and have fun, NOT have to deal with spiteful PM's and other text based abuse. I actually don't even enter the pvp lobby anymore because it makes my eyes bleed.Totally unnecessary.

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@"bladezero.9470" said:According to Gw2efficiency.com, I'm rank 1,150 with a rating of Gold 3 (1,481 rating). I am "higher than 86% of 8,692 accounts".

Also according to GW2efficiency.com, current rank 1 this season is rated Legendary 1 (1,863 rating). This player, notably, has also played for 14,159 hours.

The real question is do we think 8,692 active PvP seasonal players is too few? How much is enough?

That's 8,692 players in total. You have to consider the amount of players active at a time. There may only be like 2k of the 8k on at a time but we can't really know those numbers without Anet sharing them with us (they wont). Also, how many of the 8k just did placements and didn't play after that? Even assuming there are 8.6k players on concurrently (which there wont be) I still don't think that's high enough. The fewer players there are at once the harder it is to balance match making. That's also not 8.6k players in queue at once. Some of them will be in game, same of them will be taking a break in the lobby, ect. So out of 8.6k there may only be like 4.3k (realistically I would guess it's probably more like 1k>) for it to match you against. That's a pretty low number of data points for it to try and work out a balanced match from.

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They should shelve circle quest like the shelved stronghold, it is stale for veteran players and nightmare to get into as new player and don't get me started on the ranked system that forcefully pulls you to gold 2, i get they want the game to be feel good all around, but man getting shitty match win or lose is not feel good for pvp. Also the power creep and more exactly the spam creep, everything has to be dodged now and everyone has it off cd in 6 seconds so by reducing the skill cap on many classes made them easy to play but horror to play against and now you have to somehow follow several people small abilities cause they do shit ton of damage anyway in the giant aoe fields of eye cancer.Shelve it and give people death match, its easy to understand kill the guy in red, sometimes you get and sometimes you get got but it ends fast and you go for the next one instead of the current one where you feel like you are playing Russian roulette with the matchmaker. You are with 4 other players and it only requires one to fuck up and ruin the game by trolling, afk or just getting matched out of their level( that's on the matchmaker), the other might be giving their all but it means nothing if someone is a dead weight.

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