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What comes after War Eternal?

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@zealex.9410 said:

@"Mortifera.6138" said:They’re moving on to season 5, which should have expansion-like contentI wouldn't count on that one. I've already seen what Anet considered "expansion like content" before, and that wasn't much. If anything, i'd expect season 5 to give us
content than LS4

Nah i wouldnt expect less content in season 5 than in se4. A map itself is just background and half an hour tops of exploration, the meat and potatoes are the events collections and rewards.

Id expect around the same amount of content and i were to be very hopeful id expect less or no delays. Realistically speaking id expect similar stuff to se4.

Tho i will say, during the hot days i remember expectig pof to be better, during se3 i was expecting se4 to be better and both times i was left looking back fondly at that older content..

It is hard to speculate. Most players were expecting an expansion after S4, but ANET confirmed they were moving on to S5. Maybe they will never release a new expansion, but will continue delivering new LW episodes? Because of that, maybe LW chapters will be different in the future? Larger? More content? No way to know until it happens :expressionless:

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In a dev stream, when asked if there were any hints about upcoming content, one of the devs said there was a TINY hint if you listened close at the end of the final episode. I'm not sure what he meant, though I re-played the episode and tried to figure out what to listen for.

However, my own speculation is on Kralk's last word 'Mother', and his earlier statement to Aurene that 'He hopes she never has to kill what she loves' (as he did in killing Glint) Since he killed Glint before Zhaitan, Mordy, and Balthz were killed, he wasn't infected with conflicting magics at that time. Yet he states 'had to kill what he loved'. Who 'made' him kill Glint? Did 'Mother' urge him to because he had to fulfill some kind of prophecy, since this dragon family seems to be gifted with prophecy?

So, I'm speculating that S5 will begin assembling the pieces/clues to a more major story of what drives the Elder Dragons. Could there be a guiding Entity (Mother) to the elder dragons?

I'm probably way off base, but that's where my thoughts on this have landed.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@"Mortifera.6138" said:They’re moving on to season 5, which should have expansion-like contentI wouldn't count on that one. I've already seen what Anet considered "expansion like content" before, and that wasn't much. If anything, i'd expect season 5 to give us
content than LS4

Nah i wouldnt expect less content in season 5 than in se4. A map itself is just background and half an hour tops of exploration, the meat and potatoes are the events collections and rewards.

Id expect around the same amount of content and i were to be very hopeful id expect less or no delays. Realistically speaking id expect similar stuff to se4.

Tho i will say, during the hot days i remember expectig pof to be better, during se3 i was expecting se4 to be better and both times i was left looking back fondly at that older content..

It is hard to speculate. Most players were expecting an expansion after S4, but ANET confirmed they were moving on to S5. Maybe they will never release a new expansion, but will continue delivering new LW episodes? Because of that, maybe LW chapters will be different in the future? Larger? More content? No way to know until it happens :expressionless:

That all was before the layoffs and most improtantly before the cancelation of the other 2 projects. Who knows now what could happen, we might see an expac now that all their eggs are in the gw2 basket or we might see another 2 years of light content drops while they kove more ppl in other projects.

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@Kovac.4372 said:I've just completed the entire story and am wondering if there is any info or speculation on what is planned for ahead?

The story seems pretty rounded up, the elder dragons chapter is pretty much closed now ... we can move one to other stories. Will there be any? What's the future for GW2?

Nooo it's not lol.

There are 4 Elder Dragons now, 2 are asleep and only 1 is regarded as Benevolent (Aurine)Sea Dragon in terms of Dragon threats remains the most likely to next cause problems, we just don't know where it is or what it's doing.For all we know it could be causing problems elsewhere away from Tyria, may even be down in Cantha causing chaos.

We're taking a well deserved recess from Elder Dragons though, until Sea Dragon shows up or we recieve a call for help dealing with it in another land or one of the 2 sleeping dragons wakes up.. they're not a priority or a threat to us for now.

The fallout from Kralkatorriks rampage in the mists maybe the next point of focus for living world 5.He did a fair bit of damage to the God realms, specifically the Fissure of Woe, Underworld and Melandru's lost domain.Not much is known about Melandru's realm and the Underworld's power struggle problem was addressed in a raid with the reemergence of Dhuum.Fissure of Woe on the other hand was supposed to play home to the Eternal War between Balthazar and his Eternal army and Menzies with his Shadow Army.

For some of us lore fans this is something we really want to see addressed in upcoming content as Menzies is for some of us a big candidate for the next big antagonist.With the current damage to Fissure of Woe, a chuck of the Fissure now on Tyria along with members of the Shadow Army and the fact that Balthazar harvested a chunk of souls from his Eternal army to make his forged and the fact he's now dead.. suffice to say that raises many huge wtf is going on in the Fissure of Woe right now kinds of questions.This is just far too big a mess to ignore.. not to menion we still don't know Aurines place in the world possessing the power of 3 elder Dragons and a God of War.Another interesting fact to point out is that Aurine coincidentally possesses the traits/element of all 3 of the destroyed God Realms.. Underworld/Death/Zhaitan, Fissure of Woe/Fire/Balthazar and Melandru's Lost Domain/Nature/Mordremoth.That's a coincidence I think is too big to ignore and we know Aurine has the power to enter and travel the mists at will so she'll likely take up the task of repairing and stabalizing that damage if the need arises, she's quite literally the only good being we know with the potential power to do it.

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@VDAC.2137 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:Since we have 3 Dragons out there,, it is far from closed. Its just the awful Aurene plotlne hopefully put to bed.S5 is next, prob tying off the million loose threads. Thatll prob be Sept as all the other whats next threads are speculating

@"Kovac.4372" said:I've just completed the entire story and am wondering if there is any info or speculation on what is planned for ahead?

The story seems pretty rounded up, the elder dragons chapter is pretty much closed now ... we can move one to other stories. Will there be any? What's the future for GW2?

It's not closed. Jormag and Primordus are still alive (they were just knocked out at the end of LWS3 episode 5 so they stopped doing things, but they are not dead), and so is the DSD.LWS5 will not be focused on them though, or so i've heard. I expect a series of "filler" episodes so that our heroes can rest while they wait for the next big battle.

Why do the other elder dragons need to be killed at this point? Isn’t putting them into a quiescent state — as done with Jormag and Primordus — ideal as it doesn’t risk unbalancing magic and destroying the world?

No, because they will eventually awaken again and when they do they will continue to rampage and destroy everything in their path once more.

So long as they live, they will always be a threat to the races of the world.With them being asleep again and Tyria fully aware of their existence and threat.. not to mention having the most powerful Elder Dragon alive on our team atm.We've a great opportunity to plan out how we're going to deal with them, and we've got the time to do it so long as they don't wake up again anytime soon.

I quite like the idea of a well organized offensive against a sleeping dragon tbh, intentionally waking it up in a trap just to destroy it.

There's also the issue with the Norn too, many of them are absolutely hell bent on killing Jormag.Braham being one of them, I can only imagine how salty he would be if we turned around and said "No!" to him when he finally decides to go after Jormag again.He's not going to let that one go.. and he already united the Norn with the whole piercing the Tooth thing.Sooner or later he's going to want his chance to kill the Ice dragon, and he'll very likely bring up how we screwed him out of that in LWS3 to guilt us into agreeing lol "You owe me commander!" :P

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@VDAC.2137 said:@Konig Des Todes.2086 Those are good points. :) Another point about the elder dragons which I am a bit confused about, is how do we know that the Deep Sea dragon is awake and causing mayhem? Was this mentioned in LWS3 and I’ve forgotten? Given how prevalent the DSD has been in talk of where we might go next and future expansions, I’d rather expected some foreshadowing of this threat in LWS4 but there was not. So are people just assuming he’s awake causing problems? Or what did I miss?

Deep sea races have confirmed the Sea Dragon is awake.The Krait were driven from their home in the Deep Sea and as a result invaded Quaggan territories which resulted in the Quaggan being forced out of their lands as well and both races eventually ended up on the mainland.Quaggan in the North were also driven south by Jormag much like the Kodan.The Karka are another species also driven out of the Deep Sea by the Sea Dragon, which happened back in LWS1 and the last time we felt any impact from DSD.There's also the Largos which is another deep sea race that remains shrouded in mystery to this day, they too are dealing with horrors in the deep which are likely minions of the Sea Dragon.So we definitely know the Sea Dragon is alive and causing havok somewhere in the world, we just don't know where in the vast ocean it is nor are we on the land personally feeling much of the fallout since the bulk of his rampage is happening really far away to others we've little to no contact with.

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@DarkMagician.2597 said:I would suggest an awakening of deep sea dragon because of the kralk fall in the unending ocean, maybe the energy flactuations made im rise idk thats my sugestion

That's a good point.. his crash landing in the ocean was bound to cause a stir with the life there.. not to mention 3 huge chunks of God Realms landed there with him.There's a good chance the Sea Dragon may have heared that crash, not to mention all that lovely magic that could be oozing out of those islands right about now, not to mention Kralkatorriks body.

Might make a good lure :)

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@Teratus.2859 said:

@DarkMagician.2597 said:I would suggest an awakening of deep sea dragon because of the kralk fall in the unending ocean, maybe the energy flactuations made im rise idk thats my sugestion

That's a good point.. his crash landing in the ocean was bound to cause a stir with the life there.. not to mention 3 huge chunks of God Realms landed there with him.There's a good chance the Sea Dragon may have heared that crash, not to mention all that lovely magic that could be oozing out of those islands right about now, not to mention Kralkatorriks body.

Might make a good lure :)

The Ocean is enormous - thousands of miles across. We landed nowhere near the suspected area of the dsd and near the coast. I’d be surprised it even noticed the crash landing.

The magic was pretty much mopped up by Aurene and given we know leylines exist out there, it’s prob happily camped over one of those far, far away

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@DarkMagician.2597 said:I would suggest an awakening of deep sea dragon because of the kralk fall in the unending ocean, maybe the energy flactuations made im rise idk thats my sugestion

That's a good point.. his crash landing in the ocean was bound to cause a stir with the life there.. not to mention 3 huge chunks of God Realms landed there with him.There's a good chance the Sea Dragon may have heared that crash, not to mention all that lovely magic that could be oozing out of those islands right about now, not to mention Kralkatorriks body.

Might make a good lure :)

The Ocean is enormous - thousands of miles across. We landed nowhere near the suspected area of the dsd and near the coast. I’d be surprised it even noticed the crash landing.

The magic was pretty much mopped up by Aurene and given we know leylines exist out there, it’s prob happily camped over one of those far, far away

True, however we know Elder Dragons have massive range.Primordus invaded the Magumma Jungle to get at Aurines Egg in LWS3 and he was miles south on the Ring of Fire.Likewise Mordremoth invaded Ascalon from halfway accross the continent, Kralkatorrik flew from Northen Ascalon all the way down to the Crystal Desert seeking Glint and migrated again to Elona after Mordremoths death and Zhaitan sent his minions all the way up the tarnished coast from orr seeking magical artifacts to consume.

If the Sea Dragon is anywhere on the currently visible map, there is a good chance he felt or sensed something from Kralkatorriks intimate first date with the ocean floor lol

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@zealex.9410 said:That all was before the layoffs and most improtantly before the cancelation of the other 2 projects. Who knows now what could happen, we might see an expac now that all their eggs are in the gw2 basket or we might see another 2 years of light content drops while they kove more ppl in other projects.

If they decided on the day of the layoffs to add an expansion, it would be at least 2 years before any of us players would see it. The next two years aren't going to be all that different in terms of how content is released. It might matter in terms of what things get prioritized, but not in whether the planned features come in episodes or expansions.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@zealex.9410 said:That all was before the layoffs and most improtantly before the cancelation of the other 2 projects. Who knows now what could happen, we might see an expac now that all their eggs are in the gw2 basket or we might see another 2 years of light content drops while they kove more ppl in other projects.

If they decided on the day of the layoffs to add an expansion, it would be at least 2 years before any of us players would see it. The next two years aren't going to be all that different in terms of
content is released. It might matter in terms of what things get prioritized, but not in whether the planned features come in episodes or expansions.

I was responding to the part where it was questioned what will se5 look like if we dont get an expac as we'd assumed we wouldnt after the reveal that we getting se5 instead.Again that was before the layoffs when anet diff plans, ofc se5 will come but i dont expect it to look as much expansion like as we were led to believe pre layoffs.

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@VDAC.2137 said:@"Konig Des Todes.2086" Those are good points. :) Another point about the elder dragons which I am a bit confused about, is how do we know that the Deep Sea dragon is awake and causing mayhem? Was this mentioned in LWS3 and I’ve forgotten? Given how prevalent the DSD has been in talk of where we might go next and future expansions, I’d rather expected some foreshadowing of this threat in LWS4 but there was not. So are people just assuming he’s awake causing problems? Or what did I miss?

The DSD forced the krait, karka, and quaggan to flee their homes and - last we heard circa 1325 AE (now 6 years ago) was assaulting the largos homeland. In addition, during Season 2, when witnessing The All the ED orbs "light up" in a particular order - the order of awakening, which is Primordus->DSD->Jormag->Zhaitan->Kralkatorrik->Mordremoth. So it's been awake nearly as long as either Primordus (more likely given Primordus' awakening was delayed) or Jormag.

@"Ra Ra.9423" said:In a dev stream, when asked if there were any hints about upcoming content, one of the devs said there was a TINY hint if you listened close at the end of the final episode. I'm not sure what he meant, though I re-played the episode and tried to figure out what to listen for.

However, my own speculation is on Kralk's last word 'Mother', and his earlier statement to Aurene that 'He hopes she never has to kill what she loves' (as he did in killing Glint) Since he killed Glint before Zhaitan, Mordy, and Balthz were killed, he wasn't infected with conflicting magics at that time. Yet he states 'had to kill what he loved'. Who 'made' him kill Glint? Did 'Mother' urge him to because he had to fulfill some kind of prophecy, since this dragon family seems to be gifted with prophecy?

IIRC, during that stream, they talk explicitly about the mother line and how it'd one of a few things that won't pay off for years in the plot (like Glint's Egg first being mentioned in S2). Same with how magic conflict within Elder Dragons.

Also, they had confirmed that the magics were conflicting and causing torment for eons. It didn't begin with Zhaitan's death - that just made it worse. Kralkatorrik's Torment personality matches the personality portrayed for Kralkatorrik during Edge of Destiny, when Kralk killed Glint. Who "made" him kill Glint was his torment.

@DarkMagician.2597 said:I would suggest an awakening of deep sea dragon because of the kralk fall in the unending ocean, maybe the energy flactuations made im rise idk thats my sugestion

The DSD has been awake for over 150 years.

Also, Kralkatorrik fell onto the shore of Tyria/Elona, while the DSD was last reported in the deepest parts of the Unending Ocean. Comparing the two distances from the shoreline would be like saying Hawaii is just off the shore of California. I mean, technically it is in the ocean, but that ocean is freakin' huge.

@Teratus.2859 said:

@"Randulf.7614" said:The magic was pretty much mopped up by Aurene and given we know leylines exist out there, it’s prob happily camped over one of those far, far away

True, however we know Elder Dragons have massive range.Primordus invaded the Magumma Jungle to get at Aurines Egg in LWS3 and he was miles south on the Ring of Fire.Likewise Mordremoth invaded Ascalon from halfway accross the continent, Kralkatorrik flew from Northen Ascalon all the way down to the Crystal Desert seeking Glint and migrated again to Elona after Mordremoths death and Zhaitan sent his minions all the way up the tarnished coast from orr seeking magical artifacts to consume.

If the Sea Dragon is anywhere on the currently visible map, there is a good chance he felt or sensed something from Kralkatorriks intimate first date with the ocean floor lol

You're basically comparing a hundred miles to ten thousand miles, is the issue I see. All lore implies that the DSD is not on the current in-game world map at all. And I would hardly call the shallow water that surrounds Dragonfall to be "the ocean floor". No more than I consider the ground underwater at beach "the ocean floor". And reaching far distances is part of Primordus' and especially Mordremoth's "thing" that makes them worse than the other four Elder Dragons - Primordus because he spent years spreading them throughout the Depths after awakening 200 years ago, and Mordremoth because his vines spread super fast. The other Elder Dragons can't spread minions nearly as fast.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@"Mortifera.6138" said:They’re moving on to season 5, which should have expansion-like contentI wouldn't count on that one. I've already seen what Anet considered "expansion like content" before, and that wasn't much. If anything, i'd expect season 5 to give us
content than LS4

Nah i wouldnt expect less content in season 5 than in se4. A map itself is just background and half an hour tops of exploration, the meat and potatoes are the events collections and rewards.

Id expect around the same amount of content and i were to be very hopeful id expect less or no delays. Realistically speaking id expect similar stuff to se4.

Tho i will say, during the hot days i remember expectig pof to be better, during se3 i was expecting se4 to be better and both times i was left looking back fondly at that older content..

And yet I felt Season 4 was better than Season 3 and I certainly liked the PoF story better than the HOT story. The HoT story was not widely well regarded by the community. Many said it felt rushed. The last instance was a buggy mess for the longest time and still occasionally has bugs to this day. The PoF story flowed better, had better fights over all in my opinion. So it's not really that cut and dried.

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@"Vayne.8563" said:And yet I felt Season 4 was better than Season 3

I agree that Season 4 was better than Season 3 in terms of content/story but at what "cost"? Season 3 lasted 12 months, July 2016 to July 2017, on the other hand Season 4 lasted 19 months, November 2017 to May 2019. I just wish Season 5 will be as good as Season 4, but with the release pace of Season 3

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@Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

@VDAC.2137 said:@Konig Des Todes.2086 Those are good points. :) Another point about the elder dragons which I am a bit confused about, is how do we know that the Deep Sea dragon is awake and causing mayhem? Was this mentioned in LWS3 and I’ve forgotten? Given how prevalent the DSD has been in talk of where we might go next and future expansions, I’d rather expected some foreshadowing of this threat in LWS4 but there was not. So are people just assuming he’s awake causing problems? Or what did I miss?

The DSD forced the krait, karka, and quaggan to flee their homes and - last we heard circa 1325 AE (now 6 years ago) was assaulting the largos homeland. In addition, during Season 2, when witnessing The All the ED orbs "light up" in a particular order - the order of awakening, which is Primordus->DSD->Jormag->Zhaitan->Kralkatorrik->Mordremoth. So it's been awake nearly as long as either Primordus (more likely given Primordus' awakening was delayed) or Jormag.

That order of awakening was later reinforced during the trials in Tarir. The first trial have you facing dragon minions, but between the first (destroyer) and second (icebrood) there are brief spouts of ocean water creating "salt traps". Then the other minions show up in the same order as in the vision.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@"Vayne.8563" said:And yet I felt Season 4 was better than Season 3

I agree that Season 4 was better than Season 3 in terms of content/story but at what "cost"? Season 3 lasted 12 months, July 2016 to July 2017, on the other hand Season 4 lasted 19 months, November 2017 to May 2019. I just wish Season 5 will be as good as Season 4, but with the release pace of Season 3

@"Vayne.8563" said:And yet I felt Season 4 was better than Season 3

I agree that Season 4 was better than Season 3 in terms of content/story but at what "cost"? Season 3 lasted 12 months, July 2016 to July 2017, on the other hand Season 4 lasted 19 months, November 2017 to May 2019. I just wish Season 5 will be as good as Season 4, but with the release pace of Season 3

The cost? I'd rather have better content that takes longer than worse content delivered faster. That's a choice. I mean we did get some stuff in Season 3 like a new downed skill, but that can't compare to a roller beetle and skyscale in my opinion. That was definitely worth waiting for...for me anyway.

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@Vayne.8563 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:And yet I felt Season 4 was better than Season 3

I agree that Season 4 was better than Season 3 in terms of content/story but at what "cost"? Season 3 lasted 12 months, July 2016 to July 2017, on the other hand Season 4 lasted 19 months, November 2017 to May 2019. I just wish Season 5 will be as good as Season 4, but with the release pace of Season 3

The cost? I'd rather have better content that takes longer than worse content delivered faster. That's a choice. I mean we did get some stuff in Season 3 like a new downed skill, but that can't compare to a roller beetle and skyscale in my opinion. That was definitely worth waiting for...for me anyway.

Yes I don't deny we got way more content in Season 4 than in Season 3, which is why I want Season 5 to give us as much as Season 4. My issue is with the speed of delivery. Remember that after Season 3 we got an expansion, there is no expansion in sight yet. This means that there -should- be more developers working on the live game now than during Season 3, unless those side projects were more damaging to Guild Wars 2 than expected.

According to the March 2016 AMA:

120 devs working on live game, 70 devs on expansion 2, 30 devs on core teams that support both.

120 developers working on Season 3, 70 developers working on Path of Fire, with 30 helping both. If we split those 30, assuming they helped both other teams equally, we get 135 developers on Season 3 and 85 developers on Path of Fire. Now that there is no expansion in sight, and the side projects cancelled with developers returning to Guild Wars 2 after the layoffs, the living world team should be even further boosted, meaning Season 5 can, and should, have faster releases, with as much content and quality as Season 4.

Unless there is something horribly wrong going with the management of those developers.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:According to the March 2016 AMA:

120 devs working on live game, 70 devs on expansion 2, 30 devs on core teams that support both.

120 developers working on Season 3, 70 developers working on Path of Fire, with 30 helping both. If we split those 30, assuming they helped both other teams equally, we get 135 developers on Season 3 and 85 developers on Path of Fire. Now that there is no expansion in sight, and the side projects cancelled with developers returning to Guild Wars 2 after the layoffs, the living world team should be even further boosted, meaning Season 5 can, and should, have faster releases, with as much content and quality as Season 4.

Unless there is something horribly wrong going with the management of those developers.

Eh, having the entirety of ArenaNet more or less working on Season 5 is very unlikely. They'll likely resplit into that 120/70/30 format and have 70 or so devs working on what comes after Season 5. Of course, the numbers presume the layoffs were solely people added after that AMA which worked on the other projects. But in more likelihood, they largely came from that 70.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:And yet I felt Season 4 was better than Season 3

I agree that Season 4 was better than Season 3 in terms of content/story but at what "cost"? Season 3 lasted 12 months, July 2016 to July 2017, on the other hand Season 4 lasted 19 months, November 2017 to May 2019. I just wish Season 5 will be as good as Season 4, but with the release pace of Season 3

The cost? I'd rather have better content that takes longer than worse content delivered faster. That's a choice. I mean we did get some stuff in Season 3 like a new downed skill, but that can't compare to a roller beetle and skyscale in my opinion. That was definitely worth waiting for...for me anyway.

Yes I don't deny we got way more content in Season 4 than in Season 3, which is why I want Season 5 to give us as much as Season 4. My issue is with the speed of delivery. Remember that after Season 3 we got an expansion, there is no expansion in sight yet. This means that there -should- be more developers working on the live game now than during Season 3, unless those side projects were more damaging to Guild Wars 2 than expected.

According to the March 2016 AMA:

120 devs working on live game, 70 devs on expansion 2, 30 devs on core teams that support both.

120 developers working on Season 3, 70 developers working on Path of Fire, with 30 helping both. If we split those 30, assuming they helped both other teams equally, we get 135 developers on Season 3 and 85 developers on Path of Fire. Now that there is no expansion in sight, and the side projects cancelled with developers returning to Guild Wars 2 after the layoffs, the living world team should be even further boosted, meaning Season 5 can, and should, have faster releases, with as much content and quality as Season 4.

Unless there is something horribly wrong going with the management of those developers.

There is so much we don't know. Do we know for a fact there are no other side projects going on? We know some where cancalled, but it doesn't mean all were cancelled. And we don't know what else is being worked on besides the living world. I just don't think we have enough information to go by.

I was 90% sure they were working on the HoT expansion long before they said they were working on an expansion. We don't really know specifically what anyone is working on right now, and I'm pretty sure they're not going to tell us.

Would I like to see content come out faster? Sure I would. But I'd still trade better content for faster content, that's all I'm saying.

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@"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:Eh, having the entirety of ArenaNet more or less working on Season 5 is very unlikely. They'll likely resplit into that 120/70/30 format and have 70 or so devs working on what comes after Season 5. Of course, the numbers presume the layoffs were solely people added after that AMA which worked on the other projects. But in more likelihood, they largely came from that 70.

According to this article at the time of the layoffs there were 400 people working at Arenanet:https://kotaku.com/guild-wars-2-developer-arenanet-plans-for-mass-layoffs-1832799804

Around 400 people work at ArenaNet

According to this article, 143 people working at Arenanet were laid off in March:https://www.geekwire.com/2019/guild-wars-2-developer-arenanet-confirms-layoffs-canceled-projects/

ArenaNet, the video game maker behind Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2, is laying off 143 employees at its Bellevue headquarters and canceling projects.

According to LinkedIn there are 294 left working at Arenanet:https://www.linkedin.com/company/arenanet/Meaning they started 2019 with about 437 employees (294 left + 143 laid off = 437)

There is a huge difference between 437 and 220, so either MO didn't include everyone, and only actual developers, or they hired so many more people between March 2016 and March 2019, but I find it unlikely that they hired so many people in just 3 years, unless those projects were complete new games that required lots of developers.

Edit: or simply the difference between the two is from the departments we, the players, don't really care about, like accounting, legal, publishing and so on, which would make no sense for MO to mention them as "developers". But half the company being in those departments?

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:Eh, having the entirety of ArenaNet more or less working on Season 5 is very unlikely. They'll likely resplit into that 120/70/30 format and have 70 or so devs working on what comes after Season 5. Of course, the numbers presume the layoffs were solely people added after that AMA which worked on the other projects. But in more likelihood, they largely came from that 70.

According to this article at the time of the layoffs there were 400 people working at Arenanet:

Around 400 people work at ArenaNet

According to this article, 143 people working at Arenanet were laid off in March:

ArenaNet, the video game maker behind Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2, is laying off 143 employees at its Bellevue headquarters and canceling projects.

According to LinkedIn there are 294 left working at Arenanet:
Meaning they started 2019 with about 437 employees (294 left + 143 laid off = 437)

There is a huge difference between 437 and 220, so either MO didn't include everyone, and only actual developers, or they hired so many more people between March 2016 and March 2019, but I find it unlikely that they hired so many people in just 3 years, unless those projects were complete new games that required lots of developers.

Edit: or simply the difference between the two is from the departments we, the players, don't really care about, like accounting, legal, publishing and so on, which would make no sense for MO to mention them as "developers". But half the company being in those departments?

I think the only way to tell would be to look at the numbers they had when creating GW2? if those numbers are similar to the 437 they had in march, perhaps it is plausible.

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