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Matrix Cube Key...no longer valid

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(starting gripe)When Skyscales were added to GW2, it took someone probably 30 seconds to discover that you can now fly up to the "secret" platform over Thaumanova Reactor in Metrica, that used to be only accessible by the Matrix Cube Key. We used to farm the key, to allow hundreds of people access to the platform, and the gear that it drops, right after the Fire Elemental Boss event. The problem is, there are allot of mean spirited people who will fly up there 10 minutes before the event, and solo the champ...thereby blocking access to the event and all that gear (hundreds of people are denied gear every event) . The reset time is fairly long and of course no one wants to wait. During the Boss Rush Event, this really was capitalized...I've had my Key on me since the beginning and have never had the chance to use it. Now I'm not calling the Skyscale an exploit...but it seems to me it would be a simple fix by either 1) Make the platform only accessible by the key or 2) blocking access for at least the time period of whatever the reset is before the Fire Elemental event. My 2 cents...

Harr LequinnLevel 80 MesmerSorrows Furnace

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People have been able to get up there without a key for years. The skyscale only made it easier, that is all.

Just like those doing the old Queensdale champ farm didn’t own the champs, those doing FE don’t own that champ either. The champ can be accessed with the key at any of the other ~71 times it’s available during the day.

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@mtpelion.4562 said:Agreed. The event should be spawned by the key to close the exploit.

I think that would be a better solution. If the intended design is that you can only fight the champion if you have the key then making it so the champion only spawns if someone with the key is present would restore that, and make it irrelevant how the person with the key gets up there..

That sounds better than locking it onto the same schedule as the Fire Elemental just because that's when people are most likely to do it.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:People have been able to get up there without a key for years. The skyscale only made it easier, that is all.

Just like those doing the old Queensdale champ farm didn’t own the champs, those doing FE don’t own that champ either. The champ can be accessed with the key at any of the other ~71 times it’s available during the day.

This is a bit of a different thing though - even if there have been ways to get there, the intended way is clearly via the key which is tightly connected to FE.

Causing the event to be spawned by using the key seems reasonable.

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@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:

@"Ayrilana.1396" said:People have been able to get up there without a key for years. The skyscale only made it easier, that is all.

Just like those doing the old Queensdale champ farm didn’t own the champs, those doing FE don’t own that champ either. The champ can be accessed with the key at any of the other ~71 times it’s available during the day.

This is a bit of a different thing though - even if there have been ways to get there, the
way is clearly via the key which is tightly connected to FE.

Causing the event to be spawned by using the key seems reasonable.

That was the way intended at launch however: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Class_II_Rift_Stabilizer#Areas_level_1-40

If Anet only intended the matrix key to be the primary method, why did they add a way through current events to bypass that?

Let’s not forget that people can still kill the champ using the key before FE and lock people out.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@mtpelion.4562 said:Agreed. The event should be spawned by the key to close the exploit.

I think that would be a better solution. If the intended design is that you can only fight the champion if you have the key then making it so the champion only spawns if someone with the key is present would restore that, and make it irrelevant how the person with the key gets up there..

That sounds better than locking it onto the same schedule as the Fire Elemental just because that's when people are most likely to do it.

That would reduce the issue mentioned by the OP; it would not, unfortunately, prevent the competition for scarce resources.

There's a post from the old forums regarding a guild that, as a matter of routine, always did the key+champ event before the Fire Elemental. This was convenient for them, because it was faster, more efficient: all their guildies were there anyhow and waiting for the events to progress; this gave them something to do. Naturally, everyone else ending up on that map was upset: they expected the champ to spawn after FE, and so ended up wasting time afterward, because no one's key worked (or sometimes, their keys disappeared when this guild used one, which is how the mechanic works).

If ANet wants to remove any conflict then the solution I'd like to see is:

  • The death of the FE resets the cooldown on the Champ, regardless of when its most recent appearance.
  • The Champ never spawns at all without a key being used first.

That preserves the original intent: charging a key to spawn a bonus event. It prevents conflict because those present at FE will have the (collective) opportunity to use a key and reach the platform.

The one downside is that there might be 5-6 additional champ kills per day (some triggering just before FE and another person doing so just after). I think that's few enough that the economic repercussions are manageable.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:The one downside is that there might be 5-6 additional champ kills per day (some triggering just before FE and another person doing so just after). I think that's few enough that the economic repercussions are manageable.

Simple: multiple kills provide no additional loot. You're not going to kill something if all you get is a gold medal popping up on your screen.

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Because It circumvents the normal use of the key and destroys the legitimate effort of those who get and charge a key to use after the event. It was never intended to work without the key.Regardless of anyone's opinion, most players associate the 2 events together. They expect a possible matrix key use after the Fire Elemental. When it's already taken it seems like a cheat.

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Personally never liked that key. I like the premise , that you can get to this hidden spot by collecting some very hidden stuff and doing not so obvious puzzles.

But waiting for the Fire Elemental, and needing to share that experience with anyone else doing the fire Elementalist with a possible useless key because its very likely someone else has one anyway is rather dull.

Imo I rather would have some small instance which you need to invite your friends to in order to progress. (better good reason than some events that simply refuse to start because its dictated that not enough people are nearby.)£

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@Zephyr.5382 said:I agree that that feature shouldn't be circumvented. But after @"Ayrilana.1396"'s comment, it seems like Anet is in no hurry to fix the issue--if they ever will.And what issue would that be?I know of a guild that had been doing the event 5 minutes before fire elemental for over a year. The end effect was the same - people that just finished FE didn't get to do the event.

Asking to make the event spawn only after using the key might be reasonable. Asking for the event cooldown to reset after FE death migh be as well (although the argument for that is weaker). As for blocking access to the event before and during FE though... you do realize that in reality those two events are independent? Yes, FE is an event where you can get one of the charges for the key (not the only charge, mind you), but the key itself, once it gets charged, can be used at any moment in time. It's just players got used to do those two events in sequence, but that's no more (or less valid) than doing champion events in Frostgorge in specific order. You can do that, but if someone kills troll "out of order", thus derailing the train, they had as much right to do it when they wanted to as you .

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@Zephyr.5382 said:

@Zephyr.5382 said:I agree that that feature shouldn't be circumvented. But after @Ayrilana.1396's comment, it seems like Anet is in no hurry to fix the issue--if they
will.And what issue would that be?

The OP's, naturally.

To be fair:

  • The matrix cube key champ is required for Mawdrey and not everyone has completed that.
  • It's a situation that ANet has addressed before: one group of people playing the game as they like interfering with the rewards received by other people playing the game as they like.

In the grand scheme of things, one champ and their loot is small potatoes. Given the ~15 minutes required to legit participate in the FE fight, a lot of people feel they've earned the extra bag, or at least feel miffed that they don't have the opportunity after putting in all that time.

My take: I don't think it's an urgent problem, perhaps not even all that important. All the same: I'd like to see ANet adjust the mechanics to remove the potential for conflict.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

  • The matrix cube key champ is required for Mawdrey and not everyone has completed that.Is it? I though that just getting on platform, and interacting with what's there (chaos piece or something, don't remember that well now) is enough.

Your phrasing is better than mine was. Sorry about that.Still, for most people, access to the platform is limited to when someone opens it up with the key (as originally intended); not everyone knows how to get to it in some other way.

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