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https://imgur.com/a/SzFB9UAWe can argue all we want,and you can defend it all you want,but reality is this

Mid day

Other maps and lfg's have 20 people combined doing events.

Again for those who don'g get it,i play and love GW since first release ever,and i will continue to play it,but something has to be done clearly.

Either nerf content to be soloable (those events that require grouping up) or do something.I can't tell you what to do,because you made game this big,which means you have brains for it.

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Mmm, I've done the VB meta event recently, though most people don't like it so it's hard to get T4 night. But someone was saying in map chat that they needed one of the daytime event chains for Nevermore so I popped up a tag and put us in LFG. By the end of the chain we had a good sized squad going. Then we killed a few night bosses. Not bad for it hardly being an organized thing.PoF metas are the same way, just use LFG. I've never had that much trouble getting people together for events. Do you play at an off time?

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@"Ghetx.1752" said:https://imgur.com/a/SzFB9UAWe can argue all we want,and you can defend it all you want,but reality is this

Mid day

Other maps and lfg's have 20 people combined doing events.

Again for those who don'g get it,i play and love GW since first release ever,and i will continue to play it,but something has to be done clearly.

Either nerf content to be soloable (those events that require grouping up) or do something.I can't tell you what to do,because you made game this big,which means you have brains for it.

Dead link.

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@Goettel.4389 said:

@"Ghetx.1752" said:
We can argue all we want,and you can defend it all you want,but reality is this

Mid day

Other maps and lfg's have 20 people combined doing events.

Again for those who don'g get it,i play and love GW since first release ever,and i will continue to play it,but something has to be done clearly.

Either nerf content to be soloable (those events that require grouping up) or do something.I can't tell you what to do,because you made game this big,which means you have brains for it.

Dead link.

ANet needs to remove the recent forum change that created the bug that is messing up links. Just saying.

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@"Ghetx.1752" said:
We can argue all we want,and you can defend it all you want,but reality is this

Mid day

Other maps and lfg's have 20 people combined doing events.

Again for those who don'g get it,i play and love GW since first release ever,and i will continue to play it,but something has to be done clearly.

Either nerf content to be soloable (those events that require grouping up) or do something.I can't tell you what to do,because you made game this big,which means you have brains for it.

Dead link.

ANet needs to remove the recent forum change that created the bug that is messing up links. Just saying.

True. And people linking to screenshots to argue their "reality" should at least take the trouble to check their presentation.

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@Goettel.4389 said:

@"Ghetx.1752" said:
We can argue all we want,and you can defend it all you want,but reality is this

Mid day

Other maps and lfg's have 20 people combined doing events.

Again for those who don'g get it,i play and love GW since first release ever,and i will continue to play it,but something has to be done clearly.

Either nerf content to be soloable (those events that require grouping up) or do something.I can't tell you what to do,because you made game this big,which means you have brains for it.

Dead link.

ANet needs to remove the recent forum change that created the bug that is messing up links. Just saying.

True. And people linking to screenshots to argue their "reality" should at least take the trouble to check their presentation.

Actually, let me test what it looks like from a poster to be fair.Test:https://imgur.com/a/SzFB9UA

So from a linker it looks good unless you test click it and then you see it fails. But agree not a fan of doom and gloom post and pulling out the real link from the bad string created around it the screen shot was 3:35 PM but no telling what day or timezone. Most business days at that time I would image as pretty empty on top of other factors.

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@Ghetx.1752 said:LFG clearly doesn't work because no one joins,ever.

LFG works really well for me and I have to believe your statement comes from not understanding how to use it properly.

If you wait for someone else to create a group, you're not going to get in one usually. Groups get created, filled up, and the group lead delists the group to avoid more people joining at inconvenient times.

Create your own group, enter a useful description that helps others decide if they want to join you, and be patient.

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@"Ghetx.1752" said:https://imgur.com/a/SzFB9UAWe can argue all we want,and you can defend it all you want,but reality is this

Mid day

Other maps and lfg's have 20 people combined doing events.

Again for those who don'g get it,i play and love GW since first release ever,and i will continue to play it,but something has to be done clearly.

Either nerf content to be soloable (those events that require grouping up) or do something.I can't tell you what to do,because you made game this big,which means you have brains for it.

  • Let this be a small reminder, GW and GW2 are completely different game, don't try to compare, please.
  • So you've showed a bunch of picture at random time and said the game is dead, do i really have to bring up the L2P issue here ?. Ok ima help you learn something, It's how this game works since the first xpack, ppl don't care about LFG unless there are meta going on and do you know what meta is ?. The short version, Meta is something happens at a certain time frame that ton of players will join in and you can hardly able to get into the right map.
  • I've been playing this game for almost 5 years and during these 5 years not a single time i saw LFG being "active", yeah its exactly the same like in of those pictures of yours for 5 years until now, but hey we're still alive.
  • The only reality i see here is you unable to complete/finish what you want then get frustrated and forced your point of view on to others, if you really read what others had said and thought a bit then i bet the differ. You need help, please try to find a guild.
  • There also is a refund policy, read it if you think you have wasted 60 euros like the other thread of yours then by no means do it but i don't think you can anymore tbh. So why not just enjoy yourself ?.
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@Goettel.4389 said:

@"Ghetx.1752" said:
We can argue all we want,and you can defend it all you want,but reality is this

Mid day

Other maps and lfg's have 20 people combined doing events.

Again for those who don'g get it,i play and love GW since first release ever,and i will continue to play it,but something has to be done clearly.

Either nerf content to be soloable (those events that require grouping up) or do something.I can't tell you what to do,because you made game this big,which means you have brains for it.

Dead link.

Copy and Paste the link, hope they fix the forum soon :p

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@"Ghetx.1752" said:https://imgur.com/a/SzFB9UAWe can argue all we want,and you can defend it all you want,but reality is this

Mid day

Other maps and lfg's have 20 people combined doing events.

Again for those who don'g get it,i play and love GW since first release ever,and i will continue to play it,but something has to be done clearly.

Either nerf content to be soloable (those events that require grouping up) or do something.I can't tell you what to do,because you made game this big,which means you have brains for it.

I truly don't know how you find yourself in this position. I never have a problem finding people to do things in game. HoT meta's are always running, throughout the day, and I never see them fail. Empty maps are hard to come by as well, in my experience. There are always people, wherever I go. And I don't mean just 1 or 2.

What you have to understand, though, is that not all content is played all day long. If it's not a meta or a lootfest, finding people will be more difficult because of the lack of incentive. Yes, you will not always find enough people for every group event the game has to offer, but GW2 is no different from other MMO's in that regard.

VB is a meta where people need to spread out across the map. You won't see a large group of people running around there, unless it's nighttime and the bosses are up. Also, one of the reasons why people do HoT meta's on a daily basis is because of the Amalgamated Gemstones you can get from each meta. And while every meta requires that you finish it to get that gemstone, VB is the only one where that's not necessary. Kill one night boss and you're done.

It looks to me like you're expecting there to be people all day at every possible event location, and that they all put up LFG's to get people to join. Not all LFG's are successful in finding enough people. Not all group events are popular or lucrative. Often LFG's aren't necessary because enough people show up after a shout out in map chat. This game is far from dead. All I can say is you were probably in the wrong place at the wrong time. Apparently you have a knack for it, if the problem keeps persisting. All the tips posted above should help. But if that's not the case, I don't know what anyone of us can do to help you solve it. Game development is not the issue, though.

Also, 11,000,000 registered accounts doesn't mean all those accounts are active. It's probably a number that's counted from the very beginning of the game, and plenty of people will have left since then, while plenty of others will have joined in the meantime. Not even WoW will have that many frequently active accounts. It's a nice number for marketing and press releases, but a little context is necessary to adequately understand this statistic.

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[snip]Actually, let me test what it looks like from a poster to be fair.Test:https://imgur.com/a/SzFB9UA

So from a linker it looks good unless you test click it and then you see it fails. But agree not a fan of doom and gloom post and pulling out the real link from the bad string created around it the screen shot was 3:35 PM but no telling what day or timezone. Most business days at that time I would image as pretty empty on top of other factors.

Yeah, I did extract the right URL. Didn't even know people use party LFG. I was on just now and checked to see DS LFG (love DS), with three 20+ squads on - during a weekday (work, work) while it's 30+ degrees outside. Realities, eh.

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@Neve.7134 said:Everyone is doing the World Boss Rush Event, don't worry. Soon they will be all back in the maps.

Precisely this. At one point I used to run the AB meta at a specific time, and if I didn't get to the map 15-20 mins early, it would be full. But since they added chests to PoF metas, and we've been riding a seemingly unending roller coater of events and festivals since then, when I do get to that map, it's empty.

But I barely try to get to that meta anymore though, since I'm spending all my time do meta blitzs, boss blitzs, and bashing dragons.

It doesn't mean the game is any less populated - we're just doing things in different places.

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11 million people is also taking in the number of alternate accounts. I know many people with 2+ alt accounts and one person with almost 30 accounts for the daily login rewards.So the number is probably more close to around 5 million people give or take.

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@"Jayden Reese.9542" said:Your complaining about maps being dead from years ago content. That's like saying wows level 80 zones are dead.Which they are. Good thing GW2 has great down-leveling to keep all zones at least somewhat relevant. Of course you won't hit anywhere near max "gold-per-hour" benefits playing in earlier zones, but you will get at least some nice loot. Any dissatisfaction with the loot tables can be offset by actually enjoying, you know, playing :-)

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Honestly one of the funnier "game is dead" threads I've read in... days.OP clearly likes to exagerate cos I am on VB alot as it's a map I enjoy just for the bundle of events to do especially during meta times.Then again as others have said l2use the LFG and try to be flexible on times of day.Add to that consider what else is going on lately... boss rush, dragon bash and good ole summer time breaks... then take a deep breath and look around for some of the larger guilds or community guild events that run things like VB on rotations.

All maps loose their shine once a large portion of the playerbase has done what they need to and when new content hits the game, but that does not mean the game is dead... heck if that were the case this game would of disappeared into the ether the minute players migrated off Queensdale or Metrica or ... any other map.

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@"Ghetx.1752" said:https://imgur.com/a/SzFB9UAWe can argue all we want,and you can defend it all you want,but reality is this

Mid day

Other maps and lfg's have 20 people combined doing events.

Again for those who don'g get it,i play and love GW since first release ever,and i will continue to play it,but something has to be done clearly.

Either nerf content to be soloable (those events that require grouping up) or do something.I can't tell you what to do,because you made game this big,which means you have brains for it.

I rarely see Parties in LFG for Central Tyria. Try Squads, or if you are looking for HoT, try, um..., HoT maps (in LFG)?

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@"Ghetx.1752" said:
We can argue all we want,and you can defend it all you want,but reality is this

Mid day

Other maps and lfg's have 20 people combined doing events.

Again for those who don'g get it,i play and love GW since first release ever,and i will continue to play it,but something has to be done clearly.

Either nerf content to be soloable (those events that require grouping up) or do something.I can't tell you what to do,because you made game this big,which means you have brains for it.

I rarely see Parties in LFG for Central Tyria. Try Squads, or if you are looking for HoT, try, um..., HoT maps?

I've never looked in LFG for "Parties". Not once in 18 months. I've looked in the Squad section, mainly if I wanted to run RIBA farm in Silverwastes, but that's it.Currently for the boss event, I look under World Bosses.

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@"Ghetx.1752" said:VB empty.There's sometimes max 2 players on my tag,or better say 2 people + me on whole map.Well, every time I'm there (not counting Matriarch), there's people wherever I go. If I call out a hero challenge, folks show up.

LFG clearly doesn't work because no one joins,ever.Never had a problem with it, except if I have insomnia and try in the wee hours of my region. Even then, I often get takers.

Other Hot maps empty,unless there's meta event,and even then its full on struggle and it fails most of the time.Can't remember failing a meta in HoT recently. Also can't remember going anywhere on the main routes that we empty. (As with all maps, I can find places that are quiet, but I've been able to do that since 2012.)

PoF maps,graveyard.You can't find people to play with.Sure there are some,but consider the fact game has 11.000.000 accounts,i strongly doubt there's even 200 people play this game at peak times.The evidence is clear that there's way more than 200 people, sometimes just doing one meta event.

This is by no means flaming and bashing on game,Any post entitled "game dead" is flaming. It's hyperbolic rhetoric, designed to attract attention.

edit: since I posted, the OP changed the title from "game dead" to "VB dead." Less hyperbolic, which is good; it's remains inaccurate.it still reads more like flaming and less like someone interested in learning how to make things better.

I'd expect someone who wanted to know why they aren't running into people would have asked:

Please help me find people: I'm 15 days into GW2 and unsuccessful using LFG or randomly hopping maps.

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Dead game? If I try to join a meta map too late, I often can't get in with the group I joined. That hardly seems dead to me. And yes, I mean HoT maps. Verdant Brink isn't necessarily a favorite, but Auric Basin and Dragon's Stand sure fill. I was even in my first Tangled Depths meta late last night with 3 commander tags leading and LOTS of people.

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