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New Legendary Runes/Sigils alongside a Community Event

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@Ashantara.8731 said:Stat swap on upgrades only makes sense on legendary gear. If you have ascended sets, you'll need to switch anyway and they will already contain the runes/sigils you need, so...

not really, they said you can switch the runes out of every armour, so you can place it in ascended to not have to deal with swapping runes (for example if you use builds who use lots of dungeon runes)

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@yann.1946 said:

@Ashantara.8731 said:Stat swap on upgrades only makes sense on legendary gear. If you have ascended sets, you'll need to switch anyway and they will already contain the runes/sigils you need, so...

not really, they said you can switch the runes out of every armour, so you can place it in ascended to not have to deal with swapping runes

Apparently, you did not understand my argument. Since you have to swap your ascended armor for a different build, it will already contain the runes you need for those armor stats, hence using legendary upgrades makes no sense for ascended gear. Too much of a hassle to swap the upgrades back and forth to the other set(s).

@Shadowmoon.7986 said:The question will be what will the cost be. To fill purple in every hole, you will need 7 runes and 8 sigils. What would you consider a reqsonable cost. Maybe 500 per rune and 700 per sigil?

Yes, crazy prices. Makes no sense to spend that much gold if you have a dozen or more characters, especially with the amount of inventory space we have these days.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Ashantara.8731 said:Stat swap on upgrades only makes sense on legendary gear. If you have ascended sets, you'll need to switch anyway and they will already contain the runes/sigils you need, so...

not really, they said you can switch the runes out of every armour, so you can place it in ascended to not have to deal with swapping runes

Apparently, you did not understand my argument. Since you have to swap your ascended armor for a different build, it will already contain the runes you need for those armor stats, hence using legendary upgrades makes no sense for ascended gear.

Except where armor with the same stats can be used, but the change in runes is what matters. I've used examples above about how that would work moving from WvW to PvE, but even in WvW, I could see someone swapping from Zerk + Durability runes for roaming to Zerk + Scholar for zerging.

I agree that legendary armor is likely where these runes will be the most impactful, but that doesn't mean they can't be a QoL improvement for those wearing ascended or even exotic gear.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@rabenpriester.7129 said:Legendary runes and sigils would reduce the required bag space by about 10-15, I'd say. That's simply not worth the effort. This is not QoL. It's dumb.

In order to make that conclusion, you would first need to know what effort is required to obtain legendary runes, and to date, to my knowledge, we don't yet know.

To be fair, @rabenpriester.7129's larger point is that for multi-character, multi-build players, this is a minor QoL improvement from using ArcDPS and clever arrangement of inventory/bags. It's not so much that it's not worth the to-be-determined effort; it's that it's not enough of an improvement to be worth any investment.

That seems unfortunately likely to be true unless this is a step just shy of in-game build templates. If that's nearly ready to go, as soon as ANet feels legendary upgrade mechanics/bugs have stabilized somewhat, then it's possible that the "native" loadout solution will make them very convenient.

As I said above, I'd really like it if I could select the stat on one rune and have it automatically apply to all other equipped legendary runes, just like we can do at gw2skills.net. If we have to select all six stats every time, then never mind the trouble for multi-toon, multi-build players, it's going to be a nightmare for anyone swapping builds at all.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@rabenpriester.7129 said:Legendary runes and sigils would reduce the required bag space by about 10-15, I'd say. That's simply not worth the effort. This is not QoL. It's dumb.

In order to make that conclusion, you would first need to know what effort is required to obtain legendary runes, and to date, to my knowledge, we don't yet know.

To be fair, @rabenpriester.7129's larger point is that for multi-character, multi-build players, this is a minor QoL improvement from using ArcDPS and clever arrangement of inventory/bags. It's not so much that it's not worth the to-be-determined effort; it's that it's not enough of an improvement to be worth any investment.

That seems unfortunately likely to be true unless this is a step just shy of in-game build templates. If that's nearly ready to go, as soon as ANet feels legendary upgrade mechanics/bugs have stabilized somewhat, then it's possible that the "native" loadout solution will make them very convenient.

As I said above, I'd really like it if I could select the stat on one rune and have it automatically apply to all other equipped legendary runes, just like we can do at gw2skills.net. If we have to select all six stats every time, then never mind the trouble for multi-toon, multi-build players, it's going to be a nightmare for anyone swapping builds at all.

That's fair. I'm just beginning to start on my 1st set of Legendary Armor, so I'm not someone who has as yet had to deal with multi-build issues. But given the choice of working on the runes or the armor, my vote is the armor.

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So.. The usefulness of this (to me at least) is questionable, given that these have no particle effect/auras (thank god) their only use if for the utility of swapping out runes and saving yourself approx. 30s (for most sets) to 30g if swapping out scholar runes (who does this?).

BUT if you have legendary armor OR an Endless Upgrade Extractor then the value of these becomes nothing more then saving 2-6 bank/ inventory slots and going by the hideous UI I'm guessing that swapping an exotic rune set into legendary armor would actually be faster then right-click stat swapping all the legendary runes one-by-one to a different set.

If we look at JUST the "Gift of Upgrades" that was added to the game a few patches ago - each rune is liable to cost over 1000g for just the GoU not to mention the other "several gifts" needed. If the Gift of Upgrades remains unchanged from it's original recipe you can expect this cost to go up drastically following the actual release of these.

Given the article talks about how you can combine legendary runes with exotic runes I'm going to assume that [much like legendary armor] you won't get all 6 from 1 recipe which (i hope I'm wrong here) would make acquiring these runes MORE expensive then a full set of legendary armor. I can't think of why else they would mention this as a "feature" otherwise - because if you get all 6 from 1 craft, why bother ever using them with exotic runes...?

So the question becomes.. Do I want to spend 1000's of gold to save myself literally 5 bank slots? No, not really when I can use that gold to just buy several new bank tabs or 32 slot bags to store the few rune sets actually worth using in.

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@Magnus Godrik.5841 said:I think these will be like the 32 slot bags. Not really worth it IMO. Maybe when they add build templates i may consider crafting them. There are too few actually useful sigil and runes anyways so this is really a tough sell for me.

This is probably the best analogy I've seen. It's something that's there for ppl who already have everything else. One more shiny. One more thing to do. One more grind . . .

It's what a legendary should be . . .

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What a shocker. They drop an update like this on us a week before it releases which means any kind of community feedback on its implementation and function will go completely unheard in that time frame.

We also probably won't see them actually do something about the time and gold sink problems we are already seeing within any reasonably time frame, if they even address it at all.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@"zealex.9410" said:Kind of a let down, i was hoping they would let us costumise their stats and effects.

Effects? No. Stats? Sort of. You can't "customize;" but you can choose.

Once socketed, a legendary upgrade has the power to take on the properties of any other upgrade of its typeIf I understand correctly, you slot 5 legendary runes and one exotic, with the legendary taking the same stats as the exotic. Want to change builds? Just change the one exotic.

Nothing in that news article suggests you need "one exotic rune slotted". You can slot 6 legendary runes and just pick whichever exotic rune effect you want on them.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:Stat swap on upgrades only makes sense on legendary gear. If you have ascended sets, you'll need to switch anyway and they will already contain the runes/sigils you need, so...

Nah, it can still be convenient for ascended users, there are various builds for the same stats that would require different runes on the same set. Swapping the runes between the sets for free also makes a difference. And you won't need stacks of runes in your bag just to have fun with a new/cheese build. That said, the price/effort required for those runes might as well be so high that it would defeat that purpose, so... :D

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Ashantara.8731 said:Stat swap on upgrades only makes sense on legendary gear. If you have ascended sets, you'll need to switch anyway and they will already contain the runes/sigils you need, so...

not really, they said you can switch the runes out of every armour, so you can place it in ascended to not have to deal with swapping runes

Apparently, you did not understand my argument. Since you have to swap your ascended armor for a different build, it will already contain the runes you need for those armor stats, hence using legendary upgrades makes no sense for ascended gear.

Except where armor with the same stats can be used, but the change in runes is what matters. I've used examples above about how that would work moving from WvW to PvE, but even in WvW, I could see someone swapping from Zerk + Durability runes for roaming to Zerk + Scholar for zerging.

I agree that legendary armor is likely where these runes will be the most impactful, but that doesn't mean they can't be a QoL improvement for those wearing ascended or even exotic gear.


Thanks for clarifying my point. :)

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Not very interesting. They definitely have value, especially in the context of saving and loading builds. Maybe they couldn't do anything more interesting. There are so many Legendary effects from other sources and increasing stats may have been a hard sell. I would be ok with Ascendeded upgrades with a small stat increase and free removal.

The requirement for one exotic seems unnecessary and confusing. What does it add? Or am I reading the description wrong?

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-In addition to the stat swapping they could have added something. Anything. Example: 1 legendary rune activates a 7th bonus slot on legendary runes, an enrichment %, each additional legendary rune increases %. Don't have to make a selectable enrichment, make it all of them like an in armor hero banner that does amulet infusion type enrichments.-As far as sigils, could do the same thing minus having to have a set to activate, just a stand alone.
-Legendary Armor and Items could have been that way also, but does make more sense with how runes are. example though, like aurora and vision, 6 pieces of legendary armor activate an additional box drop from mobs or give selected materiel drops like cores or lodestones or gems or something.

Could have done something more with bonuses, keeping with no stat increases all while providing incentive or carrot. They aren't even doing anything with account bonuses. Account bonuses should be low hanging fruit for a horizontally progressed game.

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@"Psientist.6437" said:Not very interesting. They definitely have value, especially in the context of saving and loading builds. Maybe they couldn't do anything more interesting. There are so many Legendary effects from other sources and increasing stats may have been a hard sell. I would be ok with Ascendeded upgrades with a small stat increase and free removal.

The requirement for one exotic seems unnecessary and confusing. What does it add? Or am I reading the description wrong?

You're reading it wrong. "Legendary runes provide the same set bonuses as other runes, and you can combine them with exotic superior runes." That's the key sentence, you can combine them to get the set bonus but you don't have to combine them.

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@Psientist.6437 said:Not very interesting. They definitely have value, especially in the context of saving and loading builds. Maybe they couldn't do anything more interesting. There are so many Legendary effects from other sources and increasing stats may have been a hard sell. I would be ok with Ascendeded upgrades with a small stat increase and free removal.

The requirement for one exotic seems unnecessary and confusing. What does it add? Or am I reading the description wrong?

They just mean you can mix exotic and legendary of the same item and you still get the bonus. The one exotic was an example, not a rule

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@Akari Storm.6809 said:-In addition to the stat swapping they could have added something. Anything. Example: 1 legendary rune activates a 7th bonus slot on legendary runes, an enrichment %, each additional legendary rune increases %. Don't have to make a selectable enrichment, make it all of them like an in armor hero banner that does amulet infusion type enrichments.-As far as sigils, could do the same thing minus having to have a set to activate, just a stand alone.

-Legendary Armor and Items could have been that way also, but does make more sense with how runes are. example though, like aurora and vision, 6 pieces of legendary armor activate an additional box drop from mobs or give selected materiel drops like cores or lodestones or gems or something.

Could have done something more with bonuses, keeping with no stat increases all while providing incentive or carrot. They aren't even doing anything with account bonuses. Account bonuses should be low hanging fruit for a horizontally progressed game.

Yeah because hiding stat upgrades behind a few thousands of gold is a great idea for this game.

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Functionally, runes need to be cheaper than a piece of ascended armor to make ... otherwise you just make ascended armor sets with the runes you want. Sigils and runes are relatively cheap so ... not sure what the 'sell' is here unless you are swapping LOTS.

I'm actually pretty concerned ... I don't think swappable runes/sigils is inline with build templates. Why would they release such a thing despite templates coming? maybe templates aren't all they are cracked up to be. I can see making one full set of runes/sigils to test with, but that's probably it.

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@Shadowmoon.7986 said:The question will be what will the cost be. To fill purple in every hole, you will need 7 runes and 8 sigils. What would you consider a reqsonable cost. Maybe 500 per rune and 700 per sigil?

I hope it will be more around 200g per upgrade, but we will see after the market has exploded and then calmed down again.

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