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Move the servers closer to south america? This is awful.


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I'm not in NA and I often get an unplayable and inadmissible 130 ping. This is unacceptable. How is this okay for game companies to let their gamers™ be at an obvious disadvantage when the game is supposed to be competitive? I CAN'T DODGE IN TIME.

Put the servers on the house right across the street from where I live. See, there's a place that just happens to be renting and with some refinement it could be adapted into office space VERY easily.

I did most of the job for you ANet, now go on and fix this incredibly crucial issue. Now.

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Or, you know, you could get a better internet service because where you live doesn't necessarily mean a better ping. (played on Chinese Servers on gw1 without an issue before their internet crackdown forced them to be segregated from the rest of the world)

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Or you could use tiny Asura gates, put one close to your PC, another (huge one) close to Anet servers, and voila it will be as if you are next to the servers. Your data will teleport from one gate to another in an instant! No lag for all. We just need to dig underground find those Asura first

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@maddoctor.2738 said:Or you could use tiny Asura gates, put one close to your PC, another (huge one) close to Anet servers, and voila it will be as if you are next to the servers. Your data will teleport from one gate to another in an instant! No lag for all. We just need to dig underground find those Asura firstJust make sure they don't have to go via Lion's Arch, or the poor data will get stuck in a loading screen of death on the way.

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us OCE players wish we can even get 100+ ping, our avg is like 250 pings if lucky, usually 300 pings

and WvW big zerg fights? 2000+ pings... all you see is your squad hitting thin air, then all of a sudden red rings everywhere and you are dead... keep on clicking on the WP to resurrect, not WPing... eventually just gives up and relog

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@crepuscular.9047 said:us OCE players wish we can even get 100+ ping, our avg is like 250 pings if lucky, usually 300 pings

and WvW big zerg fights? 2000+ pings... all you see is your squad hitting thin air, then all of a sudden red rings everywhere and you are dead... keep on clicking on the WP to resurrect, not WPing... eventually just gives up and relog

I feel man, Im NZ and I average around 250ms on a good day and when it rains , oh kitten when it rains it spikes to 5k+

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I usually don't check the ping. After loggin in to Lion's Arch now I got between 40 and 100 - average about 80 ... for 1 minute or so. Haven't checked for longer duration and I was a bit away from where all the chars gather. I'm from Germany.

Now I have played with higher ping as well - even other games (shooter). As long as you aren't playing a shooter game on super high skill level ... I guess it should not be a problem. For a MMORPG I'd say lower 200 is okay and 130 seems pretty good. (Personally I also don't need super high fps like 60 or even more. 20-30 is more than enough for the human eye and brain.)

I remember in the past - when I played after release until end of 2013 - there were huge problems but mainly for people with my ISP. Some kind of routing problems where the ISP had to talk with ISP of the servers from ArenaNet and exchanging money to get the packes routed faster.

So far I have more problems with the older GW1 which I tried again. Alt tabbing out and nothing running in background and even ping showing okay ... it feels like "rubberbanding" sometimes. Never noticed anything like that in GW2 for the past monthes after returning from my long break. Other than my computer being to weak (taking some time to load all the char models in LA for example after porting there) everything feels fluid.

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