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[Merged] Feedback about today's Icebrood Saga announcement

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@Trise.2865 said:Bull. You decided you were going to be disappointed before you even went in. You're just looking for excuses to confirm it.

What even is this post. People are disappointed because they went into it super hyped after ANet hyped the announcement to all hell and back.

Personally I expected this to happen even though I'm guilty of having had a smidgen of hope left.

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I'm glad someone is pulling positives on this. When you look at the line of current threads, the positive ones are few and far between which is not a good overall reaction from the community.

We have to face facts here, prior to the announcement the actual PvE content of this game (at least every new map and set of achievements they introduce), is barely played after a month. This is indicating that their focus on living story isn't holding player's interest for very long. There is a reason for this; a PvE focused endgame is not sustainable.

I'll be playing the new LS content when it's released, but I'm almost certain is going to follow the same course the previous content did; it'll be power played in the month it's released then go dormant. So anyone hoping to finish any achievements in these new maps, make sure you are there within their first month of release.

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@Fenom.9457 said:

@Fenom.9457 said:Relax, we'll have more details soon. Plus a new expansion is nearly certain after this season so specs then probably

Nearly certain you say?


Logic. Hence nearly certain, and not confirmed 100% by anyone

Ah. So unconfirmed but yet nearly certain.

Or in other words "It is so because I say so. Source: a dark and humid place."

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This was more a failure of marketing rather than a failure of announcement. If it had just been a front page blog announcement including everything they went over, everyone would be fine. But because they overhyped it so much, many people expected something actually impressive IE new Especs or a even possible Cantha expan. So now Anet is experiencing temporary hype-backlash as all the hype they built up over a generic fast food burger gets inverted into fanboy rage.

I've learned to expect nothing and thus I personally was not let down at all. If anything, fusing the two expansions into one price is a really good deal to bring in more new players. But dayum son Anet dug themselves a PR hole with this one. Hopefully they learn not to use this kind of viral marketing scheme again unless they actually have something next time.

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I think it just needs substance. A trailer is cool and the theme I'm interested in. But, there's very little else to latch onto.

I didn't watch the stream did we get gameplay footage? Like the 2 new maps, the Strikes, the masteries? If so, great! I'll catch up. If not, why not utilise the time to show more gameplay.

Take Nintendo for example. The Switch released Astral Chain today and Fire Emblem recently - to critical acclaim. The made a huge fuss over characters, in game footage, features, menus, interviews, trailers and so forth. Sometimes hourly, sometimes daily and all through social media. They spoiled nothing and created the hype - and mostly just using the in game footage to sell them.

Obviously Anet are no Nintendo, that is perhaps not a sensible comparison in some ways and a full game is bigger in scope, but the fundamental principle in embracing your community and showing them the game and in a way that doesn't ruin it, is one that many companies utilise. Except Anet.

They didn't really do anything wrong, but really didn't go into the substance of what is coming and I think that is where this backlash has channelled from. It's too late to fix that, but going into further detail can only benefit them imo

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@Master Ketsu.4569 said:This was more a failure of marketing rather than a failure of announcement. If it had just been a front page blog announcement including everything they went over, everyone would be fine. But because they overhyped it so much, many people expected something actually impressive IE new Especs or a even possible Cantha expan. So now Anet is experiencing temporary hype-backlash as all the hype they built up over a generic fast food burger gets inverted into fanboy rage.

I've learned to expect nothing and thus I personally was not let down at all. If anything, fusing the two expansions into one price is a really good deal to bring in more new players. But kitten son Anet dug themselves a PR hole with this one. Hopefully they learn not to use this kind of viral marketing scheme again unless they actually have something next time.

This is exactly what happened. This didnt need to be all hyped up with a countdown and everything. A simple chat and blog would have sufficed. I mean when you do an event like this, you build up for something big this was expansion level advertising for it.

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@"Trise.2865" said:Translated:"Dear ArenaNet,You definitely promised me things I made up, and now I'm mad you didn't deliver on them."

Good riddance.

People have reasons to be disappointed, the format of the announcement (Live event inviting people to attend it, streaming, month of hype) does heavily imply there would be more to it than a small blog posts worth of information; it's completely reasonable that people would be let down by it and even be mad that they are losing hope for the game.

The Good riddance to them is rude, but then as your post is bashing the disappointed people rather than ArenaNet it will be allowed and totally fine, only complaining about ArenaNet gets removed/banned.

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@"Trise.2865" said:Bull. You decided you were going to be disappointed before you even went in. You're just looking for excuses to confirm it.

Lol. There is no possible way people can be disappointed, huh? They announced this event a month ago and it happened live at PAX in front of a sizeable audience. They also talked before about this living world having "expansion like" features. So, are you really surprised people expected more than just living season announcement? Because I certainly expected them to show these expansion like features or mention them at least. This forum is always so negative. If someone doesn't complain about the game, then he will complain about another person complaining about the game. Because clearly, people aren't allowed opinions here.

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@Kaleygh.1524 said:I don`t get why they hyped this so much, even going as far as to rent a theater for something they could have just streamed from their office. As for the announcement itself, it was shallow and disappointing.

The best analogy I have seen for this was calling a meeting when an email would have done (although I consider that being generous).

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@MetalGirl.2370 said:

@MetalGirl.2370 said:I wish it was a joke. I already said in another thread.. but i will repeat it anywayThey spit in the face of vets who paid 60 euros for exp and now they gave it for free... I bet it's cuz they see game is lacking in players big time so they wanna give them it so they'd stay and play.... but that's just gonna make vets mad and leave, utter disrespect...~snip~

You do know this is the exact same thing that ESO does don't you? Not necessarily for all previous expansions but they have done it with some...it came out 4 years ago, it's old now, it's also the same thing they did with the base game when they released HoT so if you didn't see them doing this eventually with a PoF bundle then it's possible you don't know the game or company as well as you think. Especially as a veteran you should have surmised that at some point in the future they would just bundle HoT with PoF, as they have done.

but ESO doesn't hype it for a month, making you think it's something awesome and never seen beforelike i said, there has to be people from another state who came over.... imagine paying whatever amount of money it was to go there, expecting something that will amaze you... yet you see new trailer, get told 1st exp is free and above all, they spent more time talking about their merch than anything.... it's just insane to me that they hyped this thing for a month and spent good portion of it just advertising their merch

I keep seeing you saying stuff like "imagine paying to go..." and not offering up actual info on someone that did this instead of people that were literally already there to attend PAX and decided to go to this (which was free in and of itself AND attendees got merch). Like i get you feel it was overhyped and objectively it probably was, but i think you are getting really worked up over people that might not actually exist.

I did see few people say they're flying over, one even said he's waking up at 5AM to go there.I saw it last night when i was checking the timer.

Yes, but I'm still curious if you think they were solely there for this or if they weren't also going to PAX in the first place. Also, I'm still confused why YOU are taking it as personally if you were not the one having gone to the event itself.

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@Randulf.7614 said:I think it just needs substance. A trailer is cool and the theme I'm interested in. But, there's very little else to latch onto.

I didn't watch the stream did we get gameplay footage? Like the 2 new maps, the Strikes, the masteries? If so, great! I'll catch up. If not, why not utilise the time to show more gameplay.

If they showed the gameplay you'd already know how it panned out, because I'm assuming there isn't that much gameplay.

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@PookieDaWombat.6209 said:Anyone tuning into this announcement thinking that they were going to experience some kind of revelation and a huge dopamine burst from that announcement is not living in reality. As I've told others, if the game no longer does it for you, that's fine, you've had your fun with it. Move on. There is literally no shortage in game titles coming out in various genres that await your wallet and off work/off school hours. As for those staying or coming into the game, have fun, explore and enjoy any or all of the content that is currently live in the game. Getting yourself overly hyped for something that common sense should have told you wasn't going to be a thing though is not on the company, but on you as an individual. Personally, as a long time player, I'm actually looking forward to heading north and getting to fight Drak since I wanted to do that since GW1.

We were living in reality. Anet has been hyping this for over a month. Any reasonable person would have taken them for their word that this would likely have been a big thing, despite what apologists are saying now.

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@"omgdracula.6345" said:

Anet messed up with this event yes. But to act like they markedted this as anything more than a living story announcement is hilarious. The emails literally state "This will be an event to talk about the new living story season."

I don't receive emails from the game so I base my knowledge on the news posts and sometimes reddit.

They made a news post calling it a "special announcement event", which to me implied a little more than just the new living story. They put much more effort into this than they usually do so it's not hard to understand why people jumped to the wrong conclusion.


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@PookieDaWombat.6209 said:

@MetalGirl.2370 said:I wish it was a joke. I already said in another thread.. but i will repeat it anywayThey spit in the face of vets who paid 60 euros for exp and now they gave it for free... I bet it's cuz they see game is lacking in players big time so they wanna give them it so they'd stay and play.... but that's just gonna make vets mad and leave, utter disrespect...~snip~

You do know this is the exact same thing that ESO does don't you? Not necessarily for all previous expansions but they have done it with some...it came out 4 years ago, it's old now, it's also the same thing they did with the base game when they released HoT so if you didn't see them doing this eventually with a PoF bundle then it's possible you don't know the game or company as well as you think. Especially as a veteran you should have surmised that at some point in the future they would just bundle HoT with PoF, as they have done.

but ESO doesn't hype it for a month, making you think it's something awesome and never seen beforelike i said, there has to be people from another state who came over.... imagine paying whatever amount of money it was to go there, expecting something that will amaze you... yet you see new trailer, get told 1st exp is free and above all, they spent more time talking about their merch than anything.... it's just insane to me that they hyped this thing for a month and spent good portion of it just advertising their merch

I keep seeing you saying stuff like "imagine paying to go..." and not offering up actual info on someone that did this instead of people that were literally already there to attend PAX and decided to go to this (which was free in and of itself AND attendees got merch). Like i get you feel it was overhyped and objectively it probably was, but i think you are getting really worked up over people that might not actually exist.

Okay, here is your evidence (well, close to it).

If it were not for the hype I would have stayed at work all day rather than only being there for a couple hours. True, since it was Friday before a long weekend I might have left an hour or two early, but not well before lunch. I used PTO I would not normally have used. The SOLE reason I left that early was to see the stream. Who do I see to get paid for my time?

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I don't expect much from ANet, they kitten up like 3 supposed reworks of WvW and we still haven't gotten a single one, but still i said to myself: They can't be so stupid to only announce open world story content, like they are having a live event for 45 minutes and hype it up as all kitten. Like they can't be that stupid, well i guess they can.

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@Menadena.7482 said:

@"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:Anyone tuning into this announcement thinking that they were going to experience some kind of revelation and a huge dopamine burst from that announcement is not living in reality. As I've told others, if the game no longer does it for you, that's fine, you've had your fun with it. Move on. There is literally no shortage in game titles coming out in various genres that await your wallet and off work/off school hours. As for those staying or coming into the game, have fun, explore and enjoy any or all of the content that is currently live in the game. Getting yourself overly hyped for something that common sense should have told you wasn't going to be a thing though is not on the company, but on you as an individual. Personally, as a long time player, I'm actually looking forward to heading north and getting to fight Drak since I wanted to do that since GW1.

We were living in reality. Anet has been hyping this for over a month. Any reasonable person would have taken them for their word that this would likely have been a big thing, despite what apologists are saying now.

If you know anything about my posting history here you would know I'm far from an "apologist" when it comes to Anet and their shenanigans. That being said, literally every marketing strategy around gaming these days is about manufacturing hype, even when it isn't warranted. This particular event falls squarely under the heading of the "fool me once..." trope, and anyone who has been here since day one shouldn't also now be acting like any of this was a surprise. Anet said up front it was going to be an announcement of what was coming next (which it was) along with a few other things that I knew the moment they said it would elicit either a strong yay or nay from the GW2 community. Them confirming that build template system was another big one. Anyone who speculated it would be more than that was simply hopeful, and by now if they are getting angry about an expectation that only existed in their head, then they are getting angry at things that were not in fact, reality.

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I don't believe there is any 'blame' to be assigned, and I find 'pointing fingers' to be non-productive. I take responsibility for my own actions and beliefs. Anet presented exactly what they said they were going to - the next content to be released. Yes, they did it in a way that was different than all the previous LW seasons by having a live presentation, which made me wonder if there was something more beyond that they were going to reveal - which they did add the build templates and the Swiss Tourneys. So we got something more than just the new Saga (which is a new term for Anet, and we don't know what they plan to include in this)What I do know is that the LW seasons in the past have had a lot of good content, and I intend to enjoy what's coming!

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