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Heart of Thorns Veteran's Armor Voucher

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@jbondo.9817 said:

@Taygus.4571 said:We're lucky they gave anything free at all. They didn't have to. It's nice that they did.

It's also nice that we paid 60$+ for that expansion and now it's worth 30$ and you get 2 other games with it.

We're so lucky guys!

On the other hand, we got to play the crap out of that content for years, I for one sure got my moneys worth. If this bundle brings more paying customers to the game, it's all good. Maybe they can hire a few guys to start chipping away on all the stuff this community feel they are entitled to..

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@Ashantara.8731 said:I am glad for everyone who got something out of that voucher that they had not gotten a chance to get their hands on before. I have accepted that it was an item I had to delete due to its limited selection and me already possessing all those skins. C'est la vie, as the French say. ;)

In addition to the unlock aspect, dont they also have the ability to be applied once withoura transmutation charge? Small consolation I know, but at least something?

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@"Eraser.9860" said:I bought HoT like 2 weeks ago and would of definitely rather had that $29 dollars used for Gems so I could pick the skins or outfits I really wanted instead of what the gave us. Very disappointing. Just my opinion.

Rejoice! If you purchased through ArenaNet, you have the option of receiving those $29 dollars in Gems.


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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@"Eraser.9860" said:I bought HoT like 2 weeks ago and would of definitely rather had that $29 dollars used for Gems so I could pick the skins or outfits I really wanted instead of what the gave us. Very disappointing. Just my opinion.

Rejoice! If you purchased through ArenaNet, you have the option of receiving those $29 dollars in Gems.

Wow, thanks for this info! Totally redeemed themselves! Thanks ArenaNet!

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Zaklex.6308 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:I fear the OP's phrasing has confused the issue raised. The OP didn't receive the same bonus as others did, even though the OP likely spent more real money. I think it's reasonable to ask ANet if they took this into account or not.

ANet offered a "gift" to players as a thank you for having spent real money on Heart of Thorns back in the day. The so-called "Heart of Thorns Veteran’s Package" includes three things of value:
  • A Title (which might or might not be "valuable" to everyone)
  • An exclusive glider skin (assuming it isn't eventually added to a wardrobe unlock)
  • A choice of items exclusive to the Gem Shop or various contests, that can also be obtained via a Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock.

Unfortunately, for those who spent a lot on gems (and especially on BL keys), that last item has no value because they already have all the skins unlocked. I think it's a fair question to ask if ANet realized this might happen.

I think it would be fair for ANet to decide that the title and glider skin are sufficient, and I hope that the OP (and others) would be able to see that. I also think it would have been better if ANet had thought this through ahead of time and either explicitly said, "sorry, we can't offer a third item for some people" or (better imo) arranged for some token substitute.

After all, the entire point of the "Veteran's Package" is to recognize veterans for sticking with the game so long and skimping on one third of the "recognition"
like a lack of recognition.

Correction, I usually agree with you, but I has one who has spent money on BLCKeys and unlocked a lot through them I only had 3 of those skins in the Armor pack unlocked already, whether or not they're good or bad is beside the point, they're free, so why complain about something free, even if you already have it?

If you thought we're complaining that we "don't want the skins we don't already have", we're not. Some of us already have ALL of them unlocked. If you did understand that part, then perhaps this comes as a surprise to you.. When it comes to skins in Guild Wars 2, if you already have it unlocked, it is of 0 value to unlock it AGAIN.Meaning; I spent a lot of hours (making in-game gold) and/or real money to BUY all those skins that are available in the voucher from the gem store already.Thus.. I spent MORE time/money than someone that has 2-3 skins, and because of it, I get LESS of a reward for "being a valued customer". THAT feels like a slap in the face, and that's the issue. I know it's a bonus item and not something I can make a claim for or even expected to get, but it still feels like a slap in the face. What we want to know is if ANet took this into account or not since it feels like an oversight on their part.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:Lately they have had selection reward boxes let you pick from a list or get a generic item (perhaps a wardrobe unlocker should have been added.) if you have all the previous things. That consistency was lost on this voucher.Wardrobe unlock would be a bit over the top compared to the skins you can choose from, but a choice of a transmutation charge (that is equal to the value of one of those skins if you already have them unlocked, but easier to store) would've been a good idea. I suspect whoever choose the content just didn't expect people to really have all of those already.

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I wish people would stop telling others it's not okay to complain when you get something for free. If I go to the bakers and ask for a chocolate bun and get told "we're fresh out, but here, have a raisin bun on the house", I'll nod, say thx and then go home to my wife and complain. Why, cause I wanted a fracking chocolate bun and got a fracking raisin bun and I fracking hate raisins...

When I heard about the voucher I imagined all sorts of chocolate buns inside and all I got was a box full of raisin buns.

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@"Shep.4026" said:I wish people would stop telling others it's not okay to complain when you get something for free. If I go to the bakers and ask for a chocolate bun and get told "we're fresh out, but here, have a raisin bun on the house", I'll nod, say thx and then go home to my wife and complain. Why, cause I wanted a fracking chocolate bun and got a fracking raisin bun and I fracking hate raisins...

When I heard about the voucher I imagined all sorts of chocolate buns inside and all I got was a box full of raisin buns.

Ah, but if you order something... that is not generally free. If a baker says come in for a free treat - and they give you a free treat - it is not their fault if you wanted chocolate buns. Go for a free treat with no expectation other than you are getting something for free. I do not care at all about armor/weapon skins, but I'm still not mad. I also got a free black lion chest with key, a shorts/t-shirt outfit, and a new glider skin. Free is free :)

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@Najten.2418 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:I fear the OP's phrasing has confused the issue raised. The OP didn't receive the same bonus as others did, even though the OP likely spent more real money. I think it's reasonable to ask ANet if they took this into account or not.

ANet offered a "gift" to players as a thank you for having spent real money on Heart of Thorns back in the day. The so-called "Heart of Thorns Veteran’s Package" includes three things of value:
  • A Title (which might or might not be "valuable" to everyone)
  • An exclusive glider skin (assuming it isn't eventually added to a wardrobe unlock)
  • A choice of items exclusive to the Gem Shop or various contests, that can also be obtained via a Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock.

Unfortunately, for those who spent a lot on gems (and especially on BL keys), that last item has no value because they already have all the skins unlocked. I think it's a fair question to ask if ANet realized this might happen.

I think it would be fair for ANet to decide that the title and glider skin are sufficient, and I hope that the OP (and others) would be able to see that. I also think it would have been better if ANet had thought this through ahead of time and either explicitly said, "sorry, we can't offer a third item for some people" or (better imo) arranged for some token substitute.

After all, the entire point of the "Veteran's Package" is to recognize veterans for sticking with the game so long and skimping on one third of the "recognition"
like a lack of recognition.

Correction, I usually agree with you, but I has one who has spent money on BLCKeys and unlocked a lot through them I only had 3 of those skins in the Armor pack unlocked already, whether or not they're good or bad is beside the point, they're free, so why complain about something free, even if you already have it?

If you thought we're complaining that we "don't want the skins we don't already have", we're not. Some of us already have ALL of them unlocked. If you did understand that part, then perhaps this comes as a surprise to you.. When it comes to skins in Guild Wars 2, if you already have it unlocked, it is of 0 value to unlock it AGAIN.Meaning; I spent a lot of hours (making in-game gold) and/or real money to BUY all those skins that are available in the voucher from the gem store already.Thus.. I spent MORE time/money than someone that has 2-3 skins, and because of it, I get LESS of a reward for "being a valued customer". THAT feels like a slap in the face, and that's the issue. I know it's a bonus item and not something I can make a claim for or even expected to get, but it still feels like a slap in the face. What we want to know is if ANet took this into account or not since it feels like an oversight on their part.

My guess is that they used what ever data they have on the game that shows a percentage of unlocks and used that as the basis for determining the gifts...at least that's what I'd do, and unless they tell us directly(which probably won't happen) we can only speculate.

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I've been playing for over 5 years so I'd consider myself somewhat of a veteran. I didn't have most of the skins in that voucher, and one of the skins was something I had been kinda wanting for years but not enough to go out of my way to get it whenever it was in the gem store. So I was happy to get it for free. They didn't have to give us anything so this was a nice little reward for being a long time player.

Also, at the comment of "well I paid money for it and now it's free, we're so lucky /s:"I for one got to play that content when it was brand spanking new and it was a blast. I got my money's worth for it and got to see it in its heyday. If the combo deal brings more new players to the game and now allows them to utilize more HoT masteries in the coming episodes (since everyone that has PoF now has access to HoT) then I'm all for it.

Also also, new players probably didn't get all the Living World episodes free like us veterans did ;P

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@"Shep.4026" said:I wish people would stop telling others it's not okay to complain when you get something for free. If I go to the bakers and ask for a chocolate bun and get told "we're fresh out, but here, have a raisin bun on the house", I'll nod, say thx and then go home to my wife and complain. Why, cause I wanted a fracking chocolate bun and got a fracking raisin bun and I fracking hate raisins...

When I heard about the voucher I imagined all sorts of chocolate buns inside and all I got was a box full of raisin buns.

How about if you are walking by the baker shop, no intention of spending money, and he opens the door and offers a free bun...but youve already eaten breakfast and so have no use for it? Would you complain then?

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@Tukaram.8256 said:

@"Shep.4026" said:I wish people would stop telling others it's not okay to complain when you get something for free. If I go to the bakers and ask for a chocolate bun and get told "we're fresh out, but here, have a raisin bun on the house", I'll nod, say thx and then go home to my wife and complain. Why, cause I wanted a fracking chocolate bun and got a fracking raisin bun and I fracking hate raisins...

When I heard about the voucher I imagined all sorts of chocolate buns inside and all I got was a box full of raisin buns.

Ah, but if you order something... that is not generally free. If a baker says come in for a free treat - and they give you a free treat - it is not their fault if you wanted chocolate buns. Go for a free treat with no expectation other than you are getting something for free. I do not care at all about armor/weapon skins, but I'm still not mad. I also got a free black lion chest with key, a shorts/t-shirt outfit, and a new glider skin. Free is free :)&@Ashen.2907 said:

@"Shep.4026" said:I wish people would stop telling others it's not okay to complain when you get something for free. If I go to the bakers and ask for a chocolate bun and get told "we're fresh out, but here, have a raisin bun on the house", I'll nod, say thx and then go home to my wife and complain. Why, cause I wanted a fracking chocolate bun and got a fracking raisin bun and I fracking hate raisins...

When I heard about the voucher I imagined all sorts of chocolate buns inside and all I got was a box full of raisin buns.

How about if you are walking by the baker shop, no intention of spending money, and he opens the door and offers a free bun...but youve already eaten breakfast and so have no use for it? Would you complain then?

Guys, look, you're both not wrong. But you're also both missing my point. Which is that noone is categorically obliged to be partial to a gift, just because it's a gift (expecially considering that no item in an online game can ever be truely gifted, but that's a whole new can of worms). And also that noone is categorically excluded from expressing ones impartiality to a gift, just because it's a gift.

I'm not saying I can turn around and say "No no, I don't like that, I want something else, so give me something else!" - No,, being free it's take it or leave it. But anyone who doesn't like what's inside or worse, already has what's inside, has the right to be disappointed.

Let me add that I'm not digruntled in general or even about the whole package of freebies. In fact I like the outfit very much, one of my toons wears it with a bunny-backpack, looks so cute. And I even like the glider, because it has some very awesome dying possibilites, e.g. with searing and abyssal forest. I am very greatful for those "gifts". But that doesn't exclude me from being disappointed with the voucher. And noone has the right to tell me otherwise.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Suggestion: Don't purchase any other paid content when it releases; wait years for it to become free.

Good luck.

This is actually good advice, especially with single-player games which often get updates for a relatively short period of time and then stop (meaning there's a point where you'll be able to know you're getting everything) and where it's less likely to affect you if you start playing 'late'. There's some games where I've deliberately waited for the inevitable 'game of the year edition' or other bundle with DLC included before buying for exactly that reason.

Of course even then if you wait long enough an even better offer might come along, but that can get impractical too. For example the first Elder Scrolls game was given away completely free, but it was something like 20 years after it was first released and I doubt anyone would have wanted to wait that long, even if they'd known it would happen.

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