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Would you love to see more new "Core" weapons?


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-Offtopic: Why so many options? (Yes,No are enough) :s

-Ontopic: Anet really have to deal with the weapons that classes already have before launching new ones, some weapons are so useless players don't even notice they can use until someone creates a very specific build that use one or two skills of that weapon (maces), while others are used everywhere and in almost every build (sword/greatsword).

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Yes, absolutely! I’d love full new elite specs but adding a new weapon or two to the base class could be excellent in the meantime while they work on specs or something. Although new weapons to core professions comes with benefits elite specs don’t so I’d kinda like to see that happen some no matter what.

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New weapon types is, in my opinion, the best change that can be made for the game. Let these new weapon types break some of the general rules for weapons. Maybe let them hit more than 5 targets or maybe give us a weapon that turns 1 instance of damage into 2 instances of a little over half damage. Let weapons be tactical options over just picking the best weapon for a given build.

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@Hynax.9536 said:-Offtopic: Why so many options? (Yes,No are enough) :s

-Ontopic: Anet really have to deal with the weapons that classes already have before launching new ones, some weapons are so useless players don't even notice they can use until someone creates a very specific build that use one or two skills of that weapon (maces), while others are used everywhere and in almost every build (sword/greatsword).

In other forums I was used to make polls with 10+ options :PThat kinda still stuck with me, dont wanna give people weak options like yes or no.Though I do agree that I went a little overboard with the 2 yes and 2 no options xD

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I'm pretty sure we already have more weapon types compare to WoW

and there's a big difference in terms of design, in GW2, your skills are dependent on the weapon, which is where there balance comes in; and the state of balance is... the T word

thus, I want Anet to map out a clear and concise design of how each class' weapons, utilities and traits should be balanced, and focus to fix up the balance first before going add extra 65 skills they have to balance

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I definitely want to see more base weapons. Something that came up a lot when Elite Specializations first came out was how awkward it was that some of them originally shored up weaknesses in the base profession, even though we'd theoretically have more choices in the long run (and did eventually get another Elite Specialization choice) and thus that weakness would still exist outside of that one choice.

While that's less of a problem now, it still stands out that some professions are surprisingly limited in their actual options in combinations of weapons (usually main-hand versus off-hand), and since you can only ever get one other weapon choice max (because Elite Specializations are mutually exclusive), no current mechanic changes that.

For example, Mesmer only has two options for Main-Hand unless they're Mirage (I wanted Off-Hands in both of my weapon slots, giving me no choice to fill my Main-Hand with). I would like to see at least one more option added to the core profession. Pistol would be an easy choice.

Thief only has two Off-Hand choices. It just seems really small and limits your options way more than it looks when you see the weapon list. I think Torch would fit well as an option. Sure, torches aren't stealthy (unless you're a Mesmer), but they fit the more general sense of a Thief being a sort of resourceful adventurer type.

I'd also definitely support more weapon types in general and there are still plenty of options that don't need an Elite Specialization to justify them as an option. Spear as a land weapon definitely needs to happen someday, and even though they haven't been making more skins for underwater weapons, it at least would have a decent amount of art support for it already. It would be an easy fit for Warriors, Guardians, and Revenants, probably Rangers, and I'd like to see Elementalists try it out as well, at least (I don't think it should necessarily have to be tied to the classes that have it as an underwater weapon).

I'm also forever behind Whip as a new weapon type, even though Elementalist already has a lightning whip attack on Dagger. It would be great on Mesmer, Elementalist could certainly find something else original to do with it, I'd imagine it as a sort of Scorpion Wire-like control weapon for Thieves, and perhaps Revenant or Necromancer could draw on some Castlevania inspiration for it.

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:I'm alittle confused. Are you suggest new weapons with skills or just new skins? If it just new skins I don't care at all.If we're talking about new weapons with new skills then yes please. Gw2 needs more veritity with skills to use and there method of tieing skills to weapons was a big mistake in that department.

Gw2 already has a ton of skins, with more skins coming every day/updateI'm talking about new weapons with their own abilities

Would be awesome if they added completely new weapons (Whip, Rapier, Chakram, Fist)But I would make do if they added already existing weapons to professions who don't own those weapons yet(while making those weapons Core professions accessible!)

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@Rico.6873 said:

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:I'm alittle confused. Are you suggest new weapons with skills or just new skins? If it just new skins I don't care at all.If we're talking about new weapons with new skills then yes please. Gw2 needs more veritity with skills to use and there method of tieing skills to weapons was a big mistake in that department.

Gw2 already has a ton of skins, with more skins coming every day/updateI'm talking about new weapons with their own abilities

Would be awesome if they added completely new weapons (Whip, Rapier, Chakram, Fist)But I would make do if they added already existing weapons to professions who don't own those weapons yet(while making those weapons Core professions accessible!)

I'm glad we're on the same page. And omg fist, haliberg, wipe, any and all weapons imaginable would be great. Since weapons discern skills/play style. So more weapons mean more veritity. If anyone is against this then there against overall growth of guild wars 2.

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