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Only balance i want to hear..


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@Hadi.6025 said:Add a Cooldown to Warclaws if a player dies and re-spawns. People are coming back from spawn entirely too fast. There needs to be some serious balance changes to this mount if you're going to talk about Class balance as well.

So, actually punish player for wishing to join the fight.What about instead giving warclaw a 10s CD after leaving the fight, to stop classes with overabundant teleports and stealth from escaping whenever they want?

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@"Justine.6351" said:That's what drives good players away.

No it isn't, no one decent thinks skilled PvP is playing against "monkeys" who are largely less experienced players, casual players, players in zerg builds, players who are 60 years old, etc. What drove good (well "good" by the low standards of GW2 WvW) players away was something of the opposite, the lack of competitive fights and having to fight "monkeys" instead, be it for guilds, roaming or even to an extent zergs.

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@Justine.6351 said:

@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

@"steki.1478" said:That was kinda the intention of mounts. More time spent fighting instead of running.

No it was to get around the maps faster. not to get into a fight after you LOST.

Those two things are ... the same.

They are the same but they don't have to be the same.

I agree that it's pretty annoying but I wouldn't hold my breath for it to change.

Ok, but they are and that's not an accident. There is no point in someone getting around a map faster ... then being restricted in engaging people in a fight. That makes zero sense.

Eh, it makes a bit of sense. His complaint is valid but I don't know about his solution. I think it would make more sense to add a respawn timer than a cooldown on the warclaw. EIther way though, I don't think it would be worth it in the long run.

Just an opinion.

I didn't understand the complaint ... why is it a problem that people come back too fast to fight? People don't want to have fights in WvW? I can't honestly believe people LIKE waiting around for the zerg to reform 10-15 minutes for the next battle. That's exactly the thing that ISN'T fun about WvW.

Yes, its the logic of WvWers...

We're only here for the fights, come fight me bruh!"

They are getting back into the fight too fast, put it on cooldown!

People pushing their luck is the problem. Hanging around the same area and expecting to farm it infinitely but now that mounts are a thing you actually have to resposition frequently if you don't want to get overrun by those you've killed.

Uh you both are missing it,Too fast back to the fight.

It was a time press before to clean up fights near an enemy spawn and that made sense. But now it's twice as bad simply because warclaw has turbo speed in their own spawn area.

Before classes with mobility could do it fast but reenter a fight with cooldowns and limited resources.Now anyone can with full cooldowns and full resource.

Like downed state, it props up failing as acceptable play.

It's ok to be bad at the game, it's not ok to not become good because the game drops the skill floor so low that the disparity between a few good player and a few more button smashing monkeys is nil. That's what drives good players away. They want their skill to mean something, not just build vs build who can smash all the hard counter buttons fastest. Warclaw and downed state are the extension of the idiotic ideal that the game should have builds and mechanics that safeguard players who can't Dodge huge telegraph's.

And it comes back to,Why do I have to down the same monkey multiple times because of downed state, kill him, only to have him return seconds later on his monkey build with full cooldowns and resource. It makes no sense. What kind of pvp doesn't balance the sideline for player a dying?

End of rant

How it used to be is unimportant, what matters is how it is now.

I'm going to have to assume we're talking smaller scale, mounts have an effect on all scales, but smaller to a much lesser degree. It's a lot easier to move from where you are when your group is small and the group you're fighting is small, you can afford to give ground without sacrificing your dominance. On a larger scale, you may be trying to take an objective such as a tower or keep, or trying to hold as many people behind a choke as you can. If you move you're going to allow people through and you're going to get swarmed, if you stay you're going to get overwhelmed. Both cases people continuously regroup and you eventually get worn down.

Back to the small scale, a similar issue can arise even if we're talking the exact same situation. The difference is that you can likely afford to leave the objective entirely while a few hang back. There aren't so many players that they can't be managed - small scale is a trickle, large scale is a landslide. If you want to succeed with a small group you need to respect the ground that's being pushed by retreating to regroup and allowing the other side to push out of their comfort zone. If you're trying to wall an area off or always pushing forward then yeah, even without mounts you'd eventually get overwhelmed because you're being too aggressive.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"steki.1478" said:That was kinda the intention of mounts. More time spent fighting instead of running.

No it was to get around the maps faster. not to get into a fight after you LOST.

Those two things are ... the same.

They are the same but they don't have to be the same.

I agree that it's pretty annoying but I wouldn't hold my breath for it to change.

Ok, but they are and that's not an accident. There is no point in someone getting around a map faster ... then being restricted in engaging people in a fight. That makes zero sense.

Eh, it makes a bit of sense. His complaint is valid but I don't know about his solution. I think it would make more sense to add a respawn timer than a cooldown on the warclaw. EIther way though, I don't think it would be worth it in the long run.

Just an opinion.

I didn't understand the complaint ... why is it a problem that people come back too fast to fight? People don't want to have fights in WvW? I can't honestly believe people LIKE waiting around for the zerg to reform 10-15 minutes for the next battle. That's exactly the thing that ISN'T fun about WvW.

Yes, its the logic of WvWers...

We're only here for the fights, come fight me bruh!"

They are getting back into the fight too fast, put it on cooldown!

Quality of quantity.

@Justine.6351 pretty much said it all though.When a player is defeated there should be more drawback/punishment. But like downstate mounts seems to mitigate this and allows players that are constantly defeated and outplayed to attain victory, simply because they can run back in record time, to the point that killing them is so pointless that you might as well give up whatever objective you were trying to capture.

I've actually taken to roaming the desert BL more and more. The sheer size of that map allows me to take outnumbered fights whether with friends or alone because the enemies after they're defeated can't run back and rejoin their friends as easily as in alpine.

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@knite.1542 said:

@steki.1478 said:That was kinda the intention of mounts. More time spent fighting instead of running.

No it was to get around the maps faster. not to get into a fight after you LOST.

Those two things are ... the same.

They are the same but they don't have to be the same.

I agree that it's pretty annoying but I wouldn't hold my breath for it to change.

Ok, but they are and that's not an accident. There is no point in someone getting around a map faster ... then being restricted in engaging people in a fight. That makes zero sense.

Eh, it makes a bit of sense. His complaint is valid but I don't know about his solution. I think it would make more sense to add a respawn timer than a cooldown on the warclaw. EIther way though, I don't think it would be worth it in the long run.

Just an opinion.

I didn't understand the complaint ... why is it a problem that people come back too fast to fight? People don't want to have fights in WvW? I can't honestly believe people LIKE waiting around for the zerg to reform 10-15 minutes for the next battle. That's exactly the thing that ISN'T fun about WvW.

I don't know if the OP is zerging or not but for smaller scale things it can be frustrating. Here is a common thing that I face.

You go to flip a supply camp, 1 defender shows up, you kill them, another defender shows up, you kill them as well. A third defender shows up and you engage with that person, the 1st defender you killed has time to come back and eventually these people will have a chance to overwhelm you just for the fact that they can respawn and run back to the camp before you can take it. While I absolutely don't think there is anything wrong with the defenders choosing to come back, it does get very frustrating as the assaulter to be fighting against an endless loop of the same people that you have already killed because they can come back so quickly.

Not a huge deal, not game breaking in anyway, just extremely frustrating, which is why I can relate to the OPs complaint.I don't necessarily think should be changed though.

So you think people shouldn't be able to defend their camp with greater numbers?

Your solution is to call for help flipping the camp, so you can actually flip it. Not complain that people are using the game mechanics to play the game.

I'd make camps harder to flip so it either takes a lot longer or one person can't solo it, to give defenders more chance to defend them. As it is, without a defender the NPCs are dead in 5 seconds then it's just a timer before the camp is taken.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@Justine.6351 said:It was a time press before to clean up fights near an enemy spawn and that made sense. But now it's twice as bad simply because warclaw has turbo speed in their own spawn area.TL;DR they run too fast back when you are spawncamping them?

Right. Thats surely a reason to add a cd. Zergs have a right to spawncamp!

dude...pretty sure we not talking zerging or spawncamping. Pretty sure this conversation is about closing out fights that nowadays drag on for as long as it takes the enemy to overwhelm you with no resets. But yeah it sure is nice to roll up with warclaw onto players that killed you less than 30 seconds ago that have half their skills on cd and still in the same fight, while you are all 100% ready to go again.

Anybody who has ever actually solo roamed knows what its like to get a 1v1, then +1, then +1 again and then died cause 3 to 4 fresh players kept engaging you without reset. Warclaw just exasperates that as now ANY build can move fast enough to reengage after dying quite quickly reducing the number of players required to graveyard a fight.

This is 100% about below/average players turning somewhat even fights into a zerging scenario where they arn't killing their winning enemies by skill, but by sheer numbers, without physically having more players. What? Players return to fights they died in, so fast its like having extra players, its that dumb.

I recently had a 1 v 3 underwater. Yes this does relate, its just scaled down.I burn a deadeye and he dies fast cause he is below average player, sadface.I fighting the other 2 and have one pressured hard and he running to land making it a 1v1.A 4th player enters the fight.But guess what, its the deadeye returned and he blows me up cause I no reset and he 100% cooldowns and resource.So a 1 v 3 becomes a 1 v 4 only its still only 4 unique players total but maths out to effectively 5 players total.

This is what warclaw amplifies, it takes X number of average players and increases their number by a factor based on how much return to fight time has been removed by it. When you start increasing the number of players you start increasing the number of traditionally slower builds like scourge and firebrands and that factor becomes even more skewed. And if I need to explain to anyone what even an average scourge can do +1ing something like a 5v5, then there is no point even trying to explain this further...

I don't want to see warclaw removed but denying that it affects wvw, beyond just zerglings and scouts trying to avoid fights, is ridiculous. A 60 second cd after death is not unreasonable and would allow fights to naturally conclude or continue as per preWarclaw times.

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@Baldrick.8967 said:

@"steki.1478" said:That was kinda the intention of mounts. More time spent fighting instead of running.

No it was to get around the maps faster. not to get into a fight after you LOST.

Those two things are ... the same.

They are the same but they don't have to be the same.

I agree that it's pretty annoying but I wouldn't hold my breath for it to change.

Ok, but they are and that's not an accident. There is no point in someone getting around a map faster ... then being restricted in engaging people in a fight. That makes zero sense.

Eh, it makes a bit of sense. His complaint is valid but I don't know about his solution. I think it would make more sense to add a respawn timer than a cooldown on the warclaw. EIther way though, I don't think it would be worth it in the long run.

Just an opinion.

I didn't understand the complaint ... why is it a problem that people come back too fast to fight? People don't want to have fights in WvW? I can't honestly believe people LIKE waiting around for the zerg to reform 10-15 minutes for the next battle. That's exactly the thing that ISN'T fun about WvW.

I don't know if the OP is zerging or not but for smaller scale things it can be frustrating. Here is a common thing that I face.

You go to flip a supply camp, 1 defender shows up, you kill them, another defender shows up, you kill them as well. A third defender shows up and you engage with that person, the 1st defender you killed has time to come back and eventually these people will have a chance to overwhelm you just for the fact that they can respawn and run back to the camp before you can take it. While I absolutely don't think there is anything wrong with the defenders choosing to come back, it does get very frustrating as the assaulter to be fighting against an endless loop of the same people that you have already killed because they can come back so quickly.

Not a huge deal, not game breaking in anyway, just extremely frustrating, which is why I can relate to the OPs complaint.I don't necessarily think should be changed though.

So you think people shouldn't be able to defend their camp with greater numbers?

Your solution is to call for help flipping the camp, so you can actually flip it. Not complain that people are using the game mechanics to play the game.

I'd make camps harder to flip so it either takes a lot longer or one person can't solo it, to give defenders more chance to defend them. As it is, without a defender the NPCs are dead in 5 seconds then it's just a timer before the camp is taken.

"While I absolutely don't think there is anything wrong with the defenders choosing to come back""I don't necessarily think [it] should be changed though."

edit: I will assume that I didn't communicate my thoughts clearly enough so I want to restate those things I said in the post you quoted.

I don't think defenders are doing anything wrong by going back to defend their camps. I don't think it (being mount use) should change. Sorry for the confusion.

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@Justine.6351 said:

@Justine.6351 said:It was a time press before to clean up fights near an enemy spawn and that made sense. But now it's twice as bad simply because warclaw has turbo speed in their own spawn area.TL;DR they run too fast back when you are spawncamping them?

Right. Thats surely a reason to add a cd. Zergs have a right to spawncamp!

dude...pretty sure we not talking zerging or spawncamping. Pretty sure this conversation is about closing out fights that nowadays drag on for as long as it takes the enemy to overwhelm you with no resets. But yeah it sure is nice to roll up with warclaw onto players that killed you less than 30 seconds ago that have half their skills on cd and still in the same fight, while you are all 100% ready to go again.

Anybody who has ever actually solo roamed knows what its like to get a 1v1, then +1, then +1 again and then died cause 3 to 4 fresh players kept engaging you without reset. Warclaw just exasperates that as now ANY build can move fast enough to reengage after dying quite quickly reducing the number of players required to graveyard a fight.

This is 100% about below/average players turning somewhat even fights into a zerging scenario where they arn't killing their winning enemies by skill, but by sheer numbers, without physically having more players. What? Players return to fights they died in, so fast its like having extra players, its that dumb.

I recently had a 1 v 3 underwater. Yes this does relate, its just scaled down.I burn a deadeye and he dies fast cause he is below average player, sadface.I fighting the other 2 and have one pressured hard and he running to land making it a 1v1.A 4th player enters the fight.But guess what, its the deadeye returned and he blows me up cause I no reset and he 100% cooldowns and resource.So a 1 v 3 becomes a 1 v 4 only its still only 4 unique players total but maths out to effectively 5 players total.

This is what warclaw amplifies, it takes X number of average players and increases their number by a factor based on how much return to fight time has been removed by it. When you start increasing the number of players you start increasing the number of traditionally slower builds like scourge and firebrands and that factor becomes even more skewed. And if I need to explain to anyone what even an average scourge can do +1ing something like a 5v5, then there is no point even trying to explain this further...

I don't want to see warclaw removed but denying that it affects wvw, beyond just zerglings and scouts trying to avoid fights, is ridiculous. A 60 second cd after death is not unreasonable and would allow fights to naturally conclude or continue as per preWarclaw times.

I understand this is an opinion, but I don't much mind getting overwhelmed. It's action. If I lose, I try again. Sometimes it's obvious what ever obstacle I'm trying to overcome can't be won at which point either I move on, or I wait for a better time to make another try.

I hate losing to mechanics, but I like losing to skill. I like being outplayed because I learn. I don't feel rewarded when I lose to mechanics, I feel like the player I was fighting was carried. That said, that's also a state of mind - it's ego. I want to assert my relevance rather than just having fun with combat. Over time, I've learned to out grow that way of thinking. I don't care if people think I'm good or bad and I don't care if my skill isn't rewarded. Sure, I'd love to see GW2 have better balance, so I'm not saying I'm "happy" with the state of the game, I'm just saying I'm a take it as it is kind of person. Now, my feeling that someone was carried is related to ego doesn't mean it'll be the same for everyone of course. Some people just plain don't like feeling "cheated" and it has nothing to do with ego. I get that, but still, I think everyone would enjoy themselves a lot better if they didn't take their losses to heart. What's it matter if who you were fighting was "bad" and therefore they shouldn't be rewarded and you should win. Just enjoy the fights and use the same mechanics they do - mount up and rejoin when you die, more action, faster.

Side note, despite how it sounds, I don't like mounts either. I'm just trying to offer a different perspective for those who passionately hate the subject of the thread; mounts allowing people to rejoin fights too quickly.

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I can see the frustration on @Justine.6351 and the OP side, while, after cutting through the hyperbole of @Dawdler.8521 I can agree that getting the fights matters more to me.

In the spawn camp situation, the team at that spawn SHOULD ABSOLUTELY have an advantage and if that is a quick return with the mount (despite me wanting mounts removed). That should be considered a relatively safe camp for the team at that spawn.

And I absolutely agree with this (Just enjoy the fights and use the same mechanics they do - mount up and rejoin when you die, more action, faster.) from @"SpellOfIniquity.1780"

If I get beehived by a group, after downing / killing several, it is a win to me. I leave with 10 (edit not 19 lol) minutes of participation and multiple bags, despite not getting the camp.

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@Gop.8713 said:It was fun to read this and see how so many players want so many different things from the mode. I wonder if anything could be learned from that . . .

People should learn not to treat an MMO as a single player game, especially in wvw. Hard to say the same about pve when the content keeps getting dumber and dumber because people like to afk instead of playing the game and that's Anet's favorite type of players for some reason.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@Hadi.6025 said:Add a Cooldown to Warclaws if a player dies and re-spawns. People are coming back from spawn entirely too fast. There needs to be some serious balance changes to this mount if you're going to talk about Class balance as well.

Cool down is fine. Let them come to bag farm.

Three dodges, 10+K health? That needs some trimming. Like 2k health, 2 dodges..

oh yaaaa... then I can cut them down in one shot! bahahaaa

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@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@Hadi.6025 said:Add a Cooldown to Warclaws if a player dies and re-spawns. People are coming back from spawn entirely too fast. There needs to be some serious balance changes to this mount if you're going to talk about Class balance as well.

Cool down is fine. Let them come to bag farm.

Three dodges, 10+K health? That needs some trimming. Like 2k health, 2 dodges..

oh yaaaa... then I can cut them down in one shot!

If they can’t dodge rapid shot with two dodges then they have other problems..

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@Hadi.6025 said:Add a Cooldown to Warclaws if a player dies and re-spawns. People are coming back from spawn entirely too fast. There needs to be some serious balance changes to this mount if you're going to talk about Class balance as well.

Cool down is fine. Let them come to bag farm.

Three dodges, 10+K health? That needs some trimming. Like 2k health, 2 dodges..

oh yaaaa... then I can cut them down in one shot!

If they can’t dodge rapid shot with two dodges then they have other problems..

I have to say, it’s very rare that someone gets by me without being dismounted as it is. Nerfing the mount would make them even easier prey.

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@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@Hadi.6025 said:Add a Cooldown to Warclaws if a player dies and re-spawns. People are coming back from spawn entirely too fast. There needs to be some serious balance changes to this mount if you're going to talk about Class balance as well.

Cool down is fine. Let them come to bag farm.

Three dodges, 10+K health? That needs some trimming. Like 2k health, 2 dodges..

oh yaaaa... then I can cut them down in one shot!

If they can’t dodge rapid shot with two dodges then they have other problems..

I have to say, it’s very rare that someone gets by me without being dismounted as it is. Nerfing the mount would make them even easier prey.

But let’s be real: you have played that class for how many years? It’s your main.. You are likely the exception, not the norm.?

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"steki.1478" said:That was kinda the intention of mounts. More time spent fighting instead of running.

No it was to get around the maps faster. not to get into a fight after you LOST.

Those two things are ... the same.

They are the same but they don't have to be the same.

I agree that it's pretty annoying but I wouldn't hold my breath for it to change.

Ok, but they are and that's not an accident. There is no point in someone getting around a map faster ... then being restricted in engaging people in a fight. That makes zero sense.

Eh, it makes a bit of sense. His complaint is valid but I don't know about his solution. I think it would make more sense to add a respawn timer than a cooldown on the warclaw. EIther way though, I don't think it would be worth it in the long run.

Just an opinion.

I didn't understand the complaint ... why is it a problem that people come back too fast to fight? People don't want to have fights in WvW? I can't honestly believe people LIKE waiting around for the zerg to reform 10-15 minutes for the next battle. That's exactly the thing that ISN'T fun about WvW.

Yes, its the logic of WvWers...

We're only here for the fights, come fight me bruh!"

They are getting back into the fight too fast, put it on cooldown!

I'm not sure if you were being sarcastic or not but if I'm wrong, explain it to me why 'real' WvW thinks it's OK to get around the map faster, but be restricted in when a person can re-enter the fight. I don't get it ... I've played games where you literally have a fight in a zerg for 30 minutes; it's epic and awesome fun. Why wouldn't we want fights like that in WvW?

When I hear someone complain that someone gets back to the fight too fast, my first impression is that they don't want to fight. They just want to beat someone quick and sit on getting points or rewards or whatever. Sounds uber lazy and boring IMO.

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@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@Hadi.6025 said:Add a Cooldown to Warclaws if a player dies and re-spawns. People are coming back from spawn entirely too fast. There needs to be some serious balance changes to this mount if you're going to talk about Class balance as well.

Cool down is fine. Let them come to bag farm.

Three dodges, 10+K health? That needs some trimming. Like 2k health, 2 dodges..

oh yaaaa... then I can cut them down in one shot!

If they can’t dodge rapid shot with two dodges then they have other problems..

I have to say, it’s very rare that someone gets by me without being dismounted as it is. Nerfing the mount would make them even easier prey.

Pewpew Ranger or ranged condi user spotted :p

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@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@Hadi.6025 said:Add a Cooldown to Warclaws if a player dies and re-spawns. People are coming back from spawn entirely too fast. There needs to be some serious balance changes to this mount if you're going to talk about Class balance as well.

Cool down is fine. Let them come to bag farm.

Three dodges, 10+K health? That needs some trimming. Like 2k health, 2 dodges..

oh yaaaa... then I can cut them down in one shot!

If they can’t dodge rapid shot with two dodges then they have other problems..

I have to say, it’s very rare that someone gets by me without being dismounted as it is. Nerfing the mount would make them even easier prey.

Pewpew Ranger or ranged condi user spotted :p

ugh condi? noooo. Total super pewpew all the way. With tweaks to make it meaner ?

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@Hadi.6025 said:Add a Cooldown to Warclaws if a player dies and re-spawns. People are coming back from spawn entirely too fast. There needs to be some serious balance changes to this mount if you're going to talk about Class balance as well.

Cool down is fine. Let them come to bag farm.

Three dodges, 10+K health? That needs some trimming. Like 2k health, 2 dodges..

oh yaaaa... then I can cut them down in one shot!

If they can’t dodge rapid shot with two dodges then they have other problems..

I have to say, it’s very rare that someone gets by me without being dismounted as it is. Nerfing the mount would make them even easier prey.

But let’s be real: you have played that class for how many years? It’s your main.. You are likely the exception, not the norm.?

Yep and it pains me to meet other Rangers cause most die way too easy. These days I’m playing Herald more than my soulbeast though. Finally time for some variety... unless I’m roaming or just in the mood for pirate ship fun.

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@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@"Hadi.6025" said:Add a Cooldown to Warclaws if a player dies and re-spawns. People are coming back from spawn entirely too fast. There needs to be some serious balance changes to this mount if you're going to talk about Class balance as well.

Cool down is fine. Let them come to bag farm.

Three dodges, 10+K health? That needs some trimming. Like 2k health, 2 dodges..

oh yaaaa... then I can cut them down in one shot!

If they can’t dodge rapid shot with two dodges then they have other problems..

I have to say, it’s very rare that someone gets by me without being dismounted as it is. Nerfing the mount would make them even easier prey.

Pewpew Ranger or ranged condi user spotted :p

ugh condi? noooo. Total super pewpew all the way. With tweaks to make it meaner ?

Only class/weapon that is a pain in my butt (condi I can get far enough away then manually dismount). I still go for the fight tho, esp where their rapid fire is on CD and chances are the unblockable.

As a thoerycrafter I am intrigued about these "tweaks" tho.

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