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Now that LS5 is coming, can we have a "Travel Tome"/"Meta Book"?

Tic Tac Toe.1482

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This. One of the reasons why I've hold off on even buying the scrolls is because of the fact that they'd clutter up the bank, even with them all stored in a 'tome'. I either force each toon i have through the first part of the story to get the first WP or I designate one toon as the 'get everything' toon. Something that had pages (tabs) like the vendors do would be an immense QoL improvement. Though I can just imagine the coding around such a thing so prolly something on the 'soon' table that'll never happen.

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@kharmin.7683 said:Wouldn't this cut into the shared inventory slots profits?

Depends on the price. If the meta-book cost more gold than 2 shared-in slots, then it's more for people that are already at max shared-inv slots.

@Random Wax Orc.7695 said:A text selection list like the current tomes would be too long and clunky. A meta-tome would need graphical icons in a grid pattern or something... with only mouse-over text.

You can easily make it hierarchical in text form, i.e. on top-level:

  • LS3
  • LS4
  • LS5
  • ... (more would be nice, HoT, PoF, Cities, even Gemshop-only-teleports could go into own categories)
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I agree. This is the main reason I haven't bought any of the portal scrolls (or other items) yet. I visit all the maps periodically so I can't choose just 1 or 2 to buy, and I don't want to fill too much of my bank/inventory space with portals. If it was possible to condense them all down into 1 book I'd be much more likely to collect them.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Wouldn't this cut into the shared inventory slots profits?

Not at all. Shared slot have a fixed number you can have.

Not everyone will purchase the maximum number. Those who haven't may purchase more to handle the additional LS tome. Granting the OP request would invalidate that. That was my point, however right or wrong it might be. ;)

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@kharmin.7683 said:Wouldn't this cut into the shared inventory slots profits?

@arielwind.8921 said:I don't think Anet would do it, because shared inventory is one of their profit. Gw2 doesn't have monthly subscription, it's almost free. There should be source of revenue to support that good game.

If this were their main motivation, then we never would've gotten keys added to the wallet, nor the novelties section of the wardrobe.

Since the addition of shared slots to the game, there have been several qol updates that removed objects from inventory to make them available account-wide, including many things that were popularly stored in shared slots before. While a more inventory-friendly storage for all of the teleport scrolls/stones/whatnot probably isn't at the top of the priority list, ANet certainly knows people would love to see that, and I fully expect them to get some kind of treatment similar to keys and novelty items eventually.

@Danikat.8537 said:If it was possible to condense them all down into 1 book I'd be much more likely to collect them.It's just one slot per season, since you can buy a tome that eats up all of the individual map scrolls for that season (plus the Sun's Refuge scroll for season 4). Personally I gladly give up two shared inventory slots for those tomes, since I find it's a huge qol update to be able to send any character to any living story map anytime I want to.

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@kharmin.7683 said:Wouldn't this cut into the shared inventory slots profits?

I only keep the current tome in mine anyway, so no. A 'hold-all' would replace the current. Honestly, once I've unlocked the latest map on all my toons, I don't generally even keep THAT in a shared slot; it gets relegated to bank space. There are too many other things I use more often. (Of course, for the first week or so, I use it all the time, but after that? Yeah, no.)

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@Tic Tac Toe.1482 said:Something that combines the season 3-5 books of portals (hopefully there's one for season 5), and all the other travel scrolls/doodads? Maybe a cool quest to go with it? Or even a gemstore QoL item?

I know it's been asked before, but with LS5 around the corner, it seems like a good time to bring it up...

At this point we don't know if the S5 maps will require a story instance to unlock. If for instance, the map is connected to an existing map and requires only to walk into it from another map, then I see no reason for this.But if I have to go through a story instance to unlock the map, and a portal scroll is needed for my alts then I can definitely see the QoL benefit of some kind Uber-tome.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@Tic Tac Toe.1482 said:Something that combines the season 3-5 books of portals (hopefully there's one for season 5), and all the other travel scrolls/doodads? Maybe a cool quest to go with it? Or even a gemstore QoL item?

I know it's been asked before, but with LS5 around the corner, it seems like a good time to bring it up...

At this point we don't know if the S5 maps will require a story instance to unlock. If for instance, the map is connected to an existing map and requires only to walk into it from another map, then I see no reason for this.But if I have to go through a story instance to unlock the map, and a portal scroll is needed for my alts then I can definitely see the QoL benefit of some kind Uber-tome.

Bitterfrost and Lake Doric could be walked into but still had to complete story stages to be allowed access to the maps. An each of those maps had a portal scroll available.

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@starhunter.6015 said:

@Tic Tac Toe.1482 said:Something that combines the season 3-5 books of portals (hopefully there's one for season 5), and all the other travel scrolls/doodads? Maybe a cool quest to go with it? Or even a gemstore QoL item?

I know it's been asked before, but with LS5 around the corner, it seems like a good time to bring it up...

At this point we don't know if the S5 maps will require a story instance to unlock. If for instance, the map is connected to an existing map and requires only to walk into it from another map, then I see no reason for this.But if I have to go through a story instance to unlock the map, and a portal scroll is needed for my alts then I can definitely see the QoL benefit of some kind Uber-tome.

Bitterfrost and Lake Doric could be walked into but still had to complete story stages to be allowed access to the maps. An each of those maps had a portal scroll available.

Yes, but Jahai you could walk in without doing the story

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I absolutely love this idea! Alternatively, they could increase the limit on shared slots.

@kharmin.7683 said:Wouldn't this cut into the shared inventory slots profits?

I have the max allowed number of shared slots. I would gladly pay for a QoL item that would allow me to bundle all teleporting items together. I would even pay for an option to expand it to include world boss teleporter, spearmarshal plea, and similar items. It may cost the same as shared inventory slots. I do understand that I might be in a minority, though.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@Tic Tac Toe.1482 said:Something that combines the season 3-5 books of portals (hopefully there's one for season 5), and all the other travel scrolls/doodads? Maybe a cool quest to go with it? Or even a gemstore QoL item?

I know it's been asked before, but with LS5 around the corner, it seems like a good time to bring it up...

At this point we don't know if the S5 maps will require a story instance to unlock. If for instance, the map is connected to an existing map and requires only to walk into it from another map, then I see no reason for this.But if I have to go through a story instance to unlock the map, and a portal scroll is needed for my alts then I can definitely see the QoL benefit of some kind Uber-tome.

Bitterfrost and Lake Doric could be walked into but still had to complete story stages to be allowed access to the maps. An each of those maps had a portal scroll available.

Yes, but Jahai you could walk in without doing the story

You still had to talk to NPC to start it and go through the portal to Jahai

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To quote a previous GW2 Discussion regarding a Pass Tome suggestion that I made:

Portal Tome for Season 3 holding all the Season 3 Portal Scrolls.Check.

Portal Tome for Season 4 holding all the Season 4 Portal Scrolls.Check.

Pass Tome for holding all the Gemstore Passes .Haven't seen this yet. Don't know why. Obviously, people enjoy the economy of space that Portal Tomes provide (and they are bought with specific in-game currencies).

A Pass Tome could be a Gemstore item so there is the distinct possibility of additional real world income for Anet just with this item, as well as it being convenient for players (QoL improvement).

Additionally, it would encourage players to have more than one pass (additional possibility of real world income for Anet, also convenient for players).

It could be tabbed with a tab for permanent passes, a tab for 2-week/temporary passes, and a tab for portal stones (convenient for players).

The temporary pass tab could have the ability to add a temporary pass directly - like buying extra bank tabs or bag slots (additional possibility of real world income for Anet AND convenient for players).

The tab for portal stones (e.g. Hall of Monuments Portal Stone and Exalted Portal Stone) would allow players to save space, provide another selling point for a Pass Tome, and encourage the use of Portal Stones for future instances. I realize that this tab is really reaching - especially since one is account bound and the other soul bound. However, there is no harm in asking - the worst that can happen is nothing.

Players save space and have more options. Anet gets paid. Win-win situation.

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@"Random Wax Orc.7695" said:A text selection list like the current tomes would be too long and clunky. A meta-tome would need graphical icons in a grid pattern or something... with only mouse-over text.

Or it could use a tree.

[You're browsing your All Teleports in One Tome]-> VIP Lounges (from gemstore)-- [Choose your map]--> Havoc's Heir--> Royal Terrace--> Mistlock Sanctuary--> Lava Lounge--> Lily of the Elon--> Noble's Folly-> Cities (from the seven city scrolls)-- [Choose your map]--> The Black Citadel--> Divinity's Reach--> Ebonhawk--> Hoelbrak--> The Grove--> Lion's Arch--> Rata Sum-> Season 1 and 2 maps-- [Choose your map]--> Southsun Cove--> Tower of Nightmares--> Battle for Lion's Arch (let's just dream here, kay?)--> Dry Top--> The Silverwastes-> Season 3-- [Choose your map]--> -insert the six maps---> Aurene's Chamber-> Season 4-- [Choose your map]--> -insert the seven maps--> Season 5-- [Choose your map]--> -insert the xyz maps-

So each section of the dialogue tree would have 6-7 entries (a minimum of 4 for the first one - VIP, city, S3, and S4). Might need to add an additional layer if we get many more groupings, however.

That said, if they really are changing how they're doing LW, we may not see a portal tome for Season 5. All the same, having a portal tome for VIP and city teleport scrolls would be nice, as would be adding the Exalted Portal Stone to the Season 3 tome.

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