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Clock tower rewards - underwhelming?

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The clock tower is still pretty hard to pull off, even when you know the jp already. How come it's not more rewarding than lab farm? I guess i'm just sort of disappointed that one of the most technically challenging pieces of content in this holiday update isn't that rewarding outside of additional ap once you learn it.

I'm sure some troll will come in here and say they have 100% try to success ratios but given what I've seen in success rates against my peers it's obvious that even people who can complete it still struggle reliably completing it. I think i was actually beaten maybe once after i learned it in any session i was there the whole time for and i've done plenty.

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@Jimbru.6014 said:The clock tower is too difficult for the average player to begin with. If there's anything in this game that needs nerfed, it's that stupid tower.

That used to be my stance on the matter a couple of years ago, after giving up on it. Then I decided that, if others can master it I can too. ;) That was in 2016, and I have been a frequent visitor to the tower ever since. It is so much fun to climb! :) It would truly sadden me if it got nerfed.

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The clocktower seems easier than the Demon of a Drifter achievement. At least to me playing still without expansions. (I don't know how mount masteries affect the Beetle and some people suggest to switch to raptor for the last part.) Stats at gw2efficiency also hint at that. (Less people have the drifter and a few more have the clocktower achievement.)

Now I'm not for nerfing. (But they seem to have nerfed the drifter achievement from 50s to 1 minute which seems okay.) I think balancing it to have some hard stuff that about 5 percent of the players can complete ... is okay. (For clocktower I think with lots of learning it can be even more.) If it only were 100 players or 0.01 percent of all the players it would be more of a problem.

As for the rewards I think they should not be that high though. Achievements and AP is a nice thing for people that can do it. But would hurt those wo can't do it much more if the rewards were higher. I'm fine with AP. I see 2-3 at max during one run. (Then most even leave.) Haven't seen someone "farming" it completely and managing every try. (Probably because some old guides mention re-logging cause you can't directly join the next run and relogging might save time.)

My personal experience: Back then in 2013 I could do it after lots of training ... hours a day for some days. After my break - returning 2019 to the game - i did it on the 2nd say of halloween event. (First day 30-60 minutes tried it 2nd day after 30 minutes beat it.) It seems I had the trained jumping reflexes still in me. Needed a Dulfy vid to see where to jump and wait though. (At one point you need to jump/fall down. I still can't get all the minor chests and fail often. Having managed the 5AP achievement 2 times now I think. (6-7 completions of the tower since the event started.)

Most of the time I get bored because of having to wait - when making a mistake erly. My hands get sweaty easy in such situations. Hard because of the timing and the eaerly parts. Later it gets easier for me. (I need to be slower later ... there are some jumps that might fail if not carefully and I haven't trained them to the point to rush them fast. Last jump at the last stairs before jumping into the tower can fail if not careful cause you need to jump up first then pressing forward and I normally tend to press forward first if not paying attention carefully - leading to getting stuck and jumping into the stairs instead above of it. That's why I lose time early and can't get the small chests. Need to stay careful. Working much better for me.)

Edit: 1-time-achievement for title and/or skin would be okay. Not something that makes it farmeable like better repetitive rewards. That's not something you'd really need and you have every year to try again since that would not be "annual".

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I wouldn't mind occasionally getting cobs (maybe limited to a certain amount per day) from the tower. I actually enjoy the puzzle, even though I've done it roughly 40 times this year and only succeeded twice (lag). I've had my eye on the various ravens over the years, but they've been out of my reach; this would help.

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Anecdotal observation: my 13-year-old daughter (our in-house jp specialist) just asked me to be allowed to play on my laptop, since her old potatoe of a pc lags too bad to reliably jump. She finished the jp on the laptop on third try, and pretty much any try after that.

So yes, there are people that are able to farm this jp reliably. And there are people like me who never even got half way up the tower. I think rewards are fine the way they are, else it'll turn into a best-per-time bag farm for some while excluding the rest.

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@Rasimir.6239 said:Anecdotal observation: my 13-year-old daughter (our in-house jp specialist) just asked me to be allowed to play on my laptop, since her old potatoe of a pc lags too bad to reliably jump. She finished the jp on the laptop on third try, and pretty much any try after that.

So yes, there are people that are able to farm this jp reliably. And there are people like me who never even got half way up the tower. I think rewards are fine the way they are, else it'll turn into a best-per-time bag farm for some while excluding the rest.

It's easy enough to cap it at x successful attempts per day to prevent this. I think not rewarding people for learning hard content is worse.

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My problem with this jp is the waiting aspect. It's built like a race. So after start you flub up quick, you have to wait for the timer to run through and the gate to open to get another chance as well as see the tower overview animation, which isn't really helpful. I just want to be able to dive in and try again. Having to wait so long puts me off focus and l lose patience with trying

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@XatraZaytrax.2601 said:My problem with this jp is the waiting aspect. It's built like a race. So after start you flub up quick, you have to wait for the timer to run through and the gate to open to get another chance as well as see the tower overview animation, which isn't really helpful. I just want to be able to dive in and try again. Having to wait so long puts me off focus and l lose patience with trying

Timer is totally dependent on other players in the instance...

If all die soon, you get to try the jp soon.. if one player reaches the top, remaining players get to wait till the end...

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@Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

@XatraZaytrax.2601 said:My problem with this jp is the waiting aspect. It's built like a race. So after start you flub up quick, you have to wait for the timer to run through and the gate to open to get another chance as well as see the tower overview animation, which isn't really helpful. I just want to be able to dive in and try again. Having to wait so long puts me off focus and l lose patience with trying

Timer is totally dependent on other players in the instance...

If all die soon, you get to try the jp soon.. if one player reaches the top, remaining players get to wait till the end...

That's just the nature of the puzzle though. If players were allowed to immediately restart while the puzzle was in progress, they'd all start under the acid to begin with . . .

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@Jimbru.6014 said:The clock tower is too difficult for the average player to begin with. If there's anything in this game that needs nerfed, it's that stupid tower.

tell no! it's one of the best JP ever built

i still can remember i spent the hours of frustration practising it

despite there's a year break in between, somehow my muscle memory travelled back in time and go through it on the first try



the problem with this game is the developer bow down to people who cbb to put in the effort, making contents easier and easier to the point that it is so boring

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@Gop.8713 said:

@XatraZaytrax.2601 said:My problem with this jp is the waiting aspect. It's built like a race. So after start you flub up quick, you have to wait for the timer to run through and the gate to open to get another chance as well as see the tower overview animation, which isn't really helpful. I just want to be able to dive in and try again. Having to wait so long puts me off focus and l lose patience with trying

Timer is totally dependent on other players in the instance...

If all die soon, you get to try the jp soon.. if one player reaches the top, remaining players get to wait till the end...

That's just the nature of the puzzle though. If players were allowed to immediately restart while the puzzle was in progress, they'd all start under the acid to begin with . . .

If players were allowed to immediately restart, anet would've designed it as a single player instance... But single player instance won't be fun anyway(except for immediate restart)... Being a multiplayer instance, we can show the others that we can complete the jp when other have a hard time doing it.. and brag about it X) and compete with others based on top points in the instance

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Ideally, every player should get their own clocktower instance, so there is no waiting (I was lucky enough to have that happen to me once, and that gave me enough tries in rapid succession to complete it - now I have a decent completion rate).Really frustrating is getting dumped into an instance with 2 minutes left, currently in progress. You know it wan't reset (players failing) until there is too little time, so you then have to wait for the entire thing to time out to dump you into a new instance. Ideally, it should not dump a player into any instance with less than 5 minutes (or even better, 10 minutes) left on the counter.One of the biggest negatives I have about GW2 is things that require I stand around and wait. Crafting is another one of these things (let me sit around for a minute doing nothing while I refine that material, another minute for some other material, etc). I have limited time to play, and I don't like it getting wasted while I do nothing.

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@Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

@Gop.8713 said:

@XatraZaytrax.2601 said:My problem with this jp is the waiting aspect. It's built like a race. So after start you flub up quick, you have to wait for the timer to run through and the gate to open to get another chance as well as see the tower overview animation, which isn't really helpful. I just want to be able to dive in and try again. Having to wait so long puts me off focus and l lose patience with trying

Timer is totally dependent on other players in the instance...

If all die soon, you get to try the jp soon.. if one player reaches the top, remaining players get to wait till the end...

That's just the nature of the puzzle though. If players were allowed to immediately restart while the puzzle was in progress, they'd all start under the acid to begin with . . .

If players were allowed to immediately restart, anet would've designed it as a single player instance... But single player instance won't be fun anyway(except for immediate restart)... Being a multiplayer instance, we can show the others that we can complete the jp when other have a hard time doing it.. and brag about it X) and compete with others based on top points in the instance

And learn from watching the ppl around us. I guess most ppl do that with youtube videos these days, but that's so much less visceral than watching the player next to you . . .

@Solvar.7953 said:Ideally, every player should get their own clocktower instance, so there is no waiting (I was lucky enough to have that happen to me once, and that gave me enough tries in rapid succession to complete it - now I have a decent completion rate).Really frustrating is getting dumped into an instance with 2 minutes left, currently in progress. You know it wan't reset (players failing) until there is too little time, so you then have to wait for the entire thing to time out to dump you into a new instance. Ideally, it should not dump a player into any instance with less than 5 minutes (or even better, 10 minutes) left on the counter.One of the biggest negatives I have about GW2 is things that require I stand around and wait. Crafting is another one of these things (let me sit around for a minute doing nothing while I refine that material, another minute for some other material, etc). I have limited time to play, and I don't like it getting wasted while I do nothing.

This is a fair complaint. It's never really bothered me much bc I always have something else going on either irl or on another screen that can distract me while I wait on the game but I don't think it could be persuasively argued that gw2 repects its players time, in general. But there is a good reason that players cannot instantly restart in this case . . .

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@Firebeard.1746 said:

@"Rasimir.6239" said:Anecdotal observation: my 13-year-old daughter (our in-house jp specialist) just asked me to be allowed to play on my laptop, since her old potatoe of a pc lags too bad to reliably jump. She finished the jp on the laptop on third try, and pretty much any try after that.

So yes, there are people that are able to farm this jp reliably. And there are people like me who never even got half way up the tower. I think rewards are fine the way they are, else it'll turn into a best-per-time bag farm for some while excluding the rest.

It's easy enough to cap it at x successful attempts per day to prevent this. I think not rewarding people for learning hard content is worse.The thing is, "hard" is different for each of us, and is the case of this jp, it's not so much "hard" as it is impossible for what I suspect is a sizeable part of the playerbase, either for personal reasons (for example I'm too old to have the reflexes and dexterity needed for this) or for technical reasons (anyone with a lower-end machine or a delayed connection to the servers ... I strongly suspect that for example most if not all players from Australia are unable to do this because of bad ping).

I'm all for rewarding hard content when the majority of players have a chance to actually succeed with a decent amount of practice, but I don't thing the clocktower jp is that kind of content. Once you exclude too many players due to reasons out of their control rewards quickly become a problem.

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@Firebeard.1746 said:The clock tower is still pretty hard to pull off, even when you know the jp already. How come it's not more rewarding than lab farm? I guess i'm just sort of disappointed that one of the most technically challenging pieces of content in this holiday update isn't that rewarding outside of additional ap once you learn it.

I'm sure some troll will come in here and say they have 100% try to success ratios but given what I've seen in success rates against my peers it's obvious that even people who can complete it still struggle reliably completing it. I think i was actually beaten maybe once after i learned it in any session i was there the whole time for and i've done plenty.

Cam i be the troll and say i have a 82.5% success ratio?I agree the reward is a little underwhelming if it takes several tries to succeed once.Maybe instead of increasing the rewards, add a daily achievement with 5 tiers, each time awarding +3 bags, on top of the +3 per 3 rounds infinitely.That way the first few successes are rewarded extra, and the subsequent ones aren't

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Yea..i dont even bother trying it anymore. Ive done every other JP in the game multiple times(Including the ember bay one) for fun, and this JP is to much. The timer for waiting, the timed aspect of it, the motion sickness due to the rotation of it, and the lag and dcs that only happen when im in that instance make it to much. I will never complete this JP. I wish anet had done an optional version that didnt move.

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If anet rewards the players who crossed a points threshold and top points in a specific clocktower instance, this'll bring more crowd... Now ppl just do this as a daily duty/ritual thing... Once done, they leave the instance... Festive events like these are so rare ... Gotta enjoy it to the fullest while it lasts...

PS: don't bite me X)

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