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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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giant account downgrade !!!

everything that used to be fluid and fully automatic is now downgraded to many more Manual Presses !!!

example. when i make my dailys ..I start in PVE, then I go into PVP to make the next daily's. now I have to Manually go into my hero panel and switch build from PVE to PVP (this was automatic before) now I'm done inside PVP and going back to PVE, now I'm standing in PVE with my PVP build, so now I have to manually go back into my hero panel again and switch from PVP build back to PVE build. (this was automatic before) later I want to do my WWW daily's so now I jump into WWW with my PVE build, so now I have to manually go back into my hero panel and again switch from PVE build to WWW build (this was automatic before) and when I am done with my WWW dailys and return to PVE, I now have to manually go back into my hero panel and switch from WWW build back to PVE build. (this was automatic before)

so everything that used to be fluid and running completely automatically has now been downgraded to a lot of manual push!! giant account downgrade !!!

Furthermore, Anet is so naughty to say that we get 3 free slots. No we get 0 free slots, what we realy ar getting, are the slots we already had which were automatic, which has now just been downgraded to a terrible manual thing!! huge account downgrade !!

so if thing remains like this, wher you are forced us to make a lot of manual changes alle the time, from within our hero panel, every time you change game mode, which has always been automatic.it will definitely cause a lot of players to stop completely, because this downgrading account, ruins your entire gaming experience as we are now downgraded to manual actions all the time !!

personally, this will be a stop with gw2 for me, if it remains like it is now. this account downgrade from automatic to manual is under all criticism ..

furthermore, the price is a disgrace without equal, what a joke!. (but it's not Anet's mistake, it's NCsoft. Again killing a game like so many times before)

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As someone on Reddit summarized the situation so perfectly accurate:

"It's a fundamental misunderstanding on the design of templates. They designed the system assuming any time you'd swap gear it would be a complete swap - from full zerker to full viper to full minstrels. In reality, most swaps are simply swapping weapons (staff and axe/warhorn to staff and longbow). One of the big winners of gear swapping should of been people who do things like pre-stacking in dungeons or fractals, but to do that you still either use inventory UI (and thus have the issues with legendaries losing infusions based on how the new system stores them) or you buy an entire gear template just for a single weapon swap (everything else is the same). It's incredibly poorly thought out and I can't answer the question 'Who was this system designed for?' because it seems deeply flawed across the board, and sadly the answer to most of the problems seems to be 'buy more templates' which is hard to see how that wasn't the intention."

That truly hits the nail on the head. :+1:

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In my opinion, the templates work awesome. Switching (after assigning hotkeys) works amazingly smooth and fast.For me, it wasnt hard to figure out how it works. Its straight-forward and easy to use.

The negative for me is the fact that buying a build template expansion and equipment template expansion isnt for the entire account. i don't mind paying a little extra for this game, but this for me is a little too much.If they were both a 1000 gems (for example) but every character had one extra. i'd buy it. For now i think its way too overpriced, even with discounts to buy it for me.. which is a shame because I was ready to spend money on it.

Also, suggestion: Add an option for a checkbox or something so certain build templates automaticly getting loaded while entering a different game mode. (like wvw.)

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As much as i feel other people have mentioned most of the flaws, i have to put my 2 cents in just because this implementation of templates is not good.

Overall issue

There should be a way to link build and equipment templates. I've by accident swapped my build from reaper to scourge, luckily before the strike mission boss i swapped my weapons and saw my bar being gray. So i opened my build templates fast and changed it before i got in combat, else i'd be fighting the boss with only a staff.....nice...

Build "templates"

  • build templates as many people said are loadouts not templates. We need a way to revert changes we made to a build. The way it's implemented at the moment i have to remember my build, because if want to revert it i have 1 of 2 choices:
    • Save the build to Build Storage and load it back every time, which is also limited by 24 slots of build storage.
    • Save it into a notepad and load it from the notepad.Sorry but this is not convenient at all. If you have to quickly change something in a fight and then revert, better to just memorize your builds.

Equipment templates

Ok, this one is just implemented with major flaws.

  • You can not save or export build templates! So if i make any changes again i can't revert my changes, whether it be changing a few pieces of gear or weapon or trinkets.
  • You've given us the option to copy Equipment templates between equipment templates, but you have not let us save them outside so we can import them later. This is where you've cut corners in my opinion.

Legendary gear

You've made legendary gear pointless.

  • One of the reasons is that we can't change a few pieces in an equipment template and then revert to previous setup without remembering what every piece was setup as (stats, runes, infusions,.....).
  • Now for the best part about legendary gear. Let me give you an example. On my Elementalist i have 2 Equipment templates set up, one is power and one is condi. Both use the same legendary sword(sword is linked between both templates), one set up again as condi the other as power. I come to a part of the game that requires me to use a ranged weapon so i switch a staff from my inventory by doubleclicking on it and replace my current weapons with it. When the encounter is over or when i have to switch back to sword between encounters i have to go into my equipment templates, unequip my staff, select my sword again, the sword is now condi stats(previously power), with no infusion no sigil, so i have to open customization, select stats, sigil, and agony infusion(which if i don't and were in fractals it'll screw me over majorly) and apply that to my template. And this is just with one weapon, if both sword and off-hand are linked i have to do this with both.
  • Hot swaping weapons on the fly is much better with ascended gear because you will rarely have linked gear which means you can just swap it from your inventory as you did up till now.

With legendary gear you've given me two options. Take all my legendary gear off my main, put it into the bank and take out all the ascended boxes(which people who play fractals and raids have tons of) or use only one Equipment template and play as i have up till now.

Giving us more bag space is not a major feature. We're used for equipment wasting bag space, and with the unidentified gear QOL feature that isn't even a problem anymore, because your inventory will only be clogged when you're opening bags and i can tell you that'll happen with or without additional gear in my inventory.

As someone said Equipment templates at the moment are worse the more you play, as more legendaries you have worse they become.

Also i don't think casual players will be buying equipment template slots, because they don't need it and people who play a lot and have legendary gear won't buy equipment templates because they make the usability worse. And due to making legendary gear pointless instead of new legendary weapon or armor you've freed up around 2500g when someone wants to make a legendary and with that gold they can buy as many skins of that weapon as they like or swap them to gems and that way you make nothing.

I could go on and on, but this post is too long and drawn out as is, all i have to say is I'm :dissapointed.

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@Chrisco.5732 said:Essentially, if we ignore the gem store drama (which is really hard to do). We had PvE, WvW, PvP traits autosaved. Now we have 3 templates, so it’s the same. Though now we have 1 extra equipment tab per character. Which is nice, extra storage is always great. But we lost the convenience of saved and auto load traits when you map into the respective zones. It just seems like a step backwards.

We should be able to set defaults for wvw and pvp. That when you map in they autoload. (crazy idea right? guess where i got it from?! this crazy place called yesterday)

Also the builds saving every change automatically is kinda annoying. If i load my saved build and change 1 skill because i'm fighting a random mob that needs more cc or something. Now every time i load it up again its changed the skill. It should just load the template, not use it actively, if i want to change the template i should be able to modify the template itself. They should be two different entities.

thats my thoughts though /shrug

If ArenaNet could start with implementing these two suggestions we will at least get existing functionality back and get real templates.So what I want is:

  1. Set defaults for PvE, PvP and WvW
  2. A save button so the template is really a template
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  • My initial impression is equipment templates don't seem to be able to select preference automatically based on game mode. In addition in WvW it seems the initial promise that the gear changes would only happen in keeps doesn't hold true.

  • Equipment templates are most useful for people with legendary armor and +5 WvW infusions. The time and inventory savings is large since switching WvW infusions to replace PvE agony infusions is tedious. I've seen people complain that their runes/infusions aren't easily visible when swapping gear, but it's probably some people aren't using the equipment panel and are still trying to use inventory for equipment templates.--> For my guardian I have power DH, quickness firebrand, minstrel WvW for squad play, roaming WvW (marshal's+cele). I could probably run condi without quickness, so that would make 5. Quite a few people I know simply opt for two or three guardians (character slots instead), I opted to get equipment templates due to legendary WvW armor with WvW infusions.--> For my mesmer I currently have power chrono, condi mirage, alacrity support, WvW build (either power or support with toughness/vitality) : at one point I had a set of gear for hiding in keeps but due to the state of mesmers (as well as WvW participation) I don't really bother much with that anymore--> Necro has quite a few gearing options: power (typically reaper), condi, support (grieving+cele for WvW , but mostly marshal's for raid/fractal people)--> Revenant has power gear (works for WvW backline hammer as well as PvE), diviner alacrity gear, and WvW frontliner gear (yet to get template for that) , I don't play condi because I find shortbow very finnicky and don't enjoy Kalla legend's AI--> For my engineer it's currently power gear (holo), 2nd is WvW scrapper , 3rd could be my condi gear but I rarely play that--> My Warrior is rarely condi but I have PvE power gear, WvW spellbreaker marauder gear--> Elementalist is power PvE gear, power WvW gear with vitality + strength rune (marauder) , third could be healing but I don't enjoy healing on tempest. I don't like sword enough to play condi weaver and go from scepter+ warhorn to purchase a template for it.--> Rarely play thief in WvW but power gear for PVE + marauder / vitality in WvW. Condi thief is popular in PvP right now but unviable in WvW unless roaming.--> Druid Rangers fell out of favor in fractals but power soulbeast still is in favor, 2nd tab is harrier gear , third could easily be condi if I ever actually play that often enough. I don't play ranger in WvW because after playing it in PvP I really don't like the pet reliance (unless you're soulbeast 24/7 in beast mode).

  • Someone joked with me months ago that there's only 2 equipment stats: zerk and not zerk. It's not a funny joke now that equipment templates are out.

  • Really like the ability to use chat codes and link builds. It's great for introducing PvE players to competent WvW builds. Sometimes game mode transition fails or there is no longer the default build. I have had instances where going to WvW didn't switch build and the same holds true in PvP.---> I understand some people are upset because "GW1 templates were free".

Pricing:Let me begin by stating I know $5-10 transactions are problematic due to credit card and transaction charges.

  • Equipment templates were stated to be in line with bag slots , they turned out to be a bit more (500 gems). I'm sort of okay with this as inflation & cost of labor increases happens but there should be a bulk pack of 5 or 9 (one per class) with at least 20-25% price reduction. It only is comparable if you change out infusions , runes, and aquatic gear. If someone uses exotics or legendary gear they aren't getting their money's worth versus bag slots which can easily have 28 or 32 slot bags.---> A condi build and power build share no equipment ideally, with 17 pieces where 6 are armor using 6 runes usually the same type (i.e. one inventory space unequipped), 2 rings, 1 backpiece, 2 accessories , 1 amulet, up to 4 weapons (infusions don't take space) unless you're counting up to 2 aquatic weapons and a aquabreather to total 20.
  • Build templates are sort of expensive at 300 gems each but build storage exists. As it stands it is likely cheaper to get a character slot at 800 gems for WvW or for playing a PvE support or condi build in an area where map complete is meaningless (fractals/raids in particular) than to buy a build template and equipment template especially if you are using multiple sets of ascended anyway in the equipment template.
  • Build storage could have been less expensive , at 500 gems for 3 builds it really isn't as affordable as it could be. I guess as consolation if you redeem the one free unlock (3 free build storage spaces) you'd have 9 build storage spaces if you pay 500 gems since everyone receives 3. That still wouldn't let you store more than 1 build per class. Given a bank tab is 600 gems and has 30 slots, I think that it would be a reasonable expectation that the build storage cost would be a great deal less money or offer more slots per purchase.
  • If you buy the "expansion pack" , it comes out to 2000 gems for only 2 equipment templates + 2 build templates, and a meager 1 account build storage expansion (3 account build storage slots), and you're allowed to buy these "expansion packs" up to twice. The monetary equivalent is $50 as 2000 gems is $25. That's AAA game territory. Also people buying these things likely don't need exp boosters or makeover kits.
  • If current pricing stays, at $25 / 2000 gems there should be an option for bulk pack 5+ equipment templates at the promised "cost of bag slots" at least, if not more than 5 for that $25 mark. I'd expect at least 9 for <$50 : at current pricing it's 4500 gems which exceeds that.---> Idea: Charge via money only (no gem option) on the webpage store for a $40-50 pack like a true expansion, call it a competitive game mode pack or something similar to GW1 PvP editions and put a fair amount of account build storage (another added 9+ builds = 3 build storage unlocks already), build templates (at least 9) and equipment templates (ideally 6+ to cover entire WvW meta) , not a meager 2 to 4.
    ---> As a stopgap , a good Wintersday present for WvW players would be a 5 equipment template pack (think firebrand/scourge/scrapper/revenant/spellbreaker ... maybe weaver or mesmers... not so much thief or ranger) on large discount in BLTC. A 5 pack makes the most sense since an account starts with 5 characters and the existing BLTC items generally have 5 item increments such as BL keys, Trading Post Express , and Bank Access Express.
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Can we please have separate builds per game mode back? Remember where traits and utilities saved per game mode you entered? Now with build templates, in its current state you have 1 build template per game mode. Basically what we already had. Sure you could have 3 templates for PvE, or 3 for WvW, but its basically what we already had separately. I feel like the build template slots (the personal builds with traits and utilities), should have their own separate game mode builds like how we used to.

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In the end of the day I honestly believe that we will have to storage our builds outside the game, atleast for now, till we unlock all of the builds.I also believe that we should be able to save builds PER class, and to be made on sectors. 30 slots for builds means we will have to stick with 3 builds per professions for any game mode, which is low. Most of us run over 6, I expecially have 17 different types of builds for guardian, lets say I can reduce them to 4, its still above 3, and this is just for wvw...I believe that removing the option of independancy of the game mode builds was a bad move, because due to having it we could run 1 per game mode with no problem. Now we are forced to save it in order to still have the build, which is worse than it was before this feature to be imported.

This will also have a huge echo effect on the game modes, because now people will be more focusing on 1 mode instead of few (due to the build restriction that I just explained above) and this will have a bad impact overall in all aspects of the game.

It wil also (lulso) piss off alot of people (like me) who like to play more than just one game mode. Theres no reason at all to have various modes in the game if you cant taste them just for fun because of a feature... On this prospect Arc BuildTemplates have huge superiority...

Am not even mentioning how many people will get mad when they realize that they can no longer save some of their favorite situational builds (Renegade trait iterations for example) and they will be forced to minimize their trait builds ALOT. (we aint talking about few clicks here and there, u know)

In general, Im surprized in positive way from the feature, I expected it to be alot worse, but theres alot more to be done in my opinion.

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@nrrpxl.7692 said:For me it is a slight loss of QoL because:I play mostly wvw and a bit pve. So I have used one build in wvw and another one in pve as the game provided automatically. I didn't have to change anything at all switching between game modes (except maybe weapons).Now I have to actively choose another build template every time when I'm switching between wvw and pve maps. Yes it is only a few clicks but I have to remember to do them! That's annoying!This is easy to fix. The game just should remember which build template (and equipment template) was switched on the last time I was on a pve/wvw/pvp map and switch automatically back to it when I enter the game mode again. Same QoL as before plus the additonal comfort of the templates.

This, a hundred times. Plus the money grab factor. Whoever plays more than one game mode - previously all game modes had a build stored automatically and for free. Now, if I see it correctly, all but the PvE builds were actually LOST, and in order to recreate them, one would have to use 3 builds per character. This is anti QoL and money grab, I cannot say it nicer. Please reconsider (and hire a group of UX designers).

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Using multiple Equipment "Templates" with Legendary armor/weapons, (or any items with sharable stats) is broken beyond practical use.

The items are 'Locked' into equipment storage if more than 1 equipment template is used. This prevents items from being dragged to inventory for switching to an alt, unless the item is first 'unloaded' from all templates, which destroys any saved equipment builds.

A primary use of Legendary/Ascended/Account Bound items is to share them between alts (even if it means moving to shared inventory to do the move). We can't do that without destroying the template, making Equipment templates beyond useless for account bound gear.

I had hoped to be wrong, and that the devs had at least created a persistent cache to retain template info between swaps, to allow sharable items to be easily added and withdrawn. They did not.

Equipment templates can't be used for 'added' storage if you use Legendaries, and they can't be used for Equipment builds, unless you take joy in re-specing ALL of your equipment templates, each and every time you switch to an alt. Maybe it's useful for entry-level players with soul-bound exotics or without alts?

This feels at best, an unusable addition that will sit untouched in the equipment panel - at worst, a downgrade in QOL that turns simply swapping gear into a convoluted nightmare, should anyone attempt to use it.

Edit: I found a use for the Equipment Templates!! It allows you to instantly get naked :3

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I logged in today to find that I no longer had my specific build in WvW and had an extortionate price to pay to now get templates with some per account and others per character? Confusing, disappointing and something that immediately made me want to quit and go play something else. A game mechanic that instantly granted a specific build in different game modes in now unified, requires more busy work and is under an expensive (and confusing) paywall. That last part crosses a red line for me. Let me know when this is somehow improved and in the meantime I'll go play something else more costumer friendly.

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Servers keep crashing and rolling back, maybe it's time to make a Massive roll-back and make build templates free.

Why are we the veteran players getting the most impacted from build templates?

After playing a little with build/gear templates, I quickly came up to the conclusion that my most impacted characters were all my main characters and especially those with legendary armor. The templates are fantastic for all my other characters, I have more Fashion Wars capabilities and it even clear up my inventory, however on my main i used to have 10-12+ builds, and it just isn't convenient (and even if I had the possibility to pay for 12+ builds, I'm not sure I'd want to do so) I'm guessing this dlema is probably known by Anet. I'm no wizzard, but shouldn't a company rewards its Veteran players instead of punishing them ?

I understand that Anet is a comany that needs to make money, but I'd rather see a convenient system being free and I think haveing to pay for it is just making the whole thing inconvenient and especially impacting veteran players.

I don't really want to say the following thing, but the situation seems critical so: Please do the following test, get 5 characters on an account: 2 of them with the legendary armor and all the possible legendary weapons/trinkets available for that character and try to play with build/gear templates, and just explore how many combination of items as a player you'd want to try, and please think wide WvW, Open World, Fractals, Dungeon, Raids, jumping puzzles, guild missions etc... and please compare with multiple persons, as I'm sure not everyone will want to play in the same way,.

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I'm disappointed legendary gear can't be shared between every equipment template of every character in an account.It's so annying to move gear now, it's like:1) Remove desired gear from Eq template of Char 1.2) Move said gear in bank (or shared slots).3) Take that gear with Char 2 and equip it.

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2 Equipment Templates 3 Trait Templates, I feel that was deliberate since most classes have at least 3 Roles: Power, Condi, Support/Heal so we are short 1 Equipment to make us buy 1 more.

Also the pricing is way over the top, as mentioned already. I rather buy another Character Slot than pay for this. I miss the good old GW1 Templates that had no such limitations for the sake of money.

Also, the need to press 2 Buttons to switch from Power to Condi is weird. Why would I use Power Gear on Condi Traits and vice versa?

Also, don't you please get any ideas increasing Character Slot Prices...

It should be only like 100 Gems Per Trait and max 200 Gems for Equipment Template, not more.

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First I would like to ask if the removal of the builds a person had for the game modes wvw and pvp was on purpose. I hope this is a bug. It´s unbearable to manually change your build each time you enter pvp/wvw - especially when you just jump in to do dailies. You deleted a feature we had before this update (without using third party programs) to monetize it afterwards??? I am extremely disappointed...

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@Stephane Lo Presti.7258 said:for gathering feedback.

I have only two complaints:

  • I think we should be able to storage unlimited builds the way GW1 did (by accessing our own local files and uploading them). I accept the cost of every tab except that one.
  • This is the important one: please, add a checkbox to assign one tab to one game mode if needed. I have the worst memory ever, I cannot remember to swap my PvE build when I enter WvW. We had that, the game remembered by its own and now we lost this amazing feature with the update. If you cannot add a checkbox, just make the game remember again.


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poor design, not good.

They should have done it that way:

  1. Seperate the game modes from each others and give every gamemode the 3 build slots and make them change automatically when entering a game mode like it was before.
  2. The Build-Template-Storage should not be account wide so the 6 storage slots are available per charakter. Let it be 4 of them for free then if it must be.
  3. The Gear-Templates should remind which gear was choosen even if you place the gear on another charakter.
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I'd really love an option to automatically change the builds when entering PvP/WvW/PvE so we regain that QoL we had before.Today I almost had used my PvE build for sPvP because it no longer automatically changes.Afterwards I did some WvW dailies and forgot to Switch back to Yak and Harpy Hunter.

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As a casual player, mostly PvE, I'm absolutely fine with new system as it is and not going to buy templates from gemstore. I don't even have second armour set on any of my chars because I'm too lazy clicking to equip all pieces and it takes space in inventory. Now I just use templates to switch between more weapon sets out of combat (my ele and engi are happy). And I think it's time to get more armour... Game becomes more diverse.


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@skoda.4619 said:As much as i feel other people have mentioned most of the flaws, i have to put my 2 cents in just because this implementation of templates is not good.

Legendary gear

You've made legendary gear pointless.

  • One of the reasons is that we can't change a few pieces in an equipment template and then revert to previous setup without remembering what every piece was setup as (stats, runes, infusions,.....).
  • Now for the best part about legendary gear. Let me give you an example. On my Elementalist i have 2 Equipment templates set up, one is power and one is condi. Both use the same legendary sword(sword is linked between both templates), one set up again as condi the other as power. I come to a part of the game that requires me to use a ranged weapon so i switch a staff from my inventory by doubleclicking on it and replace my current weapons with it. When the encounter is over or when i have to switch back to sword between encounters i have to go into my equipment templates, unequip my staff, select my sword again, the sword is now condi stats(previously power), with no infusion no sigil, so i have to open customization, select stats, sigil, and agony infusion(which if i don't and were in fractals it'll screw me over majorly) and apply that to my template. And this is just with one weapon, if both sword and off-hand are linked i have to do this with both.
  • Hot swaping weapons on the fly is much better with ascended grear because you will rarely have linked gear which means you can just swap it from your inventory as you did up till now.

I could go on and on, but this post is too long and drawn out as is, all i have to say is I'm :dissapointed.

Yeah after my initial post i discovered this issue and.. well this needs changing ASAP!

Frankly after sleeping on it and having a think, i don't understand why Arenanet decided to not let us save our builds locally in a text file like they did with Guild Wars, and since build sharing is possible via chat or even outside of the game, why not add a simple load and save button like gw1, that was 2007, 12 years later and we forgot this tech is a pretty normal thing??

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@"Jaidy.1824" said:6) We need the ability to set a default template for a game mode.

Basically this, for me. For people who only play PvE, they gained 2 templates for free, so good for them. But for people who play their daily sPvP or WvW, they didn't gain any new template, but lost the convenience to change automatically build. There is a keybind now, true, but it was better before, when it was automatic.A "simple" (if doable) default template for game mode would be nice.

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I like this addition to the game. It’s incredibly smooth and seamless to change sets and builds. I love the extra inventory space that I have now, and I also like that you can swap stats and sigils on legendary weapons. I don’t agree at all with the people who say “it makes legendary weapons pointless” because it was a HUGE hassle to change stats and sigils manually before, but now I can just load different combinations into different sets and easily flip between them.

I agree, however, that it is too expensive. People who have multiple characters will have to buy unlocks on all of them, and thus will quickly end up spending several thousand gems just to feel like they can use this new (awesome) feature.

Overall, I’m very pleased with this QoL addition from arenanet, but the price should come down. ?

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