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(Spoiler) "Terrible things lurk beyond the horizon."

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What do you think Jormag was referring to? Any guesses?

Mine is still the Deep Sea Dragon (and perhaps Cantha). Who knows what that beast has been up to for all those centuries! ;)

Edit: Wait! There is still the comment Kralkatorrik made when he was dying. What was it, "Mother"? :o Perhaps it's even bigger than an elder dragon...

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I'm pretty sure Jormag doesn't care if there's really anything else for us to worry about or not. It's just a vague threat of something lurking out there so the offer sounds better.

For all we know, the DSD's second sphere of influence is Free Will, and we're actually spreading the influence by being ourselves. Or maybe it's the one that undoes all the damage done by the other EDs and turns the world livable again. It's just in the Elder Popsicle's best interest to not give us any further information, and just hint that there's something bad on the way.

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@"Ayakaru.6583" said:'the horizon' is merely the future of events.It's not a literal horizon

Yes, still - it's got to be something (some event) she was referring to, no? And it must be of epic proportions, as dramatically as she made it sound. And what's "bigger" in GW2 than elder dragons? ;)

@"Palador.2170" said:I'm pretty sure Jormag doesn't care if there's really anything else for us to worry about or not.

Of course she doesn't. She wanted to influence us to remember she offered her "help" when the time comes. She's definitely playing mind games.

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The DSD makes very little sense. At this point, we are back to every mystery being “Lazarus” or “Joko” or “Cantha” or “Lyssa”, but now every theory just latches the DSD whether it has logic or not.

Of course it could be that I am wrong, but right now it is completely a shot in the dark guess or hope that brings up a Dragon which has no bearing on the story in 7 years and Anet have shown no interest to ever introduce. If it does turn out to be the DSD, then it’s a bit random (one I suspect few will complain about mind you)

There are some better theories in the lore forum brewing. Personally I think it is related to either cosmic changes in The All or a New World Order springing up plunging Tyria into chaos and widespread war. Perhaps Aurene, unappreciated and angry as people turn against her, goes down a darker path as well.

And if it must be a Dragon then Primordus fits better

Whatever the case, I suspect there a twist coming concerning what The Dragons truly represent. Perhaps then and The All protect against something, like some natural biological lock.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Ayakaru.6583" said:'the horizon' is merely the future of events.It's not a literal horizon

Yes, still - it's got to be
(some event) she was referring to, no? And it must be of epic proportions, as dramatically as she made it sound. And what's "bigger" in GW2 than elder dragons? ;)

When it comes to elder dragons, it's corrupting and consuming all magic until none is left.At some point there'll be a hunger clash between the dragons, and whoever has either the most slaves, or most powerful magics, will come out on top.The event is likely describing a distant future where dragons are forced to become more active, or rather, more aggressive, and so jormag is inviting you to the winning team. (Or what he hopes will be the winning team)

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@"Ayakaru.6583" said:The event is likely describing a distant future

Doesn't make sense, because she was talking to the Commander, and the Commander won't be alive by the time, if it's the distant future. ;) I think she is trying to manipulate us, directly, regarding something in the not so distant future.

Edit: Wait! There is still the comment Kralkatorrik made when he was dying. What was it, "Mother"?

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Ayakaru.6583" said:The event is likely describing a distant future

Doesn't make sense, because she was talking to the Commander, and the Commander won't be alive by the time,
it's the distant future. ;) I think she is trying to manipulate
, directly, regarding something in the not so distant future.

Edit: Wait! There is still the comment Kralkatorrik made when he was dying. What was it, "Mother"?

Kralkatorrik mentions mother three times, twice clearly in dialogue with Aurene, and a third time more unclear before he dies.I don't have any reason to believe he's referring to anything other than Glint.

As for distant future, i don't know at which pace dragons consume magic.It could be an accelerating pace, which means if there's no struggle they might be done in less than 500 years.We really have no frame of reference.

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She's likely just trying to coerce us because of our connection to Aurene. If we can be persuaded, we can help persuade Aurene. Not sure how well that would work with Aurene being somewhat prophetic like Glint though, at least from what we saw with her visions before.

And I lean towards the deep sea dragon. But a being from the mists doesn't really sound that intimidating at this point. I guess there's the possibility that it's something more ancient and elusive than an elder dragon. Or perhaps even a threat like a civil war, that Aurene wouldn't want to participate in. I don't know.

It's difficult to even want to talk about possibilities when you know the answers are likely 2 years away.

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I'd like to see a twist where Steve Bubbles and Jormag are "good" in that they can control their base urges to consume everything and see the need to maintain balance on Tyria and their end goal is to both not meet their end at the hands of the Commander and keep their day job of keeping Tyria's magic at manageable levels. They're just really crap at working with others. Why compromise in a partnership when you can just brand them?

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If Jormag was referring to something concrete, it's almost definitely the "Mother" that Kralkatorrik mentioned as he was dying.

In the War Eternal guild chat, Tom Abernathy (narrative lead) actually emphasized this specific line as a hint for what's to come, and the magazine ad for Bound by Blood suggested that we're going to learn something about the nature of Elder Dragons during the saga. Probably something related to where they came from or how they're created.

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I think it's just a boogie man. Jormag's whole thing is "I can make it all better, I can protect you, all you have to do is surrender to me, let me help you" as it sends its minions to kill and destroy and lures Vigil troops into the snow to die. It can protect you from, what? Jormag's threat? Yeah. Cheers for that.

Jormag talks about eternal peace, but there's no eternal peace in life, it obviously wants to freeze the world. That's its end game.

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@"leguman.6387" said:I think he is just evil and trying to gain our trust to get an advantage, but there is probably a true threat like a cosmic horror (maybe "Mother").Maybe the dragons were preparing to her arrival on Tyria, getting more powerful by eating magic to confront this threat

Jormag is a He? Lol I thought it was a female dragon :P

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:

@Ayakaru.6583 said:'the horizon' is merely the future of events.It's not a literal horizon

Yes, still - it's got to be
(some event) she was referring to, no? And it must be of epic proportions, as dramatically as she made it sound. And what's "bigger" in GW2 than elder dragons? ;)

When it comes to elder dragons, it's corrupting and consuming all magic until none is left.At some point there'll be a hunger clash between the dragons, and whoever has either the most slaves, or most powerful magics, will come out on top.The event is likely describing a distant future where dragons are forced to become more active, or rather, more aggressive, and so jormag is inviting you to the winning team. (Or what he hopes will be the winning team)

The Elder Dragon Cycle has repeated many times without there ever being a winner. The 6 Elder dragons compete for resources but it looks as though the Elder Dragon Cycle resolves when the 6 Elder Dragons reach a natural truce.

I think the threat is real. I think we are going to learn more about the All and why there are Elder Dragons and an Elder Dragon Cycle. The threat will be the All reconfiguring and Jormag is trying to gather allies to remake the world. Of course they intend on being the leader of this new world.

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@"Randulf.7614" said:The DSD makes very little sense. At this point, we are back to every mystery being “Lazarus” or “Joko” or “Cantha” or “Lyssa”, but now every theory just latches the DSD whether it has logic or not.

Of course it could be that I am wrong, but right now it is completely a shot in the dark guess or hope that brings up a Dragon which has no bearing on the story in 7 years and Anet have shown no interest to ever introduce. If it does turn out to be the DSD, then it’s a bit random (one I suspect few will complain about mind you)

There are some better theories in the lore forum brewing. Personally I think it is related to either cosmic changes in The All or a New World Order springing up plunging Tyria into chaos and widespread war. Perhaps Aurene, unappreciated and angry as people turn against her, goes down a darker path as well.

And if it must be a Dragon then Primordus fits better

Whatever the case, I suspect there a twist coming concerning what The Dragons truly represent. Perhaps then and The All protect against something, like some natural biological lock.

yeah, wil reached a point that DSD would be a too cheap/predictable plot. also is just more elder dragons. Also "water" is over-used theme.

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@Psientist.6437 said:

@Ayakaru.6583 said:'the horizon' is merely the future of events.It's not a literal horizon

Yes, still - it's got to be
(some event) she was referring to, no? And it must be of epic proportions, as dramatically as she made it sound. And what's "bigger" in GW2 than elder dragons? ;)

When it comes to elder dragons, it's corrupting and consuming all magic until none is left.At some point there'll be a hunger clash between the dragons, and whoever has either the most slaves, or most powerful magics, will come out on top.The event is likely describing a distant future where dragons are forced to become more active, or rather, more aggressive, and so jormag is inviting you to the winning team. (Or what he hopes will be the winning team)

The Elder Dragon Cycle has repeated many times without there ever being a winner. The 6 Elder dragons compete for resources but it looks as though the Elder Dragon Cycle resolves when the 6 Elder Dragons reach a natural truce.

I think the threat is real. I think we are going to learn more about the All and why there are Elder Dragons and an Elder Dragon Cycle. The threat will be the All reconfiguring and Jormag is trying to gather allies to remake the world. Of course they intend on being the leader of this new world.

of course, for the dragons its no bigger a deal then eating your fill and go into hibernation like bears in the winter.All life of tyria can in such a case be summed up as a salmon and a berry bush. Most, if not all life will perish to the hunger of the beasts, and only a handful of seeds beneath the frozen soil wil reemerge years later, only for the cycle to repeat over and over.The bears, or dragons, will compete (violently) over these resources, but once it's all gone, they'll all still go into hibernation. Whether or not there's a 'winner' seems hardly relevant, from both our and their perspective.I do always had this vibe that in a true competition Primordus would stand at the top of the food chain, but that vibe is solely based on him being a primordial elemental, and name being derived of 'primordial'

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my guess is demons from the mists. We saw them in the raid with saul, and the white mantel and gorseval is some weird amalgamation of death magic, mists and dragon magic? So Im wondering if something will be coming from the mists now that our world is tethered to theirs based on dragon stands existence, Im actually wondering if they are going to be pulling forward ideas from guild wars utopia.

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@aspirine.6852 said:

@"leguman.6387" said:I think he is just evil and trying to gain our trust to get an advantage, but there is probably a true threat like a cosmic horror (maybe "Mother").Maybe the dragons were preparing to her arrival on Tyria, getting more powerful by eating magic to confront this threat

Jormag is a He? Lol I thought it was a female dragon :P

From the wiki: "Unlike Glint and her children, Jormag does not identify with any gender, preferring to allow their victims to perceive them in whatever manner will seduce them to Jormag's side. Consequently, the Sons of Svanir, Suspicious Travelers and other individuals such as Skaald Stjarna have been known to refer to Jormag using "he" or "it" pronouns, while asuran researchers address the Elder Dragon with the pronoun "them.""

So, though the voice we hear in game (or at least the voice my male human character hears) is feminine, Jormag would probably be best referred to as "It".

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As for "Mother" and such: it's important to note that we really don't know much about the Elder Dragons' origins, biology, or their relationships to one another.

  • Glint (female) was the child of Kralk (male). But who was Glint's mother? Who was Aurene (female) and/or Vlast's (male) father?
  • In fact, do the Elder Dragons produce Scions by mating at all, or is it parthenogenesis, or just plain magic?
  • Given their paired opposition to one another, I don't think it's far fetched to suppose that Jormag and Primordus might be twins.
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