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TYVM for the option to trade map currencies in Bjora Marches!


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It's really sweet that we can exchange Eternal Ice Shards (and karma), without limit, for some previous map currencies. And big thanks for not making us grind out this zone just to get a small amount of map currency, like we have had to do in some older zones... It's changes like this that make playing more enjoyable, because I can just play, not unhappily grind out some game currency like a chore.

And overall the update was awesome!

Again, TYVM!

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@Jokel.5164 said:Does that mean that if I have enough Karma I can get the currencies for the skyscale there instantly?

You still need the Eternal Ice Shards.

@Swagger.1459 said:It's really sweet that we can exchange Eternal Ice Shards (and karma), without limit, for some previous map currencies.

It was the same in Dragonfall, by the way, so not really a new thing. ;)

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Jokel.5164 said:Does that mean that if I have enough Karma I can get the currencies for the skyscale there instantly?

You still need the Eternal Ice Shards.

@Swagger.1459 said:It's really sweet that we can exchange Eternal Ice Shards (and karma), without limit, for some previous map currencies.

It was the same in Dragonfall, by the way, so not really a new thing. ;)

Except that it's different.

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@"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:That karma cost on top of actual resource loss is what detracts people from using it.

Seriously, I mean really? This is why we can't have nice things.

Acquiring one stack of map currency is freaking easy. Buy a gathering tool for some silver and go on a journey at the specific map. Do some hearts as well and if there's a meta it'll occurr for sure during your visit gathering. Join it and afterwards continue to gather. This will yield in at least 50 pieces of currency. Whenever is time repeat it. That's not even hard grinding. Maybe a little bit tedious but nothing big. I'm also asking myself what the "casuals" are doing with their currencies. Even when you just play the story, the hearts one time (on maps with them) and accidentally be present in some events or even a meta you'll get a lot of them the first day of playing.In addition with all the introduced exchange possibilities we're having right now getting the currency for the Skyscale or Vision is a joke but people still complain. That goes beyond my mind.

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@Vinceman.4572 said:

@"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:That karma cost on top of actual resource loss is what detracts people from using it.

Seriously, I mean really? This is why we can't have nice things.

Acquiring one stack of map currency is freaking easy. Buy a gathering tool for some silver and go on a journey at the specific map. Do some hearts as well and if there's a meta it'll occurr for sure during your visit gathering. Join it and afterwards continue to gather. This will yield in at least 50 pieces of currency. Whenever is time repeat it. That's not even hard grinding. Maybe a little bit tedious but nothing big. I'm also asking myself what the "casuals" are doing with their currencies. Even when you just play the story, the hearts one time (on maps with them) and accidentally be present in some events or even a meta you'll get a lot of them the first day of playing.In addition with all the introduced exchange possibilities we're having right now getting the currency for the Skyscale or Vision is a joke but people still complain. That goes beyond my mind.

Which is precisely why the karma cost is ridiculous since there is already a loss for converting resources.

We can't have nice things because we put up with this double dipping.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:That karma cost on top of actual resource loss is what detracts people from using it.

Seriously, I mean really? This is why we can't have nice things.

Acquiring one stack of map currency is freaking easy. Buy a gathering tool for some silver and go on a journey at the specific map. Do some hearts as well and if there's a meta it'll occurr for sure during your visit gathering. Join it and afterwards continue to gather. This will yield in at least 50 pieces of currency. Whenever is time repeat it. That's not even hard grinding. Maybe a little bit tedious but nothing big. I'm also asking myself what the "casuals" are doing with their currencies. Even when you just play the story, the hearts one time (on maps with them) and accidentally be present in some events or even a meta you'll get a lot of them the first day of playing.In addition with all the introduced exchange possibilities we're having right now getting the currency for the Skyscale or Vision is a joke but people still complain. That goes beyond my mind.

Which is precisely why the karma cost is ridiculous since there is already a loss for converting resources.

We can't have nice things because we put up with this double dipping.

Nah, the karma price should be even higher. People are drowning in karma. The least thing I would recommend is reducing karma prices in this game.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:That karma cost on top of actual resource loss is what detracts people from using it.

It's called balance. You balance costs and different aspects against each other as to allow players with different preferences to make thier choice in achieveing their goal.

Having a way to convert resources in an unlimited amount is a huge deal as far as choice of content. Not limiting this with some drawback would be very unwise as far as balance and design goes. Even if some people will whine and complain because they lack a sense for a bigger picture.

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Those saying it's too expensive, I thought it was too lenient lol. It's unlimited, be very thankful. If you're infused, hall buffed, food and banner buffed you shouldn't be running out of karma.

Like someone said, if you make it too cheap then people will never touch LW4 again for currency and just farm LW5. It's a fantastic way to get LW4 currency alongside having alts doing fast LW4 hearts and full node routes.

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@Vinceman.4572 said:

@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:That karma cost on top of actual resource loss is what detracts people from using it.

Seriously, I mean really? This is why we can't have nice things.

Acquiring one stack of map currency is freaking easy. Buy a gathering tool for some silver and go on a journey at the specific map. Do some hearts as well and if there's a meta it'll occurr for sure during your visit gathering. Join it and afterwards continue to gather. This will yield in at least 50 pieces of currency. Whenever is time repeat it. That's not even hard grinding. Maybe a little bit tedious but nothing big. I'm also asking myself what the "casuals" are doing with their currencies. Even when you just play the story, the hearts one time (on maps with them) and accidentally be present in some events or even a meta you'll get a lot of them the first day of playing.In addition with all the introduced exchange possibilities we're having right now getting the currency for the Skyscale or Vision is a joke but people still complain. That goes beyond my mind.

Which is precisely why the karma cost is ridiculous since there is already a loss for converting resources.

We can't have nice things because we put up with this double dipping.

Nah, the karma price should be even higher. People are drowning in karma. The least thing I would recommend is reducing karma prices in this game.

I'm casual and i sit on about 100k karma, not sure how i'm drowning in karma.. its glacial on acquiring it.

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@Dante.1508 said:

@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:That karma cost on top of actual resource loss is what detracts people from using it.

Seriously, I mean really? This is why we can't have nice things.

Acquiring one stack of map currency is freaking easy. Buy a gathering tool for some silver and go on a journey at the specific map. Do some hearts as well and if there's a meta it'll occurr for sure during your visit gathering. Join it and afterwards continue to gather. This will yield in at least 50 pieces of currency. Whenever is time repeat it. That's not even hard grinding. Maybe a little bit tedious but nothing big. I'm also asking myself what the "casuals" are doing with their currencies. Even when you just play the story, the hearts one time (on maps with them) and accidentally be present in some events or even a meta you'll get a lot of them the first day of playing.In addition with all the introduced exchange possibilities we're having right now getting the currency for the Skyscale or Vision is a joke but people still complain. That goes beyond my mind.

Which is precisely why the karma cost is ridiculous since there is already a loss for converting resources.

We can't have nice things because we put up with this double dipping.

Nah, the karma price should be even higher. People are drowning in karma. The least thing I would recommend is reducing karma prices in this game.

I'm casual and i sit on about 100k karma, not sure how i'm drowning in karma.. its glacial on acquiring it.

You're not casual, you are basically not playing the game from the way you have been mentioning your game time.

100k Karma is 1 week of casual dailies on a few maps with NO EVENTS, NO WvW, NO PvP, NO HEART QUESTS, etc.

Sorry, but you are either not in control of your spending, or playing 1-2 hours per week. Rewards need to be balanced around people actually playing the game.

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@Dante.1508 said:

@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:That karma cost on top of actual resource loss is what detracts people from using it.

Seriously, I mean really? This is why we can't have nice things.

Acquiring one stack of map currency is freaking easy. Buy a gathering tool for some silver and go on a journey at the specific map. Do some hearts as well and if there's a meta it'll occurr for sure during your visit gathering. Join it and afterwards continue to gather. This will yield in at least 50 pieces of currency. Whenever is time repeat it. That's not even hard grinding. Maybe a little bit tedious but nothing big. I'm also asking myself what the "casuals" are doing with their currencies. Even when you just play the story, the hearts one time (on maps with them) and accidentally be present in some events or even a meta you'll get a lot of them the first day of playing.In addition with all the introduced exchange possibilities we're having right now getting the currency for the Skyscale or Vision is a joke but people still complain. That goes beyond my mind.

Which is precisely why the karma cost is ridiculous since there is already a loss for converting resources.

We can't have nice things because we put up with this double dipping.

Nah, the karma price should be even higher. People are drowning in karma. The least thing I would recommend is reducing karma prices in this game.

I'm casual and i sit on about 100k karma, not sure how i'm drowning in karma.. its glacial on acquiring it.

29.8m here its just keeps building up

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@Dante.1508 said:

@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:That karma cost on top of actual resource loss is what detracts people from using it.

Seriously, I mean really? This is why we can't have nice things.

Acquiring one stack of map currency is freaking easy. Buy a gathering tool for some silver and go on a journey at the specific map. Do some hearts as well and if there's a meta it'll occurr for sure during your visit gathering. Join it and afterwards continue to gather. This will yield in at least 50 pieces of currency. Whenever is time repeat it. That's not even hard grinding. Maybe a little bit tedious but nothing big. I'm also asking myself what the "casuals" are doing with their currencies. Even when you just play the story, the hearts one time (on maps with them) and accidentally be present in some events or even a meta you'll get a lot of them the first day of playing.In addition with all the introduced exchange possibilities we're having right now getting the currency for the Skyscale or Vision is a joke but people still complain. That goes beyond my mind.

Which is precisely why the karma cost is ridiculous since there is already a loss for converting resources.

We can't have nice things because we put up with this double dipping.

Nah, the karma price should be even higher. People are drowning in karma. The least thing I would recommend is reducing karma prices in this game.

I'm casual and i sit on about 100k karma, not sure how i'm drowning in karma.. its glacial on acquiring it.

I'm casual and sit on 7 million karma, what are you spending it on? I get it from almost anything I do.

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@"kratan.4619" said:I'm casual and sit on 7 million karma, what are you spending it on?

Feeding the Karmic Converter or working on getting the 9,576,000 karma required to get all of the tier 3 cultural weapons (19 weps, 63k each, 8 vendors) or purchasing tonics and other novelties from renown vendors both on core and expansion maps or tracking down and buying recipes from Pact Supply Network Agents.

There's a lot to do with karma in this game, and they keep adding even more to do with it, so I was happy to see this new map give you such easy access. I don't know if it's better than farming Inquest with a max Karmic Retribution in Sandswept Isles, but it doesn't hurt.

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I had about 2 million karma but then I decided to buy some trinkets, novelties, mini's that sort of stuff and it is rather amazing how quickly that karma vanished. I do not even have all my Karma weapons yet. It builds up if you do not spend it, but as soon as you start to buy the fluff it disappears quickly. I never even use it for Obsidian Shards I get those in other ways. I wonder how much karma you would need if you bought every trinket, mini, novelty, weapon and such that NPC's sell.

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