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GW2 is becoming more like GW1?

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Hear me out. GW2 is not going co-op, but if they add hero/companions we're about 90% there. We know secondary profs won't happen like they did in GW1, but masteries is kinda similar. Some of GW1's concepts needed to be left behind, but not many. Say what you will, it's still going. Some in game think the push to make GW2 feel more like GW1, is due to GW1 facing EOL. We'll see. I figure as long as incoming revs exceed cost of operation, why take it down? My only thought is if they make GW2 seem similar, they will draw those that refused to move over to GW2, to give it a chance? Again, we'll see. The Trinity has never been truly gone in GW2 (DPS/Healer/Tank). All Tanks need is a good taunt. Scourge is a good healer, I hear guardian is also. If Guardian is, it's pretty much a WaMo (Warrior/Monk Heavy armor off healer) like in GW1. My point here is when GW2 launched it professed to be different than GW1, and abandoned the old, outdated ways of doing things. In short GW1 is bad, GW2 is good. I won't argue, I like a lot of what GW2 has. I could do without the nerf lottery but such is life. What I like, ain't important. That much is clear. So what do you think, is GW2 becoming more like GW1? Capes, storing weapons from view? In GW1 in cities weapons didn't show iirc. It wasn't a choice, it was a fact of life as I remember it. Templates, not like GW1 but still they both have em now. I guess GW1's ways weren't so bad huh..?

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There is no foundation whatsoever in the idea that GW2 is becoming more like GW1. They are as far apart today as they were 7 years ago.

Any attempt to link profs or elites to original classes with secondaries is a case of either over-reaching or a natural overlap caused by the same franchise using generic fantasy classes. Masteries are also not at all similar to secondary professions. They are wildly different. The only similarity they have to anything in GW1 are those EOTN rep skills and even then, they are still pretty dissimilar.

I have no idea why players might be thinking GW1 is about to be shut down. There is no evidence for it and they wouldn't have gone to the effort a few months back of adding extra options to the game if that was the case. GW1 will sit there happily until either ANET or NCSOFT are gone. Neither of those are on the horizon.

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Yeah they are not similar at all other than a limited skillbar. The gameplay alone is wildly different. Randulf is right about masteries being like the title track skills in that they cost nothing and by end game they are all expected to be max. Secondary professions you could never really max and in fact had weaker attributes/skills.

Gw1 is like games such as baulders gate, icewind Dale and Kotor where you have instances and start in town and move out with a party, human or ai of your making.Gw2 is just another modern mmo.

This is probably why gw1 isn't as popular as it's a game that has ties to older RPGs and that generation of gamer is shrinking not growing. Heroes and hardmode really saved that game from extinction.

You do bring up an interesting point though, why all a sudden templates, guild capes and invisible weapons when stowed?

@Kurrilino.2706 said:GW 2 should copy everything successful from GW1. The stories, the skill system, customizable weapons, no trade post, not everything dragon, expansion every 6 month etc..

Expansion every 6 months? Rofl they released 2 campaigns and 1 expansion. Guess how many times they made the 6 month window? A whole one time...

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Okay lets try it this way, apples and oranges...

GW1 Instanced Co-opGW2 Open world MMORPG

GW1 Secondary profession ability unlocked after ascensionGW2 Mastery Skills unlock after obtaining enough HP's

GW 1 Capes (Guild)Gw2 Capes (Guild/Normal)

GW1 Templates
Gw2 Templates

Gw1 Outfits? (long time since I played it)GW2 Outfits

GW1 - No HousingGW2 - Housing of a sort

Gw1 Guild hall (not able to decorate)GW2 Guild Hall (Decorating available)

GW1 No Player CraftingGW2 Crafting

GW1 No mountsGw2 Mounts

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@"Evon Skyfyre.9673" said:Okay lets try it this way, apples and oranges...

GW1 Instanced Co-opGW2 Open world MMORPG

GW1 Secondary profession ability unlocked after ascensionGW2 Mastery Skills unlock after obtaining enough HP's

GW 1 Capes (Guild)Gw2 Capes (Guild/Normal)

GW1 Templates

Gw2 Templates

Gw1 Outfits? (long time since I played it)GW2 Outfits

GW1 - No HousingGW2 - Housing of a sort

Gw1 Guild hall (not able to decorate)GW2 Guild Hall (Decorating available)

GW1 No Player CraftingGW2 Crafting

GW1 No mountsGw2 Mounts

Outfits yes,There was "crafting", you just gathered the mats and went to an npc. Could get any tier gear at any level.Mounts, giant devourers!

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@Justine.6351 said:

@"Evon Skyfyre.9673" said:Okay lets try it this way, apples and oranges...

GW1 Instanced Co-opGW2 Open world MMORPG

GW1 Secondary profession ability unlocked after ascensionGW2 Mastery Skills unlock after obtaining enough HP's

GW 1 Capes (Guild)Gw2 Capes (Guild/Normal)

GW1 Templates

Gw2 Templates

Gw1 Outfits? (long time since I played it)GW2 Outfits

GW1 - No HousingGW2 - Housing of a sort

Gw1 Guild hall (not able to decorate)GW2 Guild Hall (Decorating available)

GW1 No Player CraftingGW2 Crafting

GW1 No mountsGw2 Mounts

Outfits yes,There was "crafting", you just gathered the mats and went to an npc. Could get any tier gear at any level.Mounts, giant devourers!

And wurms in the Desolation

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@Justine.6351 said:

@"Evon Skyfyre.9673" said:Okay lets try it this way, apples and oranges...

GW1 Instanced Co-opGW2 Open world MMORPG

GW1 Secondary profession ability unlocked after ascensionGW2 Mastery Skills unlock after obtaining enough HP's

GW 1 Capes (Guild)Gw2 Capes (Guild/Normal)

GW1 Templates

Gw2 Templates

Gw1 Outfits? (long time since I played it)GW2 Outfits

GW1 - No HousingGW2 - Housing of a sort

Gw1 Guild hall (not able to decorate)GW2 Guild Hall (Decorating available)

GW1 No Player CraftingGW2 Crafting

GW1 No mountsGw2 Mounts

Outfits yes,There was "crafting", you just gathered the mats and went to an npc. Could get any tier gear at any level.Mounts, giant devourers!

Well, you had things crafted. Sorta. Not comparable to GW2 realtime crafting though

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@kratan.4619 said:I don't believe it is becoming more like GW1, I would not play it if it was.

Understandable... game would become to hard for most.

Still i believe some stuff needs to be more similar to gw2 for the sake of pvp, the skill combat design in gw2 is very lamer towards, even on the combat i win against more most times i don’t care whatbim doing i just bash condi apliances, to much aoe spam based for mindless players, bad bosses mechanics where u stack in one place to avoid damage.

To much gimmick = low player skill based.

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@Aeolus.3615 said:

@kratan.4619 said:I don't believe it is becoming more like GW1, I would not play it if it was.

Understandable... game would become to hard for most.

Still i believe some stuff needs to be more similar to gw2 for the sake of pvp, the skill combat design in gw2 is very lamer towards, even on the combat i win against more most times i don’t care whatbim doing i just bash condi apliances, to much aoe spam based for mindless players, bad bosses mechanics where u stack in one place to avoid damage.

To much gimmick = low player skill based.Ironically, one of the main problems of the combat system in GW2 is the absolutely massive gap between low and high skill.

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