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Selfish much?

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@Teratus.2859 said:It's more a poor choice of words, I expect people look on my Necromancers as selfish all the time just because they're Necromancers and the class has a reputation for being solo oriented.

Most of my Necros have support functionality though specially my Minion Master which can single handedly keep a small squad alive in most PvE instances due it's exceptional ability to pull/revive downed players and facetank almost anything.I always go out of my way to get others back in the fight.. so I contest claims of selfishness as well although I recognize the context there isn't a personal attack either lol

It's Just funny to me that people will see me running around with minions and think, Minions.. yep that guy totally has a me first selfish build.. typical Necro lol and yet when I see a couple of people getting beaten up by a champ, bounty or some nasty event monster I jump in and keep them all alive :)

You and me both.

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@"Dave.6819" said:Oh boy.. stay away from thief class then. You'd have a "time of your life" on this one. Not only you're selfish apparently but you're also toxic and you deserve to get nerfed into oblivion and also you will be kicked out of WvW squads cuz your class is useless too. And not only community but even game devs have negative feelings about you and constantly deal you a bad hand every balance patch. Face it.. this game is "as racist as it gets". Well not racist but "class'ist" where you're judged on your class. So all is well no worries. Just play until you loose your patience completely. Then carry on onto other games. Hey cheer up. Atleast on Guardian u do have an option to play "non-selfish" builds eh.

It can be racist too, and I'm not talking about the real life variety. I mean its hard to go even a single day without someone in a party or squad judging you because you're playing an Asura character "football" etc. In the old days it was just jokes, but these days people will make legitimate derogatory remarks at you and occasionally even kick you from the group, though it is rare for it to go that far.

I've even seen Humans who won't work with Charr because they take the lore seriously, but at least that has an explanation.

The community's been becoming a bit more toxic every year, likely due to frustration, burn out, and general upset over how the game is handled, which then gets taken out on other players over the most mediocre of "conflicts". It's honestly become kind of strange.

Btw Thieves have saved me more times than I can count with stealth revives. I wish more Thieves played support because they have incredible potential, they may be "useless" in a zerg but they most certainly are not in small group fights!

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This needs way more context than OP is giving. For example, which mode are we talking about? And in said mode, which submode? For example, is it wvw and OP wants to blob on DH? Or is it solo roaming? There is a huge difference to those.People also spew the word "racist" left and right here due to vast ignorance. The more you know.

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@"Dave.6819" said:Oh boy.. stay away from thief class then. You'd have a "time of your life" on this one. Not only you're selfish apparently but you're also toxic and you deserve to get nerfed into oblivion and also you will be kicked out of WvW squads cuz your class is useless too. And not only community but even game devs have negative feelings about you and constantly deal you a bad hand every balance patch. Face it.. this game is "as racist as it gets". Well not racist but "class'ist" where you're judged on your class. So all is well no worries. Just play until you loose your patience completely. Then carry on onto other games. Hey cheer up. Atleast on Guardian u do have an option to play "non-selfish" builds eh.

You hide the truth, conveniently, here. You get kicked out of wvw squads as a thief because you offer very little compared to what you get (survivability, boons, heals etc). There are classes that are more useful than thief in blobs. Instead of whinng about "my class gets kicked, omagawd the sheer racism/classism!" maybe you should be actually play havoc/solo/small scale roam, or get a blob class that is actually useful. Self victimization wont get you anywhere.

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as a main necro i always wondered why ppl call them selfish while they do keep them alive and well, even when elite specs didn't exist it boggled my mind that ppl called them selfish.they allow group health steal, they blind enemy groups, they damage enemy groups, they remove conditions from allies, they group heal on the fly, etc....it's just weird, i kept groups alive while they would otherwise die within the first 2 minutes and still ppl call a necro selfish, i think it's time ppl actually look at the facts rather then go with the hype.

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As a necro main i've always admired the selfishness of the class, or rather, the self-reliance of the class. Compared to say, ranger, mes, ele, guard (incl elite specs) how many boons can a necro provide? How many targets do they affect and how often can they be reapplied? How long do their boons last, and can they maximise/improve the effect through traits? That's the difference between a selfish class and a group-oriented class. The downside of necro is that their damage is deliberately kept low because of access to death/reaper shroud.

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@"Voltekka.2375" said:You hide the truth, conveniently, here. You get kicked out of wvw squads as a thief because you offer very little compared to what you get (survivability, boons, heals etc). There are classes that are more useful than thief in blobs. Instead of whinng about "my class gets kicked, omagawd the sheer racism/classism!" maybe you should be actually play havoc/solo/small scale roam, or get a blob class that is actually useful. Self victimization wont get you anywhere.

Yup. We're talkin about people exactly like you. Who think meta > everything. Useful > fun. OP class > main class. I don't play any other classes. I choose my main class and i stick with it. And if anet made this class to what it is and people don't like it.. i can't do much about it.

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@Dave.6819 said:

@"Voltekka.2375" said:You hide the truth, conveniently, here. You get kicked out of wvw squads as a thief because you offer very little compared to what you get (survivability, boons, heals etc). There are classes that are more useful than thief in blobs. Instead of whinng about "my class gets kicked, omagawd the sheer racism/classism!" maybe you should be actually play havoc/solo/small scale roam, or get a blob class that is actually useful. Self victimization wont get you anywhere.

Yup. We're talkin about people exactly like you. Who think meta > everything. Useful > fun. OP class > main class. I don't play any other classes. I choose my main class and i stick with it. And if anet made this class to what it is and people don't like it.. i can't do much about it.

There is nothing wrong with roaming with whatever build you like, but zergs are a different story.

No one is telling you to not play (example) thief. The point was that it does not provide anything to the squad synergy, therefore the spots in a squad are saved for the builds that do provide to it - after all, slots in a squad are limited, so it makes sense to free a slot for someone else who does provide to the synergy. That's all.

No one is stopping you from playing non-zerg professions or builds. If you can't understand the difference that makes you an ignorant person, because this isn't about punishing people for playing certain builds/professions but merely about maximizing zerg efficiency, which decides whether you win or lose a battle.

P.S. You are still providing for your server when you play in small groups if you're playing a build or profession that isn't made for zergs. Thieves, for instance, are extremely useful in WvW when they are roaming alone or in small groups. They can annoy the heck out of the enemy.

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Specialized language in gaming has always been a problem. I once had someone attack me for bringing religion into the game when I was talking about the holy trinity which has nothing to do with religion in game speak. A mob in English refers to a group of people but in game speak it can refer to a single entity. Mob is actually a shortened form of mobile unit.

Others have done a good job of explaining selfish, and I don't like the word myself, but I know why it's used in the case of certain classes. If you're mostly playing solo or just playing open world content, what class you play and how you play it matters a lot less. In casual guilds even if you're playing with people it often doesn't matter that much either.

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@Kabuki Theatre.9752 said:

@"Blocki.4931" said:"Selfish" is not a personal attack, it's just that you do not offer much if anything to a group so it is indeed selfish, because it is focused on yourself rather than others.

I'm sorry if I did not make myself clear:

To call someone selfish implies that they are only in it for themselves.That is complete nonsense.What you offer, is what you offer. No more, no less.Being judgemental is being superfluous, you obviously have an ego to overcome.

Are you american?Jokes aside, build can be selfish while the player is not selfish. It is a slightli diferent meaning.Word "round" means either shape of a circle or a turn in a game. Both came from circle but mean something diferent.Gw2 comunity uses word selfish to describe builds that doesnt empower party members. That is it.

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A selfish build basically translates to a 100% DPS build. And since damage is always necessary, it isn't really a selfish build to begin with. Unfortunate term, easy to misinterpret, and it doesn't really describe the build accurately anyway. So whenever you see the term "selfish build", change it with "DPS build" and your problem is fixed.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Dante.1508" said:Meta people are not worth listening too, play whatever you like as you like.. Ignore the meta wannabes..

...and then come to the forum and keep complaining over and over again about how "insanely hard" the content has become. :+1:

Meta should not be necessary in story and open world pve.. Meta and builds should be required for Fractals, Dungeons, raids, strikes, pvp and wvw.. I have no issues with that and thats where the selfish/toxic stuff should stay, if people want to do those content fine to them outside of that anything should be viable.

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Someone has defined what it means in the context of this game, it makes perfect sense but you obviously have an axe to grind and just want to argue.

You go play whatever build you want and play with people with similar styles/goals, but you also let other people play how they want and if they don't want to play with someone who's FAR from optimal and contributing a lot less than they could be then that that's their right and it's not wrong.

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Just ignore the people using the terms "selfish" and "non-selfish" for builds...Simply translate those to DPS and support builds.Not to mention that you can add some support skills to your dragonhunter at the expense of some DPS.By switching skills or weapons you can provide stability, quickness, block projectiles or even stack might

discretize.eu has good descriptions about alternative, situational uses for DPS classes.

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