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Massivelyop's review of gw2 2019


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For me, the decline has not only been this year, but three years in the making. This year was kinda the last straw. I still play the game, but for me, it is becoming uninteresting story, less interesting maps and zero change in game play.

I understand why there is no new expansion. But the new stuff is nothing more than rehashing with zero changes in gameplay. Even there are no new weapons, utilities or elite lines, the new master needed to offer new gameplay options. It is... nothing.

Yes, NCSOFT interference was surely negative. However, the devs are not off the hook. They needed to add more content and/or some good updates. And sadly, there does not seem to be any turn around. Just one episode every ~3 month is not going to cut it to keep players interest.

One point to add, Anet communication is terrible. Outreach is significantly important to keep player interest and create community. It was never Anet strongest suit, but was better in the past. This year it went way south.

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@"Opopanax.1803" said:

So of BD, ESO, Wow Retail, and Wow classic, you never complained about them, you simply left.

But GW2 has brought you 7 years of joy, yet all you can do is jump on the "everything is awful" train?I choose when and where my gratitude will go to and I can retract my gratitude whenever I want. I might seem very disloyal and awful to a game that brought me joy for 7 years, but as Anet and "folks like you (using the same card as you do)" choose to ignore the outcries about the abandonment of good game design and content, then damn YES I have the freedom to retract my gratitude and further complain about the game.

Also what is this "everything is awful" train you are stating.Have you seriously skipped over the part I have stated about the examples of good game designs of GW2? I say that these game designs are good, because I have played and enjoyed them.Could these game designs improve more and update to be even wider? Yes.Has these game designs been abandoned and ignored? Yes.

I don't care if people complain about the game, but you cant say that they are on a bad trajectory with everything if you are being fair.

It folks like you that are sending a message that the game is only negative and that you hate it when you don't balance what you say.It is either my dyslexia kicking in or something else but I just cannot read these 2 sentences and understand what you want to state. Can someone help?

In this case, these reviewers are stating the facts (mostly the definition and intentions of the added content within this new living world episode), opinions-and tides of the player base and his own opinion in this review. The writer even says "I’m still having a lot of fun in this game, and I look forward to continuing that fun in the year to come" at the end of the review which brings me to the point of : You can play the game and complain, criticize and state negative opinions without ruining the joy you have built with it.

Additionally, complainers with good and constructive criticism and suggestions actually care about a game because GW2 was since release a brilliant masterpiece of an MMO. Mostly because as Angry joe, the game reviewer who gave this game a 10/10 (release), stated : This game, unlike games now days, has done 'it' incredibly well the first time, which is SUPER important if you want the game to be successful. And seeing the direction and choices made for this masterpiece the last 2-3 years really leaves a bad taste for critics, complainers and people who actually care about the game.

Now for your own meditation, I have to ask you. Do these critics and complainers who desperately want to see improvement make you upset? Because it isn't in their intention to destroy the remaining enjoyment you have in this game.

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@"Opopanax.1803" said:You never stated any good game design stuff in your first post, you literally state how nothing is up to par and no one will be left in game.

Because ALMOST nothing is up to par. The only thing up to par is...well...living world I guess? If you consider that equally updated like Spvp and WvW.And yes no one will be left in this game. Got problem with that? Of course not in your bubble of positivity and happiness.Quoting myself

Examples of good game designs?

  1. Fractals (Last fractal was from 8th of January. And it isn't even good either)
  2. Dungeons
  3. Eotm (because back then a lot of people played this myth)

Maybe you should take a step back and look at how you come across about the game when you make posts like your first one in this thread.

I see facts. The statement that no one will be playing this game is a speculation more than a fact I agree but I don't like to lie to myself and praise mistakes.

So yet again. As a complainer I just disagree to be looked at as fully negative and wanting the world to end. As if making criticism about the game, like what the critics did, is the same as pissing in your cereal bowl for breakfast.

The articles both sound like a bitchfest that refuses to acknowledge the good things that Anet has done.

There are lots of things that Anet has done well, but people like to complain.

Now it's your turn to take a step back and explain to me what you mean with "Anet has done well" for the following

  1. Fractals
  2. Eotm
  3. WvW
  4. SPvP
  5. Dungeons
  6. Holiday events (mainly talking about Wintersday and Halloween)
  7. Class balancing

And i'm talking about updating in the past 2 years. Not since release.(If explaining is difficult for you, let me help you with the following :

  1. Fractals : Deepstone and Siren's Reef cater HARD towards almost every spec PoF has to offer and Chronomancer back then. Core classes were almost unwelcome in T4.
  2. Eotm I don't even want to talk about.
  3. WvW mounts. yay. and alliances xD yay
  4. Holiday events... There was nothing major happening compared to the years before.)
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@"hugo.4705" said:Very good article linked by Randulf. It sums up really well the situation. I know that at the start, I recommended the game. I can't anymore. I already said that the ls4 end was the start of the downfall if they start another ls. I was right. How long until reaching 0 population? End of ls5 or mid ls6?! It's not new, WvW world population decreasing, the episodes completion rate too... The layoffs.... All the signs.....

I arrive at the end of the journey. Soon maybe in less than 1 year I will stop posting there. Maybe will progressively stop playing. Forgetting about any hopes of seeing sab w3 & 4 or fractal of battle of lion's arch/marionette. I even think I will never visit the old LA ever again.

Yeah yeah if I leave the good ol' "can I have you stuff" comment will pop. But sadly I couldn't give you anything since everything is account bound. Better to say can I have your account?

Anyway, I think we are near the end, the game is more and more moot. Why still playing? Unrealistic and stupid hope of making a gen 2 legendary that is so badly designed to acquire that it is clearly a chore. Strongly disapointed by those nasty incenses and condensed gifts. Would have been better to make like gen 1 with a little nice story and stuffs to do around the world instead of a boring crappy legendary shards farm. Guess I will never have binding of ipos, at least I've managed to craft predator....

I don't see any redemption apart releasing an expansion and adding elite specs.

/rant end

Anyway, the ones who still love this game, good luck to you, I can't stand that downfall anymore, let's stop lying to ourselves.Randulf's article said it all.

I'm so disapointed and sad for a lot of devs and anet staffs. Mike Z, Clayton , Ruby, Gaile, Josh Foreman (sniff), Stephane lo Presti, Cameron Rich....

But also specials thanks to sound engineer and map designers doing an awesome job.

The end. Will continue to play the game until the next sab for sure, after will depend of the qol updates and rpisodes quality.6 good years for me.

Not hugo too! You're a staple of the forums my man. I'm in agreement though and of a similar view.

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@Opopanax.1803 said:You never stated any good game design stuff in your first post, you literally state how nothing is up to par and no one will be left in game.

Maybe you should take a step back and look at how you come across about the game when you make posts like your first one in this thread.

It is not a question of the past. It is a question of the present.

If someone never played GW2 before asked me would you recommend GW2, my answer would be absolutely. Why:

  1. Best game play in any MMO (in my opinion at least).
  2. Terrific world to explore.
  3. Tons of things to do, especially if you enjoy PvE content that does not allows require a group.
  4. Good PvP (tied to game play), though not well balanced.

If someone left the game 2 years ago ask me if there is a reason to come back, I will tell them no.

As someone who is considered active, I have spent $0 since I purchased PoF and I will probably never spend a dime unless there is an expansion, or major content. And the shop is currently Anet's only source of income. I will not say people should boycott the shop. I will say that Anet needs to produce higher quality and quantity content, if they expect me to drop any money. .

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@otto.5684 said:

@Opopanax.1803 said:You never stated any good game design stuff in your first post, you literally state how nothing is up to par and no one will be left in game.

Maybe you should take a step back and look at how you come across about the game when you make posts like your first one in this thread.

It is not a question of the past. It is a question of the present.

If someone never played GW2 before asked me would you recommend GW2, my answer would be absolutely. Why:
  1. Best game play in any MMO (in my opinion at least).
  2. Terrific world to explore.
  3. Tons of things to do, especially if you enjoy PvE content that does not allows require a group.
  4. Good PvP (tied to game play), though not well balanced.

If someone left the game 2 years ago ask me if there is a reason to come back, I will tell them no.

As someone who is considered active, I have spent $0 since I purchased PoF and I will probably never spend a dime unless there is an expansion, or major content. And the shop is currently Anet's only source of income. I will not say people should boycott the shop. I will say that Anet needs to produce higher quality and quantity content, if they expect me to drop any money. .

This would only be true for someone who plays spvp like yourself, which is what you state you play in the guardian forums.

Why would you expect Anet to develop content for you as a spvper when you demonstrate that you don't put anything financially back into the game?

If all spvpers are like you and spend zero one the game except for expacs, how could Anet view that as anything except a money pit?

You've dug the grave of your own mode.

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@KurokawaKazuma.8641 said:

@"Opopanax.1803" said:You never stated any good game design stuff in your first post, you literally state how nothing is up to par and no one will be left in game.

Because ALMOST nothing is up to par. The only thing up to par is...well...living world I guess? If you consider that equally updated like Spvp and WvW.And yes no one will be left in this game. Got problem with that? Of course not in your bubble of positivity and happiness.Quoting myself

Examples of good game designs?
  1. Fractals (Last fractal was from 8th of January. And it isn't even good either)
  2. Dungeons
  3. Eotm (because back then a lot of people played this

Maybe you should take a step back and look at how you come across about the game when you make posts like your first one in this thread.

I see facts. The statement that no one will be playing this game is a speculation more than a fact I agree but I don't like to lie to myself and praise mistakes.

So yet again. As a complainer I just disagree to be looked at as fully negative and wanting the world to end. As if making criticism about the game, like what the critics did, is the same as pissing in your cereal bowl for breakfast.

The articles both sound like a bitchfest that refuses to acknowledge the good things that Anet has done.

There are lots of things that Anet has done well, but people like to complain.

Now it's your turn to take a step back and explain to me what you mean with "Anet has done well" for the following
  1. Fractals
  2. Eotm
  3. WvW
  4. SPvP
  5. Dungeons
  6. Holiday events (mainly talking about Wintersday and Halloween)
  7. Class balancing

And i'm talking about updating in the past 2 years. Not since release.(If explaining is difficult for you, let me help you with the following :
  1. Fractals : Deepstone and Siren's Reef cater HARD towards almost every spec PoF has to offer and Chronomancer back then. Core classes were almost unwelcome in T4.
  2. Eotm I don't even want to talk about.
  3. WvW mounts. yay. and alliances xD yay
  4. Holiday events... There was nothing major happening compared to the years before.)

Quoting this so you can read it. Do you even hear yourself? I'll happily point by point when i have a keyboard.

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@Opopanax.1803 said:

@Opopanax.1803 said:You never stated any good game design stuff in your first post, you literally state how nothing is up to par and no one will be left in game.

Maybe you should take a step back and look at how you come across about the game when you make posts like your first one in this thread.

It is not a question of the past. It is a question of the present.

If someone never played GW2 before asked me would you recommend GW2, my answer would be absolutely. Why:
  1. Best game play in any MMO (in my opinion at least).
  2. Terrific world to explore.
  3. Tons of things to do, especially if you enjoy PvE content that does not allows require a group.
  4. Good PvP (tied to game play), though not well balanced.

If someone left the game 2 years ago ask me if there is a reason to come back, I will tell them no.

As someone who is considered active, I have spent $0 since I purchased PoF and I will probably never spend a dime unless there is an expansion, or major content. And the shop is currently Anet's only source of income. I will not say people should boycott the shop. I will say that Anet needs to produce higher quality and quantity content, if they expect me to drop any money. .

This would only be true for someone who plays spvp like yourself, which is what you state you play in the guardian forums.

Why would you expect Anet to develop content for you as a spvper when you demonstrate that you don't put anything financially back into the game?

If all spvpers are like you and spend zero one the game except for expacs, how could Anet view that as anything except a money pit?

You've dug the grave of your own mode.

Where did I say lack of PvP content?! At all? You desperately need to work on your comprehension skills. And do not assume, cuz you end-up making an ass of yourself.

I play open world PvE way more than anything else, and it is specifically my main concern. My issue is lack of PvE content, specifically good open world content. The content Anet provided over the last 2 years have been hit and miss, and is not that frequent. Yes, LWS5 has the same cycle as LWS3&4. However 3&4 were came right after expansions. There was a boat load of other content that was still relatively new. Right now, there is not.

And of course, I can play the same elite specs and weapons for so long in all game modes. Last time we had anything new regarding weapons and skills was Sept 2017. The content way over ran its course. We need new stuff. Without that, my willingness to put money in the game is zero.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@"hugo.4705" said:Very good article linked by Randulf. It sums up really well the situation. I know that at the start, I recommended the game. I can't anymore. I already said that the ls4 end was the start of the downfall if they start another ls. I was right. How long until reaching 0 population? End of ls5 or mid ls6?! It's not new, WvW world population decreasing, the episodes completion rate too... The layoffs.... All the signs.....

I arrive at the end of the journey. Soon maybe in less than 1 year I will stop posting there. Maybe will progressively stop playing. Forgetting about any hopes of seeing sab w3 & 4 or fractal of battle of lion's arch/marionette. I even think I will never visit the old LA ever again.

Yeah yeah if I leave the good ol' "can I have you stuff" comment will pop. But sadly I couldn't give you anything since everything is account bound. Better to say can I have your account?

Anyway, I think we are near the end, the game is more and more moot. Why still playing? Unrealistic and stupid hope of making a gen 2 legendary that is so badly designed to acquire that it is clearly a chore. Strongly disapointed by those nasty incenses and condensed gifts. Would have been better to make like gen 1 with a little nice story and stuffs to do around the world instead of a boring crappy legendary shards farm. Guess I will never have binding of ipos, at least I've managed to craft predator....

I don't see any redemption apart releasing an expansion and adding elite specs.

/rant end

Anyway, the ones who still love this game, good luck to you, I can't stand that downfall anymore, let's stop lying to ourselves.Randulf's article said it all.

I'm so disapointed and sad for a lot of devs and anet staffs. Mike Z, Clayton , Ruby, Gaile, Josh Foreman (sniff), Stephane lo Presti, Cameron Rich....

But also specials thanks to sound engineer and map designers doing an awesome job.

The end. Will continue to play the game until the next sab for sure, after will depend of the qol updates and rpisodes quality.6 good years for me.

Not hugo too! You're a staple of the forums my man. I'm in agreement though and of a similar view.

You know, all isn't doom and gloom. I've grown with gw2. Started playing in highschool. Ls1 events and battle of lion's arch was during my exams so didn't gathered all the AP but did all the events and story it was freaking awesome. At the end of highschool, discovered HoT and mordremoth, the amazing rata novus.Then I joined the college to study biology. Simultaneously to the years I've saw ls3 and lastly pof (was disapointed, expected a massive egyptian theme with pyramids and temples, got a bland boring and flat desert).Then Ls4. Enjoyed a lot Daybreak and Bug in the system. After, that's what I call the downfall: decrease of the quality and rushed episodes not caring of plot and end of characters. The very dull kourna map with bad incoherent story... jahai with the good bubbles idea, the whole ruined by the useless sunrefuge and requiem stuffs... then thunderhead nice idea, cool dwarven puzzles ala layton and dredges but meh metas... to finally end with dragonfall: silverwastes 3.0 (after silverwastes and dragon stand) 3 paths. Melting pot of every environments, the map is nice but kralky end is horrible BS non sense starting of speaking of dragon's feeling and their transgender thingies.... it's ASEXUAL STOP GIVING THEM A SEX! Dragon is a dragon, it kills and corrupt without feeling like Smaug in LOTR.

I love that game and I've grown with it, and can only thanks the devs for what they did. All the races are so awesome. SAB was the best minigame I've ever seen and yes I'm very sad of not seeing the mine, underwater, the lab or the castle.And even if I post less on the forums, I will continue to play because this is the only mmo I play, and this is the best one to me.

Love for the devs. Number 1 Inquest lover forever.

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@"KurokawaKazuma.8641" said:~snip~

Examples of good game designs?


  1. Eotm (because back then a lot of people played this myth)

Did these game designs get (proper(because Eotm 1v1 arena was forgotten within a week)) updates to keep content played by a good amount of people? No.So people complain on the forums and make all kinds of suggestions wanting to see any changes, reworks and improvements to these game designs. FOR YEARS. It just seems like no risk have been taken. Instead the action that will be taken is to just end the content-line and...well...continue living world episodes that generate hype for 3 days, people play it at the rate of the slowest turtle on the planet and still finish the episode before they leave their cookies bake too long in the oven.~snip~

I can guarantee you that the release version of EotM was 100% not the intended design version, so even though you might think it was good game design, it was no where close to what was originally intended, and I know it's original concept, but still can't talk about even though EotM is in the game.

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@hugo.4705 said:Dragon is a dragon, it kills and corrupt without feeling like Smaug in LOTR.

Quoted for truth

Of course, Smaug is male, so I'm not sure that this comparison makes the intended point...

Not sure what that has to do with the point we were making

@"zealex.9410" said:

The point i got was that the gender is besides the point?

Perhaps I misinterpreted. I thought the point Hugo was trying to make with the phrase "dragon is a dragon" and by saying "STOP GIVING THEM A SEX!" was that dragons don't have sexes/genders. Thus using Smaug to illustrate that point doesn't make sense, since he is male. (Although I agree that his gender is irrelevant - as is the gender of every character in The Hobbit!)

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@Tommo Chocolate.5870 said:

@hugo.4705 said:Dragon is a dragon, it kills and corrupt without feeling like Smaug in LOTR.

Quoted for truth

Of course, Smaug is male, so I'm not sure that this comparison makes the intended point...

Not sure what that has to do with the point we were making

@"zealex.9410" said:

The point i got was that the gender is besides the point?

Perhaps I misinterpreted. I thought the point Hugo was trying to make with the phrase "dragon is a dragon" and by saying "STOP GIVING THEM A SEX!" was that dragons don't have sexes/genders. Thus using Smaug to illustrate that point doesn't make sense, since he is male. (Although I agree that his gender is irrelevant - as is the gender of every character in The Hobbit!)

Kinda. The main point is more was how they decided to humanise Kralk and focus too much on family, gender, conflicted personality etc. It's a big giant, uncontrollable and incomprehensible monster. Smaug embodied everything classical about Dragons with the only extra layer being added was its intelligence (which fitted the setting and also the way Tolkien established how his characters interacted within the narrative). Otherwise, Smaug is all about greed and destruction and we put him down by countering his intelligence then bringing him down with a suitably heroic blow. That is how Kralk should have been.

The tortured soul, the "mother" cry, the focus on the hereditary associations - all out of place, all unnecessary. Instead of a heroic fight where Destinys Edge got to finish the job and round off their arc, we got fluff and fan fiction.

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@hugo.4705 said:Dragon is a dragon, it kills and corrupt without feeling like Smaug in LOTR.

Quoted for truth

Of course, Smaug is male, so I'm not sure that this comparison makes the intended point...

Not sure what that has to do with the point we were making

@"zealex.9410" said:

The point i got was that the gender is besides the point?

Perhaps I misinterpreted. I thought the point Hugo was trying to make with the phrase "dragon is a dragon" and by saying "STOP GIVING THEM A SEX!" was that dragons don't have sexes/genders. Thus using Smaug to illustrate that point doesn't make sense, since he is male. (Although I agree that his gender is irrelevant - as is the gender of every character in The Hobbit!)

Kinda. The main point is more was how they decided to humanise Kralk and focus too much on family, gender, conflicted personality etc. It's a big giant, uncontrollable and incomprehensible monster. Smaug embodied everything classical about Dragons with the only extra layer being added was its intelligence (which fitted the setting and also the way Tolkien established how his characters interacted within the narrative). Otherwise, Smaug is all about greed and destruction and we put him down by countering his intelligence then bringing him down with a suitably heroic blow. That is how Kralk should have been.

The tortured soul, the "mother" cry, the focus on the hereditary associations - all out of place, all unnecessary. Instead of a heroic fight where Destinys Edge got to finish the job and round off their arc, we got fluff and fan fiction.

I think they are doing a very solid job with most elder dragons we've seen so far other than kralky which i find abit weird, bith mordy and jormag have been good, jormag esp has been very nice imo. Thankfully the gender talk has all really taken place outside the game.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@hugo.4705 said:Dragon is a dragon, it kills and corrupt without feeling like Smaug in LOTR.

Quoted for truth

Of course, Smaug is male, so I'm not sure that this comparison makes the intended point...

Not sure what that has to do with the point we were making

The point i got was that the gender is besides the point?

Perhaps I misinterpreted. I thought the point Hugo was trying to make with the phrase "dragon is a dragon" and by saying "STOP GIVING THEM A SEX!" was that dragons don't have sexes/genders. Thus using Smaug to illustrate that point doesn't make sense, since he is male. (Although I agree that his gender is irrelevant - as is the gender of every character in The Hobbit!)

Kinda. The main point is more was how they decided to humanise Kralk and focus too much on family, gender, conflicted personality etc. It's a big giant, uncontrollable and incomprehensible monster. Smaug embodied everything classical about Dragons with the only extra layer being added was its intelligence (which fitted the setting and also the way Tolkien established how his characters interacted within the narrative). Otherwise, Smaug is all about greed and destruction and we put him down by countering his intelligence then bringing him down with a suitably heroic blow. That is how Kralk should have been.

The tortured soul, the "mother" cry, the focus on the hereditary associations - all out of place, all unnecessary. Instead of a heroic fight where Destinys Edge got to finish the job and round off their arc, we got fluff and fan fiction.

I think they are doing a very solid job with most elder dragons we've seen so far other than kralky which i find abit weird, bith mordy and jormag have been good, jormag esp has been very nice imo. Thankfully the gender talk has all really taken place outside the game.

Yes and no. Jormag is def interesting. Zhaitan and Mordy they got right in principle, but made some missteps in the implementation. Kralk they got all wrong throughout LS4 with perhaps the his looming overhead in The Mists in ep4 and attack on his head and the way he killed Aurene the only truly great moments.

Primordus so far is prob my favourite. Weird appearance aside, he feels more like what I want from an ED. Jormag at the moment is great, but I worry they will overplay it and make it too much of a caricature of itself after the complete bodge job they did with Kralk in the end.

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Well Astralporing got the point. I'm using Smaug because it's a dragon not because it's a "male". It was to illustrate the point that dragon are wild forces that destroy just to destroy without feelings. Concerning the sex, in many litteratures or games you will find them asexual through here, well it kinda lost me, they have ones. Always depicted Smaug as it. But all depicts it how they want ^^

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Totally agree all round with those websites.. Its been 7 years. And honestly they really let this game go to hell.. Totally destroyed their release visions and made this another reskinned WoW.. packed the game full of microtransactions and grind, untold amounts of useless currencies and hardcore mechanics that minorities want..

Is it such a shock that the communities are depressed and disillusioned, not in my opinion.. but hey listen to the forums, everything is fine, nothing to see here.

Time for Another "break" from Guildwars 2 for me.

@"hugo.4705" said:Well Astralporing got the point. I'm using Smaug because it's a dragon not because it's a "male". It was to illustrate the point that dragon are wild forces that destroy just to destroy without feelings. Concerning the sex, in many litteratures or games you will find them asexual through here, well it kinda lost me, they have ones. Always depicted Smaug as it. But all depicts it how they want ^^

Only in western tradition..

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@"Dante.1508" said:Totally agree all round with those websites.. Its been 7 years. And honestly they really let this game go to hell.. Totally destroyed their release visions and made this another reskinned WoW.. packed the game full of microtransactions and grind, untold amounts of useless currencies and hardcore mechanics that minorities want..

Is it such a shock that the communities are depressed and disillusioned, not in my opinion.. but hey listen to the forums, everything is fine, nothing to see here.

Time for Another "break" from Guildwars 2 for me.

@"hugo.4705" said:Well Astralporing got the point. I'm using Smaug because it's a dragon not because it's a "male". It was to illustrate the point that dragon are wild forces that destroy just to destroy without feelings. Concerning the sex, in many litteratures or games you will find them asexual through here, well it kinda lost me, they have ones. Always depicted Smaug as it. But all depicts it how they want ^^

Only in western tradition..

How did they make the game a reskinned Wow?

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