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How come more people don't do Grothmar strike?

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Typically when i have a full party we get gold time (especially if i use my boon support chrono and someone is running druid)

If it hasn't changed since launch it's 300 volatile magic and 3k karma for about 5-10 minutes of effort. The magic is very significant: it's an altoholic's wet dream as it makes for very fast ascended trinket purchases from season 4 vendors, as generally the magic takes longer to farm (and can even be converted to zone specific resources via a dragonfall vendor). Way more efficient than berry farming. (Especially as there's mobs that harass me during berries, slowing me down).

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I also noticed that its barely in lfg... If I go there I usually put it up in lfg, do the jump puzzle myself and edit the lfg with jump puzzle done and ppl tend to join. Bjora strike is no different, also don't see it in lfg much anymore. Grothmar has better rewards even coz of the rare items that drop (needed for collection, heavy rng and not obtainable elsewhere which is very frustrating)

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I dont do them anymore because they arent worth the time.

The RNG for the rare items in Gorthmar is terrible(i mean thats the whole game to be honest, i dont know why ANET has the RNG and the %s for exotic items be so high these days.), i ran it daily for the first month it was out and never saw one, so why would i wanna do it anymore?

Bjora is even worse as theres no unique drops at all that are really cool to look at. The ingots are not worth the difficulty of Boneskinner, or the twins, and its not worth it to waste the time for the third guy.

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@Aaralyna.3104 said:I also noticed that its barely in lfg... If I go there I usually put it up in lfg, do the jump puzzle myself and edit the lfg with jump puzzle done and ppl tend to join. Bjora strike is no different, also don't see it in lfg much anymore. Grothmar has better rewards even coz of the rare items that drop (needed for collection, heavy rng and not obtainable elsewhere which is very frustrating)

Think the issue is partly because there are 3 lfg categories for them - map, strike lfg, strike lfm and partly because they appear to not have been as popular as hoped. Plus Bjora has been a naff map so that might be dissuading players to go there.

Boneskinner seems to be worthless to players especially due to high difficulty.

It is a shame because I kind of like them despite being random out of context fights and having no waypoint.

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@Aaralyna.3104 said:I also noticed that its barely in lfg... If I go there I usually put it up in lfg, do the jump puzzle myself and edit the lfg with jump puzzle done and ppl tend to join. Bjora strike is no different, also don't see it in lfg much anymore. Grothmar has better rewards even coz of the rare items that drop (needed for collection, heavy rng and not obtainable elsewhere which is very frustrating)

Think the issue is partly because there are 3 lfg categories for them - map, strike lfg, strike lfm and partly because they appear to not have been as popular as hoped. Plus Bjora has been a naff map so that might be dissuading players to go there.

Boneskinner seems to be worthless to players especially due to high difficulty.

It is a shame because I kind of like them despite being random out of context fights and having no waypoint.

Ye I usually start at strike lfg and then check the other 2 lfg zones as well to see if something is up. I do like to do strikes as well. Not every day but now and then. Difficulty doesn't really matter. Did it all incl last week's boneskinner. And that while I don't need the ingots from bjora strike anymore as I have enough for the craft collection now. I do feel horribe that Grothmar has an achievement with rare items I'll probably never see despite doing its content.

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@"Firebeard.1746" said:Typically when i have a full party we get gold time (especially if i use my boon support chrono and someone is running druid)

If it hasn't changed since launch it's 900 volatile magic and 3k karma for about 5-10 minutes of effort. The magic is very significant: it's an altoholic's wet dream as it makes for very fast ascended trinket purchases from season 4 vendors, as generally the magic takes longer to farm (and can even be converted to zone specific resources via a dragonfall vendor). Way more efficient than berry farming. (Especially as there's mobs that harass me during berries, slowing me down).

I run this daily. I have yet to run it and not get gold. I have yet to fire up a squad and not have it filled within less than 10 mins.These "why aren't people doing the strikes?" threads really seem to be false rhetoric.The only thing I can think id you are going in the public door and not using the lfg, or exaggerating for some reason.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@"Randulf.7614" said:I’d do it if they ditched the jp at the start. The boss is a bit mindless but I can live with it if they changed the terrible lead in.

I could just wait for others to unlock the waypoint but that seems unfair

A few steps and a glide is a "JP"?Come on now....

I love JP's, they are the only part of the holiday events I look forward too, and I think it's dumb to have it at the beginning of a "fight".

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@"Firebeard.1746" said:Typically when i have a full party we get gold time (especially if i use my boon support chrono and someone is running druid)

If it hasn't changed since launch it's 900 volatile magic and 3k karma for about 5-10 minutes of effort. The magic is very significant: it's an altoholic's wet dream as it makes for very fast ascended trinket purchases from season 4 vendors, as generally the magic takes longer to farm (and can even be converted to zone specific resources via a dragonfall vendor). Way more efficient than berry farming. (Especially as there's mobs that harass me during berries, slowing me down).

I run this daily. I have yet to run it and not get gold. I have yet to fire up a squad and not have it filled within less than 10 mins.These "why aren't people doing the strikes?" threads really seem to be false rhetoric.The only thing I can think id you are going in the public door and not using the lfg, or exaggerating for some reason.

You must have missed my response to someone else where i explained it could be due to my time slot. Finding 10 people in a reasonable amount of time is annoying at 11 pm PST.

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@Firebeard.1746 said:

@Firebeard.1746 said:Typically when i have a full party we get gold time (especially if i use my boon support chrono and someone is running druid)

If it hasn't changed since launch it's 900 volatile magic and 3k karma for about 5-10 minutes of effort. The magic is very significant: it's an altoholic's wet dream as it makes for very fast ascended trinket purchases from season 4 vendors, as generally the magic takes longer to farm (and can even be converted to zone specific resources via a dragonfall vendor). Way more efficient than berry farming. (Especially as there's mobs that harass me during berries, slowing me down).

I run this daily. I have yet to run it and not get gold. I have yet to fire up a squad and not have it filled within less than 10 mins.These "why aren't people doing the strikes?" threads really seem to be false rhetoric.The only thing I can think id you are going in the public door and not using the lfg, or exaggerating for some reason.

You must have missed my response to someone else where i explained it could be due to my time slot. Finding 10 people in a reasonable amount of time is annoying at 11 pm PST.

This is the same time I do it and I've never failed to find a group, and I've done it every day since release. There is not always a group up if that is what you mean, but if you continue to check you'll find one in short order . . .

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@"Randulf.7614" said:I’d do it if they ditched the jp at the start. The boss is a bit mindless but I can live with it if they changed the terrible lead in.

I could just wait for others to unlock the waypoint but that seems unfair

A few steps and a glide is a "JP"?Come on now....

That’s not what it is. But yes even that small section is a struggle to me. I’m no fan of jumpy puzzle things in this game when I want to get to the action, so if it exists I will ignore the content, esp if it is poorly designed like this section is.

Yes I can wait for others to do it for me and wp, but I don’t consider that fair

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:I’d do it if they ditched the jp at the start. The boss is a bit mindless but I can live with it if they changed the terrible lead in.

I could just wait for others to unlock the waypoint but that seems unfair

A few steps and a glide is a "JP"?Come on now....

That’s not what it is.Then why falsely label it as such?But yes even that small section is a struggle to me. I’m no fan of jumpy puzzle things in this game when I want to get to the action, so if it exists I will ignore the content, esp if it is poorly designed like this section is.Only it isn't poorly designed at all. It's got multiple paths, only one person needs to complete it , it serves as a fun little time waster to get the chests while you wait for people to actually get into the mission.It's actually a pretty clever little bit of design in that it gives people who get there first something to do for a couple minutes while the usual group of people who struggle with basic reading and courtesy make it to the instance.Just because you struggle with it doesn't make it bad. It's a very easy few jumps that you don't even have to do.
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@Firebeard.1746 said:

@Firebeard.1746 said:Typically when i have a full party we get gold time (especially if i use my boon support chrono and someone is running druid)

If it hasn't changed since launch it's 900 volatile magic and 3k karma for about 5-10 minutes of effort. The magic is very significant: it's an altoholic's wet dream as it makes for very fast ascended trinket purchases from season 4 vendors, as generally the magic takes longer to farm (and can even be converted to zone specific resources via a dragonfall vendor). Way more efficient than berry farming. (Especially as there's mobs that harass me during berries, slowing me down).

I run this daily. I have yet to run it and not get gold. I have yet to fire up a squad and not have it filled within less than 10 mins.These "why aren't people doing the strikes?" threads really seem to be false rhetoric.The only thing I can think id you are going in the public door and not using the lfg, or exaggerating for some reason.

You must have missed my response to someone else where i explained it could be due to my time slot. Finding 10 people in a reasonable amount of time is annoying at 11 pm PST.

No.... I read that.... I've also filled squads at this time of day multiple times with less than 5 mins wait.I find your experience unaligned with my own.

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@FOX.3582 said:Seems like people aren’t playing for fun anymore. Almost everyone is thinking about one thing only; how to get as much loot in the least amount of time. Sad.

Loot is vital for keeping content alive no matter how good the content is. People play an MMO for progression, not to farm content into the ground until it gets stale.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:I’d do it if they ditched the jp at the start. The boss is a bit mindless but I can live with it if they changed the terrible lead in.

I could just wait for others to unlock the waypoint but that seems unfair

A few steps and a glide is a "JP"?Come on now....

That’s not what it is.Then why falsely label it as such?But yes even that small section is a struggle to me. I’m no fan of jumpy puzzle things in this game when I want to get to the action, so if it exists I will ignore the content, esp if it is poorly designed like this section is.Only it isn't poorly designed at all. It's got multiple paths, only one person needs to complete it , it serves as a fun little time waster to get the chests while you wait for people to actually get into the mission.It's actually a pretty clever little bit of design in that it gives people who get there first something to do for a couple minutes while the usual group of people who struggle with basic reading and courtesy make it to the instance.Just because you struggle with it doesn't make it bad. It's a very easy few jumps that you don't even have to do.

I didn’t falsely label it - it is a jp in the terms GW2 defines such things. I meant it isn’t just a few steps and a glide.

I don’t like it, I don’t think it is well designed in the slightest - it doesn’t fit and is a poor substitute for a lead in. That is my opinion and my reason for not doing it as the op asked.

If you disagree and like it, for the reasons you state above that’s fine, but it in no way invalidates my opinion of it being the complete opposite.

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@FOX.3582 said:Seems like people aren’t playing for fun anymore. Almost everyone is thinking about one thing only; how to get as much loot in the least amount of time. Sad.

The may be true, but the fact of the matter is Anet has a lot of activities, collections etc that are not fun and are just prolonged grinds for collections with incredibly restrictive RNG with poor returns.

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