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For 200 gold ...


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@kash.9213 said:

When we're told we'll get a skin that we can earn in game through a reward track (not gemstore) and then we find out our new thing is basically a gemstore item it doesn't matter if we're not forced or if it's optional, that's still a real letdown and says a lot about what they think of WvW players going forward.

It is in no way, shape or form a gemstore item. People farm gold in game, people pay with gold they earned in game. You do not have to swipe a credit card for this. Gemstore stuff is also obtainable without real money.

You 100% can earn this in game.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@jenroo.8467 said:People are so stingy. They pay money to keep the game running that you voluntarily dump hours of your life into. They can have $20 from me now and again.
Thanks Anet you beautiful entity you.

Unlocking a reward track by spending 200g doesn't add any $$$ to ANET's revenue.

Except from those players who buy gems and convert them to gold, right?

Fair point

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@reddie.5861 said:

@"Chaba.5410" said:The track is a giant Black Lion Chest with a guaranteed mount skin for only 600-700 gems...

For a reskin of a skin that only costs 400 gems.

90% of all mount skins are reskins, especially for 400 gems. The rest is more than made up with the remaining rewards in the track. Your point?

What remaining rewards? :D
  • 1 BLC key
  • all 6 mount minis (valued at around 1.5g each, which means an immediate return of around 7-9 gold)
  • 1 BLC ticket (in form of 10 tickets scraps), another 25-50 gold depending on which skin you chose
  • 7 Mystic Clover (another 30 gold value in legendary crafting materials)
  • 3 boxes of Season 4 map materials
  • random other loot

The 200 gold price tag was to be expected. I'm sorry players once again got their hopes up for "free stuff". Anyone who spent 1 minute on looking at past reward implementation and tried approaches would have expected a price of 100-200 gold (based on gem value of regular mount skins). I was actually quite surprised there was that much extra stuff in that track. Honestly, I'd be rerunning that track for 100 gold even without the mount skin.

no skin is worth 200g for me especially mount skin id probably wouldnt even buy a mount skin for 1g.

Sure, you are not forced in getting it. It's optional.

i know its but people like moi we do mainly WvW barely look on TP and just dump everything in bank or leave it in inventory do not even make close to 20g a week well i dont tbh since i dont even bother with dailys if i get them done nice if not cool also.

anyway i know im a expection but wvw doesnt yield kitten load of gold i think 200 is over the top.especially when new mount skin is actually ugly as hell :x

Yeah, not buying it. I WvW a lot, it certainly is not as lucrative as high end PvE farms (which yield around 20-30 gold per hour), but it's far from where you are suggesting it's at (or you simply afk at spawn for pips, and even that rewards more than 20 gold per week) .

If you are dumping everything in bank, you have valuable resources which could be converted to gold. Even without that though, WvW nets more than enough in gold for vets unless you spend gold left and right, which would be a spending issue and not a reward issue.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@"Chaba.5410" said:The track is a giant Black Lion Chest with a guaranteed mount skin for only 600-700 gems...

For a reskin of a skin that only costs 400 gems.

90% of all mount skins are reskins, especially for 400 gems. The rest is more than made up with the remaining rewards in the track. Your point?

What remaining rewards? :D
  • 1 BLC key
  • all 6 mount minis (valued at around 1.5g each, which means an immediate return of around 7-9 gold)
  • 1 BLC ticket (in form of 10 tickets scraps), another 25-50 gold depending on which skin you chose
  • 7 Mystic Clover (another 30 gold value in legendary crafting materials)
  • 3 boxes of Season 4 map materials
  • random other loot

The 200 gold price tag was to be expected. I'm sorry players once again got their hopes up for "free stuff". Anyone who spent 1 minute on looking at past reward implementation and tried approaches would have expected a price of 100-200 gold (based on gem value of regular mount skins). I was actually quite surprised there was that much extra stuff in that track. Honestly, I'd be rerunning that track for 100 gold even without the mount skin.

no skin is worth 200g for me especially mount skin id probably wouldnt even buy a mount skin for 1g.

Sure, you are not forced in getting it. It's optional.

i know its but people like moi we do mainly WvW barely look on TP and just dump everything in bank or leave it in inventory do not even make close to 20g a week well i dont tbh since i dont even bother with dailys if i get them done nice if not cool also.

anyway i know im a expection but wvw doesnt yield kitten load of gold i think 200 is over the top.especially when new mount skin is actually ugly as hell :x

Yeah, not buying it. I WvW a lot, it certainly is not as lucrative as high end PvE farms (which yield around 20-30 gold per hour), but it's far from where you are suggesting it's at (or you simply afk at spawn for pips, and even that rewards more than 20 gold per week) .

If you are dumping everything in bank, you have valuable resources which could be converted to gold. Even without that though, WvW nets more than enough in gold for vets unless you spend gold left and right, which would be a spending issue and not a reward issue.

Back in the day, circa 2013 iirc we calculated what a WvW player makes per night and after siege it was around 1.5 - 3 gold. This was based on a play time of 2 hours per night with a guild. So for a guild like mine that does 4 nights a week that is 6-12g per week for a flat 8 hours of time. That was before reward tracks.

Now we get so much crap to sell you should be making waaaaaaaayy over 20 g per week. I make my old 2013 earnings now in just merchant fodder.Is WvW lucrative or a valid way to earn gold? Absolutely not. But 200g is obtainable.

I think the bigger argument should have been that the build changes are going to cost us all a lot of gold to implement and it was perhaps short sighted of them to make the track 200g with that in mind... or perhaps they wanted one thing to still be on someones bucket list next week.

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@Angel.6085 said:

@"Chaba.5410" said:The track is a giant Black Lion Chest with a guaranteed mount skin for only 600-700 gems...

For a reskin of a skin that only costs 400 gems.

90% of all mount skins are reskins, especially for 400 gems. The rest is more than made up with the remaining rewards in the track. Your point?

What remaining rewards? :D
  • 1 BLC key
  • all 6 mount minis (valued at around 1.5g each, which means an immediate return of around 7-9 gold)
  • 1 BLC ticket (in form of 10 tickets scraps), another 25-50 gold depending on which skin you chose
  • 7 Mystic Clover (another 30 gold value in legendary crafting materials)
  • 3 boxes of Season 4 map materials
  • random other loot

The 200 gold price tag was to be expected. I'm sorry players once again got their hopes up for "free stuff". Anyone who spent 1 minute on looking at past reward implementation and tried approaches would have expected a price of 100-200 gold (based on gem value of regular mount skins). I was actually quite surprised there was that much extra stuff in that track. Honestly, I'd be rerunning that track for 100 gold even without the mount skin.

no skin is worth 200g for me especially mount skin id probably wouldnt even buy a mount skin for 1g.

Sure, you are not forced in getting it. It's optional.

i know its but people like moi we do mainly WvW barely look on TP and just dump everything in bank or leave it in inventory do not even make close to 20g a week well i dont tbh since i dont even bother with dailys if i get them done nice if not cool also.

anyway i know im a expection but wvw doesnt yield kitten load of gold i think 200 is over the top.especially when new mount skin is actually ugly as hell :x

Yeah, not buying it. I WvW a lot, it certainly is not as lucrative as high end PvE farms (which yield around 20-30 gold per hour), but it's far from where you are suggesting it's at (or you simply afk at spawn for pips, and even that rewards more than 20 gold per week) .

If you are dumping everything in bank, you have valuable resources which could be converted to gold. Even without that though, WvW nets more than enough in gold for vets unless you spend gold left and right, which would be a spending issue and not a reward issue.

Back in the day, circa 2013 iirc we calculated what a WvW player makes per night and after siege it was around 1.5 - 3 gold. This was based on a play time of 2 hours per night with a guild. So for a guild like mine that does 4 nights a week that is 6-12g per week for a flat 8 hours of time. That was before reward tracks.

Now we get so much kitten to sell you should be making waaaaaaaayy over 20 g per week. I make my old 2013 earnings now in just merchant fodder.Is WvW lucrative or a valid way to earn gold? Absolutely not. But 200g is obtainable.

I think the bigger argument should have been that the build changes are going to cost us all a lot of gold to implement and it was perhaps short sighted of them to make the track 200g with that in mind... or perhaps they wanted one thing to still be on someones bucket list next week.

It's around 6-15g per hour depending on luck of drops and if you're running boosters. 200g is really not much, even to a wvw player, if they play a lot. If you're casual.. sure.. but you've already got a mount skin.

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@Angel.6085 said:

@"kash.9213" said:

When we're told we'll get a skin that we can earn in game through a reward track (not gemstore) and then we find out our new thing is basically a gemstore item it doesn't matter if we're not forced or if it's optional, that's still a real letdown and says a lot about what they think of WvW players going forward.

It is in no way, shape or form a gemstore item. People farm gold in game, people pay with gold they earned in game. You do not have to swipe a credit card for this.
Gemstore stuff is also obtainable without real money

You 100% can earn this in game.

Just like this "reward" track is obtainable without real money, if you're not a WvW only player and can blob around prime time or in pve to cover that. It is a trashy gemstore item.

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I'll point out again this is the FIRST mount skin that is 100% Obtainable without touching the Gem Store.

This is a great thing for people that want a reward for playing the game. Isn't that what people really want? Incentive to play the game? A REAL reward?

All this complaining is doing is stopping anet from releasing more mount skins obtainable ingame without the gemstore.

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@Davros.9823 said:I'll point out again this is the FIRST mount skin that is 100% Obtainable without touching the Gem Store.

This is a great thing for people that want a reward for playing the game. Isn't that what people really want? Incentive to play the game? A REAL reward?

All this complaining is doing is stopping anet from releasing more mount skins obtainable ingame without the gemstore.

Play the game. Real reward. incentive to play. For 200g.

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Not really care about the price tag. Not crafting any Legendarys.

Had a good day yesterday. 200g on the reward track got a nice mount skin, wasted my last 900Gems and bought 10 BL Keys.. Got the 2k Gems Warclaw Skin from the boxes and had enough figures after that to buy the wild magic backpack/glider Combo i waited for over 6 month.

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@Angel.6085 said:It is in no way, shape or form a gemstore item. People farm gold in game, people pay with gold they earned in game. You do not have to swipe a credit card for this. Gemstore stuff is also obtainable without real money.You 100% can earn this in game.

Yeah? Empty your bank and try playing only WvW for a few months, tell us how much gold you make..

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@Davros.9823 said:I'll point out again this is the FIRST mount skin that is 100% Obtainable without touching the Gem Store.

This is a great thing for people that want a reward for playing the game. Isn't that what people really want? Incentive to play the game? A REAL reward?

All this complaining is doing is stopping anet from releasing more mount skins obtainable ingame without the gemstore.

Actually not true since the Pepegasus AND the new Bearclaw (I forget it's actual name) are/were both rewards in Black Lion Chests. So with your argument this would be the 'THIRD' mount skin that's 100% obtainable without touching the Gem Store.

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@Davros.9823 said:I'll point out again this is the FIRST mount skin that is 100% Obtainable without touching the Gem Store.

This is a great thing for people that want a reward for playing the game. Isn't that what people really want? Incentive to play the game? A REAL reward?

It is actually a skin/black-lion gemstore sale that hides as a WvW reward track for players, that would normally not buy in the gemstore. Thats why there are (additionally to the skin) no typical WvW items/rewards in the track, but a lot of Black Lion stuff.

For the 200 gold you have to pay to unlock the reward track you would get more than 400 gems in exchange, and 400 gems is the price of one skin of the Warclaw Frontline Mount Pack skins.

I think 200 gold is overpriced, but I did buy the reward track with 200 gold (because I did not bother about the 200 gold) and completed it with potions a few minutes after the patch. I did not care about the black lion stuff I got and put it in the bank. And I did not check how much gold I could get from selling the other black lion items from the track. Anyone has checked this yet?

All this complaining is doing is stopping anet from releasing more mount skins obtainable ingame without the gemstore.

It is the first time in game that you have to buy a WvW reward track with gold/gems and I believe how this reward track is done is just a test for Anet to see how they can find more and not so obvious ways to promote gem store sales better to more players.

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There is another MMO I play when not in GW2 and they just recently wrapped up another event in game where at the end of it (while earning things like in game "toy" type loot and unlocking emotes by doing dailies for the event) if you did enough of those you earned a top tier level ship to fly about in space that you can use on any character on your account. No cost. Just play and earn it. Thats how its done. This is not.

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@"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:There is another MMO I play when not in GW2 and they just recently wrapped up another event in game where at the end of it (while earning things like in game "toy" type loot and unlocking emotes by doing dailies for the event) if you did enough of those you earned a top tier level ship to fly about in space that you can use on any character on your account. No cost. Just play and earn it. Thats how its done. This is not.Yeah I'm sure that space sim doesnt have any ingame store, season pass, dlcs or monthly subscription?

At least I hope it doesnt have any one of those or that would be hypocritical.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:There is another MMO I play when not in GW2 and they just recently wrapped up another event in game where at the end of it (while earning things like in game "toy" type loot and unlocking emotes by doing dailies for the event) if you did enough of those you earned a top tier level ship to fly about in space that you can use on any character on your account. No cost. Just play and earn it. Thats how its done. This is not.Yeah I'm sure that space sim doesnt have any ingame store, season pass, dlcs or monthly subscription?

At least I hope it doesn't have any one of those or that would be hypocritical.

It does have those things. It also has a complete free to play set up that allows you to play the entire game and ALL updates to the game for free with absolutely no cost to the player with up to eight character slots for those free accounts and also access to the same events and event rewards as i described above. They've also run a few of these events within the last year, each rewarding T6 level ships. Can you put money into the game via subs for a few extra perks and even more character slots/ship slots? Sure, but it isn't necessary in the slightest AND you still benefit the same as any other player by just playing the game.

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