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Please don't balance based off of 2v2 complaints


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@Axl.8924 said:I totally expect necros to be nerfed into the ground and prevented from doing plat and be farmed from other classes again repeatedly.

I pray that won't be the case, I sincerely hope necros will remain as strong as now..if anything with the necessary changes, I am tired of seeing classes butchered because of unnecessary nerfs, I look at my ele and realize that nobody should go through the same levels of frustration and anger seeing all your investments go up in smoke

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I was playing necro earlier on core, felt so rough in 1v1, especially vs renegade and herald, those aoe effects combined with AOE CC are nasty, so to me it doesn't look op.

Then again i tried multiple stuff i was never a master at PVP. For certain one thing is:Condi isn't that good so large nerfs would leave necros in a really dire situation if not compensated massively.

I too hope they don't destroy necro but i got no faith really.

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@Axl.8924 said:I was playing necro earlier on core, felt so rough in 1v1, especially vs renegade and herald, those aoe effects combined with AOE CC are nasty, so to me it doesn't look op.

Then again i tried multiple stuff i was never a master at PVP. For certain one thing is:Condi isn't that good so large nerfs would leave necros in a really dire situation if not compensated massively.

I too hope they don't destroy necro but i got no faith really.

try playing it vs literally anything else apart from symbolvbran.condirev lmao

Core necro is OVERTUNED af. its a big tank with 4k lich autos. dont try to spin it

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:

@Ithilwen.1529 said:I strongly suspect that 2v2 is meant to be the beta for the balance patches

I strongly suspect you’re incorrect.

Anet mentioned before that this is “off season” ranked. So do not expect it to factor much into class balance, if at all.

@Khalisto.5780 said:the classes overperforming in 2v2 are the same overperforming in comquest, so we have to wait the nerf and see how it plays out in 2v2s


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I strongly suspected that there was going to be a significant meta change after the patch. But the 2v2 mode went beyond Anet's balancing capabilities. I say cancelling the mini season immediately and quickly moving back to the regular 5v5 mode season would be the easiest way to accommodate everyone. A hasty rebalance and big nerf for necro could be avoided, as could another bifurcation between 2v2 and 5v5 game modes.

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It doesn't change the fact we will have 2 Symbolbrand spam with 2 Necro tanking with Lich Form auto attack spam squad and the Herald Condi being carried behind or the Thief decapping around. Is this what you want in 5v5? I highly doubt it.

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@Odik.4587 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:its so funny ppl are calling lich form op. never did when I used it pre patch and got big numbers.

I did and nobody cared, now we have an untouched skill that dominates, big surprise right.

@Odik.4587 stills does better roasts. But this was crispy.Thanks for the compliment but... I am ? :P

You are what? A roast?You’re definitely a pork, can’t remember if we already roasted you, or not.

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:its so funny ppl are calling lich form op. never did when I used it pre patch and got big numbers.

I did and nobody cared, now we have an untouched skill that dominates, big surprise right.

@Odik.4587 stills does better roasts. But this was crispy.Thanks for the compliment but... I am ? :P

You are what? A roast?You’re definitely a pork, can’t remember if we already roasted you, or not.
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@Odik.4587 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:its so funny ppl are calling lich form op. never did when I used it pre patch and got big numbers.

I did and nobody cared, now we have an untouched skill that dominates, big surprise right.

@Odik.4587 stills does better roasts. But this was crispy.Thanks for the compliment but... I am ? :P

You are what? A roast?You’re definitely a pork, can’t remember if we already roasted you, or not.Y you bully me :anguished:

There, there...

Edit: I lost it at that vid :lol:Thank you

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@Sunshine.5014 said:

@Gaxfer.5836 said:A hasty rebalance and big nerf for necro could be avoided, as could another bifurcation between 2v2 and 5v5 game modes.

Spotted the Necro main!

And I suspect someone would accuse you of Warrior/ranger/mesmer etc main who's disgruntled.

Asking for a class to be gutted is an extreme point end, and he has a point.

Do remember necro has been Underpowered for years and free kill unless babysat 24/7 so naturally we want to have fair representation.

There seem to be a whole lot of mixed opinions on what should be nerfed, some want to literally hit with nerfs that would gut the class so of course necro mains are defensive.

Imagine if I were to come to ask for mirage to lose all evades and nerf all their capabilities into the ground, of course, they would be defensive, and try to convince others that the nerf is too hard of a nerf.

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