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Do you prefer 2v2 or 5v5?

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WvW has been plagued with balance headache due to its large variety of gamestyles.Solo roaming, duo, party, havoc, raids, guilds, blobs etc.Balancing for one style is always going to affect the other styles.

Now that PvP has branched from 5v5 to 2v2.The same headache occurs.Balancing for one mode is going to affect the other mode.Which mode do you prefer and think that balance should be focused on?

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WvW's problem's are very different from PvP. WvW is at the whim of PvE additions (consumables, stats, runes and sigils, etc) Which PvP has restricted by design.

2v2 deathmatch balance would be a losing battle. 2v2 is all about finding some cheese combo and abusing it. Conquest avoids balance under a microscope by allowing different strategies to deal with small balance problems, such as decap instead of kill, mobility being important, avoiding fights you can't win, etc.

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Balance has always to be done for 5v5 Conquest of course. 2v2 is really fun and I enjoy playing it a lot, but it will always boil down to very few or even just one prefered duo comp which simply has the best synergy for that mode. Be it Reaper/Tempest, Fb/Scourge, Fb/Corenec, FB/CondiRev or now possibly Reaper/Tempest again. 5v5 Conquest offers room for a lot more roles, and even though class stacking is always an issue there aswell (mostly due to poor balance), it will allow for a lot more variety compwise aswell as different playstyles (roaming and +1 oriented, teamfight oriented, bunker oriented...).

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So now the majority thinks that balance should be done on a 5v5 level.But there were so many threads and posts calling to nerf my poor necro based on 2v2 performance!And now my poor necro is so badly nerfed because it was overperforming in 2v2.But in 5v5 it wouldn't have been overperforming with its weak mobility and stability access where it can be out-rotated and stun-locked and focused and killed so much faster with more players on him.Woe be upon us necros!

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5v5 conquest is a terrible game and part of the reason why we have such little viewership. At least 2v2 stands a chance of getting views from those not already initiated thanks to significantly less visual noise and erratic map rotations.

Yes this game was always balanced on 5v5, but that's only because A-net wanted to jump on the band wagon of LoL and Dota. But sorry, appeals to tradition is simply a fallacy, and that argument holds little weight.

If you genuinely think 5v5 is better that's fine and you're entitled to that opinion, but frankly we've lost so much potential game health by focusing on it, and sure. 2v2s by contrast might be a roflstomp with cheese builds; but that's simply why we need to balance... Also it's disingenuous to assume 5v5 isn't subject to that same fault, and least with 2v2 we narrow the scope while potentially pulling in more eyes.

Plus I fail to see a situation where if 2v2 was balanced 5v5 wouldn't be... But I can see many situations where 5v5 is balanced where 2v2 isn't.

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I admit, Im having great fun with 2v2, but there is no way to balance it and conquest, and I think Conquest is much more balanceable (and interesting) than 2v2. Large aspects of the classes, mobility, abilities that affect entire teams, all become irrelevant in 2v2.

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@Daishi.6027 said:5v5 conquest is a terrible game and part of the reason why we have such little viewership.

It's the main reason I stopped playing years ago, and I'm betting I'm not the only one.

Also, with respect to the OP, this poll is pretty pointless. It's like taking a poll in San Francisco and asking them who their favorite team is; the chiefs or the niners. Of course 5v5 is going to win. The people that still play are playing because they like the game mode.

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