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The right way to solve CC spam


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Interesting, but I think there should simply be a small period of time when you can't be CCed by any skill after being CCed by a hardCC skill.Please note that would make current Rezz Fiesta even more of a problem so probably better address that too at the same time.

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@Alatar.7364 said:Interesting, but I think there should simply be a small period of time when you can't be CCed by any skill after being CCed by a hardCC skill.Please note that would make current Rezz Fiesta even more of a problem so probably better address that too at the same time.

This doesn't make people immune to CC until they got CC'ed 4 times. If a team can't stomp after 4 CC, then probably the other side deserves the Rez.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:Stability and stun breaks exist for a reason. All this change would do is make tank classes ridiculous because you wouldn't be able to lock them down once they're out of cooldowns.

Stability gets nerfed, and hence the CC meta (only see this at Plat+ btw). Stability is much worse than this proposal, since it completely negate CC. It's a strong boon, and that's why it should remain rare.

This special buff will still allow for interrupting heal, Rez, and stomp. It only reduce the effectiveness of CC spam, which is unhealthy for the game.

Most people won't CC an enemy 5 times in 5 seconds, and thus won't get affected by this. Only the CC spam team will get affected.

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What CC spam is there? Just throwing everything at once? That's genuinely awful because the CC overrides the previous one. Save the stunbreaks for the second time you get CC'd, then dodge a third one or whatever. Your proposal wouldn't make much sense unless you tank stuff from 3+ people at once, which is definitely a mistake and punished accordingly.

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@Blocki.4931 said:What CC spam is there? Just throwing everything at once? That's genuinely awful because the CC overrides the previous one. Save the stunbreaks for the second time you get CC'd, then dodge a third one or whatever. Your proposal wouldn't make much sense unless you tank stuff from 3+ people at once, which is definitely a mistake and punished accordingly.

Maybe you're not familiar with Plat+ meta. It's about Tempest CC, Holo Zerker, Fear Necro, SB, Soul Beast. Got even one CC and the Holo/SB/SoulBeast can down you right away. Since all you need is one CC, you don't care if people have stab or not, just equip as many CC as possible and throw it out. Within 5 seconds, the game becomes a ping pong ball match.

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They should just reduce CC effects across PvP.

Some stuff still has disgustingly long CC durations, like 3 Second Knockdowns.

Make all Stuns and Fears 1 second.

Make all Knockdown, Launch, Pulls have better recovery and wake up.

Daze is still fine because it doesn't entirely rob a player of an action, they can still move and dodge.

Kinda wanna avoid a "free stability" sort of effect tbh, because yu wanna make CC effects less effective, not make it entirely useless because if yu accidentally lay on CC and fail to kill the guy due to a support for example, they will have free stability and proceed to steamroll unhindered.

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Just add an internal 10s cooldown on CC. You get cc'd then you have immunity from the CC's until that time is up, make it acrossed the board and then rework stun-breaks and cc as a whole and make a better system. Its a mess right now and even if you dodge one most groups are running two stun bots in wvw and pvp; So you always have to ask "Where is the other one." This is not how it should of gone, yes damage being toned down is FINE and I love it. But some of the other changes are not something I felt were needed, the flow of classes should not be compromised to slow combat down. You want the combat to be "Fast" and "fluid" but want the battles to last, so by dipping damage down and making it harder to kill people while retaining the speed and fluidity of your game play.

Now its clunky. People wanted it to go back to launch levels of power, not to pre-alpha gameplay. (gameplay is still fun, but you get what I mean here. It doesn't feel refined at all by any means)

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Maybe I should play something that has no burst damage yet has to melee to understand this... because I think CC is totally fine. Whenever I get locked down with no stunbreaks left, I totally deserve to die.When I die on my berserker amulet weaver, it's always my fault. When I play paladin's amulet bunker necro, I can tank 4v1-s for half a minute, even when I spend most of that time CC-d. Those two builds are the extremes ofc, but when I'm comfortable on both, I'm pretty sure there are viable playstyles for everything inbetween.

Not to mention if you totally cannot deal with CC-s, just play ranger or deadeye. You get to pew-pew from afar.

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Cool idea but until u get those stacks ur most likely dead and still need 2-3 stunbreaks per build. I suggested splitting CC so one is made for interupts and is 1/4 daze and other one is for locking targets which is hard cc: stun,kd,knockback,launch... Daze 1/4 should remove 80% of hard cc skills for those that fits while some can be redisgned with new effects which don t cc at all. Hard cc should make like 20% of overall cc compared to what we have now which is 99% hard cc lasting for 1sec or more. If its splitted this way than we wouldn t need 2-3 stunbreaks aswell because there is no reason for stunbreaking short 1/4 daze made for interupt. Interupts helps vs spam in game and having only cc which is made for stunlock (what we have right now) is only increasing spam. There is no balance without interupt making most of overall cc ( 80% interupts vs 20% stunlock cc overall is how i see it balanced).

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