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Your -realistic- wishlist/expectations for Expansion 3?

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@Andovar Edoras.2143 said:Do consider that budgets and workforce are limited. Anet isnt going to work on redundant things at this point.

I wouldnt recommend expecting unrealistic and unfitting things like new playable races or personal ports.Imagine a Tengu commander doing the first 3 stories...How unfitting and weird that would be?... a Tengu leading the Pact consisting of the 5 actual main races.

More likely:-New elite specs, canthan inspired

I actually think new elite specs would be unrealistic, look at how much headaches PoF elite specs gave Anet, adding extra 9 is like balancing 36 classes.

a new class is more like it, I want my Ritualist / Monk hybrid

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@crepuscular.9047 said:

@Andovar Edoras.2143 said:Do consider that budgets and workforce are limited. Anet isnt going to work on redundant things at this point.

I wouldnt recommend expecting unrealistic and unfitting things like new playable races or personal ports.Imagine a Tengu commander doing the first 3 stories...How unfitting and weird that would be?... a Tengu leading the Pact consisting of the 5 actual main races.

More likely:-New elite specs, canthan inspired

I actually think new elite specs would be unrealistic, look at how much headaches PoF elite specs gave Anet, adding extra 9 is like balancing 36 classes.

a new class is more like it, I want my Ritualist / Monk hybrid

Elite specs are one of the major selling points of the expansion, I can't imagine they would not include one for every profession.If it would be any environent except Cantha, then I would totally skip that expansion if it doesn't include a new elite spec.

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@Kodama.6453 said:

@"Andovar Edoras.2143" said:Do consider that budgets and workforce are limited. Anet isnt going to work on redundant things at this point.

I wouldnt recommend expecting unrealistic and unfitting things like new playable races or personal ports.Imagine a Tengu commander doing the first 3 stories...How unfitting and weird that would be?... a Tengu leading the Pact consisting of the 5 actual main races.

More likely:-New elite specs, canthan inspired

I actually think new elite specs would be unrealistic, look at how much headaches PoF elite specs gave Anet, adding extra 9 is like balancing 36 classes.

a new class is more like it, I want my Ritualist / Monk hybrid

Elite specs are one of the major selling points of the expansion, I can't imagine they would not include one for every profession.If it would be any environent except Cantha, then I would totally skip that expansion if it doesn't include a new elite spec.

yes, but it is also a gigantic hole Anet had dug for themselves, we already have seen the mountain the balance team needs to climb to balance 2 elite specs, but to balance 3 branches of a tree at once becomes an everest

my other thought is no class should be jack of all trades, this gives more of a reason for choosing a class and elite spec, by adding more elite specs it erodes the 'uniqueness of a class'

if Cantha will be the final expansion for GW2, then yes, go out with a bang, but I cannot really see beyond 3 elite specs

Alternatively, I would not actually mind if Anet go copy one of my old time fav KMMO Ragnarok Online, by having Ascended Elite Specsit would be more easier the balance than a 3rd elite spec, and will allow more breathing room to continue to develop more expansions


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New Elite specialisations but this time don't make them absolutely overpowered like in HoT and PoF. I understand PvP, WvW will need some time to balance after they release but not years like PoF did :) Also give ele longbow.

Change in Living story style. Instead of us being referred to as Commander, God-Emperor could we just be one of the adventures/soldiers? Make story content be group content where voice acting is changed to talk to multiple people not just you. I feel like move to Cantha could allow for this change in the story.

Alliances if not released prior to expansion. WvW balance seems much better. There is problem of lag because more people play WvW now but with Alliances this should be fixable since they could open up more servers with less people on each.

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This is the ideal time where Developers can implement as many changes/drifts as possible. Fighting Dragons have been great, but now with a new expansion, there are lot of possibilities which the team can bring in, while keeping the core story intact. Bringing a new race and a new class will definitely be the things to do, but while doing the same they have the option to bring in an entire new stroy line altogether. They are going in the right direction in sPvP and I am sure in the expansion we shall see some more constructive changes in PvE and Open World gaming

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Personally, I'm not a fan of adding a Orge race mainly because they do not really work with our current races (lorewise) or have alot of lore around them in general. The same could be said about the centaur, no way the humans are just going to up and ally with them. As for orcs they dont even exist in this universe. (as far as i'm aware).

The Largos is an extremely interesting race imo with lore and hints at the beginning of GW2, I really think they were the 6th race that got cut. Additionally they also have a close to human skeleton (Disclaimer: I do not know how the GW2 engine works) but I assume that will cut down alot of development time as they may be able to reuse many assets.

The Tengu is another one that would be good alot of older players would like if it was well designed (yea I know that is as vague as it gets). There is also the possibility that existing races like the Sylvari will get more customization options in Cantha because of the Kurzicks (if they still exist).

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Everyone wants Tengu Race but I'm here wishing for Largos and an Underwater map.Personally I think it'd be a lot easier to implement than Tengu, You could use existing voice lines and add a sound effect, They have a similar body shape to Humans so armor and animations wouldn't be an issue.In a perfect world we'd get both but If I had to guess, I'd say Largos would be more likely just because it'd be a lot less work to implement.

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I would like a new elite spec for sure and an underwater mount. Some improvements of underwater combat too. For example, many of my scourge necro skills don't work underwater which sucks especially when there isn't really a reason they couldn't work.

Rework of minis to be more than cosmetic in some way, Either like Torchlight's pets which have inventory space and can run to town and buy and sell stuff for you or battle them like Pokemon.

I would very much appreciate a story where I'm not the champion anymore. Instead, a story where I fall from grace and can make a choice to purse getting back into the Coallition's good graces or go to the dark side with one of the "bad factions" already in game.

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@The Greyhawk.9107 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:If they are announcing an expansion, then development is well on its way. They have already determined what will be in the expansion and most likely won't make any radical changes which might affect their timeline and (internal) release date.


So asking for things like a new race, with all of the work that such a request entails, is probably not likely if it hasn't already been placed in the development chain. It would be too late to insert it now.

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Realistic expectations ?

Aim to kill a boss in raids and play it like a turn based Jrpg .When you destroy his Defiance Bar (you blind him this time , rather than stun him , but he can hear you) ), the next parts starts where :

Japanese Rpg music starts playing on the background and goes goes Bersekk , doing random aoes , while you are doing increased damage .You get 100 non-dispellable stacks of Comfusion and a passive Regeneration that heals your max HP bar in ... 6 sec ? (4sec if your party have quickness) .If you do 3 spells you dies from the Comfusion .Stay ontop random various locations that are highlighted to hit the boss and rush away from him, otherwise you get a non dispellable Burn that grows .You can stop this mechanic if you deal 100.000 in front side , or the Raid leader choose to ''throw a spear'' F5 Raid skill .

To slow down the combat , for our old souls :)

Unrealistic ?

PvE + WvWvW maps are made from huge stone-donuts , where in each of the 4 sides of the circle, there are burried-ancient landscapes .Does the boss is going to fill the hole map with lava ? Turn the left donut enought times , to showcase Stoneheghe (and not the wooden half-destroyed House) and the right to bring forth some Stair to climb ontop . Fight the boss on the Stoneheghe .Otherwise release ''an old rot'' . or by choosing the ''Small Mountain'' option in WvWvW , slow down the enemy zerg

If your ''mana Points'' are not restored , or Scouts havent found any replenish orbs , you cannot teraform the map

Medium Realistic ?

a) A PvE map , in order to reach from one side to theother as stealthly + cunning + fastest as you can , avoiding the guards .And in the end taking the guard place for extra rewards . They move slowly , have only a Throw javelin attack and limited visibility .Gains MEGASPEED > Get on bushes for stealth > hope into a 'point'' and stranform into Bear for a fast Maul attack before you get attacked > Bush > Bull and destroy Huge Rock > Eagle > Bush > Wear a Hoodie and climb a ladder (the Hoodie is a ingame cinematic , while your character is trainsfaired upstairs -this can be used in WvWvW and hit the Ladder many times to knock off the Hoodie Cinematic) >throw smokebomb/chokebomb

b) Haunted House ,or Haunted Guild arena . And some people are the scary monsters , while the victims must find some objects and the way out .edit; or an Castle invasion senario . and some defenders of the walls are trying to destroy the majority of the 5.000 npcs , while other defending from the breached enemies , or the sneaky ones that are trying to plant bombs/kill vital npcs . The scenario start like the Lord of the Rings 2 , after the wall have been exploded by the bomb . And a ''Panic Mechanic'' to leave the front gate and go on walls . And an almost unkillable boss that rots the place , and push them into the keep

c) The islandis a huge organism(turtle) . Cordinate multy invasion all over the map , moving to heart/lungs .Or defence-attack by player to players

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I do agree with the speculation that new elite specs would be very, very difficult to balance.

We can already see that certain classes have elite specs which suffice in regards to class "roles". For example, the Guardian has Firebrand for Support and Dragonhunter for damage. The Ranger has Druid for Support and Soulbeast for damage. Wherein would the role of a new elite spec for these classes lie?

That said, the ultimate decision is up to Arenanet, and the collective effort of the assumably dozen or so developers who will work on these elite specs may be able to invent some creative specializations.

I myself would be satisfied with or without new elite specs provided the other content is expansive enough. I expect new maps, and, knowing that the Cantha expansion for the original Guild Wars had a strong PvP showing, I would hope for new PvP modes and maps.

As a long shot, I would like to see the Ritualist added as a new profession.

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@"Tyncale.1629" said:The most important thing: the game changing feature.

Housing. People may ask how this would be game changing since most housing in MMO's seems like a gimmicky afterthought but I think Housing could have a huge impact on the Loot economy in the game(which it needs badly). One of my peeves in GW2 is the fact that there can not be really interesting loot other then fugly Infusions or overpriced stuff for some silly and pretty useless Achievement (Sam). There even isn't a real Rare Crafting economy, the most expensive crafting ingredients are like a few gold on the TP. All due to the no item-progression/powercurve mantra of GW2 (which is fine).

With housing, you can introduce a huge amount of items that are sought after and could be Crafted, Traded, Achieved or directly looted, like Sam. Anet can tweak this by making some stuff accountbound on pickup, and some stuff tradable. If Sam would be an (accountbound) real rabbit that you could display in your house (alive or stuffed) that would be awesome. Hey, make the Blue Sam a stuffed animal and the Exotic Sam a live animal!How about being able to loot a rare piece of Furniture from some Boss, or a crucial ingredient of that piece of furniture if it was craftable? The good thing about this is, that you can have rare and ultra-rare loot without it being part of some character powercurve, or being just another pile of gold. Finally interesting loot in Gw2! And farming/monopolizing certain Bosses and content was never a problem in GW2 anyway due to how looting, xp and events work.

Henchmen.For Dungeons, personal instances and Fractals only. But probably never going to happen since this content is being abandoned anyway.

Fishing. This would be game-changing because there is just nothing like Fishing in a MMO. :) And I would expect Anet to make this into the best Fishing Feature ever seen in a mmo. Fishing would go well with usable Ships. :)

Also, ships as houses. And Turtle Land-wagons.

Two things you mention I like,Rare crafting community, you are correct, this game the tradeskills and crafting, feels more like its for personal progression rather than making money. I believe this is due to ascended and legendary and both of those people do not craft for other people, its earned self progression style. One way to go about this is having ascended/legendary crafted and shareable, but it is based on race and profession and only that race/profession crafting master can make it. So everyones one character master at weaponsmith cant make the charr weapons because he's a human, cant make the thief daggers because he's a warrior.

Example, I need a human/elementalist that has ability to make staves at tradeskill level 500. This will make it so everyone in the game can't do all the crafting and it makes it available for more crafting sharing, sense of community."Hey Uberkingkong is human elementalist, and he has tradeskill for those, ask that guy to craft for you"As of now, the crafting like you mentioned, is pretty much everyone can do everything themselves and ascended/legendary is basically self craft self do, self everything.

I made a thread about In Game housing, I like your idea too. GW2 has too much potential for in game housing, especially since it has unique touch to it, jumping puzzles. It reuses a lot of things that I assume would be easy for player to play around with, for example the see through floors with holes and the weird shaped stone panels (thinking of uncategorized fractal). Also with the homes everywhere, I dont explore them often but the scenery is nice even though I never pay attention to it because the game is so much "gogogo" as in I always have to be doing something and never time to smell the roses and relax.

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My realistic expectations are

  • A new elite spec for every class. These will all be more powerful than the existing ones, throwing the WvW meta into years of irrevocable chaos (sound familiar?).
  • Very few new 3D animations if any. These will be reserved for a new mount, which will be required to access a new zone or something. New skills will have very fancy 2D animations instead (see Firebrand tome skills).
  • Several new maps. These are the cheap way to expand the game without modifying existing content.
  • New map currencies for each zone. These are the easy way to expand the game without modifying existing content.
  • A new tier of gear. I know they said they wouldn't, but that was years ago, and none of those staff members are at the company anymore.
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