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Story-Strike Mission was a clever choice

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I thought it was a smart move for Anet to make the first half of Visions of the Past be this Strike Mission disguised as a Story Mission. Why? Because now we have a Lot of people trying out this newer form of content.

Before, when I thought about Strike Missions, my reaction was mostly "eh.", i didnt feel the pull to try them at all. But now as you enter the new hub, youre immediately presented with new potential rewards And as part of this filler story, you have to do a Strike Mission. And I must say, it was rather enjoyable.And now I find my thoughts have changed from "eh." to "hmm.. i think i should try those missions out. They dont seem so bad and the loot seems good too."

Im sure that other people have also experienced this feeling of "Oh wait, this aint that bad actually" after finishing the mission, and got curious for more.

Its like a marketing strategy. This gets more people to try out the strike mission content the devs put effort into previously already.

Also no need to discuss about existing bugs or such. Im sure theyll be fixed. Focus only on the concept of implementing the mission itself, if you have an opinion to share.

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@PookieDaWombat.6209 said:I feel the exact opposite about being herded into content i never wanted to play in the first place. Much like you, I also feel there are plenty of people that feel the same way.

There is literally no difference between doing open world events where a group of people show up or doing a strike mission. Just with a stirke mission you have extra steps.

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@notebene.3190 said:

@coso.9173 said:Most open world content and events require other people to complete. How is this any different? You travel to the place, more people doing the events, same as always. Just that it has a lower people cap.

I guess the counter question would be: If it's no different, then why did they need to make it? ?

Answer was already given, to get people insterested in playing strike mission ;) And not to be bothered by zergs of people when experience the story of course.

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I also liked it but last night there was a problem.

We enter the instance and form the squad, within 5 mins we lost 3 people.

We got to the part where we need to harpoon the lava guy and had two people downed almost at all times..

Didn't have enough people to harpoon him and it took forever.

I literally spent like an hour in there. It was crazy. We finally did it but I wasn't thrilled we couldn't get more people.

Oh and there wasn't an option to leave either that I saw. I could've missed this, but having work in the morning and being stuck in there for that long was really irritating.

I am glad they are incorporating the content into the story though because it's not like they are forcing people to Strike week after week.

You get a taste of the content, if you like it you can continue.

If you don't like it, then you only need to complete it once and don't worry about it again. Not sure why people are upset about it...

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@notebene.3190 said:

@"coso.9173" said:Most open world content and events require other people to complete. How is this any different? You travel to the place, more people doing the events, same as always. Just that it has a lower people cap.

I guess the counter question would be: If it's no different, then why did they need to make it? ?

  1. They refuse to admit its not working and they think "if we just make one more push it will work"?

Its an old human "bug". It goes like: when people invest into something, they don't want to lose it, even if its a fail. So they invest more into fail. And more. And more.

  1. They think that "old" is bad and must be fixed. So dynamic events, group events, meta events are old and so bad and must be replaced with new shiny toy. The fact that events are popular is not important. its old, therefor bad. It must go away.

  2. Its like tools. You use tools to solve problems. But they only know "strike" tool. So everything must be solved by "strike".

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As someone who suffered through 40 man LFRs in WoW. About the only thing that would improve the strike mission to make some people stop griping is to tweak the lava guy fight. DO NOT NERF IT! I mean tweak as in, letting the group know you can enter the kitten tank. I didn't know you could until we hit that fight and someone said, 'All in tank to harpoon and keep pressing 3!' So a better prompt on that part or a line saying 'Recruits, get in the tank and fire those harpoons!' would be a QoL improvement.Other than that, I'd do strike missions over LFR anyday. Yeah sometimes it took forever to take down the lava guy, but better than repeatedly wiping on a boss because a hunter had path of daze on to troll.

Also, is there something in place to prevent afkers from just sitting in the tank? I noticed it doesn't auto-kick you out of the tank when you are out of ammo and am wondering if maybe that's providing some frustration on everyone's part as well. I mean, that tank is an afker's dream if there isn't a safeguard in place. Get in, get escorted and protected throughout the whole mission, get loot at end. Has anyone noticed if it kicks you out after a certain amount of time? I honestly thought it'd kick me out after using all the ammo but it didn't.

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@miraude.2107 said:Also, is there something in place to prevent afkers from just sitting in the tank? I noticed it doesn't auto-kick you out of the tank when you are out of ammo and am wondering if maybe that's providing some frustration on everyone's part as well. I mean, that tank is an afker's dream if there isn't a safeguard in place. Get in, get escorted and protected throughout the whole mission, get loot at end. Has anyone noticed if it kicks you out after a certain amount of time? I honestly thought it'd kick me out after using all the ammo but it didn't.

No. Even if there was one for the tank, someone could just AFK at the start of the zone and take the WP once everyone else reached the boss.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@miraude.2107 said:Also, is there something in place to prevent afkers from just sitting in the tank? I noticed it doesn't auto-kick you out of the tank when you are out of ammo and am wondering if maybe that's providing some frustration on everyone's part as well. I mean, that tank is an afker's dream if there isn't a safeguard in place. Get in, get escorted and protected throughout the whole mission, get loot at end. Has anyone noticed if it kicks you out after a certain amount of time? I honestly thought it'd kick me out after using all the ammo but it didn't.

No. Even if there was one for the tank, someone could just AFK at the start of the zone and take the WP once everyone else reached the boss.

Bummer, that's one big oversight then on the devs part then. I hope they can do something to fix this but probably be a low on the ladder.

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@miraude.2107 said:

@miraude.2107 said:Also, is there something in place to prevent afkers from just sitting in the tank? I noticed it doesn't auto-kick you out of the tank when you are out of ammo and am wondering if maybe that's providing some frustration on everyone's part as well. I mean, that tank is an afker's dream if there isn't a safeguard in place. Get in, get escorted and protected throughout the whole mission, get loot at end. Has anyone noticed if it kicks you out after a certain amount of time? I honestly thought it'd kick me out after using all the ammo but it didn't.

No. Even if there was one for the tank, someone could just AFK at the start of the zone and take the WP once everyone else reached the boss.

Bummer, that's one big oversight then on the devs part then. I hope they can do something to fix this but probably be a low on the ladder.

Leechers will always be an issue in MMO's. Imo, we should have the option to report someone for it - although, that does open up the potential for another kind of abuse altogether.

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Is the strike mission optional on the first character to do the story? When i went to EOTN (surprised and annoyed by the wp fee for a story, which hasn't happened in the saga yet) i was confronted by the strike mission as the means to continue the story. It didn't appear optional, and i dreaded having to pug my way through a new strike mission, knowing the 80:20 player damage distribution. Before you ask, i'm in a tiny raiding guild which appears to be drifting away from the game as we only meet twice a week. The strike went well enough; seemed to take a while just getting to the boss (like the boring escort part before KC) but we finished it and i progressed to Darkrime Delves.

TL:DR- The thought of having to do a strike mission just to access the story was off-putting.

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good luck trying this in the future though, since there is challenge modes, expect toxicity in this very soon (in fact, in a game i was yesterday there where already people cursing and being overall toxic to others over not using the hook on the boss).

as for every instanced team content in this game, this will be abandoned and left to the few in a month or so, and every topic with recommendations will be banned to the "raid" subforum where the small raid community will say that "this game should be as hard as dark souls to be fun" like they always do (no one else visit that place)

(also rush in for the achvs while people are playing it guys!).

eventually i expect the devs to realize that they could give free legendary as rewards and people in GW2 still wouldn’t want raid like content, also expect for the community to realize that fragmenting the community with paid expansions will not make content better, in fact it will only make the mastery’s that we have useless, like when we had HOT and POF.

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@Funky.4861 said:Is the strike mission optional on the first character to do the story? When i went to EOTN (surprised and annoyed by the wp fee for a story, which hasn't happened in the saga yet) i was confronted by the strike mission as the means to continue the story. It didn't appear optional, and i dreaded having to pug my way through a new strike mission, knowing the 80:20 player damage distribution. Before you ask, i'm in a tiny raiding guild which appears to be drifting away from the game as we only meet twice a week. The strike went well enough; seemed to take a while just getting to the boss (like the boring escort part before KC) but we finished it and i progressed to Darkrime Delves.

TL:DR- The thought of having to do a strike mission just to access the story was off-putting.

It’s part of the story although people have said they were able to solo it.

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I wouldn't really call them Strike missions..

Strikes are little more than somewhat challenging boss fights.. mini raids in many ways.The two story missions you have to do are very different.

The first in many ways is very much like a 5-10 man traditional dungeon experience which was absolutely awesome imo, I really enjoyed the long dungeon like experience it offerend and I very much want a lot more content like this in future visions of the past releases

The second was a solo story experience which was no different than any other story instance besides playing as a different character in a side story that we don't get to see on our characters.

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@Karkara.9067 said:

eventually i expect the devs to realize that they could give free legendary as rewards and people in GW2 still wouldn’t want raid like content, also expect for the community to realize that fragmenting the community with paid expansions will not make content better, in fact it will only make the mastery’s that we have useless, like when we had HOT and POF.

This^^^^^^^^, but I don't think they will realize this. they have blinders on.

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@"Andovar Edoras.2143" said:I thought it was a smart move for Anet to make the first half of Visions of the Past be this Strike Mission disguised as a Story Mission. Why? Because now we have a Lot of people trying out this newer form of content.

Well actually it is more like a (quite easy) scripted story mission for more than one player. It is not like the other strike missions. So, for lack of a better wording, I would call this a "dungeon story mode mission". Calling this a strike mission is misleading and could backfire when people are trying other strike missions and find out, that the usual strike missions are completely different.

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