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Why did Rangers get nerfed when Guardians are hitting 10k trueshots on 3000 armor?


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Why doent it? Same reason it never does. A high amount of players play it and have bandwagoned it, community to busy asking for nerfs not on the criteria's of what's actually OP but on what they find annoying to fight or out of spite and unfortunately this new team actually lets them drive their balance decisions. So dont expect fb to be nerfed any significant amount any time to nor any other spec like druid to ever not be severely outshined by fb. Just got to accept that's the games fate unfortunately.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Why doent it? Same reason it never does. A high amount of players play it and have bandwagoned it, community to busy asking for nerfs not on the criteria's of what's actually OP but on what they find annoying to fight or out of spite and unfortunately this new team actually lets them drive their balance decisions. So dont expect fb to be nerfed any significant amount any time to nor any other spec like druid to ever not be severely outshined by fb. Just got to accept that's the games fate unfortunately.


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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:cuz rangers are 100-0'ing from 2k range with quickness, stealth and mobility with 3k armor?

@Biermeister.4678 said:Because Rangers have 2k or more range and do not need line of sight

Oh I know, don't forget there's absolutely no way to dodge their big bear attacks, those bears hit like a truck man... Please nerf pets.

Is that horse dead yet?

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Yeah cuz all these fb players really think the ranger lb is more impactful to a match than a fb covering a node or area in wvw with 5k burn ticks on a whole team while actively giving great support to itself and team/zerg lmao anet listening to this community is exactly why this games literally doomed. Fb are king I all modes and they still actually complain about a class that's not meta in any mode and has way less impact on a match haha wow.

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RangerSpirited Arrival: Fixed the description of this trait to include its interaction with the soulbeast specialization.Rugged Growth: Fixed a bug that caused this trait to heal for more than expected in WvW.Pack Alpha: Reduced stats granted to merged soulbeasts from 150 to 75 in PvP and WvW.Pet's Prowess: Reduced ferocity granted to merged soulbeasts from 300 to 150 in PvP and WvW.Ferocious (Soulbeast Pet Archetype Effect): Reduced power granted from 200 to 100 in PvP and WvW.Maul: Reduced power coefficient from 1.5 to 1.36 in PvP and WvW.Worldly Impact: Reduced power coefficient from 1.512 to 1.36 in PvP and WvW.

So the merge was supposed to reflect the loss of half your damage (supposedly pets did half the total damage...if they were ever alive in a group setting), now that merge is further reduced....double nerf for rangers.

Agree the maul reduction was needed given all the multipliers that could in theory be stacked on it to make it as good as one hit from an unboosted thief...

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Why doent it? Same reason it never does. A high amount of players play it and have bandwagoned it, community to busy asking for nerfs not on the criteria's of what's actually OP but on what they find annoying to fight or out of spite and unfortunately this new team actually lets them drive their balance decisions. So dont expect fb to be nerfed any significant amount any time to nor any other spec like druid to ever not be severely outshined by fb. Just got to accept that's the games fate unfortunately.

I don't disagree that firebrand is overtuned, but given the post was about true shot which is a DH power build specific skill, it might be a little off topic to complain about a condi build on a different spec.

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@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Why doent it? Same reason it never does. A high amount of players play it and have bandwagoned it, community to busy asking for nerfs not on the criteria's of what's actually OP but on what they find annoying to fight or out of spite and unfortunately this new team actually lets them drive their balance decisions. So dont expect fb to be nerfed any significant amount any time to nor any other spec like druid to ever not be severely outshined by fb. Just got to accept that's the games fate unfortunately.

I don't disagree that firebrand is overtuned, but given the post was about true shot which is a DH power build specific skill, it might be a little off topic to complain about a condi build on a different spec.

True but kind points to my point no? Again were discussing something on dh being overturned instead of discussing fb. As overturned as true shot is is it a priority compared to outliers like fb?

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:cuz rangers are 100-0'ing from 2k range with quickness, stealth and mobility


with 3k armor?


threw this together in 1 min

You threw together a build with 2.8k armor, you're short some toughness. But still, now take it out in WvW and see what happens. You'll find it's woefully short of the expected performance..If you're downing people with a single rapid fire, consistently, you are 100% invested in offence. Too many complaints on this forum are rooted in the best attributes of several builds being combined.

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10k true shot post patch? Pics or it didn't happen. (I don't run above 2800 armor on any non-zerg build and have never seen anything close to that. Now because of damage nerfs I'd rather have more vitality than toughness anyways due to condi.) Only thing that regularly hits for 10k is death's judgement and that was before patch.

It's exceptionally rare that a guardian of any kind is a threat in small scale, and either exclusively as a burn guard or a healer healing someone else. It is even rarer that a power guard does anything but die when focused but this may be due to the guardian class being too popular and having a lot of bad ones. There was exactly one good trapper guard I've seen in the past few months and he completely outplayed me. Despite this I just ran away on gs lol.

OTOH, good eles, revs, or thieves are much more scary. Sadly it seems mesmer is overnerfed, as they seem less common. I usually do small scale on guardian, ranger, or warrior myself so YMMV.

Of course, if you do have footage of yourself 10k'ing non glass people with DH longbow, I'd always love to learn.

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@LetoII.3782 said:You threw together a build with 2.8k armor, you're short some toughness. But still, now take it out in WvW and see what happens. You'll find it's woefully short of the expected performance..If you're downing people with a single rapid fire, consistently, you are 100% invested in offence. Too many complaints on this forum are rooted in the best attributes of several builds being combined.

more propaganda. god this gets old. idc anymore dude lie all you want it doesn't matter, ppl know and this game isn't even that great.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@LetoII.3782 said:You threw together a build with 2.8k armor, you're short some toughness. But still, now take it out in WvW and see what happens. You'll find it's woefully short of the expected performance..If you're downing people with a single rapid fire, consistently, you are 100% invested in offence. Too many complaints on this forum are rooted in the best attributes of several builds being combined.

more propaganda. god this gets old. idc anymore dude lie all you want it doesn't matter, ppl know and this game isn't even that great.

Like I said, take that soldiers gear out and light em up. You'll really get some understanding about the class by playing it. No propaganda here, I'm a guardian main and only playing ranger to help get quickcry nerfed. But I have actually spent time on the builds you're talking about and I guarantee It's not the boonbeasts blasting you from 1800 range. The build I use puts those offensive stats you listed to shame.

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That ranger build won't do well. You're gonna need at least another 20%-30 crit damage for real numbers. Better off playing condi shortbow, no joke.

Big issue with ranger is mostly in longbow's design. It encourages basically sitting back and pressing 1 and 2 with the occasional reactive 3 and 4, and maybe 5 thrown in for bag tagging when it's reasonable. It's oppressive just because even when you know it's coming, depending on your class and build, you can be screwed as soon as the first shot is fired. Pretty much the only answer to it is huge mobility and/or some kind of sustained defense to either escape its combo damage entirely or combine it with a lot of CC to lock it down.

Imho, if they made the damage operate on a bell curve peaking at around 900 units, they'd remove the super toxic safe playstyle surrounding it and could probably buff 3/4/5. Because let's be honest, half of why rangers feel annoying to fight is the guys standing on the bridge behind another 2-10 players just letting AA's and RF's off on cooldown.

Any class with big damage should have to close the gap enough to be threatened.

Unintended side effect is it'd also be less of a meme in PvE since your peak damage wouldn't be coming from you standing a distance away further than the size of a boss arena is long.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:cuz rangers are 100-0'ing from 2k range with quickness, stealth and mobility with 3k armor?

Show me this 3k armor build that can oneshot actual good roaming builds, not glass zerglings.

Ranger doesn't have that much mobility anymore after the swoop nerf either, Warriors, Mesmers and Thieves all outspeed Ranger.

@"ArchonWing.9480" said:10k true shot post patch? Pics or it didn't happen. (I don't run above 2800 armor on any non-zerg build and have never seen anything close to that. Now because of damage nerfs I'd rather have more vitality than toughness anyways due to condi.) Only thing that regularly hits for 10k is death's judgement and that was before patch.

It's exceptionally rare that a guardian of any kind is a threat in small scale, and either exclusively as a burn guard or a healer healing someone else. It is even rarer that a power guard does anything but die when focused but this may be due to the guardian class being too popular and having a lot of bad ones. There was exactly one good trapper guard I've seen in the past few months and he completely outplayed me. Despite this I just ran away on gs lol.

OTOH, good eles, revs, or thieves are much more scary. Sadly it seems mesmer is overnerfed, as they seem less common. I usually do small scale on guardian, ranger, or warrior myself so YMMV.

Of course, if you do have footage of yourself 10k'ing non glass people with DH longbow, I'd always love to learn.

Don't have a pic of the 10k one but do have one of a 9k one.


Chunks me for half my health when i have 3059 armor with a 4,5k followup.

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@Anput.4620 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:cuz rangers are 100-0'ing from 2k range with quickness, stealth and mobility with 3k armor?

Show me this 3k armor build that can oneshot actual good roaming builds, not glass zerglings.

Ranger doesn't have that much mobility anymore after the swoop nerf either, Warriors, Mesmers and Thieves all outspeed Ranger.

@"ArchonWing.9480" said:10k true shot post patch? Pics or it didn't happen. (I don't run above 2800 armor on any non-zerg build and have never seen anything close to that. Now because of damage nerfs I'd rather have more vitality than toughness anyways due to condi.) Only thing that regularly hits for 10k is death's judgement and that was before patch.

It's exceptionally rare that a guardian of any kind is a threat in small scale, and either exclusively as a burn guard or a healer healing someone else. It is even rarer that a power guard does anything but die when focused but this may be due to the guardian class being too popular and having a lot of bad ones. There was exactly one good trapper guard I've seen in the past few months and he completely outplayed me. Despite this I just ran away on gs lol.

OTOH, good eles, revs, or thieves are much more scary. Sadly it seems mesmer is overnerfed, as they seem less common. I usually do small scale on guardian, ranger, or warrior myself so YMMV.

Of course, if you do have footage of yourself 10k'ing non glass people with DH longbow, I'd always love to learn.

Don't have a pic of the 10k one but do have one of a 9k one.

Chunks me for half my health when i have 3059 armor with a 4,5k followup.

Armor is not a substitute for health, dodging, blocking, etc. Wasn't it only something like 15% on average even at 3k?

Probably a bit higher now, but its still just a basic defense.

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