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Ideas for april fool

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In gem stores, change gems icons for paper toilets (or else karma or gold from your inventory) + paper toilet focus skin (free in gem store)

Mounts more bigs x3 of size (not only heads)

Minipets with real scale size

Skyscales can be used in wvw with infinite stamina

Norns with asura height and viceversa, humans and sylvary more fats/thins

All characters with daily random infusion effect

The mounts become slow effect with time unless you take care of them (feeding them, caressing them, etc)

Mistlock Instability: Mists Convergence in all pve maps and cities (or maybe only in cities)

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@Alita.8142 said:

  • Minipets with real scale size

Oh my God, I just think about all my raid minipets like Gorseval for example which is HUGE as fuck as a sole mini. Also some non raid pets that are already bigger than asura characters like the Balthazar one you get from pre-purchasing PoF. That would be a total mess but also funny as hell when you're doing Tequatl (on a map with not too many players so minis are still enabled) and suddenly everything is clustered in huge minis xDOh, just imagine the massive FPS drop that would cause

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Personally, I didn't care for the bobblehead or the aviator jokes, but I didn't complain about them. When they happened, I just logged out for the day. If they did decide to do something that affects the game's visuals, then I would like for there to be some way to toggle it off. Log in, see the joke (haha laugh about it) and then toggle it off if I wanted.

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Actually put some of the apirl fools patch notes into the game just a few of them like I think once it said something like necormancers will gain life force from graves or something and lots of places in the game have those etc.There are some of those patch notes that would be fun to play with in pve for a day or so and would likely be pretty harmless.

What ever they do it at this point has to besomething people wont notice unless they really look for itsomething that is not permeant for 24 hours or has a way to toggle it offsomething thats not related to any current or recent historical events that caused negative impacts.

While the Aviator thing was likely not intentional (i dont want to think it was) i can still see why some people took it the wrong way. My guess was that it was planned way before the accidents and anet just didnt consider the idea of changing their ideal joke because of other projects on their plate.

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:They haven’t done April Fool since forumites made ANet apologize for not being sensitive about a plane crash on the other side of the world from them a week before April 1st.

The aviator one was just dumb, But the bobblehead effect was making alot of people motion sick as well, it did me to the point i got sick after 30 minutes of playing and i was pissed off(and commented) over that.

I dont mind april fools jokes, but they need to be alot better thought out, like the ones in Gw1. Theres tons of stuff they could have done that didnt Lock player characters into a T Pose all day(bad idea IMO in an action game), or give -everything- massive bobbleheads, but they didnt and if the events are like that i dont want them.

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@"Super Hayes.6890" said:And to those of you that crashed an awesome tradition, it's time for you to apologize to Anet and all of us!

Nah. If they had been fun maybe, but they werent. the events where annoying and sickening(literally in my case).

events like this https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/April_Fools%27_Day

Would have been wonderful

But you know what, SAB beats out all other april fools jokes they could do.

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I still wish Anet had added an "opt out" option for April Fools pranks instead of quitting them, but I really can't blame them. Some idiots on the forums were freaking out like they thought Anet had actually caused a plane crash or something.

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