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Nerf core mesmer


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@aymnad.9023 said:Do not know about 5V5 but in 2V2 yes the build is stupid.

You can thank whoever put an unrefined version of it to metabattle, I've been playing it since scourge&firebrand&condi thief meta :P

It's not really strong (it's something you can just ignore), but I know many people will cry about it if it becomes meta.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@aymnad.9023 said:Do not know about 5V5 but in 2V2 yes the build is stupid.

You can thank whoever put an unrefined version of it to metabattle, I've been playing it since scourge&firebrand&condi thief meta :P

It's not really strong (it's something you can just ignore), but I know many people will cry about it if it becomes meta.

I am mostly playing slb sicem. So anything with ccs, tankyness and constant pressure is a pain for me ^^. This means a lot of the 2V2 builds :/.

I do not know how other professions / builds feel about it but I have a harder time fighting vs this (I have seen it on rezzmer and by god was it annoying) than a core necro which has been complained about more but feels easier to fight (again, it could be my build).

As you said we always targeted his / her ally to get some results.

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@aymnad.9023 said:I am mostly playing slb sicem. So anything with ccs, tankyness and constant pressure is a pain for me ^^. This means a lot of the 2V2 builds :/.

I do not know how other professions / builds feel about it but I have a harder time fighting vs this (I have seen it on rezzmer and by god was it annoying) than a core necro which has been complained about more but feels easier to fight (again, it could be my build).

As you said we always targeted his / her ally to get some results.

It has a lot of reflects / blocks and the only way a ranger can kill it is kiting, which is a bit hard when you want your teammate to be alive.Just kill the other guy first since a huge portion of the damage from condi mesmer comes from blocking.

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@TPMN.1483 said:Can we remove the following:Dodge,Done: Mirage has 1 dodge.

Stealth,Done, Decoy, SoM and Mass Invisibility got nerfed.

Immobilise,Done. CI is reworked.

RunningDone, mesmer has nearly no swiftness uptime without the swiftness rune.

The only things that should be allowed is RP walking.:)

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@Moradorin.6217 said:Yes yes nerf core mesmer cause once in a while I see people playing Mesmer still in wvw/pvp! Like once or twice a night almost! Some times they even down somebody! :o

I don't believe you see two core mesmers a day in wvw/pvp xD

Well one to two at most usually, but I do! I see them some times! I saw a Mirage yesterday too from Yak's server! I even saw a chrono a few days ago. I think It was running with a blob.

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@MrForz.1953 said:They honestly deserve that backfire at some point. They're oh so sick and tired of nerf threads yet can't help to meme it out when they're no more. How old can it get.

I mean, what happens if it backfires? Mesmer mains are used to getting casual 50% shaves at this point.Mesmer was dead way before 25 february patch, only mirage was a thing.

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@Aktium.9506 said:I think Mesmer is in a good place right now.

PvP: any mirage except condi is dead, chrono is dead, core is barely aliveWvW: mirage is carried with food a bit, rest are deadPvE: mirage is ok, chronojail is still kinda there, core is deadMan I hope Guardian(meta in all gamemodes btw) or Revenant(meta in all gamemodes btw) also gets in a good place.

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I vote YES. And let him Rest In Peace at once. So I don't even have to think about playing. I am in favor of responsible balancing. But the only thing they have done is ruin all the variety that the mesmer had of being able to play it in different ways. Now it's boring.

Incredible the balance of the Mirage, a specialization based on dodging to be offensive/defensive, and they nerf its basic characteristic to a single dodge!!! Brilliant, what a shit!!! Not only should you have two dodges, but maybe even FOUR to chain and play with ambush combos. Properly balanced obviously but enhancing playing with its native mechanics of the own specialization. BUT NOOOO, they did just the opposite. DESTROY YOUR BASIC MECHANICS. Just like they did with the Chronomancer... a super rework to make it undesirable to play and boring, only playable in raid under the condition that, at least, one other member of the raid can complement the permanent slow...

There is no way back. They would have to change so many things about the mesmer and his specializations that I don't think it's possible anymore. It is a point of no return. NERF core too and the whole profession completely and leave us alone. Oh, and save work and don't create any new specializations for the mesmer in the upcoming expansion. Thus you save us future troubles, disgust, displeasure... RIP mesmer 2020.


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