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How do u prepare.....

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@Frostfang.5109 said:

@Linken.6345 said:Play as normal, my 4k gold 3 guild banks full of stuff will be enough for what ever comes.

kitten, How did u get that much gold?

Playing for 7 years doing dailys 2 gold a day, map complete t4 fractals daily and some raids.If you dont use money it piles up.Bought around 15k gems with gold aswell so thats not all I gathered over the years.

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Preparation for an expac that could be 18 months away - more of the global lockdowns cause additional delays - serves no purpose beyond making sure any existing characters you want caught up on the story have done so.

We won’t get any info until after the Saga finishes so I’m barely even thinking about whilst remaining appreciative of their communication for future content.

Besides, Lotro and Animal Crossing beckon so I have no time to prepare for something that far way!

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I'm not sure how we could prepare now since we don't know anything about the new expansion except that it will be set in Cantha. I'd rather wait until we know what's coming and then plan for that if necessary than waste time and money/gold/other things planning for things that might not happen. For example if there's a new race or profession I'll want a new character slot to play it, but I'm not going to buy one until I know (and until I know if we're getting one with the expansion like they did for HoT) because otherwise that money is wasted.

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I prefer to play what I have and enjoy now and just look forward to getting new and enjoyable content to discover whenever it drops. I'm in no hurry to "finish" or "win" a new content drop, so preparations aren't needed either.

This game has so far been great at allowing me to play what I enjoy without needing a lengthy preparation beforehand, and I don't see any reason that another expansion would change that.

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If the new expansion would be delayed by 4-5 years, I still would not be done with even half of the stuff on my to-do list. So I will keep going as nothing happened. When there is an official release date, I will start preparing the following things about 1-2 months before:

  • 1kk karma
  • 200 gold
  • 5-10 duplicates of the most useful runes & sigils
  • 50+ Transmutation charges

In addition, I fear my computer will be finally too weak to manage that expansion. That is something I need to buy anyway within the next few years.

Stuff I recommend to other players:

  • 5-10 EXP boosters, fireworks and other buff-consumeables that enhance EXP gain, as they normally work great with Masteries. It should not be necessary, but some players prefer fast progress.
  • ~ 250+ Testemony/Proof of Heroics for speedleveling new Elite-Specializations. If we are going to face Hero Challenges of high difficulty, as in HoT, those can be vital to unlock the specialization early and use all of its abilities from the first step._Note for those who do not know this: you can unlock the HP of Core Tyria, Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire using either of those two currencies at a Heroics Notary vendor. Some players use(d) this method with HoT HPs, as the ones in TD & DS can be quite frustrating to acquire. The method is not very fun, but saves a lot of time and work._
  • 1-2 Black Lion Salvage kits to recover valuable runes/sigils from rewarded gear
  • 80 Potions of WvW Rewards / Potions of PvP Rewards to unlock the most promising new reward-track fast and claim the reward.
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I've freed a character slot to do the Tutorial achievements - now that I am done, I definitely have a free slot available if needed.

But I find it too early to prepare for anything. For instance, I no longer feel the need to have two characters of the same profession, of which I have a few, because I am a completionist and it's become too much work to play through the story on all of them - so I am trying to minimize my efforts. However, since we don't know whether we will get a new race or new professions, or just new elite specs, I can't really plan beyond my current scope. I am keeping the doubles for now, but I don't play them anymore.

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@Frostfang.5109 said:..... for the next expansion?I know we know nothing about its content or when it will be released yet, but I have started to prepare for what I think and hope will come, and I guess I'm not the only one.

I have started to prepare for rolling a new character - hopefully a tengu!

Lol? You know this is going to be at least a year from now right? Hype much?

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@dodgerrule.8739 said:Prepare by getting all masteries first. I believe it will be in quarter 3 or 4 of this year.

This year? That is not going to happen. We aren't even halfway through the Saga and the expansion is very much distant future from their announcement. It'll be mid-late next year at the earliest more likely

The length of the saga was never confirmed and if I was right it will be only 6 episodes.

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I plan to prepare the same way I've prepared for the last two: Expect nothing and wait.

There will be a lot of hype and argument between now and any potential release, so you can save yourself a lot of strife and burnout by playing content as it comes and not speculating too hard about the future or setting up expectations to be knocked down. Aside from that, put aside a little money so you can buy the thing at whichever tier you prefer when it's released.

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I prepare by doing the older stuff I haven't done yet. So I can start directly with the new maps and story. Other than that I guess you can't prepare. I mean saved up golds and mats won't help for the new maps and their achievements/collections and new currencies and stuff.

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@dodgerrule.8739 said:

@dodgerrule.8739 said:Prepare by getting all masteries first. I believe it will be in quarter 3 or 4 of this year.

This year? That is not going to happen. We aren't even halfway through the Saga and the expansion is very much distant future from their announcement. It'll be mid-late next year at the earliest more likely

The length of the saga was never confirmed and if I was right it will be only 6 episodes.

Whilst we don't officially know how many although data mining has given an idea. It could be 6, but it could be 6 excluding the prologue and epilogue. Even if it is 6 in total, that's still taking us into the end of the year, poss Jan. The expac is barely started and it took them 18 months minimum to make HoT and PoF. Plus they will want to do a lead in and wont do any of that until after LS5 finishes to avoid spoilers.

On top of that, even though the team are working at home for the forseeable future, I would expect it to affect timings in some way. So it wont surprise me to hear about delays to upcoming episodes and other content being worked on

So I think 2021 should be the earliest we see anything expac related based on previous development cycles

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