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Birds need a nerf


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Yeah, bird damage is way too high at the moment. Both, f2 and swoop hit too hard and bird auto attack damage is debatable too. Ranger has always been unfun to duel but right now, you are dueling the bird while you try to avoid mauls from the pet (the player).The combination of pet swap, Maul and f2 often hits for more than 10k (6k+ from bird f2, 4k+ from maul) with quickness (the quickness trait might also be a bit too strong since they nerfed quickness access across the board) and from stealth which hides the maul animation. Talking about core ranger as I rarely play soul beast.

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Sigh! Never ends lolI think we can leave ranger and specs alone for a while now and focus on real outliers not just what personally annoys u but isn't OP.Really getting to the point where in this community if a skill or mechanic is threatening or effective on a class they don't play seems to warrants a nerf post

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@"Turkeyspit.3965" said:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Juvenile_Eagle - that's not a birdhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistlock_Instability:_Birds - those are birds! (and yes, were nerfed...from orbit)

Gosh...still gives me shivers....QUAAACK --dodge---QUAAACK---DODGE....And together with slippery slope in somewhere like Deepstone. Such fun it was...not

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@Clownmug.8357 said:If the next expansion has tameable geese we're all screwed.

Did you see the wings of real geese? They are MEAN and i mean really mean.

If the geese replicate then their wing leg or peck gonna hurt a lot more than being hit by an owl.

Saw a real video where a real goose was attacking a dog in a boat on youtube and the guy kept pushing the goose into the water trying to get the stupid goose who hated the dog in the boat, i mean holy cow that was one aggressive goose.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:how do you eat that many bird autos? doesn't normal kiting take care of that lol?birb go fast

You aren't going to be kiting much of anything on core condi nec. Especially not when you get caught with your pants down on the most open part of the map with nothing to LoS with nearby.

The necro solution to pets is honestly to just kill them off rather than trying to avoid them. I'm not sure I'd even say the bird is op or anything, but its damage is probably out of line compared to other pets.

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