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Remove duoq for platinum games


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Splitting the queues again sounds much better than actually just straight up restricting it again. I feel like if we tried the whole SoloQ restriction after plat2 again, then history would just repeat itself with another rigged poll that just barely passes and we'd be right back in this same situation a few seasons later.

If it's outright restricted, people actually have a lot of sound arguments for it. It's hard to argue against a split without looking like a hypocrite, or someone who's just angry that they can't farm free rating off of bad SoloQs anymore.

People like to source that SoloQ died the first time they did this, but I don't see why that even matters. If they're right; then they're right, and the worst-case scenario is you have more people playing teams, less people playing Solo. I don't know how that's even considered a bad outcome really. I think the Team people just like finishing every season with 80, 90, or even 100% of their games won and they know that wouldn't be possible if they were expected to play fairly.

If Anet's projections are right though, everyone would SoloQ and people playing in teams would be waiting about 10 minutes between matches for highly imbalanced games because most people SoloQ, or can't always queue in teams all the time. If that's the case; you have to wonder why the queues are merged to begin with, because they must know they're just giving a small handful of players a free pass to wreck literally everyone else. Fun should never be at someone else's expense, especially when someone else represents the vast majority of players.

@Exedore.6320 said:The platinum solo queue restriction was removed because it was stupid.

Also; i'm sure that was just some blanket statement type thing, but the real reason it was removed was because it just barely passed a poll. :o

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@"Exedore.6320" said:We had solo queue only in the core era. It ran in parallel with a separate team (1-5) player queue.

Solo queue was initially popular, but quickly died. It died because it was based on luck, filled with toxic players, and half the team only cared about winning 1v1s.

Team queue prospered because it encouraged teamwork to win, supported playing team-based specs, and allowed friends to play together in reasonably close matches. Rank in team queue was respected, unlike solo queue rank - even if that rank was obtained from playing as a full team.

Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

YOU are the one that forgot the past. It was the TEAM que that was dead and had long wait times. They got rid of it eventually and there has been virtually NO talk of bringing back 5 man team que in ranked. In fact, they tried 5 man arena style maps and huge ones with lots of NPCs and objectives...all attempts to attract 5 man ranked matches have failed except the periodic tourney of which only a few participate.

They've allowed duo que MAX (mostly solo que) for the vast majority of ranked play throughout the history of this game. This totally sabotages your whole delusional argument of the past popularity of team que versus solo que.

It's amazing that people still defend duo ques when the leaderboard ONLY ranks INDIVIDUALS for the purpose of rewards. You can't have it both ways, and there is no algorithm that can properly account for the quality of duos.

Some duos are terrible and get penalized MORE by the algorithm for duo queing.

Some are elite level players that use "I want to play with friends" excuse, but coincidentally ONLY que with their "friends" that are elite as well. They also game the system knowing that the algorithm can't find an appropriate match within a reasonable time period. They know it eventually relaxes the standards as more time in que passes.

In short, Anet's own algorithm knows ahead of time with almost certainty who is going to win a high level match before it starts. That's why you see ridiculous win/loss ratios, but they do NOTHING about it and keep ranking people as INDIVIDUALS and not DUOS.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:Im just gonna leave it here and you guys do what you want with it.If i was plat and wanted to play with a friend, I would troll every single game untill I am gold so I can play with my friend.I would not get banned for it, and I am not the only person that would do that.

∆ this was 100% a thing. I knew a ton of people who did it

was always entertaining when the rating got too high and it was 'time to lose a game' so you can keep playing w your pal in discord XD

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@Liza.2758 said:This is only NA issue.

in EU it's not really a issue. There are too many good players and high plat players to play with. There is no guarantee win even if they are god of pvp duo.

Actually it’s the same in NA.

I watched many top NA streamers and what they usually do is they will solo queue until they meet someone really good in their game.

They will then invite them to a party to duo queue.

But this doesn’t guarantee them a win. I’ve seen them duo queue and lose just as often as they win during prime NA hours.

The only time when duo queue seems to win a lot more is during off hours when there are fewer good players around.

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Yeah, obviously just get into a premade yourself. Because it's totally fair you know, everyone can get a teammate amd matchmaking can totally make 5-man team out of 2-man premades. After all, 2+2=5. So it's not like someone HAS TO struggle soloing in order for the premades to get matches.

The ladder and the titles don't mean anything. Putting duo-Q back into plat 2+ matches was them admitting this. It's not only a gamemode that can be unfair, ranked is unfair BY DESIGN. So you can just stop obsessing over those titles and rewards, they don't mean a thing. Just play the gamemode and have fun.

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@Trump.6983 said:Why do you give good players a artifical advantage over people not queueing with a other person in games where the top players are supposedly fighting in. Why am i losing the same rating fighting players who could be on voice and had the chance to tailor their comp beforehand and fighting a group of randoms. Your leaderboard means kitten all and you shouldnt have titles as rewards when majority of the top leaderboard players are there because of duoq.

Make seperate queues or remove the duoq in its entirety, no kitten balance ever will be as a big of factor then premades fighting randoms.

If someone want to play with their friends they can do it in tournaments where everyone have thew chance to tailor their own team.

Stop appealing to the minority.... devs.

Well, each one can have its own vision of the best system. If you don't like play against premades and duo-Q you are free to express your opinion. You don't have to deal with nothing or accept nothing or have fun with something you dislike. You are free to decide what to play or not. So ignore arrogant people that pretend tell you what to do or accept. Is one of the worse things every community have, including this one, and the toxicity around it too. If you don't like how things work and don't have fun playing against premades/duo-Q you can have fun playing other game modes. Or even other games with solo-Q system. Do whatever you want and like. In my opinion is healthier not to play what you dislike, be frustrated playing something, is not good.

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Have a solo q only and a team q. Team a can have any number of premade players as that's what u sign up for, solo only solo.Yeah I'd make for longer q times, mostly for team q'ers I bet but for a lot of people the extra wait would be more than worth it i think.I highly doubt team q'ers would complain about fighting other teams only, at least I'd hope they wouldn't.

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@Trump.6983 said:Why do you give good players a artifical advantage over people not queueing with a other person in games where the top players are supposedly fighting in. Why am i losing the same rating fighting players who could be on voice and had the chance to tailor their comp beforehand and fighting a group of randoms. Your leaderboard means kitten all and you shouldnt have titles as rewards when majority of the top leaderboard players are there because of duoq.

Make seperate queues or remove the duoq in its entirety, no kitten balance ever will be as a big of factor then premades fighting randoms.

If someone want to play with their friends they can do it in tournaments where everyone have thew chance to tailor their own team.

Stop appealing to the minority.... devs.

Because of players like you the PvP game is getting destroyed. PvP is a team game and not a solo open world adventure. Please understand. Anet should rather bring back team Q and return PvP to previous glory days

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Have a solo q only and a team q. Team a can have any number of premade players as that's what u sign up for, solo only solo.Yeah I'd make for longer q times, mostly for team q'ers I bet but for a lot of people the extra wait would be more than worth it i think.I highly doubt team q'ers would complain about fighting other teams only, at least I'd hope they wouldn't.

This is the bes thing that Anet PvP Devs can ever do to the game

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@Eagelseye.6312 said:Because of players like you the PvP game is getting destroyed.and this is normal. That destroy process is nominal part of gameplay, and should be, and it is repeatable each 1-6 months. I take it as rule and accept.

PvP is a team game and not a solo open world adventure.yes. But you can play solo. If yours % of lose bigger - this is OK. No one is ideal.

Anet shouldAnet should make event during ranked period one or few weeks - give possibility join 3 on 5 vs 5. I want see that skill domination per stream :+1:

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@Exedore.6320 said:Yes, let's punish players for being good!

The platinum solo queue restriction was removed because it was stupid.

People who want solo queue only are the minority.

I wouldn't call it minority, people on top 250 are having issue climbing leaderboard because of Duoq ; I see no valid reason to be able to have an advantage on ranked.If you wanna play with friends, just allow this for unranked.

No one wanted the end of soloq, I don't even know who and why they decided this in the first place.

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@"ParadoX.3124" said:I wouldn't call it minority, people on top 250 are having issue climbing leaderboard because of Duoq ; I see no valid reason to be able to have an advantage on ranked.

That claim makes no sense! If you say the majority of people at the top are solo queue, how can they be suffering significantly from duo queue when is a minority of payers. There isn't done enormous rating gap.

The reality is that those players are at their proper ratings and using duo queue as an excuse.

If you wanna play with friends, just allow this for unranked.

If you thought ranked matching was bad, unranked is far worse. And there's no expectation in unranked that people are actually good at the bulls they're playing; a lot of people use it to grab or experiment.

No one wanted the end of soloq, I don't even know who and why they decided this in the first place.

All the people who stopped playing because of the restriction beg to differ. It's just too easy to mock: "You're too good for friends!"

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@ParadoX.3124 said:I wouldn't call it minority, people on top 250 are having issue climbing leaderboard because of Duoqthis is problem only for that people. On mmo game sometimes people need contact whit other peoples. They should take it as rule at take lose as part of game and forget to reach top250 if can't find teamteam. And this is great. This is part of mmo games - not be one !

If you wanna play with friends, just allow this for unranked.Better play ranked, and kill in due setup some solo-non-experience-player. It is more fun.

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@Trump.6983 said:Why do you give good players a artifical advantage over people not queueing with a other person in games where the top players are supposedly fighting in. Why am i losing the same rating fighting players who could be on voice and had the chance to tailor their comp beforehand and fighting a group of randoms. Your leaderboard means kitten all and you shouldnt have titles as rewards when majority of the top leaderboard players are there because of duoq.

Make seperate queues or remove the duoq in its entirety, no kitten balance ever will be as a big of factor then premades fighting randoms.

If someone want to play with their friends they can do it in tournaments where everyone have thew chance to tailor their own team.

Stop appealing to the minority.... devs.

Imagine... making ranked fair for everyone playing it.... why that would absolutely destroy the remaining pvp population, and end the world as we know it.


And the usual crybaby counter argument that some people think it is their god given right to have an unfair advantage by DuoQ'ing and being on a voice chat vs a random PUG.

The fact that this is even being discussed is a reflection of how trash the entire ranked system has become.

DuoQ vs DuoQSoloQ vs SoloQ

You can't even pretend anything other than that is fair enough to be included in a ranking system.

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You guys complain no matter what..... If u guys can't handle Rank NOW with how stupid it is imagine when everyone SOLO queing into the game again ? The discussion going to shift from rank duo to win trading.

The Rank has always sucked and is always going to suck because the population is LOW and because PEOPLE refuse to pick up the basic stuff to improve such as focus target, and map awareness. Games wouldn't be such a shit show if half the gold/silver population would take a moment to look at the map instead of randomly running to mid every single time.

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@"Xentera.4560" said:You can't even pretend anything other than that is fair enough to be included in a ranking system.

It works in some games because some games have enough people playing them to where it's not a problem, or you don't even notice.

At the very least, matchmaking in other games usually doesn't start reaching downward the moment they can't find a solid matchup for the two best players in the game stacked together. If top players wanted to try that in other games, they'll be waiting 30 minutes up to a whole hour or however long it takes to find an even matchup for their stack. "just playing with friends btw hehe xd its unfair we have to wait so long"

Guild Wars 2 doesn't do that. If it can't find a game for you, it starts searching lower and lower specifically to avoid that, but that just means throwing a bunch of average and even bad players at the two best players in the game. That's why people who used to finish a season with just barely above average winrates finish with 80, 90, or even 100% of their games won across multiple accounts. This is the consequence of combining merged queues with a small population, and a quantity over quality matchmaker. It makes good players look like actual god gamers.

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@Trump.6983 said:

@Tyga.7056 said:It's pretty simple. You could do the same, but you don't and that's the reason you're mad about it.

Because i dont need to give myself an advantage to advance the leaderboard, i prefer fair and balanced matches but you and others dont care about that. Anything to win games to think you are actually good, but in reality you are just average like everyone else.

So why are you mad about it in the first place? You‘re basically saying that you don’t need to give yourself an advantage, but on the other hand you‘re mad about people doing it. It‘s basically your choice all over. Why do people constantly expect to get their advantages brought to them rather than taking it yourself. You could be good enough to carry your team, not in all games but in the most of them and that shows how some peoples win ratio is in a season soloqueing. Remember that this is a competitive gamemode, where you actually play good to win.

Also making those accusations towards my person is pretty dump, because you don’t know me. I don’t think I‘m good, because I still have a lot of improvement like everyone else in this game to get better and I don’t complain in the forums about a factor that I could take in my own hands to change.

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removing duoq for plat really makes no difference for top players, only dudes who can't keep a certain spot without duoq and they are mad and biting in the post as you can see.if you watch any top player streamer whos not tryhard duoq, guaranteed you would hear the line "this ranking is trash and doesnt determine skill anyway".yea and that's what any logical person would think.why do people talk so much about "will destroy pvp" when the current rank system is so wrecked already. lol

Anet knows this system is bad but they are too soft for changes, they need to enforce seperate soloq/teamq, no matter the Q time.pretty sure this kind of thread will plague the forum every season

personally, with how high the tournament uptime is right now and swiss system, tournament can completely replace teamq.

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Maybe there's something I'm not seeing, but why are you talking about separating duo and solo queue? Seems like rank is the real issue. Anet could just separate the rankings based on your party size at the time of queue.

I suppose that gets into a situation where rating in duo isn't directly equal to rating in solo based on population, but surely a percentile based matchmaker would still work?

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:if uptime on swiss stuff is high enough then yeah why not.AT is a terrible substitute for a ranked team queue. Swiss has done nothing significant to remedy that.

Players want ranked team queue so that they can face others of similar skill while not needing to plan the times at which all of them play, and while being able to adjust the roster as friends come and go. AT, even with Swiss, fails miserably at that.

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