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Favorite Class

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Hello! I was wondering what everyone’s favorite class is & what they love/dislike about their class.

For me, I love elementalist. It gives me Avatar vibes. I like air/water attunment the most since I think those have the coolest visual effects compare to the other attunments which I feel is lacking (I’m looking at you ring of fire) .

One of the main things I like about it is the rotation & skill it requires to play the class.

What I dislike about it is the tempest Spec (overload). I don’t understand why you need to be up close to the enemy to even attack it. Tempest should of been more “mage like” where you can cast from afar with your overloads (air overload could of been a aoe storm channel for instance) .

Ps: if you’d like please post a pic of your character! I will post one once I get home from work


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My favourite class is the engineer. I am mostly a player who cares about thematics and as a huge fan of steampunk and such, engineer was immediately the go-to class for me. Also I am studying chemistry and the chemical thematics represented in engineer also were alot of fun for me.

Unfortunately, alot of aggressive chemical thematics got removed over the years from the traits (Acidic Elixirs, Acidic Coating, Deadly Mixture...), but I have hope that the next elite spec introduced for my beloved engineer will have a chemical theme!

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I main emgineer for so long always love its visual and its build craft.PS. The joke lasted long enought now. Can we please remove the 450 minimum range on aim assit rocket? No one use it, and the fiew build that were trying to have fun with got kicked in the nut...

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@Makuragee.3058 said:I main emgineer for so long always love its visual and its build craft.PS. The joke lasted long enought now. Can we please remove the 450 minimum range on aim assit rocket? No one use it, and the fiew build that were trying to have fun with got kicked in the nut...

That trait actually just points out one of the glaring issues engineer has for years now: the lack of a reliable ranged power weapon.Core engineer just has 3 different weapon sets available: p/sh, p/p, and rifle.From these, rifle is the only power weapon for the core engineer and while the auto attack is ranged, the biggest hitters of it's skillset are melee ranged (blunderbuss and jump shot).

Looking at kits, we also have no real options here. Grenades can deal some serious power damage from range, but their ground targeting and travel time don't make them reliable to hit foes with them. Same applies to the mortar kit.Other power focused kits have too short ranges to use this trait, too.

Unfortunately, I don't see this problem getting fixed anytime soon. They surely won't add a new weapon for core engineer in the near future and the next elite spec shouldn't focus on power damage, since both our elite specs to this point are already heavily power damage focused. Next elite spec should be condition based.

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As the stats show, Necro is my oldest, most played, most valuable and most loved.

I've answered this question many times but I enjoy explaining my passion. I love being the biggest threat on the field and having the most potential to turn the favor of a fight. I love having control over Boons and being the wrench in the mix in WvW roaming. And I love Necro's theme of attrition and zone control.

Lore, how something fits in to the game and aesthetics don't matter to me. Although I do spend a lot of time styling my characters, I don't choose classes based on the theme of it.

What do I not like about Necro? I'm not sure if anything. There are things that annoy me or things I wish ANet hadn't changed, but as a whole, there's nothing that stands out. I love everything about Necro, and even if there are times I get bored of it or frustrated with it I'll always come back to it.

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My favorite class is Guardian, except for the gameplay.I like the aesthetic and the weapons available (Pharus <3).I hate low HP and Aegis, so I don't play one.

My second favorite is Revenant, I just wish I could use a longbow.And that when out of combat with sheathed weapon the colored smoke on the hands disappear.

My third favorite is Necromancer. The 3rd expansion elite spec may bump it in first position.

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My favorite is definetly Rev. I love the whole Legend Swap system with gaining New utilities.Always was bothered with having only so few skills in fight. Also its not as much as the ele has , but thats already too many imo^^Char-look is a bit outdated and still not 100% what i wanted him to look like, but im getting there someday

ULk3ijD.pnghttps://imgur.com/MoBNMxX (a little gif :bleep_bloop: )

PS: I started with my Charr-Revenant before I knew anything of HoT. As i started again i only saw "a new profession"

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@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:3bsT4Mh.jpgNiGNPEy.jpgCciHj3w.jpg


As the stats show, Necro is my oldest, most played, most valuable and most loved.

I've answered this question many times but I enjoy explaining my passion. I love being the biggest threat on the field and having the most potential to turn the favor of a fight. I love having control over Boons and being the wrench in the mix in WvW roaming. And I love Necro's theme of attrition and zone control.

Lore, how something fits in to the game and aesthetics don't matter to me. Although I do spend a lot of time styling my characters, I don't choose classes based on the theme of it.

What do I not like about Necro? I'm not sure if anything. There are things that annoy me or things I wish ANet hadn't changed, but as a whole, there's nothing that stands out. I love everything about Necro, and even if there are times I get bored of it or frustrated with it I'll always come back to it.

She is so beautiful! Necro is my second favorite class. I love the dark arts a lot & agree with your love for it. Thank you for taking the time to post & explain your love for necro <3

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@Kulvar.1239 said:My favorite class is Guardian, except for the gameplay.I like the aesthetic and the weapons available (Pharus <3).I hate low HP and Aegis, so I don't play one.

My second favorite is Revenant, I just wish I could use a longbow.And that when out of combat with sheathed weapon the colored smoke on the hands disappear.

My third favorite is Necromancer. The 3rd expansion elite spec may bump it in first position.

I couldn’t get into rev as much & I hardly see them in game . I just don’t like how they are limited on skill choices for each legend

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I can trll you that this survey will be a bit biased and bit quite representative.Since the inception if the game the forums have many necromancer players due to the problems the class faced in the meta (and because it's a really iconic tune from gw1).

Similar things can be said about the rev. It had its issues on its release and gathered its fan base on the forums but also let new players onto the forums for giving feedback.

Just so you take the whole sample group with a grain of salt.

For me its ranger. It has always been and ut will continue to be.I just like the nature theme.

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@GummyBearSummoner.7941 said:

@Kulvar.1239 said:My favorite class is Guardian, except for the gameplay.I like the aesthetic and the weapons available (Pharus <3).I hate low HP and Aegis, so I don't play one.

My second favorite is Revenant, I just wish I could use a longbow.And that when out of combat with sheathed weapon the colored smoke on the hands disappear.

My third favorite is Necromancer. The 3rd expansion elite spec may bump it in first position.

I couldn’t get into rev as much & I hardly see them in game . I just don’t like how they are limited on skill choices for each legend

You don't have to love every class :)I see as much Revenant as others, but Guardian seems to be EVERYWHERE.I envy them for I can't stand the class suvivability gameplay (low HP + Aegis) :(

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My favourite is Thief.

I like the speed at which it can play, what with being able to burst out attacks with initiative rather than waiting on CD's. Also, I like stealth and landing high damage stealth skills. Big numbers are pog.

I dislike how most of its utility skills are the suck for PvE though. Best things are basically just run 3x Signets that you barely ever activate...

Second favourite is Necromancer.

I love dark magic and necromancy. I also like a lot of their skills which focus around stripping or corrupting boons which is a cool effect that is always satisfying to do.

I dislike how their weapon options are Greatsword and... ... ... ... Sadness :cry:

Third favourite is Elementalist.

I like how many skills they have access to via attunement shifting allowing them to have a fairly diverse skill set.

I dislike how it often feels like only 2 attunements are worth using due to how much you buff them with specializations (As well as how inherently good certain attunements are baseline. I.e. Water and Earth feel sucky baseline). Also, I dislike how instead of switching based on what skills you want to access at that time, a lot of the gameplay just revolves around constantly swapping attunements because using skills on CD is ideal as each attunement is not designed to be self contained (I.e. Skill CD's are made with the intent of you swapping attunements a few times before coming back)

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My favorite, thematically, has always been and will always be the Elementalist. Even when I first started this game way back when it first came out, it was my favorite. I then left the game for years until coming back May of 2019.

When I returned, I wanted nothing more than to main the Elementalist again. Unfortunately, do the class's inherent squishiness and my own lack of talent (things I am still plagued with generally), I found it difficult to enjoy it and wound up switching to other classes. Despite this, I still found myself coming back to the Elementalist, wishing I could make it work and that I could enjoy it again.

I stuck with it for awhile, managing to get 100% map completion for the first time ever (something my then goto-main [Mesmer] hadn't achieved). The problem as I saw it, my power-based Chronomancer wasn't fun with the greatsword nerf (and yes, I feel the loss of cripple and the return strike on gs4 to be nothing but nerfs). Tempest was amusing, and generally safe, but it was getting tiring.

Finally, after a lot of consideration, I finally decided to give Weaver another chance. I figured its chaotic play-style would put me off like it had the last time. I was wrong. After practicing and completing LW2 as a sword Weaver, I fell in love with the class all over again. I can't imagine not playing my little pyromaniac now.

In fact, just earlier tonight I tried playing my Mesmer again (which I have rebuilt into a condi-Mirage), I found the lack of shifting skills and attunements boring and slow. I had gotten used to the fast pace, in your face action of a sword fire Weaver that everything else pales in comparison.

Long story short, I, Jennifer Moonchild (character name), am a Weaver for life [i think lol]. I've always been a bit of a flake, so we'll see what the future brings, but here's hoping I get better at Weaver so I'm not an embarrassment. Regardless of my skill level, I am having fun in this game again which I am thankful for as I was beginning to wonder if I ever would again.

It may not be optimal, in fact I daresay it is not, but here is what I am using presently:

Ascended Celestial Armor with Balthazar runesAscended Celestial TrinketsExotic Marshal Sword with Sigil of Agility (to help my less than 50% crit chance)Exotic Marshal Focus with Sigil of EnergyExotic Marshal Staff on switch for group events (with both Sigils mentioned above)

Fire, Arcane, Weaver

With this gear, I feel less squishy than I did before with Marauders. I have 21k health, 2400 armor and can take several hits before I even start to get worried, let alone killed. It works for me because it allows me to survive mistakes (and the fact I'm still learning) a lot better than anything else I've tried. Also, with the power damage, things die quickly in the overworld since I'm not solely relying on condi like I was with Dire or Trailblazer. I feel well rounded with this gear as I can make use of every stat between my barriers/heals, condi/power damages, and the health/toughness to survive.

At this point in time, I have not even started HoT, LW3, PoF, LW4 and Ice Brood, so even though I can make an ascended sword (mats wise), I don't have access to the Marshal stat recipe. If I do make a sword, and focus for that matter, I am not sure what stat to use. I don't really want to make Celestial weapons, as I feel my weapons should be more about dealing damage than protecting me. Zerker I suppose, but ferocity isn't all that helpful given my 42% precision. Assassin has the same problem, though it would boost my precision more than zerker would at the expense of power. Viper might be a possibility as power and condi are its largest stats along with some precision for my weaker crit and expertise to raise my burn duration from 70% to ??%.


P.S. I wanted to show you all a picture of my Weaver, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it. I have a screenshot of her by a waterfall, but the picture isn't on a website or anything, merely in my guild wars 2 screenshot folder.

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My favourite is the Ranger. Permanent companion, healer option with druid (although its been over-nerfed at the moment), I like the playstyle, just wish there was a better option for condi instead of being reliant on traps (I found them lacking).

With that being said I've always been drawn to the typical knight/guardian/paladin classes in MMO's. I would like to say guardian is my second choice which I enjoy core and firebrand, but I quit that as my main when they announced dragon hunter.. and left so many skills broken for guard for years after launch. I love the heavy armor look though. I'm currently deciding right now between whether to level and fully gear a guardian (again) or taking the time to learn revenant which is the only class I have had trouble understanding (how to manage its energy properly for high level PvP situations).

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Engineer with Necro being a close second.

Engineer is always my go-to fantasy in a game. Warhammer Online's Engineer class was one of my favorite classes of all times. I love the AoE and I love set-up playstyle. I still hold out hope that turrets will see more love or that we'll even get new deployables. Even if they are a PvP balancing nightmare. Tend to like explosions in games and the new Explosives reworked traitline has been great. The explosions in GW2 sound and look like little pop firecrackers, but they still get the job done.

Necromancer is generally my second go-to in games without Engineers or a "main alt". I've always enjoyed the playstyle of the "dark casters" when they sacrifice HP or have a more indirect playstyle. Like a Black deck in Magic or some kind of graveyard style deck in deck builders. I like being able to load up conditions then having a couple of options on having to deal with them. Whereas on other professions I'm just trying to make sure I have a form of cleanse on my build, on Necromancer I'm deciding if I want to eat them or send them. Corrupt them! Epidemic is my favorite skill in the game even after they gave it a cast time. So satisfying to get a big Epi off and seeing all the numbers.

I enjoy playing most of the professions to some degree.

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