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Old Lion's Arch

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I have felt this way for some time, but a recent playthrough of the personal story made me remember just how much I loved the old Lion's Arch design. Being back there brought back so many memories, especially the old Mystic Forge area. I have absolutely nothing against the new LA design, and I think it does look quite beautiful, but you can't deny just how different the art styles are. The old LA was more connected to Guild Wars 1, and felt like a true pirate stronghold. The new LA, in my opinion, has a lot of open space which makes it feel more empty and lifeless (again, my opinion and I recognize many like the style). The old Lion's Arch felt like a city -- it was cluttered, busy, and jam packed with buildings, houses, sewers, and rivers. It felt like a true hub of trade. The holiday skins for the old Lion's Arch were fantastic, and being in the Mystic Forge area during Halloween or December Holidays really made me feel like I was celebrating a party with the other players around me (I remember costume brawls being a fun down time in this area).

I know this has been stated before, but I would really love to see the devs find a way to let us access the old Lion's Arch, even if they have to put it behind a gem paywall. At this point it's been over 5 years since it was in the live game, and in my opinion it'd be a real treat to give the people who have played this game since launch. The nostalgia factor for those of us who have been with GW2 from the very beginning would certainly keep me logged in.

What do you guys think of this? Agree? Disagree? How do you think the devs could make this work for us?

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i support this for the reason that i started playing relatively recently (apparently i started playing just before it got changed), and i never got to see lion's arch as it was. but based on what little i have seen in personal story instances, i find it incredibly fascinating for how complex it seems to be, and i would love to have a way to fully explore it.

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I can't see any realistic way for it to work. I know maps can be out of time, but two maps in different time zones really doesn't fit the game. Blowing up LA and rebuilding it is an iconic part of the game's history (and the one of the few redeeming points of LS1) and whilst some people liked the old LA (I thought it was messy and annoying), it being gone is just part of the legacy.

They could have a scale model of it in new LA in memory of it or maybe a new town/village built in it's style, but I don't think bringing back old LA as a gemstore pass or alternative setting fits the game

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@Randulf.7614, What do you think about making it an instanced "Fractal" for people to enter and hang out in? I agree that it was a pivotal moment for the game and I loved playing through the siege of Lion's Arch and watching its destruction in LS1. It was some really fun gameplay, but I don't think having the old Lion's Arch be accessible to the playerbase would take away from that LS1 experience (especially considering it took place a long time ago) . I just loved the design and want to admire what the art team put together, which I thought was a really lovely map :)

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@Randulf.7614 said:I can't see any realistic way for it to work. I know maps can be out of time, but two maps in different time zones really doesn't fit the game. Blowing up LA and rebuilding it is an iconic part of the game's history (and the one of the few redeeming points of LS1) and whilst some people liked the old LA (I thought it was messy and annoying), it being gone is just part of the legacy.

They could have a scale model of it in new LA in memory of it or maybe a new town/village built in it's style, but I don't think bringing back old LA as a gemstore pass or alternative setting fits the game

It would work if done as a shard of the mists. But despite how much i miss old LA, and the statue there, i doubt well ever get a version outside of the story thats accessible.

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@Calvinboo.6803 said:@Randulf.7614, What do you think about making it an instanced "Fractal" for people to enter and hang out in? I agree that it was a pivotal moment for the game and I loved playing through the siege of Lion's Arch and watching its destruction in LS1. It was some really fun gameplay, but I don't think having the old Lion's Arch be accessible to the playerbase would take away from that LS1 experience (especially considering it took place a long time ago) . I just loved the design and want to admire what the art team put together, which I thought was a really lovely map :)

To hang out in? I don't think Anet would waste a fractal spot just for afking in. Maybe...maybe as a Guild Hall theme based on old LA's style

I am 100% all in for a Battle for LA instance done either as a raid or a strike like the steel warband one. But, not for "hanging around in" - that contributes too little to the game

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I never cared much for the old LA tbh.. it was kind of a garbage heap..I was quite glad to see it get destroyed.. twice XD

I can understand why some don't care much for the current form though.. it does feel way too flashy and in a way out of place at times but I prefer it to the old one.

That said though the original LA from Gw1 is still my personal favourite form of the city.. I kinda wish GW2's LA was an upgraded form based on that design but we never got it.That said much of Kryta has changed drastically since Gw1, no tropical jungle.. most of the beaches are just absent that beachy feeling and most of the bogs have even vanished.. it's a very different region in Gw2.

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@Calvinboo.6803 said:What do you guys think of this? Agree? Disagree? How do you think the devs could make this work for us?

I think you could have used the search feature ;) , since there have been several threads on this over the years.

For instance, it was suggested to create a VIP area somewhere in the Mists that resembles the old LA and can be accessed via a pass.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Calvinboo.6803 said:What do you guys think of this? Agree? Disagree? How do you think the devs could make this work for us?

I think you could have used the search feature ;) , since there have been several threads on this over the years.

For instance, it was suggested to create a VIP area somewhere in the Mists that resembles the old LA and can be accessed via a pass.

Most of those threads are from years ago, I wanted to see if perspectives have changed the further and further we've gotten from LS1

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@Calvinboo.6803 said:I have felt this way for some time, but a recent playthrough of the personal story made me remember just how much I loved the old Lion's Arch design. Being back there brought back so many memories, especially the old Mystic Forge area. I have absolutely nothing against the new LA design, and I think it does look quite beautiful, but you can't deny just how different the art styles are. The old LA was more connected to Guild Wars 1, and felt like a true pirate stronghold. The new LA, in my opinion, has a lot of open space which makes it feel more empty and lifeless (again, my opinion and I recognize many like the style). The old Lion's Arch felt like a city -- it was cluttered, busy, and jam packed with buildings, houses, sewers, and rivers. It felt like a true hub of trade. The holiday skins for the old Lion's Arch were fantastic, and being in the Mystic Forge area during Halloween or December Holidays really made me feel like I was celebrating a party with the other players around me (I remember costume brawls being a fun down time in this area).

I know this has been stated before, but I would really love to see the devs find a way to let us access the old Lion's Arch, even if they have to put it behind a gem paywall. At this point it's been over 5 years since it was in the live game, and in my opinion it'd be a real treat to give the people who have played this game since launch. The nostalgia factor for those of us who have been with GW2 from the very beginning would certainly keep me logged in.

What do you guys think of this? Agree? Disagree? How do you think the devs could make this work for us?

In actuality the new LA has more structures than the old LA, it's just that the clustered nature of old LA made it appear to have more structures. As for access, they've stated it's not possible...and I don't see why people liked it more than the current version to be honest. As a trading hub it certainly didn't look or act like one.

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@"Zaklex.6308" said:

In actuality the new LA has more structures than the old LA, it's just that the clustered nature of old LA made it appear to have more structures. As for access, they've stated it's not possible...and I don't see why people liked it more than the current version to be honest. As a trading hub it certainly didn't look or act like one.

For me at least, i liked it because it looked like a city, and not the fortress that it does now, also the Lion Statue should have stayed inside the city, change it, make it match the new aesthetic certainly but something similar should have been added in the "Grand Piazza". I fully understand the change due to scarletts attack, but i think they went a bit to far on making it "pretty" It doesnt look much like a city anymore and more like a theme park and it really doesnt look like it belongs in -this- game. Its aesthetic is so unique that it doesnt fit. But whats done is done, its not changing, and it has no reason to, but due to how it looks i refuse to go there.

Thats just my take on it, i cant talk for everyone.

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@Calvinboo.6803 said:

@Calvinboo.6803 said:What do you guys think of this? Agree? Disagree? How do you think the devs could make this work for us?

I think you could have used the search feature ;) , since there have been several threads on this over the years.

For instance, it was suggested to create a VIP area somewhere in the Mists that resembles the old LA and can be accessed via a pass.

Most of those threads are from years ago, I wanted to see if perspectives have changed the further and further we've gotten from LS1

Well, the further away you get you will find players who don't even remember what the old LA looked like, so their perspectives on the matter might be flawed. How could they have an opinion on something they've probably never seen?

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I remember a thread a long time ago where someone suggested something like making a Old LA pass available for gems so players could visit it and use it like the other lounge area passes, that sounded like a good idea to me as at the time I did prefer the old LA, it had a lot more character than the current bland looking one. But having revisited parts of it in story instances since, I think it was a bit of a mess and actually not that great, I think I just wanted it back because of how awful I thought the new one was (still hate the new one and avoid it unless I have to). So I think now I'd rather they don't bring back old LA, but instead blitz it again and give us LA 3.0, third times a charm right?

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I always avoid going to LA since it's new version but only to use the Mystic Forge. I find it quite bland, boring, childish (big sea animal building) and too open.It's a shame, since I really really adored the old one, I used to hang out there all the time since the core game's launch.

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@Calvinboo.6803 said:@Randulf.7614, What do you think about making it an instanced "Fractal" for people to enter and hang out in? I agree that it was a pivotal moment for the game and I loved playing through the siege of Lion's Arch and watching its destruction in LS1. It was some really fun gameplay, but I don't think having the old Lion's Arch be accessible to the playerbase would take away from that LS1 experience (especially considering it took place a long time ago) . I just loved the design and want to admire what the art team put together, which I thought was a really lovely map :)

To hang out in? I don't think Anet would waste a fractal spot just for afking in. Maybe...maybe as a Guild Hall theme based on old LA's styleThis, an old LA based Guild Hall. Do it, Anet. Do it now.

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If they keep up adding Visions of the Past, the options to re-play LW Season 1 content, we are going to re-visit old Lion's Arch anyway. We had two very important story chapters during the assault, the Evacuation (aka Escape from Lion's Arch) and the fight against Scarlet's army (aka Battle of Lion's Arch). With the Visions of the Past in mind, they could also add just an open map of Old Lion's Arch, accessible via the Scrying Pool. That would totally fit the concept and not bother with any rules.

Last time I checked, the old map was still in the GW2.dat, so it would not even be that much of a problem to create a path there. Vendors and other town-like functions should be disabled, we could use the Mystic Forge for the portal-exit of the Scrying Pool.

Using it as a convenience section? Too large map, way too many objects to load.Guildhall? Same problem. Old Lion's Arch was so full, where would you put the decorations?

Fractal? The empty map not. The evacuation is also problematic. The Battle of Lion's Arch could work out. But probably not the entire battle, maybe sections:

1.) Entrance at Fort Marriner and the beach (Motlen Alliance)CUT2.) Fight on the Plaza (Assault Knights)CUT3.) Fight on the Breachmaker (Hologram)CUT4.) Teleport to the final room. Loot while the story-dialogue just goes on - as done in Deepstone. The farmers can move on, the others can watch till the end, deal the final blow. This triggers the cut-scene which can be skipped via ESC by everyone who already has the achievement. The achievement is granted after the cutscene.

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@Calvinboo.6803 said:I have felt this way for some time, but a recent playthrough of the personal story made me remember just how much I loved the old Lion's Arch design. Being back there brought back so many memories, especially the old Mystic Forge area. I have absolutely nothing against the new LA design, and I think it does look quite beautiful, but you can't deny just how different the art styles are. The old LA was more connected to Guild Wars 1, and felt like a true pirate stronghold. The new LA, in my opinion, has a lot of open space which makes it feel more empty and lifeless (again, my opinion and I recognize many like the style). The old Lion's Arch felt like a city -- it was cluttered, busy, and jam packed with buildings, houses, sewers, and rivers. It felt like a true hub of trade. The holiday skins for the old Lion's Arch were fantastic, and being in the Mystic Forge area during Halloween or December Holidays really made me feel like I was celebrating a party with the other players around me (I remember costume brawls being a fun down time in this area).

I know this has been stated before, but I would really love to see the devs find a way to let us access the old Lion's Arch, even if they have to put it behind a gem paywall. At this point it's been over 5 years since it was in the live game, and in my opinion it'd be a real treat to give the people who have played this game since launch. The nostalgia factor for those of us who have been with GW2 from the very beginning would certainly keep me logged in.

What do you guys think of this? Agree? Disagree? How do you think the devs could make this work for us?

Agree......It really feels very open. Especially at the popular waypoints like Bank and Black Lion Trading Post, feels very bare.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm going through the personal story on a toon and I went to OG Lion's Arch. That hit me like a nostalgic gut bunch and I desperately wanted some kind of instanced version I could visit. I think it'd be great to have a Hall of Monuments style instance like they did for Eye of the North before it became a new hub.

But, failing that (or in addition), I could totally get behind LW Season 1 missions via Scrying pool.

If they keep up adding Visions of the Past, the options to re-play LW Season 1 content, we are going to re-visit old Lion's Arch anyway. We had two very important story chapters during the assault, the Evacuation (aka Escape from Lion's Arch) and the fight against Scarlet's army (aka Battle of Lion's Arch). With the Visions of the Past in mind, they could also add just an open map of Old Lion's Arch, accessible via the Scrying Pool.

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