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Account & Character Rollback Issue (5/11/2020) - ANet Response

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@"Zaklex.6308" said:

Shut down didn't happen with the last roll back either, so why would they with this one? If it was just the EU servers they don't need to wait for the U.S. employees to wake up, I'm pretty sure they have staff in the EU data center to take care of it.

they did shutdown the servers with the rollback in 2016https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/We-are-temporarily-shutting-down-servers

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I was playing the whole saturday and sunday, and my progress got rollbacked to the moment where I logged out the saturday night. So the whole Sunday is gone. Interesting that for some players even Saturday is gone. And I wonder how they will manage the rollback process when they have split playerbase: 1. People who played during weekend and lost the progress. 2. People who didn't play during weekend, but play now. 3. People who played during weekend but play today anyway and want to keep progress. There will probably need to be a rollback script for group 1, merge script for group 2, and I have no clue how they want to deal with group 3, but probably just rollback them because it is stupid to play now anyway

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Basically there should be mirror servers and back-ups so restore is possible (if not, then WTF are you doing). Yes , a major glitch happened, yes, if they had the back-up in place there should not be a problem (though an inconvenience for a little while), but they have to see what triggered the event, crash, whatever you describe it. BUT take the game offline until it is sorted!

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For me there are 2 days lost for sure. I should have been able to get to 53 Crimson Assasin's tokens: 29 from the 4 weeks event (last day will count as well tomorrow) + 24 from the chest for 8 dailies. I have been at 49 now. Should have been 51 (+ the one from today and +1 from tomorrow 53 then). I lost Saturday and Sunday. I'm not sure when I did my SAB run and dailies at Saturday. Might have been afternoon or at evening only. (Usually I try afternoon but doesn't always work when I have other stuff to do as well.)

PvP progress history is still saved (match history and rating) - as others mentioned already.

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Once the servers come back up we'll have an official statement of whether this issue could be resolved or if we'll be stuck in the alternate timeline.

Guess all that's left to do is spend our time on other endeavors... like filling the forums with nonsense. :>

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@Akari Kage.1403 said:

@Sigerk.2897 said:Or you know, apply some reasonable thinking. Like; Hey, everyone is saying everything got rolled back to a few days ago. Lets check the forums. Hmm, last time this happened they were able to roll back, maybe I should stop playing until they fix it, instead of stubbornly keeping on playing and then going on the forums to say they should not roll back even though everyone in game is talking about this and the forums are full of posts about it, only because there is no official in game message. It just seems pedantic.

I mean yeah, an in game notice would be nice, and I agree the communication could be better on this issue, but I can't look behind the scenes, neither can you, and they DID eventually post notifications, both here and in the support section of the website. So if you still play the game regardless of all this information just because there is no in game notice....yeah.....

Unless you have problems, there is no need to come to the foruns. My progress didn t chage since Friday and I am doing missions for 2h. how the hell should I know there may be a problem? The more time it passes, without in game notice or server lockdown the more the rollback shouldn t happen.

You are trying to save your 2 hours and asking others to give up, up to 3 days lose. Why should your 2 hours be more important than other peoples 3 days (approx.)?

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I am not saying they are more important, and also the 3 days are not more important than my 2 hours. They should have exactly the same importance. What I am complaining is the lack of in game information. And if there is no in game information then rolling back shouldn't t happen.If rollback happens and they warn players beforehand no one should complain. If there isn't a warning, then it shouldn't happen and another form of compensation should be used instead of choosing some players over others.

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@Akari Kage.1403 said:Also true. I feel Anet will just make the rollback and ignore all the players that played this day. But to be fair if no warning was issue that shouldn happen.

No warning was issued when the original rollback occurred this morning. They should have noticed and said something a lot earlier, yes. They should have done something about this hours ago but I guess there are no ArenaNet employees in Europe any more.

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@Thormano.7806 said:Basically there should be mirror servers and back-ups so restore is possible (if not, then kitten are you doing). Yes , a major glitch happened, yes, if they had the back-up in place there should not be a problem (though an inconvenience for a little while), but they have to see what triggered the event, crash, whatever you describe it. BUT take the game offline until it is sorted!

Do you have any idea of the cost for mirroring servers?

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I just want to play! I was doing Mesmer start quests cos I recently bought the upgrades and could have a fully unlocked Lv 80 player. Was unlocking an area (decided to work through maps with this character). Went for a convenience break and less than 2 minutes later... POW! back where I was a few days ago. Ho hum.

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I'm glad they attempt to fix it however I doubt the progress can be fully restored. Sadly me and my guild will now loose all the raid kills last Sunday we had and it took us quite a lot of hours... oof
Guess I'll need to cross my fingers on the fix.

Anyways, good luck to everyone and to the team!

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Thormano.7806 said:Basically there should be mirror servers and back-ups so restore is possible (if not, then kitten are you doing). Yes , a major glitch happened, yes, if they had the back-up in place there should not be a problem (though an inconvenience for a little while), but they have to see what triggered the event, crash, whatever you describe it. BUT take the game offline until it is sorted!

Do you have any idea of the cost for mirroring servers?

Who cares, they should be prepared for situations like this. And it's not like they aren't making money.

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@Blude.6812 said:

@Thormano.7806 said:Basically there should be mirror servers and back-ups so restore is possible (if not, then kitten are you doing). Yes , a major glitch happened, yes, if they had the back-up in place there should not be a problem (though an inconvenience for a little while), but they have to see what triggered the event, crash, whatever you describe it. BUT take the game offline until it is sorted!

Do you have any idea of the cost for mirroring servers?

Who cares, they should be prepared for situations like this.

Who cares? That's rich. I would imagine that they are as prepared for something like this as much as they are financially able to be while still making target profit numbers for their investors. What is essentially being advocated here by mirroring is having double the servers with real-time data transactions between the two sets. That is not cheap.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:You’re assuming that the data would be restored. There was a roll back several years and data was not restored. Only those who purchased things with money got compensated and it was restricted to those transactions. If you had an ultra rare scenario of like a precursor dropping, you could submit a support ticket. Beyond that, nothing else happened.

you are right, but this time it's a 3 day rollback and TP is bugged currently (people are screaming in wvw map for gold lost). The main point of the post is : why the server is still up ? It should be down for maintenance even if there are no backup to restore

The length of the rollback doesn’t matter. If there’s a rollback, it’s likely because there was no other option.

It should only be down if there are integrity issues. An extremely rare case of a rollback is not one of them. You are free to not log into the game for the meantime until you feel that it will be safe for you to play again.

Well if they don't restore it, my 45 character will have to sit in mothballs, as I won't waste any more time on a game that can't be maintained properly.

I have a feeling that you’ll still be playing regardless.

@Ayrilana.1396 said:You’re assuming that the data would be restored. There was a roll back several years and data was not restored. Only those who purchased things with money got compensated and it was restricted to those transactions. If you had an ultra rare scenario of like a precursor dropping, you could submit a support ticket. Beyond that, nothing else happened.

you are right, but this time it's a 3 day rollback and TP is bugged currently (people are screaming in wvw map for gold lost). The main point of the post is : why the server is still up ? It should be down for maintenance even if there are no backup to restore

The length of the rollback doesn’t matter. If there’s a rollback, it’s likely because there was no other option.

It should only be down if there are integrity issues. An extremely rare case of a rollback is not one of them. You are free to not log into the game for the meantime until you feel that it will be safe for you to play again.

it's not a rare case of rollback (it could happen, i agree with you).. there are many people reporting duplicate items (imagine people with 2x legendary items) and Trading Post is BUGGED : you sell your item for X gold but you don't receive any gold for the transaction: this is a valid reason to put the server offline until the issue is solved ESPECIALLY if no backup will be restored .

They can just shut down the TP. There’s no need to shutdown the entire game.

For many years ago they closed TP for some time and you could still play this game. Can't remember the reason why they shut down TP at that time, but there where some issues as far I recall it.

I guess there is something more serious going on that they needed to check and it wasn't possible to only close access to TP. Maybe it had something to do with log in server and confirmation of items bought through Gem Stores. (There have been several post lately about people not getting items bought or upgrade bought for Deluxe version of game not being registered to account after log in.)

Before I discovered I had been logged out I was going to check out Gem store item to buy and Gem Store where this day really slow to react at all compared to earlier days.

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