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Account & Character Rollback Issue (5/11/2020) - ANet Response

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@yoni.7015 said:

@yoni.7015 said:It’s been almost 24 hours now. I’m sure it wouldn’t take them that long if the NA servers were affected.

The NA servers were affected though. While the rollback was only on the EU, the TP is connected to both NA and EU and as a result of the rollback has caused issues with the TP. If I heard right people were losing items while others were getting duplicates.

Are the NA servers down as well? No. Only the EU Servers.

Still doesn't change that the NA servers were affected to a lesser degree, possibly even more if they have to rollback the NA servers as well to deal with the TP issues.

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Cant Believe folks are getting antsy because it's been less than a full day. For real folks. It was Not a small issue, anyone who could read maturely at the message they posted can tell. They're also still in quarantine ! And our server's on another continent that also has to deal with quarantine.

There are several millions of games to play. Pick one. Better yet, read a book, if you react that badly to Not playing a game for 1 day, you might need to pull the brakes on video gaming. Give it a rest and let them work. I wouldn't trust the solution to hold water if it was fixed so quickly given the type of problem it is likely to be.

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I recall once in WoW years ago, one of that game's realm servers suffered a major escape of magic smoke, by which I mean it literally caught fire. It was definitely not a quick fix, and I think the players on that realm ended up losing like two weeks by the time it was all done. But that was long ago, so I may be misremembering. Hopefully what happened to EU wasn't anything close to that magnitude.

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One thing to consider is if they need to get any replacement parts it's likely more difficult than usual due to covid-19 restrictions. Both Washington State (where their head office is) and Germany (where I think the EU servers are) are still under a lot of restrictions, and even ordering stuff online seems to take longer than usual lately. Everything I've ordered or sent has taken at least a few extra days to get where it's going. Also a lot of computer parts are manufactured in China and their manufacturing was effectively shut down for a few months so there's a massive backlog of orders.

Admittedly I don't know exactly what's wrong, any more than you guys do. It's just one possible issue I thought of after something I ordered last Thursday for 48 hour tracked postage finally arrived today.

I'm quite curious about what the problem is, because as other people have said this is very unusual for GW2. Their server design normally allows them to take one server offline to work on it while the others keep running and we don't even notice - that's how they release updates without the game going offline. For them to have to take them all offline at the same time it must be pretty major. But I'm also aware I'd probably not understand much of the explanation if they did tell us!

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One of my characters I created on sunday evening and boosted to 80 (yeah I'm lazy) has 3 hours played.This lines up pretty well with when I created it and logged off.Next day on Monday I played for 5 hours until it "crashed" and we went into the rollback adventure.

Hope this is OK for everyone and you didn't lose a lot of progress :)

See you ingame soon buddies!

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@"Luthan.5236" said:Well. We still don't know if they can revert/fix it - since the servers are down. And I can confirm that I did my SAB dailies some time between 10-18 Saturday european (CET) time zone and lost that progress as well.https://gw2efficiency.com/

Log in to your account or look up your character, the api is live already, just the login server is down.

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Hm ... I seem to have all my Crimson Assasin's tokens back. The total amount to be earned this festival is 53. 29 from the dailies (last day counts as well at tuesday) + 24 from the 3x chests (for 8 dailies) where I can get 8 each.

I have 51 and I did not play yesterday (cause the progress from yesterday might be lost for all now after restoring) and today (obviously).

So they must still have restored stuff from Sunday. I just don't know if I played early. (I think I even played the daily SAB stuff later at about 16:00 CET where I gained my 51th Crimson Assasin's token.)

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Okay the word "compensation" is awkward, but I couldn't think of an obviously better word on short notice. Emphasis on the word "responsible" in the title. Please keep your suggestions reasonable, if you chose to make any.

I wanted to give an idea or 2 that I thought might be worth your consideration. Where possible these should reward people for playing as they normally do.1) Extending the "welcome back" event buffs2) Increasing the magnitude of the "welcome back" event buff for some amount of time, say 48 hours, potentially over a weekend. A doubling of the bonuses for this coming weekend might be nice. The 48 hours is a suggestion. The servers were unavailable for about 36 hours, give or take, so maybe 48 hours is not the best number. I let you decide.

Not going to suggest freebies from the gemstore, except maybe XP boosters or Black Lion boosters. These are useful and appreciated, even if they seem "small".

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I'm just glad they managed to get back the 3 days we lost. :) Anything else will be a bonus. It's not like we're paying a subscription and lost time we'd paid for.

I did miss out on playing GW2 on Monday (and my other MMO was down for maintenance) but I just played Baldur's Gate instead so it wasn't a big problem.

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I don't see any need for a big compensation. Lost progress had been restored. We have lost the day the servers were down + when we could not play yesterday (the time after the bug where some people played). In terms of SAB festival it means 1 day less for EU players. Acceptable. (And I don't t hink they can just let SAB active for 1 more day for EU only.)

The only thing that needs compensation is the lost progress for player that played between the time that got rolled back now and the time the server got taken down. (A few hours or so.) Something small might be nice.

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I don't feel like I need compensating personally. I'm just happy to be back online in such a small window of time. I imagine I would feel differently if the game was subscription based, as I would feel like I was loosing out on the time paid but that's just me.

That being said, I wouldn't mind an extension to the SAB festival as I'm so close to finishing trib mode!

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