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Being stunlocked is not fun


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Of course it's not fun. If there's something that this meta screams at you, it's that you should never go in a fight outnumbered. And even then, there's no guarantee that your teammates is competent enough to make the enemy team take their focus off you.

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It is if you are in the right headspace. Change your outlook on life! What are your goals? Do you want to win, or do you want to become a football that provides the enemy team with long minutes of unforgettable joy and pleasant memories?

Stop being selfish and change your life! JOIN MY CULT!

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I love dodge isn't listed as a counter when it probably is the most important one.

Stunbreak into dodge give you an extra second to plan ahead and means the next stun will wiff, this is how to avoid being stunlocked in this game.

Learn about the ranged stuns in the game, they are the only ones you need to look out for. Don't want to get melee stunned? Equip a ranged weapon and stand on a ledge, behind a fence, behind ally player or out of range - it's in the game for a reason.

Win fight first, then think about the node. Not the other way around.

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The CC issue is that you either nullified them or suffer from them. ANet basically gave up on CC mitigation at some point while having more way to reduce the duration of incoming CC (instead of flattly nullifying/removing them) would go a long way to reduce the frustration that being stunlocked is.

The game just need more effects like the 20% reduction on stun duration given by superior runes of melandru. Ultimately, I'd even say that stability instead of being some stacks that block CC need to be a buff like protection reducing incoming stun duration by 66%. When it come to nullifying CC, aegis/dodge/evade/block already does the job pretty well.

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@Tayga.3192 said:All my friends who complain about CC are:

1) Holo mains missing stab2) Any necro main3) People who go in 1v2-1v3

Going more than 1v1 is an insta lose in this meta, as it should be. Don't try to plus into a 1v3, it's the same thing.

Can you even blame the necros though? They lost their stunbreak when going into shroud and most of their stability on skills because people were going ape and not properly listing the skills that ACTUALLY needed to be tuned down. Now they have no choice but to literally camp range or die, which knocks them down to one or two builds at most.

Mind you, I'm no necro main, I am just a multi classer whose be spamming this one fun necro build because I'm bored and want to learn proper positioning/timing of skills. I've improved, but I can only imagine what hell that new players or other folks that don't understand this meta is feeling atm.

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My opinion has always been the same on this.CC is not challenging. It doesn't add anything valuable to the game's overall experience. It's just frustrating and makes the player feel like any skill/talent they have is wasted on waiting 3 seconds while some no-brain warrior strips your stability, spams cc and then downs you in 4 hits, right after already doing exactly that 15 seconds beforehand and making you use your only stunbreak(s).

Same goes for being feared for 10 seconds. Why is that even possible. You can't CC someone for 10 seconds, why should you be able to fear them for 10 seconds. The only way out is a utility cleanse which many builds won't have since they rely on traits for cleanse.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:

@Tayga.3192 said:All my friends who complain about CC are:

1) Holo mains missing stab2) Any necro main3) People who go in 1v2-1v3

Going more than 1v1 is an insta lose in this meta, as it should be. Don't try to plus into a 1v3, it's the same thing.

Can you even blame the necros though? They lost their stunbreak when going into shroud and most of their stability on skills because people were going ape and not properly listing the skills that ACTUALLY needed to be tuned down. Now they have no choice but to literally camp range or die, which knocks them down to one or two builds at most.

Mind you, I'm no necro main, I am just a multi classer whose be spamming this one fun necro build because I'm bored and want to learn proper positioning/timing of skills. I've improved, but I can only imagine what hell that new players or other folks that don't understand this meta is feeling atm.

the difference between necro and other classes is that most dodge cc, if you get hit you stunbreak out of it or you die.as necro you eat cc, then another then another, and you dont care since you have 35k HP shroud to soak it all for you.do you have fun? no, does the person that landed hard to land skill that had absolutely no impact since hurr durr 60k hp have fun? nope.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Tayga.3192 said:All my friends who complain about CC are:

1) Holo mains missing stab2) Any necro main3) People who go in 1v2-1v3

Going more than 1v1 is an insta lose in this meta, as it should be. Don't try to plus into a 1v3, it's the same thing.

Can you even blame the necros though? They lost their stunbreak when going into shroud and most of their stability on skills because people were going ape and not properly listing the skills that ACTUALLY needed to be tuned down. Now they have no choice but to literally camp range or die, which knocks them down to one or two builds at most.

Mind you, I'm no necro main, I am just a multi classer whose be spamming this one fun necro build because I'm bored and want to learn proper positioning/timing of skills. I've improved, but I can only imagine what hell that new players or other folks that don't understand this meta is feeling atm.

the difference between necro and other classes is that most dodge cc, if you get hit you stunbreak out of it or you die.as necro you eat cc, then another then another, and you dont care since you have 35k HP shroud to soak it all for you.do you have fun? no, does the person that landed hard to land skill that had absolutely no impact since hurr durr 60k hp have fun? nope.

I mean the most you can get is 18k HP worth of shroud and 24k worth of actual HP, but I see what you mean. Which is why I said earlier that knowing when to go into your shroud is probably the most important thing now, since there is no timing for stun break. I still don't think they should have been stripped of all of that, because Anet could have easily balanced how much shroud and how many stunbreaks/stability should have, but bandage fixes? Amirite.

Also, this logic only applies to Core necro. Surprisingly, reaper still exists, so once again, Anet ended up gimping two out of three of the specs within a class because they could not figure out exactly what to hit from the abysmal feedback these forums tend to give. Core necro, I agree, deserves less escapes from CC because of their large pool, but Reaper and Scourge deserve to have it back in some form.

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walks into necro fear ring 3 times in a row Guys, too much CC!

The only time CC is as bad as the OP claims is when you're being focused in an outnumbered fight - a fight you shouldn't be in to begin with. If you're in an even fight, your teammates should be CC'ing the other team just as much. You need to learn to notice when you're being focused and then kite and LoS to avoid all that CC.

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my warrior build have stuns interrupts dazes on every single spell but heal, autos and mace2 shield5 and hammer2/3.

Is it extremly joyfull to permastun anyone for 10+ seconds? YES!

Does it help or dealing damage? Well... I can push someone off point but.. no... no it doesnt not.

Does this permastun lock down help me win games? I went from 58% to 48% winrate in total of 500 games. eversince I switched from conditank to stunlock.

My full CC chain combo including 3x kick, couple F1 and F2, bull charge, stomp, hammer/mace/shield deals totall INCREDIBLE 500ish dmg which os equivalent of one auto. Every single CC skill deals from 9-17dmg. How can you complain? not to mention everu single person witj more than 2 braincells just can kite me.

Thos cc lockdown types not gonna carry alone.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:

@Tayga.3192 said:All my friends who complain about CC are:

1) Holo mains missing stab2) Any necro main3) People who go in 1v2-1v3

Going more than 1v1 is an insta lose in this meta, as it should be. Don't try to plus into a 1v3, it's the same thing.

Can you even blame the necros though? They lost their stunbreak when going into shroud and most of their stability on skills because people were going ape and not properly listing the skills that ACTUALLY needed to be tuned down. Now they have no choice but to literally camp range or die, which knocks them down to one or two builds at most.

Mind you, I'm no necro main, I am just a multi classer whose be spamming this one fun necro build because I'm bored and want to learn proper positioning/timing of skills. I've improved, but I can only imagine what hell that new players or other folks that don't understand this meta is feeling atm.

the difference between necro and other classes is that most dodge cc, if you get hit you stunbreak out of it or you die.as necro you eat cc, then another then another, and you dont care since you have 35k HP shroud to soak it all for you.do you have fun? no, does the person that landed hard to land skill that had absolutely no impact since hurr durr 60k hp have fun? nope.

I mean the most you can get is 18k HP worth of shroud and 24k worth of actual HP, but I see what you mean. Which is why I said earlier that knowing when to go into your shroud is probably the most important thing now, since there is no timing for stun break. I still don't think they should have been stripped of all of that, because Anet could have easily balanced how much shroud and how many stunbreaks/stability should have, but bandage fixes? Amirite.

Also, this logic only applies to Core necro. Surprisingly, reaper still exists, so once again, Anet ended up gimping two out of three of the specs within a class because they could not figure out exactly what to hit from the abysmal feedback these forums tend to give. Core necro, I agree, deserves less escapes from CC because of their large pool, but Reaper and Scourge deserve to have it back in some form.

shroud provides 50% damage reduction, so effectively that 18k HP is 36k HP

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Tayga.3192 said:All my friends who complain about CC are:

1) Holo mains missing stab2) Any necro main3) People who go in 1v2-1v3

Going more than 1v1 is an insta lose in this meta, as it should be. Don't try to plus into a 1v3, it's the same thing.

Can you even blame the necros though? They lost their stunbreak when going into shroud and most of their stability on skills because people were going ape and not properly listing the skills that ACTUALLY needed to be tuned down. Now they have no choice but to literally camp range or die, which knocks them down to one or two builds at most.

Mind you, I'm no necro main, I am just a multi classer whose be spamming this one fun necro build because I'm bored and want to learn proper positioning/timing of skills. I've improved, but I can only imagine what hell that new players or other folks that don't understand this meta is feeling atm.

the difference between necro and other classes is that most dodge cc, if you get hit you stunbreak out of it or you die.as necro you eat cc, then another then another, and you dont care since you have 35k HP shroud to soak it all for you.do you have fun? no, does the person that landed hard to land skill that had absolutely no impact since hurr durr 60k hp have fun? nope.

I mean the most you can get is 18k HP worth of shroud and 24k worth of actual HP, but I see what you mean. Which is why I said earlier that knowing when to go into your shroud is probably the most important thing now, since there is no timing for stun break. I still don't think they should have been stripped of all of that, because Anet could have easily balanced how much shroud and how many stunbreaks/stability should have, but bandage fixes? Amirite.

Also, this logic only applies to Core necro. Surprisingly, reaper still exists, so once again, Anet ended up gimping two out of three of the specs within a class because they could not figure out exactly what to hit from the abysmal feedback these forums tend to give. Core necro, I agree, deserves less escapes from CC because of their large pool, but Reaper and Scourge deserve to have it back in some form.

shroud provides 50% damage reduction, so effectively that 18k HP is 36k HP

That calculation o my works when you are looking at static max. In reality the calculation is more complicated and the effective increase on average isn't as high.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@Tayga.3192 said:All my friends who complain about CC are:

1) Holo mains missing stab2) Any necro main3) People who go in 1v2-1v3

Going more than 1v1 is an insta lose in this meta, as it should be. Don't try to plus into a 1v3, it's the same thing.

Can you even blame the necros though? They lost their stunbreak when going into shroud and most of their stability on skills because people were going ape and not properly listing the skills that ACTUALLY needed to be tuned down. Now they have no choice but to literally camp range or die, which knocks them down to one or two builds at most.

Mind you, I'm no necro main, I am just a multi classer whose be spamming this one fun necro build because I'm bored and want to learn proper positioning/timing of skills. I've improved, but I can only imagine what hell that new players or other folks that don't understand this meta is feeling atm.

the difference between necro and other classes is that most dodge cc, if you get hit you stunbreak out of it or you die.as necro you eat cc, then another then another, and you dont care since you have 35k HP shroud to soak it all for you.do you have fun? no, does the person that landed hard to land skill that had absolutely no impact since hurr durr 60k hp have fun? nope.

I mean the most you can get is 18k HP worth of shroud and 24k worth of actual HP, but I see what you mean. Which is why I said earlier that knowing when to go into your shroud is probably the most important thing now, since there is no timing for stun break. I still don't think they should have been stripped of all of that, because Anet could have easily balanced how much shroud and how many stunbreaks/stability should have, but bandage fixes? Amirite.

Also, this logic only applies to Core necro. Surprisingly, reaper still exists, so once again, Anet ended up gimping two out of three of the specs within a class because they could not figure out exactly what to hit from the abysmal feedback these forums tend to give. Core necro, I agree, deserves less escapes from CC because of their large pool, but Reaper and Scourge deserve to have it back in some form.

shroud provides 50% damage reduction, so effectively that 18k HP is 36k HP

That calculation o my works when you are looking at static max. In reality the calculation is more complicated and the effective increase on average isn't as high.

it is when you get CC locked and focused down, in that specific scenario 36k HP shroud will be effective give or take 30k HP shield, little bit of decay wont go over 6k.

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@rng.1024 said:(...)Stunbreak into dodge give you an extra second to plan ahead and means the next stun will wiff, this is how to avoid being stunlocked in this game.(...)

No! It gives my stuns an extra second to cool down until I can go on with my OP fearstunknockback combo! :lol:

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@Tomixus.3486 said:my warrior build have stuns interrupts dazes on every single spell but heal, autos and mace2 shield5 and hammer2/3.

Is it extremly joyfull to permastun anyone for 10+ seconds? YES!

Does it help or dealing damage? Well... I can push someone off point but.. no... no it doesnt not.

Does this permastun lock down help me win games? I went from 58% to 48% winrate in total of 500 games. eversince I switched from conditank to stunlock.

My full CC chain combo including 3x kick, couple F1 and F2, bull charge, stomp, hammer/mace/shield deals totall INCREDIBLE 500ish dmg which os equivalent of one auto. Every single CC skill deals from 9-17dmg. How can you complain? not to mention everu single person witj more than 2 braincells just can kite me.

Thos cc lockdown types not gonna carry alone.

I play that build too. It's kind of funny sometimes knocking people off a point and then stunlocking them while it decaps before their eyes.

The effectiveness comes from the fact that you can almost permanently CC people. I know its hard to get your teammates to do anything, but the law of averages implies they will eventually notice that an enemy can't move in a teamfight and start throwing skills at them.

Also consider that so long as someone is CC'd, they have little to no ways of doing damage to you and your bros, and that's why it's a good bunker.

People playing that build shouldn't really be chasing either, so being kited doesn't matter at all, at least in PvP. Just stand on the point and wave @ them.

Most the time it's not very fun, and I would switch back to str + dagger in a heartbeat if they gave us our damage back, but the CC spam bunker build is just better right now. Warriors are seriously sleeping on it.Namaste.

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

@Tomixus.3486 said:my warrior build have stuns interrupts dazes on every single spell but heal, autos and mace2 shield5 and hammer2/3.

Is it extremly joyfull to permastun anyone for 10+ seconds? YES!

Does it help or dealing damage? Well... I can push someone off point but.. no... no it doesnt not.

Does this permastun lock down help me win games? I went from 58% to 48% winrate in total of 500 games. eversince I switched from conditank to stunlock.

My full CC chain combo including 3x kick, couple F1 and F2, bull charge, stomp, hammer/mace/shield deals totall INCREDIBLE 500ish dmg which os equivalent of one auto. Every single CC skill deals from 9-17dmg. How can you complain? not to mention everu single person witj more than 2 braincells just can kite me.

Thos cc lockdown types not gonna carry alone.

I play that build too. It's kind of funny sometimes knocking people off a point and then stunlocking them while it decaps before their eyes.

The effectiveness comes from the fact that you can almost permanently CC people. I know its hard to get your teammates to do anything, but the law of averages implies they will eventually notice that an enemy can't move in a teamfight and start throwing skills at them.

Also consider that so long as someone is CC'd, they have little to no ways of doing damage to you and your bros, and that's why it's a good bunker.

People playing that build shouldn't really be chasing either, so being kited doesn't matter at all, at least in PvP. Just stand on the point and wave @ them.

Most the time it's not very fun, and I would switch back to str + dagger in a heartbeat if they gave us our damage back, but the CC spam bunker build is just better right now. Warriors are seriously sleeping on it.Namaste.

I think it comes down to the fact that warriors might as well reroll rev and be as good as pre patch warrior was but faster

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:I think it comes down to the fact that warriors might as well reroll rev and be as good as pre patch warrior was but faster

Warrior is my baby though.

I saw those epic montages all those years ago of Warriors jump dodging in questionable outfits, stowing after every single skill used, blasting some oddly fitting deep house music in the background. I fell in love.

Even if all that is gone and i'm swinging a hammer at someone for 0 damage like a Pepega to the Always Sunny theme song, i'd rather do that and stay true to my baby than sell out for effectiveness.

It doesn't matter if you don't play Ranked anyway, and I wouldn't touch that clown fiesta with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole.

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:I think it comes down to the fact that warriors might as well reroll rev and be as good as pre patch warrior was but faster

Warrior is my baby though.

I saw those epic montages all those years ago of Warriors jump dodging in questionable outfits, stowing after every single skill used, blasting some oddly fitting deep house music in the background. I fell in love.

Even if all that is gone and i'm swinging a hammer at someone for 0 damage like a Pepega to the Always Sunny theme song, i'd rather do that and stay true to my baby than sell out for effectiveness.

It doesn't matter if you don't play Ranked anyway, and I wouldn't touch that clown fiesta with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole.

Im on the same boat, im content spamming sword ambush on necros, 3clone shattering F3 and making them unable to do anything for extended periods of time so that they go to formus and whine about CC. I guess it works lol

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@"Leonidrex.5649" said:Im on the same boat, im content spamming sword ambush on necros, 3clone shattering F3 and making them unable to do anything for extended periods of time so that they go to formus and whine about CC. I guess it works lol

You realise that you are answering on a thread that complain about the necromancer's ability to fear, not a thread where created by a necromancer complianing about being stunlocked, right? Most if not all necromancer are long used to being stunlocked since the lack of stability is the necromancer's main weakness since release. Worse, most of the time someone complain about necromancer being hard to kill, usually necromancers just say: "The necromancer is weak against CC, just learn to exploit this weakness!"

So, no it doesn't work. Other profession are there to complain about being stunlocked and since they are less used to this it make them even more bitter.

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