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I find it funny people are complaining about Renegades....sad actually

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Current Renegade is same as spirit ranger, decap engi(turrets) or bunker chrono.Spam skills on point and rotate through defenses - that's all. Non interactive build, like previous versions on other classes lol.I find it funny that people were complaining that Renegade was weak and suddenly a lot of players have an urge to use it in PvP now.Don't forget that some skills/traits(core) were changed/buffed, meaning indirect buff to Renegade.Nerfs to other classes are as well an indirect buff to Renegade.Renegade was also released in PoF, meaning it was already powercreeped, but compared to others powerhouses it looked "weak".That's about it.

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Renegade, Khalla specifically, has always had a fundamentally unhealthy zoo design. When you get all four of the spirits dancing on one node it's been the single most blinding light show the game had seen in terms of spell effects. It's worse than Minionmancer and Spirit Ranger ever were

While tinkering with shortbow and traits and F-Skills to make renegade viable is fine, Khalla legend should never be allowed to be good competitively and should 100% go the way of the Minionmancer.

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Again with the hyperbole. I swear, people just make things up on this forum about the classes they don't like.

"--4 spirits dancing point" The bleed spirit is meh, so we're talking their heal, Icerazer, darkrazer (mind you they're already out of energy at this point but lets say they've got 75 from a fresh swap) and soulcleave.

Congratz, they've just swapped into kalla, meaning their legend swap is on a 10 second cooldown, burned their heal, burned their stunbreak, and, asuming the enemy team isn't afk, the enemy has most likely seen the first spirit they've put down decided for themselves "hey I shouldn't stand in that" and walked out of it.

"But they can just go through defensvie rotations afterwards"

Again, provided they're running Charged mists and they just swapped into kalla for that fat 75 energy spike, they still won't have enough energy to rotate through SoTM and Warding rift. They've just burned 55 from spirits and soulcleave is draining another 8 per tick. They'll be out of energy in about 2 seconds. They are sitting ducks with a huge sign on their face with bold neon letters saying "kill me please".

"But Renegade has everything. Evades, AoE dazes, alacrity, might, sustain..."

--And an energy system which gates them from using it all at once. That's the balance of Rev, you have to pick which tool out of their bag of tricks you'd like to use at any given moment, but choosing one resticts your access to their other tools. A smart opponent can use this knowledge to their advantage to punish them based on the option they've chosen.

Renegade isn't as bad as people are making it out to be. The only issue it has is the visual clutter it causes. It obscures important information. Simply toning it down, making spirits more opaque, replacing the particles with simple pulsing circles, and making each spirit a different color will go a long way to clarify what's happening.

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Renegade is very counterable class.

  • You can't chase target, if you do you move out of your summons and you die.
  • You can't use melee weapons because you have to stand on summons and hit target so shortbow is the option with its half spells bad designed.
  • Your summons can be easily interupted which result into big energy waste and no efffects to survive stun lock- burst.
  • If you play bursty renegade build then you purely sacrifice defenses so you can get one shoted.
  • If you play tanky renegade, you can't kill anyone.
  • It is just enough to apply slow-to reduce renegade's dps and healing, but also chill to make its legend swap slower but as well other cooldowns like very long healing spells.
  • It has almost no access to condition cleanses.
  • Applying poison reduces its healing gradually.
  • Applying confusion, forces renegade to kill itself since it has not many condi cleanses.
  • Having retaliation boon against renegade can also cause renegade to kill itself.
  • Stripping boons like protection, stability(jalis) makes renegade useless vulnerable to counters like stun lock+power bursts(good example is spellbreaker and reaper).

Overall class is very weak for new players that tries it but it is also under line against other classes in "pro play". It can however carry you to platinum 1500 + - at the best.Problem happened on tournament where 3 renegades played in same team. It was just ArenaNet's fault that they allowed class stacking. Having single renegade in team is easy to focus and burst(it should be focused like necro in many games).

I am playing it myself for like year, died so many times, learned how to survive and how to die less. I hit 1700 last season.

Problem to some players is that summons overlap their visuals(animations) which makes people confused, not knowing which summon do which thing. If people knew which summon is where and what which does, it could be easy to counter.

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The complains about the garbage that Kalla is speaks more about the players than the build itself. I honestly would rather uninstall out of shame than make a single complain about renegade needing a nerf in any fashion. The only legit complain is the visual cancer they produce on a screen.

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Assuming you all watched that one mAT final, of course renegade is counterable but its not like renegade is the only person in their team, even if renegade swaps out spirits and there is no node pressure you have to get through the taunt, stab, damage reduction, weakness and CC spam the weapons and dwarf provides. Not to mention the other 3 peeling you, take the Wurms comp for example, you pressure renegade after he used spirits, now you have 2 condis revs sitting on your ass and CCing you to death until renegade can spam spirits yet again and force you off node. Most renegades alone are pretty useless but with a good team you could even survive 2v3 with that n tempest for a long time. It provides too much utility and self survive for 1 or even 2 people to kill it fast enough. Granted it is possible to win this but if you make even 1 mistake you are stuck in a CC chain for 10 sec and then you are dead. Of course there is a small chance you will die to it if you facetank every spirit. But how are you meant to kill it from range while keeping point?

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@mortrialus.3062 said:Renegade, Khalla specifically, has always had a fundamentally unhealthy zoo design. When you get all four of the spirits dancing on one node it's been the single most blinding light show the game had seen in terms of spell effects. It's worse than Minionmancer and Spirit Ranger ever were

While tinkering with shortbow and traits and F-Skills to make renegade viable is fine, Khalla legend should never be allowed to be good competitively and should 100% go the way of the Minionmancer.

I don't get it, Kalla basically give 5 AoE, nothing more nothing less. Saying it's unhealthy is like saying chrono or necro full well is unhealthy. Worse, where you can't do anything about the well, you can get rid of the minions pretty easily.

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@Shiyo.3578 said:What's funny is that conditions are so out of control that I die to conditions on renegade more than power builds even though I have 100% uptime on 57-77% condition DR the entire time I'm dying to them.

This is because instead of keeping the condi durations they nerfed them and left the tic damage far to high and with ease of re-aplication of condis allows for tics that continually damage u for a amount equaling a power spike each tic. It would have been far healthier for the game to leave the duration of condi's what they were and drop the damage per tic significantly as well as lower stack caps or adjust the damage of each tic to represent the amount of possible stacks but instead in anet fashion they chose the route that allowed condi to burst instead of punishing players who didn't cleanse with damage over time as most condi applications are handled in other mmo's. It's like the devs are trying to promote the most un healthy versions of each playstyle.

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