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Tips For Fighting Condi Revs


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My main is a weaver. Obviously every class has a weakness and mine seems to be condi revs. I just can't kill them no matter what I do. The ones I encounter seem to take no damage and then if they do, they heal completely back up. There's no point in cleaning their condis. Every time you do, they just dump a ton more on you and you can't keep up with the cleansing. What can you do against tanky condi revs?Any tips would be appreciated.

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What you need to know is that you basicly have to burst them twice and you have to control it. When they start healing their "normal" heal ie regen on hit which almost everybody use to get a second wind, dont hit them. Pause for 4s or however long it lasts, check your own cds and then burst again. Just like with thief tp, you also want to pay attention to them doing the sword bounce because thats 99% likely to be followed up by a heavy hitter. If they run mace, then immobilization is often similar tell - be prepared to bunker down with blocks/cleanses cause you're about to get 20+ torment stacks.

They are incredibly hard targets and one of if not the best condi build in the game when played by someone good.

Another obvious tip is bring more people. No shame in that if you cant beat them - they know exactly what they run and what they are no matter how much they rage whisper you. If you can get them down to 50% hp and isnt unfortunate to have complete idiots with you, you've already won.

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I remember few months ago when ppl in my own servers were laughing at me for playing condi rev and how something like DH could beat me up easily (hello gunnar hold you brainlets).. Oh how the times have changed ???

Unless you are capable of 100-0 them or poke-kite them for days you aint beating one.

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Demon + Glint means: Glint heal and resi -> invuln vs. condi damage, and they can heal to 100% when you place a condi bomb on them.

But it also means: Lack of stunbreak / stab.

So what you want to do is applying constant condi presure, and only put a condi bomb when you CC-chain them after they used their glint heal.

@Scoobaniec.9561 said:I remember few months ago when ppl in my own servers were laughing at me for playing condi rev and how something like DH could beat me up easily (hello gunnar hold you brainlets).. Oh how the times have changed ???

Unless you are capable of 100-0 them or poke-kite them for days you aint beating one.. . . I for my part run a DH-Condi Glacial Heart Hammer + Sword Torch, and I have lots of fun vs. those Revs :p (unless they are good players ofc^^)

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@"Scoobaniec.9561" said:Unless you are capable of 100-0 them or poke-kite them for days you aint beating one.So you're saying... if you dont kill them you cant beat them, lol?

I wouldnt go so far as to call it "broken" - if anything its just the torment runes that does much of the heavy lifting - but its the type of build that heavily punish careless fighting and stacking. And unfortunetly many of your allies are pretty adept at the first part and conditioned to play like the second part.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"Scoobaniec.9561" said:Unless you are capable of 100-0 them or poke-kite them for days you aint beating one.So you're saying... if you dont kill them you cant beat them, lol?

I wouldnt go so far as to call it "broken" - if anything its just the torment runes that does much of the heavy lifting - but its the type of build that heavily punish careless fighting and stacking. And unfortunetly many of your allies are pretty adept at the first part and conditioned to play like the second part.

Torment runes arent that effective in 1v1, they scale up hard in outnumbered fights tho. I managed to kill 4 ppl once on my own all cuz they werent doing enough damage while i was healing up about 3k per skill. Mind you that was before the last big patch, my build got buffed since then.

The only class that could give me troubles is thief due to all the teleports they have but i usually just walked away to not waste time on someone who reset fight 24/7

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Believe it or not, I never lost to a condi rev on my dual scepter core signet mesmer build. The worst case scenario they just kite away since we're not hot in mobility but just to say it can be countered, but its definitely one of the strongest builds around.

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@"Deniara Devious.3948" said:Condi revenant is a broken build. I don't understand why Arenanet doesn't nerf at least some parts of the build.

Seriously? Eight years later and you still don't get that the gemstore comes first, then PvE Story mode takes whatever's left of the manpower, then if someone has nothing to do on their break, they might fancy a bit of light "class balance".

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@Taobella.6597 said:torment rev is strong but it does have some hard counter like. soul beast. if they see a ranger it just auto death.

a good ranger maybe...ye, but there aint many of those about. id say stunlock the best option, thats a condi revs downfall, and a good thief, lets face it a really good player on whichever class will still take out ur average condi rev..

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@Taobella.6597 said:i been playing torment rev myself for last month not meta build kinda my own version on it i found the thing i struggle the most is with classes that just have a lot of movement speed an range.maybe i am just bad but that my thoughts on it :D.

ye sure, thief being the worst to catch ofc, and obv rangers are quite mobile, even eles have decent escape, i guess it depends where u fight them, and how good they are ofc, los is a powerful tool at your disposal, so u maybe wanna head in those directions, and the leap on demon very useful to ya to. but ye i agree with what ya said, gotta remember some ppl build to be exactly that... uncatchable, able to get away if needed..

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@acidic.4356 said:

@Taobella.6597 said:i been playing torment rev myself for last month not meta build kinda my own version on it i found the thing i struggle the most is with classes that just have a lot of movement speed an range.maybe i am just bad but that my thoughts on it :D.

ye sure, thief being the worst to catch ofc, and obv rangers are quite mobile, even eles have decent escape, i guess it depends where u fight them, and how good they are ofc, los is a powerful tool at your disposal, so u maybe wanna head in those directions, and the leap on demon very useful to ya to. but ye i agree with what ya said, gotta remember some ppl build to be exactly that... uncatchable, able to get away if needed..

i agree position matter i just giving my insight in to what i lose to on that build :) to help everyone

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play warrior and shred them outright

this doesnt mean u cannot win as a weaver on powerof course u would have to change your build up to counter condispicking woven stride, swift rage, stop drop and roll and cleansing water for traits and evasion runes and dodge food makes u very resistant to condisplay with air for dmg or w/ehave fun

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CC and use mobility skills to get away from them. Abuse LOS to heal/cleanse, so you won't die from moving via torment. Never let them get the jump on you in open field; NOPE out of that fight. I really don't care what anyone thinks; don't let them have that initial engage. Make them come to you. That's because they will just run around while you futilely try to burst them in the hopes you'll run into their condis and take additional damage from torment.

Pressure them to bait out Infused light and then stop attacking. You generally don't want to waste the whole burst but make them panic instead At this point, a good deal of them will run and you probably can't kill them but you can keep them in combat so other people can run them over.

Honestly, I'm not really sure if various builds can handle them at all, the more range and mobility and cc you have, the better. But fighting them is a waste of time anyways especially if they're just going to run so I guess don't fight them. Or just pretend to be afk and have like 4 friends hiding behind a house. That's probably roaming meta anyways....

I honestly don't think I win in fair fights assuming anyone competent (unless on condi rev myself or running zerker stance on spb); I just abuse mobility to reset the fight so they eventually die of boredom or we get adds. It's only fair right?

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@"Dawdler.8521" said:What you need to know is that you basicly have to burst them twice and you have to control it. When they start healing their "normal" heal ie regen on hit which almost everybody use to get a second wind, dont hit them. Pause for 4s or however long it lasts, check your own cds and then burst again. Just like with thief tp, you also want to pay attention to them doing the sword bounce because thats 99% likely to be followed up by a heavy hitter. If they run mace, then immobilization is often similar tell - be prepared to bunker down with blocks/cleanses cause you're about to get 20+ torment stacks.

They are incredibly hard targets and one of if not the best condi build in the game when played by someone good.

Another obvious tip is bring more people. No shame in that if you cant beat them - they know exactly what they run and what they are no matter how much they rage whisper you. If you can get them down to 50% hp and isnt unfortunate to have complete idiots with you, you've already won.

Yes ganking 1vX is a enjoyable experience for average wvw player xd

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